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York Street Public Schoo! Class 7A Novembe York Street Public Schoo! Principle Solomon Dear Mr. Solomon, On the behalf of the York Street 7A class, we will ke to propose an idea. We have come up with dflerent events that we want to conduc throughout year with your permission, These wil be organised and managed by our class. Some events will be just for our class and some will be for the whole school or a few chosen classes. ‘This proposal is for Sport Days. We propose to have a Sport Day every month during the lunch recess. We will have one recess forthe intermediates one day and the next for the juniors. On the day ofthe event we will chose the sport by having a vote at the beginnta and for the teams we wil have mixed teams ofall grades. Ifa student doesn’t want to play but wants to be a scorekeeper or referee or scorekeepers that is also okay. ‘Another thing our class wants to do is to have school website. The website will be managed by a couple of people from each class. We wil advertise the website by hanging uP posters in and around the school, handing out fyers and by teachers telling thei tudes. ‘The purpose of the websites to: 1) have lots of useful information 2) to keep the york street community in touch. The things will we will have on the website wil include: interviews ‘with teachers and students, news about up and coming events as an alternative to the gnnouncements, a sports page, a schedule for every class, eventually @ graduation side show and maybe even educational games for kids in lower grades. ‘Teachers willbe able to post homework and field trp forms for their students to print off they lost it Cn top ofthat each class 6-8 wil have to have a photographer. Our cass wil try to update the website every two weeks. Hope you agree. Cur class also wants to make comics or short stories for kids in the primary division. For our short stories we will have them based on made up supetheros and royal characters. For this project we will need a small lst of supplies including: paper, a copy machine anc pencil crayons. \We think this is a good idea because the kids will have something they enjoy reading during silent reading and of course we will make them appropriate ‘The next thing we wil ike to propose to you is to have a multicultural food fair. We want it to take place in mid to late January. We would like to do this because we want students to ‘experience their peers, countries and backgrounds and to have fun. Everybody from grades 6-8 would be invited and would be highly encouraged to bring @ treat or dish from their country. Everybody is welcome to wear traditional clothing i they please. We think people who want to come should come to class 208 and write their name, dish, and a precise list of ingredients on a sheet of paper that willbe on the classroom door. We will have to have it sometime at the beginning of January in the gym ‘Our next proposal is to have a community clean up. You may have noticed because we've certainly have that there is a lot of garbage on the school yard and around the schoo! itself. This is are way to help. We think we should have this clean up after the snow has completely melted, we have also decided to clean up the classrooms garbage and recycling bins. It will be a good example for the younger children and for the community this will also make our community look a ot better than before. Our opinion is that we want to put more garbage cans in the school yard. We would also like to reward the people who help us clean up all the garbage. We hope you consider this idea. (Our ast proposal is to make another mural in the school. Our idea is that we will paint a ‘Mural in the stairwell. The mural we will be painting will be red mustangs and the strength in numbers slogan. “This project will be good for the school because mustangs are the school's logo and the painted mustangs willbe there forever. When new students come to our school they will be inspired and they will see how good our school is at art What we will need is red paint for the mustangs and black to outline the words in the slogan. ‘Aiso paint brushes we will only need a few sizes. Time, we will start sometime in december with the help of students in grade 7 and 8. ‘To promote these events we will hand out flyers, put up posters, speak on the ‘announcements, and by put the information on the website. We really hope you consider these ideas because they mean a lot fo us Sincerely, 7A

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