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Emission and Ambient Control | 2016


Air Quality Monitoring

Arranged by:
MillatiHaqq 3314100059
WidyaPrihestiIswarani 3314100074
SarasHanifati 3314100089
KhonsaRofifah 3314100090
NadiaNafisa 3314100107

Lecturer :
Dr. Eng. Arie Dipareza Syafei, ST., MEPM


Emission and Ambient Control | 2016




The purposes of these experiments are as follow:

1. To measure the amount of particulate matter in the area of monitoring

2. To measure the amount of pollutant gases in the area of monitoring,
including SOx, NOx, NH3, and O3.


Pollutant gasses were measured using the impinger. In principle, impinger

will collect the air by using suction pump into an impinger tube that contain
impinger solution. Then observe the air flow rate on the flow meter and after that
analyze the absobance of impinger solution in the laboratory. Through the
absorbance, the concentration of pollutant gasses can be known.

Particulate Matter measured by the change in mass of particulates on filter

paper before sampling and after sampling. Filter paper used in dry conditions and
sterile. Measurements using a HVS (High Volume Sampling) which include air
flow rate (flow rate) .When sampling, carried out every 10 minutes and notes the
average flow rate.


Equipments :

- DHL meter - Cable

- Spektrophotometer - Erlenmeyer

- Analytical balance - HVS (High Volume Sampling)

- GPS - Impinger

- Sound Meter Level - Filter paper

- Hygro-thermo Anemometer - Desiccator

- Pinset - Anemometer

- Psychrometer
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Materials :

- Reagent of NOx :

o Sulfanilic Acid Anhidrous

o Acetic acid

o Aquadest

- Reagent of Oxidator :

o KMnO4

o H3PO4

o H2SO4

o Aquadest

- Reagen O3 :

o KH2PO4

o NaH2PO4

o KI

o Aquadest

- Reagen NH3 :

o H2SO4

o Aquadest

- Reagen SOx :

o Reagen NH3

o Aquadest
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

o H2O2


Filling up the tubes with
Assembling reagents that has been
up the made before: 1 tube of
Impinger 20ml NOx, 1 tube of 0ml
SOx, 1 tube of 20ml O3,
1 tube of 20ml NH3, and
an oksidator solution

After 30 minutes,
the push the off The
button. The Impinger Impinger
reagents from need to be hoses
each tubes need located near need to be
to be taken away the street rechecked
for further and being so that
analysis with operated for the
DHL Meter (SOx) about 30 Impinger
and minutes could
Turbidimeter(NO operate
x, NH3, O3) properly


Put the filter Put it into the

paper in to the desicator for 15
oven for about minutes
24 hours

Put the filter paper into Weight the

the instrumentation (in filter paper
order from inside): iron, as the
filter, filter paper, cover 'beginning

Switch on the Put out the filter

instrument for paper and weight it
10 minutes as the 'final weight'
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016


Operate the
Attach the tool and
connection for record the
Prepare the the
Hygro-Thermo- measurement
of humidity and
and humidity
temperature that are
Noted the
results min. Change
and max. Operate connection with a
legible on the the tool for fan-shaped
tool during the about 5 connection at the
measurement minutes end to wind
period speed


Noted the
Operate by results min.
Prepare the pressing the and max.
instrument power button on legible on
of sound the monitoring the tool
level meter sites for 5 during the
minutes measureme
nt period

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Wait for the

Operate by tool to read
pressing the the
Prepare the
power button coordinates.
GPS tool
on site Write down
monitoring the



2.1. Air Pollution

Air pollution is the presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the

air that interfere with human health or welfare, or produce other harmful
environmental effects.

The harmful effects of air pollutants on human beings have been the major
reason for efforts to understand and control their sources. During the past two
decades, research on acidic deposition on water-based ecosystems and greenhouse
gas emissions on climate has helped to reemphasize the importance of air
pollutants in other receptors, such as soil-based ecosystems.

There are so many pollutants in the atmosphere, caused by various

exposures like sulfur dioxide, particulate matter (PM), nitrogen dioxide, carbon
monoxide, ozone, and lead. Material damage due to pollution must be
differentiated from that due to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, frost, moisture, bacteria,
fungi, insects, and animals. Air pollution damage to vegetation has to be
differentiated from quite similar damage attributable to bacterial and fungal
diseases, insects, drought, frost, soil mineral deviations, hail, and cultural

Another example of an air pollutant that affects the total body burden is
carbon monoxide (CO). In addition to CO in ambient air, there are other sources
for inhalation. People who smoke have an elevated CO body burden compared to
nonsmokers. Individuals indoors may be exposed to elevated levels of CO from
incomplete combustion in heating or cooking stoves. CO gas enters the human
body by inhalation and is absorbed directly into the bloodstream; the total body
burden resides in the circulatory system. The human body also produces CO by
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

breakdown of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin breakdown gives every individual a

baseline level of CO in the circulatory system. As the result of these factors, the
body burden can fluctuate over a timescale of hours.

(Vallero, 2008)

Ambient air is the free air in the troposphere layer of the atmosphere
which is located in the jurisdiction area of the Republic of Indonesia, which is
needed and affected the humans health, living creatures, and any other life
components. In the other hand, emission is a substance, energy, or any other
components which is produced by any kind of activities that enters the ambient
air, whether it has potency as pollutant or not. (Ministry of Living Environment,

2.2. O3 in The Air

Ozone is an inorganic molecule with chemical formula O3. It is a pale blue

gas with a distinctively pungent smell. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is much
less stable than the diatomic allotrope O2, breaking down in the lower atmosphere
to normal dioxygen. Ozone is formed from dioxygen by the action of ultraviolet
light and also atmospheric electrical discharges, and is present in low
concentrations throughout the Earth's atmosphere (stratosphere). In total, ozone
makes up only 0.6 ppm of the atmosphere.

Ozone makes up only about 0.6 parts per million of the atmosphere by
volume, but it is continuously created and destroyed in an endless photochemical
Chapman cycle, absorbing ultraviolet radiation to maintain an ozone layer
between 15 and 35 km above Earths surface. The stratosphere is heated daily
primarily by continual dissociation of molecular oxygen (O 2) and ozone (O3)
where the molecular/atomic pieces fly apart at high velocity, increasing the
average translational kinetic energy of all gas molecules, which, according to the
ideal gas law,increases the temperature of air. The optical thickness of this layer
varies regionally by the minute, time of day, season, and latitude. Ozone tends to
accumulate at the poles between mid winter and early spring when increasing sun
light forms ozone faster than it can be destroyed. More ozone during winter heats
the lower stratosphere, causing very cold temperature on Earth. (Chapman, 1930)

2.3. Air Pollutant

SO2 in the Air

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Modernization and technological advances have resulted in ever-

increasing amount of air pollution caused by increased energy use of fossil fuels
(oil, gas and coal). One of the pollutants resulting from fossil fuel combustion is
sulfur dioxide (SO2). Along with the increasing use of fossil fuels, the
concentration of sulfur dioxide are increasing.

In addition to greenhouse gases, the burning of fossil fuels also produces

SO2 gas which is the biggest pollutant in the atmosphere. SO2 most widely
produced from burning fossil fuels. In the atmosphere, SO2 can form sulfate
particles very smooth through the process of converting the gas into particles.
Sulphate particles formed and floated in the air is called the sulfate aerosols.
Sulfate aerosols are released into the atmosphere caused by natural and
anthropogenic emissions. Natural emissions originating from a volcanic eruption
called a volcanic emissions. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in
1991, releasing approximately 14-26 million tons of SO2 into the atmosphere
(CSIRO, 2002). Emissions resulting from human activities, resulting from the use
of fossil fuels in the industrial sector, forest fires referred to anthropogenic
emissions. In Indonesia, total SO2 emissions in 1995 amounted to 797 thousand
metric tons (Earth Trends Country Profiles, 2003). For Asia, total emissions SO 2
amounted to 55 129 million metric tons. The total SO 2 emissions in the world
amounted to 141 875 million metric tons (Earth Trends Country Profiles, 2003).

Total SO2 emissions are growing will lead to increased concentrations of

SO2 in the atmosphere. At certain concentrations, SO 2 can cause a decrease in the
quality of rainwater as indicated by the pH of rainwater. In addition, the increase
in aerosols in the atmosphere will lead to increased condensation nuclei contained
in the atmosphere so that the process of condensation on drops of water (droplet)
in the air increases, and the clouds are formed into thicker and darker. As a result,
solar radiation that comes to earth to be restrained by clouds and reflected back
into space, causing a reduction in the intensity of solar radiation reaching the
earth's surface. Reduction of solar radiation occurs are called global dimming,
which resulted in a decrease in global temperature at the earth's surface.

Oxides of Nitrogen in the Air

Nitrogen oxide is a gas that is colorless and odorless and nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) which has red-brown color are both very important as air pollutants. A
mixture of NO and NO2 known as NOx. Almost all NOx from human activity
resulting from changes in fossil fuels from sources both fixed and mobile sources.
Globally not less than 100 million metric ion NOx per year is spent on the
proficiency level of activity.

Naturally NOx entry into the atmosphere by lightning, biology processes

and biological resources and sources of contaminants. NOx with a high
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

concentration of highly destructive air quality (Ahmad, 2004). Most NOx entry
into the atmosphere as NO. At a very high temperature reaction occurs:

N2 + O2 2NO

This reaction is faster as the temperature rises. A mixture containing 3%

O2 and 75% N2 which often occur in the combustion automobile engine produces
500 ppm NO in 30 minutes at a temperature of 1315 oC and only 0.117 seconds at
a temperature of 1980C.

NH3 in the Air

NH3 or ammonia present in the atmosphere even under conditions not

polluted. Various sources include: microorganisms, overhaul of animal waste,
sewage treatment, industrial ammonia and of ammonia-based cooling system. A
high concentration of ammonia in the atmosphere in general showed eksidental
discharges from the gas. Ammonia is removed from the atmosphere by
affinitasnya against water and reaction as a base. This is a key in the formation
and neutralization of nitrate and sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere is polluted.

NH3 gas is a compound impurities toxic considerable role in inhibiting the

process of photosynthesis, the cause of the reduced carbohydrate and can inhibit
the growth of the sediment in the atmosphere continue to rise and could cause the
nitrification process, namely the catalytic conversion of NH 3 into NOx detection
and measurement of Gas ammo-nia (NH3) can done in closed and open space.
This study has been carried out design is a prototype tool that gauges the
concentration of ammonia gas (NH3) can be used to measure the concentration of
ammonia gas (NH3). Instrumentation systems are designed and created can be
used to measure the concentration of ammonia gas (NH 3) by installing a sensor in
the air. Sensors are used to measure the concentration of ammonia gas (NH3).

2.4. Particulate Matter in The Air

Particulate matter (PM) is composed of inert carbonaceous cores with

multiple layers of various adsorbed molecules, including metals, organic
pollutants, acid salts and biological elements, such as endotoxins, allergens and
pollen fragments. PM is classified in the following types.

The chemical composition of particulate matter is an essential element of

information for assessing its source and health effects. Knowledge on chemical
composition allows the identification of the potential harmful effect of PM

In the particulate matter sampling mode, air is drawn through a particle

size separator and then through a filter medium. Particle size separation is
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

achieved by impaction. Inlet impactors are available with a 10 micron cut-point

(PM10) and a 2.5 micron cut-point (PM2.5). Operating the sampler without an
impactor allows for the collection of total suspended particulate matter (TSP).

The air quality depends on the quantity of the particulate matters

emissions, but also the way in which the atmosphere reacts to their concentration
or dispersion.

2.5. Ambient Air Sampling Method

Sampling of air quality monitoring are divided into two categories

based on the site:

a. sampling of air emission and

b. sampling of ambient air.

Sampling of air emissions is air sampling techniques directly from

the emission such as factory chimneys and motor vehicle exhaust.
Sampling of ambient air quality is a sampling air quality at the air
pollutants media / air emissions.

For a sampling of ambient air quality, sampling techniques ambient

air quality is currently divided into two major groups, namely active air
quality monitoring (conventional) and passively. From the parameters to
be measured, air quality monitoring consists of monitoring gas and

Ambient air sampling is a part of monitoring quality. Ambient air

sampling itself can be done by three ways, there are

1. Continuous
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

2. The semi-continuous

3. Grab sample

In the Measurement of air quality with manual methods and tools,

firstly it needed air sampling/collecting method that will be continued by
analyse in laboratory. Gas is a sample collection element. It requires a
specific techniques and equipment for collecting gas from the ambient air

1. Absorption Technique: Gas collection techniques based on the

ability of pollutant gases react with chemical reagents (absorber).
Chemical reagents used should be specific that only react with a certain
pollutant gases to be analyzed.

2. Adsorption Technique: Gas collection techniques based on the

ability of gas adsorbed on the surface of the solid adsorbent (activated
carbon or aluminum oxide). Adsorption techniques used for hydrocarbon
gases because it is easily absorbed into the surface of activated carbon

3. Cooling Technique: sampling technique by freezing gas at its

freezing point

Ambient air sampling method needs some equipment which

usually consists of a collector, flowmeter and vacuum pumps. Those are
include in one equipment, named Impinger

Collecting the sample


the air
Measuring the fow of

from ambient air

Sucking the sample

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Impinger overall equipment consists of:

Vacuum pump: made with double vibration system is corrosion resistant.

Suction velocity is stable and can be set with a potentiometer
Impinger tube: a reaction between air contaminants to a solution of the
catcher. This can be more than one tube.
Moisture adsorber: tubes contain water vapor absorbent material
(desiccant) to protect the pump from corrosion.
Flow meter : which gauges the speed of air flow to the method of bubble

Air sampling with impinger essentially consists of several steps:

a. Pump air with the pump suction tube into the impinger containing
solution catcher.

b. Measure contaminants captured or react with a solution of catcher either

by conventional methods or instrumental.

c. Calculate the levels of contaminants in the air based on the amount of

air that is pumped and the measurement results.

High Volume Sampler (Vacuum)

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

High Volume Sampling Method This method is used for the measurement
of total suspended particulate matter (TSP, SPM), which is particulate matter with
a diameter 100 m, the basic principle of the air inhaled by the flowrate of 40-
60 cfm, then suspended particulate matter (dust) with a size <100 m be sucked
and retained on the surface of the microfiber filter with a porosity of <0.3 lm.

Particulates entrained in the filter surface in gravimetric are weighed,

while the air volume is calculated based on the time of sampling and flowrate.

How this tool operation are as follows:

1. Store filter paper in a desiccator for 15 minutes

2. Weigh the filter paper in the analytical balance using tweezers (Be
careful not to get touched hands)

3. Attach the paper to the tool TSP, with opening roof TSP appliance. Then
a paired back the roof.

4. Save the HVS tool in place that is safe.

5. Operate the tool by the way, turn on ("On") a suction pump and record
numbers of air flow rate).

6. Turn off the tool until the time limit has been set.

7. Take the paper and weigh the filter paper

8. Calculate its TSP concentration as mg / NM3

9. The method of use of this tool can also dilakukam, to 10 pm or else

continued on metal parameter measurements.
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3.1. Reagents Preparation

A. Reagent of NOx

No Steps Results Picture

1 Measure 0.25 gr of Sulfanilic Sulfanilic acid is white
acid anhydrous using analytical powder, odorless, room
balance, and then put it in the temperature.
beaker glass.

2 Add 7 ml of acetic acid to the Acetic acid is colorless,

beaker glass. bad smell, room
The mixture of
sulfanilic acid and acetic
acid has bad smell and
not completely
3 Dilute the solution , using Aquadest is colorless,
aquadest until it reaches the odorless, and room
volume of 50 ml. temperature. After the
dilution, the Sulfanilic
acid and acetic acid are

4 Heat the solution on the electric It took around 10

stove until it boils. Leave it minutes to heat the
until the temperature becomes solutions and 30 minutes
normal (room temperature) to make it room
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

5 Measure 1 mg NED using NED is white-yellow

analytical balance, and then put colored, odorless, room
it in the another beaker glass. temperature.

6 Add 1 ml of acetic acid to the Acetic acid is colorless,

beaker glass. bad smell, room

7 Mix the mixture of NED and NED dissolved in acetic

acetic acid with the previous acid
8 Pour it into the bottle of reagent Nothing happened (no
and add a label. difference)

B. Reagent of Oxidator

No Steps Results Picture

1 Measure 1.25 gr of KMnO4 using KMnO4 is in the form of
analytical balance, and then put it crystal, deep purple-colored,
in the beaker glass. odorless, has room
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

2 Add 30 ml of H3PO4 into the beaker H3PO4 is colorless, odorless,

glass. has room temperature. The
mixture mixed perfectly, has
deep purple color.

3 Add 5ml of H2SO4 into the beaker H2SO4 is colorless, bad

glass. smell, has room temperature.
After adding H2SO4, the
mixture has deep purple
color, bad smell, and the
temperature increased.

4 Dilute the solution using aquadest Aquadest is colorless,

until it reaches the volume of 50 odorless, and has room
ml. temperature. After the
dilution, the solution was
still warm, deep purple
colored, has bad smell.

5 Pour it into the bottle of reagent Nothing happened (no

and add a label. difference)

C. Reagent of O3

No Steps Results Picture

1 Measure 0.6805 gr of KH2PO4 KH2PO4 is powder, white-
using analytical balance, and then colored, odorless, has room
put it in the beaker glass. temperature.
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

2 Measure 1.791 gr of NaH2PO4 using NaH2PO4 is powder, white-

analytical balance and add it into colored, odorless, has room
the beaker glass. temperature.

3 Measure 0.5 gr of KI using KI is powder, white-colored,

analytical balance and add it into odorless, has room
the beaker glass. temperature.

4 Dilute the mixture of those 3 salts Aquadest is colorless,

using aquadest until it reaches the odorless, and has room
volume of 50 ml. temperature . The solution is
odorless, colorless, dissolved
perfectly, has room

5 Pour it into the bottle of reagent Nothing happened (no

and add a label. difference)
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

D. Reagent of NH3

No Steps Results Picture

1 Take 0.05 ml H2SO4 and put it in H2SO4 is colorless, bad
the beaker glass smell, has room temperature.

2 Dilute the solution using aquadest Aquadest is colorless,

until it reaches the volume of 50 odorless, and has room
ml. temperature. After the
dilution, the solution is still
clear and colorless, warm,
and the bad smell of H2SO4

3 Pour it into the bottle of reagent and Nothing happened (no

add a label. difference)

E. Reagent of SOx

No Steps Results Picture

1 Take 0.05 ml of reagent of NH3 and Reagent of NH3 is clear and
put it in the beaker glass. colorless, warm, odorless.
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

2 Add 20 ml aquadest into the beaker Aquadest is colorless,

glass. odorless, and has room

3 Add 0.15 ml of H2O2 into the beaker


4 Dilute the solution using aquadest Aquadest is colorless,

until it reaches the volume of 50 ml. odorless, and has room
temperature. After the
dilution, the solution is still
colorless, odorless, and has
room temperature.

5 Pour it into the bottle of reagent and Nothing happened (no

add a label. difference)
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

3.2. Measurement of Air Pollutant

A. NOx and SOx

No Steps Results Picture

1 PourthereagensofNOx, Volumeofreagentfor
reagentofoxidator,and eachparameter=20ml
reagentofSOxintothe Characteristicofreagent

impingersholesbasedon eachparameter:
- ReagentofNOx:
- Reagentofoxidator:
- ReagentofSOx:
2 Connecteachtubestothe Thecircuithosemust
vacuumpumpthrougheach beinstalledrightso
hoses.Thenturnonthe therewontbeany
impinger. foldedhoseinorderto
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

3 Measuretheabsorbancefor Wavelengthof
NOxinspectrophotometerand spectrophotometer:
measuretheconductivityfor NOx=450nm

SOxusingDHLmeter. Theabsorbance



Blanko mS/

SOx mS/

B. NH3

No Steps Results Pictures

1 Preparedatubeandreagent Volumeofreagent=20
andputitintoimpingerhole ml


2 Connectthetubetothesuction Thecircuithosemustbe
pumpthroughhoses(one correctandthehose
sectionjustforonekindof shouldntbefoldedso
analysisgas). thattheairflowcango
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

3 Place the impinger at the Impinger placed in

sampling location, then press front of the
the power button located on the Department of
side of impinger Environmental
Engineering FTSP

4 Presstheoffbuttonofimpinger

5 Preparethesolutionsamplefor Movethereagent
absorbanceanalysisusing solutionintobeaker
spectrophotometer glass

6 Pressthepowerbottonof WavelengthNH3=
spectrophotometer 410nm

7 Measuretheabsorbance Analysisresult
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

C. O3

No Steps Results Pictures

1 Preparedatubeandreagentand Volumeofreagent=20ml

2 Connectthetubetothesuction Thecircuithosemustbe
pumpthroughhoses(onesection correctandthehose
justforonekindofanalysis shouldntbefoldedsothat
gas). theairflowcango
3 Place the impinger at the Impinger placed in front
sampling location, then press the of the Department of
power button located on the side Environmental
of impinger Engineering FTSP ITS.

4 Presstheoffbuttonofimpinger

5 Preparethesolutionsamplefor Movethereagentsolution
absorbanceanalysis intobeakerglass

6 Pressthepowerbottonof WavelengthO3=390nm
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016


7 Measuretheabsorbance Analysisresult

3.3. Measurement of Particulate Matter

No Steps Results Pictures

1 Store filter paper in a desiccator Filter paper is a round and
for 15 minutes white

2 Weigh the filter paper in the Weight of filter paper is

analytical balance using 0.9418 gr

3 Attach the paper to the tool TSP, There is a noise from the
with opening roof TSP machine like buzzing
appliance. Then a paired back
the roof. After that turn on the
suction pump for 30 minutes
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

4 Turn off and lay down the Weight of filter paper after
machine, and weigh the filter 30 minutes process is
paper with the analytical 0.9423 gr

3.4. Measurement of Noises

N Steps Results Pictures

1 Turn on the sound level meter.
And wait for 5 minutes

2 Turn off the sound level meter At the last minute

and check the highest and the Max : 89.3 dBA
lowest value at the last minute Min : 66 dBA

3.5. Measurement of Humidity, Temperature, and Wind Speed

No Treatment Results Picture

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

PreparetheHumidity, typesofconnection.Thefirst
TemperatureandWindSpeed tomeasurehumidityand
measurementtool:Hygro temperature.Thesecondone
ThermoAnemometer lookslikeafantomeasure
2 Installtheconnectiontomeasure MeasurementResult:
humidityandtemperature. Humidity

Max. 83,981
Min. 73 74,6
result.Writedowntheresult. Avarage 78,45


Beginning AvFInal Av

0,45+ 0,5
= 2



Max. 31,230,6

Min. 29,729,7

Ratarata 30,45

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Begin Temp .Final Temp .


= 2 =30,3


Max. 0,8 0,9

Min. 0,1 0,1

Ratarata 0,450,5
3 windspeed.Operatethe WindSpeedAverage

appliancefor5minutesand Result

recordtheresultsthatitshown. =

Rata kec . AwalRata kec . Akhir


0,45+ 0,5
= 2


3.6. Determination of Location Using General Positioning System


No Treatment Results Picture

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

1 PreparetheGPStool GPSisadevicethatcontainsdata

2 Operatebypressingthepower ThereadingresultoftheGPS
buttononsitemonitoring.Wait coordinatesforthelocation
forthetooltoreadthe nexttotheentrancewayportal
coordinates.Writedownthe ofEnvironmentalEngineering
coordinates DepartmentFTSPITSas
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016



4.1. Time and Location of The Experiment

The experiment was carried out on November 10th, 2016 at around 8 am

until 11 am. The location of the experiment was in front of the building of
Department of Environmental Engineering ITS with GPS coordinates detail:
S07 16'48.6 "E112 47'31.4".. This location is selected because the
building of Department of Environmental Engineering ITS is located in Jalan
Taman Alumni, nearby the main gate of ITS, so it is really close to Jalan Raya
ITS. Jalan Raya ITS and Jalan Taman Alumni is the main access to go to the
campus, so there are many vehicles pass in these 2 roads. We do hope that by
choosing this location, we can get the valid data about the air quality around
Department of Environmental Engineering ITS.

4.2. Reagents Preparation

The reagents of the experiments must be prepared at least one day before
the experiment. We prepared the reagents in the laboratory of Air Pollution on
November 8th, 2016. At first, we planned to do the experiment on November 9 th,
2016, but due to bad weather, it cancelled until November 10th, 2016.

We created 5 kinds of reagents for analyzing the ambient air quality, which
are NOx, oxidator for NOx analysis, O 3, NH3, and SOx. The volume of all
reagents should be 50 ml, because we need 20 ml reagent which is being poured
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

into the bottle of impenger and the other 30 ml as the blank for
spectrophotometric analysis. All of the reagents were placed in the small bottle
and given labels, so it would be easy to distinguish them.

The first reagent that we made is the reagent of NOx. Here are the steps to
create reagent of NOx:

We measured 0.25 gr of Sulfanilic acid anhydrous using analytical

balance, and then put it in the beaker glass. Then we added 7 ml of acetic acid to
the beaker glass. We diluted the solution using aquadest until it reached the
volume of 50 ml. We heated the solution on the electric stove until it boiled. We
left it until the temperature became normal (room temperature). After the
temperature of the reagent became normal, we measured 1 mg NED using
analytical balance, and then put it in the another beaker glass. And then we added
1 ml of acetic acid to the beaker glass. Finally, we mixed the mixture of NED
and acetic acid with the previous solution. We poured it into the bottle of reagent
and add a label.

The second reagent that we made is the oxidator for NOx analysis. Here
are the steps to create reagent of oxidator:

We measured 1.25 gr of KMnO4 using analytical balance, and then put it

in the beaker glass. Then we added 30 ml of H 3PO4 into the beaker glass. We
added 5ml of H2SO4 into the beaker glass. We diluted the solution using aquadest
until it reached the volume of 50 ml. Finally, we poured it into the bottle of
reagent and add a label.

The third reagent that we made is the reagent of O 3. Here are the steps to
create reagent of O3:

We measured 0.6805 gr of KH2PO4 using analytical balance, and then put

it in the beaker glass. Then we measure 1.791 gr of NaH 2PO4 using analytical
balance and add it into the beaker glass. After that, we measure 0.5 gr of KI using
analytical balance and add it into the beaker glass. We diluted the mixture of those
3 salts using aquadest until it reached the volume of 50 ml. Finally we poured it
into the bottle of reagent and add a label.

The fourth reagent that we made is the reagent of NH 3. Here are the steps
to create reagent of NH3:

We took out 0.05 ml H2SO4 and put it in the beaker glass. After that, we
diluted the solution using aquadest until it reached the volume of 50 ml. We
poured it into the bottle of reagent and add a label.
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

The last reagent that we made is the reagent of SOx. Here are the steps to
create reagent of SOx:

We took out 0.05 ml of reagent of NH 3 and put it in the beaker glass. We

added 20 ml aquadest into the beaker glass. After that, we added 0.15 ml of H 2O2
into the beaker glass. We diluted the solution using aquadest until it reached the
volume of 50 ml. Finally, we poured it into the bottle of reagent and add a label.

All of the procedures above are based on standard methods of air

monitoring and SNI.

4.3. Measurement of Air Pollutant

The following table shows the threshold value of ambient air based on
Permen LH No 12 Tahun 2010.

A. NOx and SOx

at the sampling location. After 30 minutes running on impinge, analyze the
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Gries Saltzman method is a method which usually used in determine the
concentration of pollutant gases of Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) in the air. NOx in the
air reacted with Gries Saltzman reagent (absorbent) and formed a purple
compound. The color intensity measured with spectrophotometer with 450nm
wave length. For NOx measurement, the sample gas should be passed in the
oxidator first (such as KMnO4, Cr2O3).
On this experiment, we only measure the concentration of NO 2 because we
didnt measure the absorbance value of sample in the second tube.
Calibration curve of NOx
Absorbansi g/ml
0.005 0.005
0.014 0.01
0.031 0.02
0.057 0.04
0.09 0.06
0.121 0.08
0.153 0.1
0.184 0.12
0.235 0.16
0.273 0.18
0.303 0.2

Kurva Kalibrasi NOx


f(x) = 0.66x + 0
l/ml R = 1

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

A x slope x volume of the reagent

NO2concentration= volume of the air

L 3
( 0,007 x 0,663 ) x ( 20 x 10 ) L
NO2concentration= L
1 x 30 minute

9,282 x 105 L L
NO2concentration= =3,094 x 106 =
30 L L

3,094 x 106 6
=3,094 x 106 ppm
10 L

Note: 10 6 L isequivalentwith1ppm.

P x weight of the molecule
g/m3 = ppm x 1000 x RxT , P is pressure in

So, NO2 concentration (g/m3 ) =

6 760 x 46 g
3,094 x 10 x 1000 x =0,043 3
8,31 x 303,3 m

NO2 concentration in g/Nm3 =

g standard T g 273 g
concentration x =0,043 3 x =0,038
m 3
standard T +t m 273+ 30,3 Nm3

Thus, based on the experiment we obtained the NO 2 concentration is

0,038g/Nm3. If we compare this result with the threshold value, it can be
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere is usually used with conductance method.
The principal is: sulfur dioxide reacts with water to produce sulfuric acid, the
separated part and hydrogen ion, sulfide ion, conductivity is:
SO2 + H2O H2SO3
Thats why, the absorption of sulfur
x y
dioxide will increase DHL mg/L the conductivity, so we
could measure the 6.12 5 content of sulfur
13.26 10
dioxide from the sample. There are few
34.4 25
methods, but if the 74 50 sample consists
dissolved gas in water 137.3 100 and produces
258.7 200
electricity conductivity from the other gas, will
affect the accuracy of the measurement results.
Calibration curve of SOx:

Kurva Kalibrasi SO2

f(x) = 0.77x - 2.25
mg/L 100
R = 1
0 50 100 150 200 250
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

DHL Blanko : 0,279

DHL Sampel : 4,01
Hasil perhitungan konsentrasi sampel
( DHL sampelDHL blanko ) x slope x volume of reagent
SOx volume of the air


mg 3
{ ( 4,010,279 ) x 0,77 } x ( 20 x 10 ) L
L 0,0575 mg mg
= =1,92 x 103
L 30 L L
1 x 30 menit

mg mg mg
1,92 x 103 =1,92 x 103 =1,92 x 103 =1,92 x 103 ppm
kg kg kg
1 L x 1000 103 m3 x 1000
m3 m3

Note : It is assumed that the density of the reagent solution is m3

P x weight of the molecule
g/m3 = ppm x 1000 x RxT , P is pressure in

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

3 760 x 64 g
1,92 x 10 x 1000 x =37 3
SOxconcentration =
8,31 x 303,3 m

SOx concentration in g/Nm3 =

g standard T g 273 g
concentration x =37 3 x =33,3
m standard T +t m 273+30,3

thatSOxconcentrationinthesamplingareais stillbelow thethresholdvalue

B. NH3

The first thing to do is make the NH3 reagents that will be placed in tubes
on the impinger. Create the reagent the day before practicum. This is done so that
the reagent is completely in a state of room temperature when measuring.

After the reagent is ready to use, reagent place in the impinger tube
according to the labels that have been written on the body of impinger. Then
impinger operated for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the measurement is finished
and followed by measuring the absorbance value of NH3.

Ammonia from the ambient air which has been absorbed by the absorbent
solution of sulfuric acid to form ammonium sulfate. Then reacted with phenol and
sodium hypochlorite in alkaline conditions to form complex compounds indofenol
are colored blue. The intensity of blue color formed was measured using a
spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 410 nm.

NH3 Calibration Curve

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Kurva Kalibrasi NH3

f(x) = 8.01x + 0.09
R = 1
mg/L 1
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

x y
ce mg/L
0.052 0.5
0.082 0.75
0.11 1
0.15 1.25
0.18 1.5
0.2 1.75
0.24 2

Absorbance of the sample = 0,046 A

The result of the calculation of sample concentration :

NH3 concentration =
mg 3
( 0,046 x 8,53 ) x ( 20 x 10 ) L
A x slope x volume of reagent L mg m
= =2,61 x 104 =2,61 x 104
volume of theair sample L L
1 x 30 menit 1L x1

= 2,61 x 10 ppm

Note : It is assumed that the density of the reagent solution is m3
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

P x weight of the molecule
g/m3 = ppm x 1000 x RxT , P is pressure in

760 x 17 g
2,61 x 104 x 1000 x =1,338 3
NH3concentration= 8,31 x 303,3 m

NH3 concentrationing/Nm3=
g standard T g 273 g
concentration x =1,338 3 x =1,2043
m standard T +t m 273+ 30,3

Based on PP No 41 Tahun 1999, the threshold value for NH 3 for 1 hour

analysis is 30000 g/Nm3. Based on the experiment we obtained the NH3
concentration is 1,2043 g/nm3. If we compare this result with the threshold
value,itcanbeconcludedthat NH3 concentrationinthesamplingareaisstill

C. O3

The first thing to do is make the O3 reagents that will be placed in tubes on
the impinger. Create the reagent the day before practicum. This is done so that the
reagent is completely in a state of room temperature when measuring.

After the reagent is ready to use, reagent place in the impinger tube
according to the labels that have been written on the body of impinger. Then
impinger operated for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the measurement is finished
and followed by measuring the absorbance value of O3.

Oxidants from the ambient air which has been absorbed by the Neutral
solution of Potassium Iodide Buffer (NBKI) and reacting with iodide ions to free
iodine (I2) are colored yellow. Oxidant concentration in the solution is determined
by spectrophotometry at a wavelength of 390 nm (SNI-19-7119.8-2005).

O3 Calibration Curve
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

x Y
e g/ml
0.086 2
0.23 0.0184
0.38 0.0306
0.54 0.0459

Kurva Kalibrasi O3

0.04 f(x) = 0.09x - 0

l/ml 0.02 R = 1

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

O3 concentration (ppm) =
( 0,035 x 0,083 ) x 20 mL
A x slope x volume of the reagent mL L
= =1,936 x 103 =1,936 x 103 ppm
volume of the air L L
1 x 30 minute

P x weight of the molecule
g/m3 = ppm x 1000 x RxT , P is pressure in

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

3 760 x 48 g
1,936 x 10 ppm x 1000 x =28,02 3
O3concentration =
8,31 x 303,3 m

O3 concentrationing/Nm3=
g standard T g 273 g
concentration x =28,02 3 x =25,22
standard T +t m 273+30,3 Nm

Thus,basedontheexperimentweobtainedtheO3 concentrationis25,22
thatO3 concentrationinthesamplingareaisstillbelowthethresholdvaluewhich

4.4. Measurement of Particulate Matter

Particulate matter (PM) is the term for solid or liquid particles found in the
air. Particles with a size large or dark enough can be seen as soot or smoke. While
very small particles can be seen with an electron microscope. Particles originate
from various sources, both mobile and stationary engines (diesel trucks,
woodstoves, power plants, etc.), so that the chemical and physical properties of
particles is varied. Particles can be directly formed in the atmosphere when gas
pollutants such as SO2 and NOx react to form fine particles.

PM-10 standard is a small particle that is responsible for the adverse health
effects because of its ability to reach the deeper areas of the respiratory tract. PM-
10 include particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less. Health standards
under PP 41 tahun 1999 for PM-10 is 150 mg / Nm3 (24 hours).

Equipment we need for measuring particulate matter are filter paper,

desiccator, analytical balance, and high total volume sampler (vacuum). Firstly,
store the filter paper in to desiccator for 15 minutes. This stage is for drying up the
paper and avoid from any particulate. After that, weigh the filter paper for
knowing the weight of filter paper before it used in vacuum in analytical balance.
The result weight of the filter paper is 0.9418 gram. Next step is open the filters
roof in the vacuum then attach the filter paprer to the tools then pair back the roof
to the tool. This is for tightening the filter paper so it will not move anywhere
when the machine is turning on and it can work as it best for filtering the
particulate matter. After everything is ready, turn on the machine and wait until for
30 minutes. In this time the vacuum will suck the air to the machine and the
particulate matter will trapped in filter paper while the machine release the cleaner
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

air. After 30 minutes, lay down the vacuum, it is for keeping the particulate matter
in the filter paper. Take the filter paper and then weigh the filter paper in analytical
balance. This step is for knowing the weight of filter paper after the process. The
result weight of the filter paper is 0.9423 gram.

From the result above, we can calculate the concentrate of particulate

matter with the formula.

Then get the PM weight by reducing the weight of the filter paper at the
beginning and at the end of filter paper weight. The following results were

Heavy dust = Weight of filter paper end - the beginning of filter paper weight

Heavy dust = 0.9423 gram - 0.9418 gram

Heavy dust = 0.0005 gram

Then in the search volume of particulates measured using the formula:

Volume = sampling time (minutes) x flow rate (m3 / min)

Volume = 5 min x 1,1 (m3/min) = 5,5 m3

Then calculated the amount of dust / particulates using the formula:

Levels (gram / m3) = weight of particulate matter (gr): volume (m3)

= 0.0005 gr: 5,5 m3

= 9,09 x 10-5 g / m3

= 90,9 gram / m3

We cant compare the result of the experiment with the threshold value
because we dont know the pore size of the filter paper.

4.5. Measurement of Noises

In this experiment, equipment that we need is only Sound Level Meter.

Sound Level Meter is used to measure the noise between 30-130 dB in units of
frequencies between 20-20.000Hz dBA. Before measuring the noise, there are
some tips to measure the noise
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

a Choose a selector in fast position for different types of noise continue /

continuous, slow selector in the position for the type of impulsive noise /
b Select the range selector noise intensity.
c Determine the measurement area.
d Each measurement area was observed for 1-2 minutes to approximately 6
times the readings. The measurement results are the numbers shown on the

The noise measurements can be performed with simple steps. First,

prepare the tools Sound Level Meter which is calibrated and ready to use. Then
operate the tool for approximately 5 minutes at monitoring sites, in this
experiment, portal of Environmental Engineering Department ITS. During the 5-
minute measurement time will read the results of the measurement and record the
measurement of the numbers who continue to read on the device.

Once completed, the data be obtained directly ordered from highest to

lowest. To determine the level of noise monitoring locations can be calculated the
difference between the highest with the lowest measurements. The highest value
obtained was 90 dBA while the lowest value was 65.1 dBA. The difference is
24.9 dBA.

According to Kep. 1996 MENLH noise threshold for the school environment or
the like is 55 dBA. The results of measurements at monitoring sites obtained 24.9 dBA,
which means it can be concluded that the noise level in Environmental Engineering
Department is still below the noise threshold and can be said to be good for the noise

4.6. Measurement of Humidity, Temperature, and Wind Speed

Emission and Ambient Control | 2016

Contains of several main components, namely a connection cable for
location. For measurement of humidity and temperature can be done at once
because it will provide the data both simultaneously. For measurement of
humidity and temperature used connections with the cable end is round.
Measurements were performed two times, namely at the beginning of the lab
so that the resulting data is more accurate. In each measurement time
We then measured the wind speed by using the tool HygroThermo
the measurement time, and the recorded data is read on HygroThermo
All data were obtained and then sorted to get the highest and lowest
values,thenlookforthevalueofhisaverage. Obtainedanaverageyieldof
Standards in accordance Kepmenkes 261 that are considered convenient
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From the experiment, we can conclude that :

1. The ambient air quality for NOx, SOx, NH 3, and O3 parameters in the
sampling area which is located in front of Department of
Environmental Engineering is good because they are all below the
threshold value based on Permen LH No 12 Tahun 2010 and PP No 41
Tahun 1999. The results are as follow :
NOx = 0,038 g/Nm3,whilethethresholdvalueis400g/Nm 3
SOx = 33,3 g/Nm3 ,whilethethresholdvalueis900g/Nm3
NH3 = 1,2043 g/Nm3 ,whilethethresholdvalueis30000
O3 = 25,22 g/Nm3 whilethethresholdvalueis235g/Nm3
2. We cant compare the result of the experiment with the threshold value
because we dont know the pore size of the filter paper.
3. The noise level in the sampling area which is located in front of
Department of Environmental Engineering is good because it is below
the threshold value based on Kep. 1996 MENLH. The result is 24,9 dBA,
while the threshold value is 55 dBA.
4. The humidity in the sampling area which is located in front of
Department of Environmental Engineering is over than the ideal value
based on Kepmenkes No 261 Tahun 1998. The result is 78,125%,
5. The temperature in the sampling area which is located in front of
Department of Environmental Engineering is over than the ideal value
based on Kepmenkes No 261 Tahun 1998. The result is 30.3Cwhile
Emission and Ambient Control | 2016


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Meteorological Society,3,103-125

The Ministry of Living Environment of Indonesia. 1996. Keputusan Menteri

Lingkungan Hidup No. 48 Tahun 1996 Tentang Baku Tingkat Kebisingan.
Jakarta : The Ministry of Living Environment of Indonesia

The Ministry of Health of Indonesia. 1998. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan No.

261 Tahun 1998 Tentang Persyaratan Kesehatan Lingkungan Kerja.
Jakarta : The Ministry of Health of Indonesia

The Ministry of Living Environment of Indonesia. 2010. Peraturan Menteri

Negara Lingkungan Hidup Nomor 12 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pelaksanaan
Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara di Daerah. Jakarta : The Ministry of
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