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Lesson Plan Template

Date 13/3/2017 Student Fatima Ali


Time 8:30 to 9:00 School AL Hanan Advanced Kindergarten

Theme/To Arabic letter Class KG 1(2)


No of students 26

Context of the lesson (what happened this week/yesterday)

The student takes new lesson.

My Aim: (what do you want to do well?)

I will teach the students new letter.

Teaching goal:

To organize my time. / To add new letter to their knowledge so that they will be able to learn
new words.

Learning objectives (Students will be able to):

The students will be able to understand the letters and how to write them.

Assumptions about prior learning

I think the student will know the letter.

Possible problems and solutions

Use the laptop

Students Language (what they will Teachers language (what you will say/write)
The student will say hello, and then they
will listen to the story, and now which I will start the class by saying hello, and then
word began with this letter. I will give a letter and short story and some
word that began with this letter.

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