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Heroes of order and chaos:

In the 3000 human findout way see the god and where they live and after that they
have a duel between god and human so they can't hurt each other and there also a
rule to protect both side. But after a long time living peacefully together, human
start to hate to working for the god because they don't give back anything to
human. So war between them begin.

In the few day after the war begin. Human with many super technology and a
massive robot army , but on the god side, they have many incredible magic power
that human didnt know about it. So no longer after the war has start, human
already fall in the disadvantage situation so they need to temporary suspension the
war, to find way defeat the god, but they can't think of anything to defeat them. So
at that moment a scientist stand up and introduce him, his name is Victor, everyone
call him: Doctor Strange just like his nickname, his identity still very shady, he
told them that they should look through his research. But everyone know that he is
a mad scientist, alway know for himself than the other, he alway create an
unscientific thing that is unhumanity. But they have no choice else because right
now they already stuck.

Victor research is about the weapon that can defeat the god call G.D.O ( god-defeat
-object). The object for this research is Aatrox, he is the child that Mark found 10
years ago in the slum. He had been left by his mom, because she thought that that
baby brought her unlucky. Aatrox is the half human, half Demon. His dad is the
king of Demon but his mother is a human. But after Human and god start the war,
Aatrox is the curse for both human and Demon so no one accepted him. So after
Victor found him and brought him home and feeded him, because he live in the
slum so he did not have anything to eat, excepted for some bread that he found
around that place, everything else he had ate was just trash, so many of his body
part was caseation. Victor replace Aatrox left arm and both of his legs and a few of
his viscera with high technology and with the most modern weapon to turn him
into a weapon for human. Because the council still not adopted Mark research yet
so Mark turn Aatrox into the hiber-sleep mode.
A few day after that, Suddenly the god send human a message: well give you guy
1 month to prepare, in that time, we wont doing anything to you guy. But after one
month if you cannot think of anything then we will destroy you guy. Time is

The council have no more choice so they agree to let Mark inchard of his crazy
unhumanity research start. Now Mark use his time wisely and train Aatrox to be a
real warrior. In that time, before training Aatrox, Mark introduced him to his new
friends, they are:
- Lebmont hunter: in carnage, i bloom, like a flower in the
dawn( master of gun and mine )- power ( eagle eyes: with his machine
eyes, he can sees the enemies in 3 km - deadshot: hunter will shoot out a
very powerful bullet, if he use the eagle eyes plush deadshot, his bullet
has been shoot out in 3 km radius, it can change the direction and hit every
enemies in that radius , no one can escape this if you not get out of this range

- Camille: life is just a performance ( Assassin ) - she is the ninja in

technology armor, Camille don't have any superpower but she has her speed
and her assassin skill, her weapon is the worlds sharpest sword, the
Kusanagi katana, she use to use it to kill a god in a second before

- B12: hahaha no one can stop me laughing ( Tank ) - B12 have an

artificial brain, so he can think likes a human and has human emotions, he
also the pioneer fro this team, because he has a super tanky armor, and the
great big shield, make from Graphene ( the worlds hardest metal ) that make
him unstoppable, he likes a train on the highway - power ( immortal: in 10
mins, nothing can get him down - Caution: this ability need to load so use it
when needed most)

All of them look at Aatrox and smile with him.

- They will be your friend now Aatrox, they just like you, you're not
alone Aatrox, come at them, theyre waiting for you. Guy now our team
name is Guardian.- Victor say.
A first few day is hard for Aatrox to catch up with his friends but, he never give up,
now he knows that he not alone anymore, therere still a lot of people who still care
about him. Aatrox learnt very fast, with his unlimited power and strength, now he
is the most powerful person in the class. Time is nearly at the deadline right now,
they have no time to help Aatrox become more better. But in this time, they can
find out that Aatrox has a lot of incredible power like:
- Fireball, it have 4 different levels:
+ Lowest one: normal fireball 400 degrees
+ Second level: sunlight: it as same as the sun
+ Third level: Blue flame, it like the Andromeda star (7.160 degrees)
+ Most powerful one: Dark flame, it coming from his dad, this is the
hell fire, it can burn every object in 1second.
- Demon judge: he open a gate from hell to human world, free the
demon out.
There still a lot of things that Victor doesn't know about Aatrox and his power, but
he has not enough time.

Two day before the war begin, Human got a message from the god, they said: you
guy are the limit of time now!. The council was very exhausted from waiting for
Victor report about the G.D.O program.

The judge time is coming close, Victor bring to the Council the Guardian of
human, he introduce his undefeated team: Aatrox, Camille, Lebmont, B12. they
are human last hope. it's showtime guy let bring them the dance of dead!- Victor
laugh. Right now Aatrox and other person are very excited to dedication to the
world, for the person who help them and keep them continue to live until now
(Victor). They promise to sacrifice themselves for human.

The war is begin. The Guardian team goal is let Aatrox get inside the
headquarter of the god and defeat Zeus, if this plan is work then they can easily
defeat the other god. But the percent that Aatrox can win Zeus is 30,5% or lower
than that. So go with him will be camille, she can distracted Zeus, in that time,
Aatrox need to load his fireball to the maximum power, as big as he can so he can
burn him down. In that time B12 needs to help Lebmont keep the guard outside the
headquarter, they need to keep them as long as they can, even one of them need to
sacrifice themselves to complete this mission. But nothing is be that simple, the
Guardian didnt know that the god also have a big challenge for them.
When the war start. On the Guardian, they already prepare everything that they
need, but there are no sign of the enemies, everything is still normal like alway, it's
seem very weird. suddenly, a huge gate from the sky fall down and it's open out
and suck them in. inside the gate is a place like hell. There are a thousand of
different kind of monster ( Typhon, cerberus, minotaur, cyclop, medusa,...). This
place is a great place for lebmont to test out his skill, he can kill it's in a minute.
After that, they see another gate that bring them to the another room, everyone
look very happy that they finally make it's here.
- So i guess this is the end guy - Aatrox say.
In Front of their face now is Twelve Olympians - In the ancient Greek religion and
Greek mythology, the Twelve Olympians are the major deities of the Greek
pantheon, commonly considered to be Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena,
Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, either Hestia or Dionysus
and the huge massive God armies. Seem like this will be one of the biggest war in
the history, even bigger than the nuclear war, because on both side, they all have
the power that can wiped out the world easily.

The war began, both side start to fighting each other, the god and armies start to
using magic to shoot at the Guardian, 12B with a massive body, he stand out and
block all of that shoot, that cannot even get him a scratch. Aatrox also use his
demon power. First is: Demon judge, all the monster from hell coming out, even
his dad (Hades) and his mom (Persephone), they been together and fight back the
god, the massive war make the ground shaking, even outside of the gate, they also
can feel the ground shake. 12B is sacrifice himself to protect everyone, the other is
still fine, Camille and Lebmont is the real assassin, the kill a thousand person,
blooded murder. The war continue non stop, finally because the Guardian have the
infinity bullet and another technology help them heal very fast so they repulse the
god and kill them all. They happily celebrate their victory excepted for 12B, hes a
real friend and also a real hero's, sacrifice himself no matter how much he carry
them, they know that even machine also have emotion. After everything is coming
normal, everyone separated, everyone find for them a way to go and live happily
forever. Aatrox come back to his mother and father, Lebmont, Camille and Victor
come back to their home and later they move away, no one know where they go,
but everyone remember them all as a hero's of the World.

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