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Literary Criticism


You believe you

You believe there is a link between all great understand the text through the connection
writers, because each learns from the writers made between words and your perception of
that came before. You prefer literature that has their meaning.
out lasted fashion. You make the meaning by reading between the
You read the text closely, without wondering lines, predicting what will happen and seeing
about the social context : you want to see how how the writer confirms and disappoints those
the art of writing has developed. expectations.
What do you find interesting about this text? What do you find interesting about this text?
What do you dislike about it? What do you dislike about it?
Sum the text up in a sentence Sum the text up in a sentence


You are interested in the literary devices used You are

by the author, the form or structure rather than interested in literature as a system of codes
the meaning. rooted in culture that build a world rather than
You look at what the writer has done, rather just describe it.
than what the writing is about: notice the way You look at how the text is constructed, what
the story has been told, the order in which the the text doesnt say as well as what it does and
information is imparted and the tricks the focus on the patterns in a text.
writer uses.
What do you find interesting about this text?
What do you find interesting about this text? What do you dislike about it?
What do you dislike about it? Sum the text up in a sentence
Sum the text up in a sentence

2006 5060.doc Page 1 of 2

Literary Criticism

You realise the literary

You believe language denies us direct access to tradition was created overwhelmingly by men.
reality, instead creating our reality for us. You You focus on what the text shows of the power
want to discover what is unconscious in the struggle between men and women
text. You want to read about womens experiences
You look beyond the superficial meaning to see and explore how female writers interpret and use
what has been glossed over or repressed and the literary and linguistic traditions differently to
look for emotional conflict. men.

What do you find interesting about this text? What do you find interesting about this text?
What do you dislike about it? What do you dislike about it?
Sum the text up in a sentence Sum the text up in a sentence



You believe text is related to the You believe you can only
social context of its author and the historical make sense of a text when you see it in the
contexts in which it was written and read. context of its generic tradition.
Likewise, you are interested in the struggle You classify literature into genre categories
against injustice and oppression, chiefly types, e.g. thriller, comedy, romance then
between black and white. You look at what a judge it against the conventions of that genre.
text reveals about attitudes to social class, race You decide on the genre according to generally
and gender. accepted indicators and then measure the work
You want to read about the experiences of against other works in that genre.
writers outside the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
What do you find interesting about this text?
What do you find interesting about this text? What do you dislike about it?
What do you dislike about it? Sum the text up in a sentence
Sum the text up in a sentence

2006 5060.doc Page 2 of 2

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