Draft-Instruction Manual No 1838 Wa6800522-523 Rev0 Siemens Transformer

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

Draft - Instruction Manual

No. 1838
Volume 1 of 2
(Section 1 9)

Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)

Al Dabbiya

PO No.: 7500049851

Three Phase Transformer

300 / 150 / 150 MVA
220 14 x 1.25 % / 34.5 / 34.5 / 10.89 kV

Rev. Page Description Date

Weiz, August 26, 2016 OM PE / HKE

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

Transformer type: TDQ-455L44D9L-99

Rating: 300 / 150 / 150 MVA
Rated voltage: 220 14 x 1.25 % / 34.5 / 34.5 / 10.89 kV

Serial No.: 1 799 244, 1 799 245

Manufacturers project No.: P.149031
Manufacturers work order No.: WA 6800522, WA6800523

When ordering spare parts please indicate manufacturers project and work order number, serial
number and transformer type.

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

1. Appropriate Use, Liability ......................................................................................................... 8
2. Project Data ............................................................................................................................. 9
3. Technical Data Nameplate ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Nameplate ....................................................................................................................... 10
4. Design.................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Iron core .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Windings ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.3. Tank and Cover............................................................................................................... 13
4.4. Conservator..................................................................................................................... 14
4.5. Control and Protection..................................................................................................... 15
4.5.1. Transformer Control Cubicle .................................................................................. 15
4.5.2. Cooling System ...................................................................................................... 15
4.5.3. Operation and Control of Tap Changer .................................................................. 17
4.6. Corrosion Protection........................................................................................................ 19
4.7. Gasket System ................................................................................................................ 21
4.7.1. Tank - cover connection ......................................................................................... 21
4.7.2. Bushing adapters ................................................................................................... 22
4.7.3. Assembly and inspection holes .............................................................................. 23
4.7.4. Flanged joints for pipes .......................................................................................... 24
4.8. Piping and Instrumentation .............................................................................................. 25
5. Shipment, Checking upon Arrival, Storage ............................................................................. 26
5.1. Dispatch Preparations in the Factory ............................................................................... 26
5.2. Checks upon Arrival on Site ............................................................................................ 27
5.3. Storage ........................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1. Storage of Main Unit .............................................................................................. 30
5.3.2. Storage of Accessories .......................................................................................... 31
5.3.3. Storage Categories ................................................................................................ 32
6. Assembly and Oil filling .......................................................................................................... 33
6.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 33
6.2. Moving to the foundation ................................................................................................. 33
6.2.1. Lifting ..................................................................................................................... 33
6.2.2. Unloading ............................................................................................................... 34
6.3. Installation on the Foundation ......................................................................................... 35
6.3.1. Requirements for transformer foundations ............................................................. 35
6.3.2. Foundation for the support of transformers on rails ................................................ 36
6.3.3. Flat foundation for the support of transformers ....................................................... 37
6.3.4. Placing on the foundation ....................................................................................... 37
6.4. Preparation for Assembly ................................................................................................ 38
6.4.1. Grounding .............................................................................................................. 38
6.4.2. Preparation of the parts .......................................................................................... 38
6.4.3. Pipes and Flanges ................................................................................................. 38
6.5. Torque Wrench Settings .................................................................................................. 39
6.5.1. General .................................................................................................................. 39
6.5.2. Steel girders and brackets ...................................................................................... 39
6.5.3. Radiator and butterfly valves .................................................................................. 40
6.5.4. Tank, cooler and pipe connections ......................................................................... 40
6.5.5. Electrical connections............................................................................................. 41
6.6. Erection ........................................................................................................................... 42
6.6.1. General .................................................................................................................. 42
6.6.2. Main Steps ............................................................................................................. 43
6.6.3. Detailed Procedure ................................................................................................ 43

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6.6.4. Bushing adapters and bushings ............................................................................. 47

6.6.5. Neutral Cable box (Terminal N) .............................................................................. 53
6.6.6. Cable boxes Terminals (1n / 1r 1y 1b / 2r 2y 2b / 2n / Y1 Y2) .................. 58
6.7. Evacuation ...................................................................................................................... 63
6.7.1. Recommended equipment ..................................................................................... 63
6.7.2. Sequence ............................................................................................................... 63
6.8. Oil Filling ......................................................................................................................... 67
6.8.1. General .................................................................................................................. 67
6.8.2. Recommended equipment ..................................................................................... 68
6.8.3. Sequence ............................................................................................................... 68
6.8.4. Venting ................................................................................................................... 71
6.9. Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.1. Wiring ..................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.2. Grounding .............................................................................................................. 73
6.9.3. Corrosion Protection .............................................................................................. 73
7. Commissioning, Energization and Operation.......................................................................... 74
7.1. Checks before energization ............................................................................................. 74
7.2. Oil tests before energization ............................................................................................ 74
7.3. Energization .................................................................................................................... 75
7.4. Operation ........................................................................................................................ 76
8. Maintenance and Repair ........................................................................................................ 77
8.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 77
8.2. External Checks .............................................................................................................. 77
8.3. Checks on the Insulation System .................................................................................... 78
8.3.1. Oil sampling ........................................................................................................... 78
8.3.2. Checks ................................................................................................................... 79
8.3.3. Characteristic Values ............................................................................................. 80
8.4. Tap Changer Maintenance .............................................................................................. 80
8.5. Failure Localization ......................................................................................................... 81
8.6. Repair procedure of painting ........................................................................................... 83
8.6.1. Procedure for surface touch-up painting ................................................................. 83
8.6.2. Reapplication of complete paint system on exposed metal parts............................ 83
9. Operating Instructions and Descriptions of Accessories ......................................................... 85
9.1. Bushings ......................................................................................................................... 85
9.2. Surge Arresters ............................................................................................................... 85
9.3. On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) ........................................................................................ 86
9.4. Protection Relay for OLTC .............................................................................................. 86
9.5. Fans ................................................................................................................................ 86
9.6. Oil Pumps ....................................................................................................................... 86
9.7. Oil Flow Indicator ............................................................................................................ 86
9.8. Oil Level Indicator ........................................................................................................... 87
9.9. Breather Bag Rupture Indicator ....................................................................................... 87
9.10. Oil / Winding Temperature Indicator ................................................................................ 87
9.11. Resistance Temperature Detectors ................................................................................. 87
9.12. Pressure Relief Device .................................................................................................... 87
9.13. Buchholz Relay ............................................................................................................... 87
9.14. Gas Collecting Device ..................................................................................................... 88
9.15. Silica gel Breather ........................................................................................................... 88
9.16. Maintenance-Free Dehydrating Breather......................................................................... 88
9.17. Over-Pressure Relief Device ........................................................................................... 88
9.18. Gas Monitoring Device .................................................................................................... 88
9.19. Monitoring Device ........................................................................................................... 88
10. Drawings ................................................................................................................................ 96
11. Photos.................................................................................................................................... 97

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12. Health, Safety and Environment ........................................................................................... 104

12.1. Regulations ................................................................................................................... 104
12.2. Operation, Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................ 104
12.3. Working inside the Tank ................................................................................................ 105
12.4. Installation and Erection ................................................................................................ 105
12.5. Electrical Safety ............................................................................................................ 106
12.5.1. Electricity at Work ................................................................................................ 106
12.5.2. Electricity on Construction Sites ........................................................................... 107
12.6. Environmental Protection .............................................................................................. 109
12.7. Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 109
12.7.1. General ................................................................................................................ 109
12.7.2. Components and Equipment ................................................................................ 110
12.8. Material Safety Data Sheets .......................................................................................... 113
13. Annex................................................................................................................................... 114

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List of Figures
Figure 4-1: Grounding bushing...........................................................................................................12
Figure 4-2: Tank-cover connection .....................................................................................................21
Figure 4-3: Bushing adapter connection.............................................................................................22
Figure 4-4: Assembly hole connection ...............................................................................................23
Figure 4-5: Pipe connection ...............................................................................................................24
Figure 5-1: Dry-air bottle assembly ....................................................................................................27
Figure 5-2: Moisture Equilibrium Chart ...............................................................................................29
Figure 6-1: Unloading of heavy part using rollers ...............................................................................34
Figure 6-2: Unloading of heavy part using rails ..................................................................................35
Figure 6-3: Wheel arrangement I .......................................................................................................36
Figure 6-4: Rail groove dimensions ....................................................................................................36
Figure 6-5: Foundation Detail .............................................................................................................37
Figure 6-6: Identification of adjacent pipe flanges ..............................................................................38
Figure 6-7: Steel girders and brackets ...............................................................................................39
Figure 6-8: Radiator and butterfly valves ............................................................................................40
Figure 6-9: Tank, cooler and pipe connections...................................................................................41
Figure 6-10: Cooling plant ..................................................................................................................44
Figure 6-11: Radiator assembly .........................................................................................................45
Figure 6-12: Pressure relief device ....................................................................................................46
Figure 6-13: Motor drive assembly .....................................................................................................46
Figure 6-14: HV Line bushing connection ..........................................................................................48
Figure 6-15: LV Line Bushing connection ...........................................................................................49
Figure 6-16: LV Line Bushing connection side view ........................................................................49
Figure 6-17: LV - Neutral Bushing connection ....................................................................................50
Figure 6-18: LV - Neutral Bushing connection side view .................................................................50
Figure 6-19: HV - Neutral Bushing connection ...................................................................................51
Figure 6-20: Tertiary Bushing connection ...........................................................................................52
Figure 6-21: N Cable box Cable test ............................................................................................54
Figure 6-22: N Cable box Cable test Detail C ............................................................................54
Figure 6-23: N Cable box ................................................................................................................55
Figure 6-24: N Cable box Detail A ................................................................................................56
Figure 6-25: N Cable box Detail B ................................................................................................56
Figure 6-26: N Cable box Top view ..............................................................................................57
Figure 6-27: 1n/2n Cable box Cable test arrangement .................................................................58
Figure 6-28: 1n/2n Cable box ..........................................................................................................59
Figure 6-29: LV Cable box Cable test arrangement .....................................................................60
Figure 6-30: LV Cable box ..............................................................................................................61
Figure 6-31: TV Cable box ..............................................................................................................62
Figure 6-32: TV Cable box side view............................................................................................62
Figure 6-33: Schematic Arrangement for Evacuation and Oil Filling ...................................................66
Figure 6-34: Oil level for filling ............................................................................................................70
Figure 6-35: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel angles .............................................................72
Figure 6-36: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel bars .................................................................72
Figure 6-37: Flexible steel conduits fastened in cable ducts...............................................................73
Figure 8-1: Oil sampling .....................................................................................................................79

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These instructions for erection, operation and maintenance are intended for the guidance of the
customers personnel.

However, they cannot be considered a substitute for experienced crews and careful procedure. The
oil filling, erection and energization have to be supervised by a factory specialist.

Please take note of the safety notations stated for certain steps during installation, operation and
maintenance as follows:

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which could result in severe damage to material or
even in serious or fatal injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which could result in damage to material or minor or
moderate injury.

NOTE indicates recommendations which should be followed in order to avoid damage to
material or gives important information on a certain subject.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft sterreich - Transformers Weiz, 2012

All rights reserved

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1. Appropriate Use, Liability

The following is considered to constitute appropriate use as defined by Siemens:

The product must be stored, transported, assembled and operated in accordance with the assembly
and operating instructions.

The product must be operated and maintained by qualified and authorized personnel within the limits
of its rating and in accordance with the assembly and maintenance instructions.
It is the responsibility of the operator to maintain a complete log of operation and maintenance
operations, the availability of which has to be ensured for the duration of the defect liability period.
Siemens will, in the event of a claim, only accept liability on the condition that the customer can
provide evidence to demonstrate that regular maintenance and inspection activities have been carried
out in accordance with the instructions contained in the assembly and operating instructions. The
supporting evidence must contain both dates and signatures and must be sent to Siemens without
further demand.

The operator must ensure that the defined maintenance and inspection activities are carried out
within the prescribed intervals and further that said activities are carried out by qualified and
authorized personnel. Any claim made under the warranty must be supported by evidence which
serves to confirm this.

It is recommended that maintenance works associated with on-load tap changers and maintenance
works resulting in a requirement to replace gaskets be carried out by qualified Siemens personnel.
Standard maintenance operations (i.e. external checks) can be carried out by the customers qualified
and authorized personnel.

Siemens accepts no liability whatsoever for damage resulting from unauthorized changes to the
product. In the event that it is necessary to carry out repairs on or make changes to the product these
works may only be carried out following consultation with and having taken receipt of the express
permission of Siemens. Any changes made to the product without the express permission of Siemens
could result in injury to personnel, damage to property and disruption to operation for which Siemens
would not be held liable.

In assuming liability, as defined in the contract, Siemens takes cognizance of the fact that, at the time
of taking-over, its product fulfils the criteria as stipulated in the contract and is free of defects that
could adversely affect the products value or suitability for its intended use.

Siemens accepts no liability whatsoever for wear and tear that is attributable to normal operation (i.e.
that caused by the natural ageing of the product).

Siemens accepts no liability whatsoever for material defects arising as a consequence of improper
use of the product. Detailed information on the safe and proper use and maintenance of the product
are contained in this manual.

In the event that a defect (or defects) occur that could affect the safe and proper use of the product
Siemens should be notified within 24 hours of the time at which said defect(s) are identified. Siemens
will then implement the necessary measures to remedy any such defects.

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2. Project Data
Customer / End customer Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)

Substation, Plant Al Dabbiya

Transformer Type TDQ-455L44D9L-99

Serial Number 1 799 244, 1 799 245

Project Number P.149031

Work Order Number WA 6800522, WA6800523

Year of Manufacture 2016

Transformer manufacturer Siemens Aktiengesellschaft sterreich - Transformers

(abbreviation STW used on subsequent pages)

Address Elingasse 3
A - 8160 Weiz

Telephone +43 (0) 51707-0

Fax +43 (0) 51707-5545
E-mail service.at@siemens.com

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3. Technical Data Nameplate

All values measured during test, as well as test conditions are indicated in the test report.

3.1. Nameplate

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4. Design
4.1. Iron core
The core has an almost circular limb cross sectional area. It is stacked with laminated sheets of high-
grade, grain oriented, cold rolled steel sheets covered on both sides with a thin heat resistant
insulation layer (Trancore layer). The mitred-cut laminations are free of burrs, and the joints of the
limbs and yokes are overlapped (step-lap stacked). The yoke pressure is maintained by means of
glass fibre bandages or pressing rods which are fitted with clamping devices, and anchored on the
frame plates.
The laminated limbs are resin bonded at their edges. In case of larger core diameters impregnated
fibre glass bandages are applied to each limb.
Cooling ducts for improved heat dissipation are provided in the limbs and yokes.

Core grounding
The iron core is connected to the core ground bushing via a flexible lead. The connection to ground is
made outside of the tank from the bushing to the tank cover/wall. Removing this connection provides
the facility to measure the insulation resistance of the core without the necessity to open the tank.

Frame grounding
All internal metallic parts which are arranged insulated from the main core are connected to the frame
ground bushing via a flexible lead. The connection to ground is made outside of the tank from the
bushing to the tank cover/wall. Removing this connection provides the facility to measure the
insulation resistance of the frame arrangement without the necessity to open the tank.

1 Label
2 Covering hood
3 Earthing connection strip
4 Tank wall
5 Frame plate
6 Flexible lead
7 Earthing terminal
8 Bushing 1kV, 250A

Figure 4-1: Grounding bushing

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4.2. Windings
The windings are concentrically arranged on the relevant limbs.
If parallel conductors are used they are transposed after each coil. Windings of rated voltages of
110 kV and higher are either partially or entirely interleaved, or have several disks with shielding
conductors (depending on the design). The winding next to the core is spaced with at least one
transformerboard cylinder. The insulation between windings is composed of transformerboard
cylinders radially separated by transformerboard strips. In the yoke areas angle rings and cap rings
are arranged accordingly in order to prevent partial discharge and flash-over.

Grading rings are used to protect the winding ends, if the voltage to earth is 70 kV or above.
The thickness of the conductor insulation is based on the test and operation voltage levels.
The windings are both mechanically and thermally short circuit proof due to the use of careful
clamping design and amply sized cooling ducts. All internal connections are thoroughly crimped and
Tie plates and frame plates maintain the winding pressure.

For the final clamping of the windings hydraulic jacks are set between the top yoke and the windings.
After adjustment of the required pressure the jacks are removed.

4.3. Tank and Cover

The tank is manufactured from steel sheets. The thickness of the steel sheets and the number of
stiffening ribs are designed to withstand 100 % vacuum. All seams are oil tight and welded by
authorized personnel only.
All fittings on the tank are itemized and quoted in the Detailed Outline Drawing and List of Items.

Handling facilities
Lifting by hydraulic jacks: Jacking pads
Lifting by crane: Lifting bollards
Hauling in longitudinal direction: Pulling lugs
Hauling in transversal direction: Pulling lugs

Grounding provisions
Tank grounding
Grounding pads are provided on the tank close to the tank base plate.

Conservator and cooling support grounding

Grounding pads are provided on the supporting structure close to the foundation.

Surge arrester grounding

Grounding pads are provided on the bracket for each surge arrester.

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4.4. Conservator

The conservator is vacuum proof.

The volumes of the conservator compartments are designed according to the maximum oil expansion.

The conservator is subdivided into 2 compartments as follows:

Main compartment
OLTC compartment

By this separation the oil inside the tank is protected against impurities caused by switching-over
actions in the diverter switch of the on-load tap changer (OLTC).

Main compartment
In the expansion pipe from the main tank to the conservator main compartment a Buchholz relay is
installed. On conservator side of the relay two gate valves are provided and on the tank side one gate
valve is provided. All valves in the expanion pipe must always be in open position when the unit is
in operation.

In the expansion pipe of the neutral cable box a Buchholz relay is installed. On cable box side of the
relay a gate valve is provided and on the conservator side two gate valves are provided. All valves in
the expansion pipe must always be in open position when the unit is in operation.

The compartment is equipped with a breather bag in order to prevent the access of oxygen and
humidity to the oil inside the tank.

OLTC compartment
In the expansion pipe from the OLTC diverter switch to the conservator OLTC compartment an OLTC
protective relay is provided. On conservator side of the relay two gate valves are provided which
must always be in open position when the unit is in operation.

The expansion pipes are extended approx. 50 mm into the conservator compartments in order to
protect the oil from impurities or oil sludge at reverse flow. The breather pipes terminate just below the
top of the conservator compartments.
Access openings for cleaning are provided for each compartment.

All installed fittings are quoted on the Detailed Outline Drawing.

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4.5. Control and Protection

See reference drawings in Section 10.

4.5.1. Transformer Control Cubicle

The control cubicle is attached to the tank by using anti-vibration mountings and accommodates the
following equipment:

1. Power supply circuits

2. Local cooler control equipment (if applicable)
3. Terminals and gland plates
4. Alarm and trip circuits
5. Anti-condensation heaters
6. Lighting
7. Power socket (if applicable)

The cubicle is protected to IP55 Standard.

4.5.2. Cooling System

For the dissipation of heat created by the losses the transformer is provided with 3 cooling blocks
separately arranged from the transformer tank consisting of
48 radiators directly attached to the cooling blocks via shut-off valves
24 fans (inclusive 3 spare fans) for operation beyond the ONAN-rating
3 oil pumps (inclusive 1 spare pump) for operation beyond the ONAF-rating

In case of operation beyond the ONAN rating the fan group or the pump group is switched on
automatically but they can be switch on manually also.

The radiators consist of single elements of special steel for deep-drawing, welded into a header
(tube). The elements are shaped to allow free air access and to withstand full vacuum.
All radiators were tested on oil tightness at an overpressure of 2 bar.
The cooling surface is designed according to the guaranteed top oil temperature rise.
For dismounting a radiator, the shut-off valves can be closed or opened by means of a shaft with
square head. A pointer on the operating shaft indicates the position. The valves are oil-tight and
should be flanged off by using the supplied covers when the radiator is detached.

Fans are arranged for control in two fan groups.
Fan Group 1 consists of fans no. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24.
Fan Group 2 consists of fans no. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22.

In case of operation beyond the ONAN -rating totally 13 fans are switched on automatically (manual
operation is also possible).

In case of operation beyond the ONAF -rating totally 24 fans are switched on automatically (manual
operation is also possible).

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Oil pumps
In case of operation beyond the ONAF -rating totally 2 oil pumps are switched on automatically (Pump
3 is in operation if one of the two other pumps doesnt work) (manual operation is also possible).

Cooling groups
Cooling group 1 consists of: Fan Group 1
Cooling group 2 consists of: Fan Group 2 + Pump 1,2,(3)

The control mode for pumps can be selected by means of Pump Switches S13 and S14.
The control mode for fans can be selected by means of Cooling group 1 and 2 switches S11 and S12.

Pump 1 and 2 Switch S13

1 Manual Mode
2 Cooling OFF
3 Automatic mode

Pump 3 Switch S14

1 Manual Mode
2 Cooling OFF
3 Automatic mode

Cooling group 1 Switch S11

1 Manual Mode
2 Cooling OFF
3 Automatic mode

Cooling group 2 Switch S12

1 Manual Mode
2 Cooling OFF
3 Automatic mode

Manual control:
Pump 1 and 2 can be switch on/off by selecting position 1 or 2 of Pump Switch S13.
Pump 3 can be switch on/off by selecting position 1 or 2 of Pump Switch S14.

The fan group 1 can be switch on/off by selecting position 1 or 2 of Cooling group 1 Switch S11.
The fan group 2 can be switch on/off by selecting position 1 or 2 of Cooling group 2 Switch S12.

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Automatic control:
Pre-condition: Pump 1 and 2 Switch S13 in position 3
Pump 3 Switch S14 in position 3
Cooling group 1 Switch S11 in position 3
Cooling group 2 Switch S12 in position 3
Cooling group 1 (=Fan group 1) automatically starts in case the winding temperature exceeds 75C
(ONAF cooling).
Cooling group 1 (=Fan group 1) automatically stops in case the oil temperature falls below 55C.

Cooling group 2 (=Fan group 1+2 and Pump 1+2 or if one of the two pumps doesnt work
spare pump 3) automatically starts in case the winding temperature exceeds 85C (ODAF cooling).
Cooling group 2 (=Fan group 1+2 and Pump 1+2 or if one of the two pumps doesnt work
spare pump 3) automatically stops in case the oil temperature falls below 65C.

A contact of the transformer circuit breaker needs to be wired in series with the power supply
circuit for the automatic cooling control.

Periodic Operation of Fan Motors and Pumps

In order to ensure the integrity of the fans and pumps during the time in which the transformer is in
service, a timer has been fitted (K21) in the control cubicle. The timer is configured such that all of the
fans and pumps will be run for a short period of time on a weekly basis.

4.5.3. Operation and Control of Tap Changer Operation
Continuous operation
In order to ensure optimal continuous operation identical transformers, i.e. transformers of the same
design, should be operated in the same tap position. For transformers which are not identical
(transformers with different ratings and/or impedance) and are operated in parallel, select the tap
positions to suit the rated through currents of the tap changers (to avoid the rated through currents
being exceeded). The rated through current is defined as the maximum operating current for which a
tap changer is designed for the specific application.

Changing tap (Short-term behaviour)

Where two or more transformers are being operated in parallel, in the event of changing tap the rated
through current of the tap changers must not be exceeded.

To create the optimal design of a tap changer all operating conditions of the transformer have to be
taken into consideration.

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Before operation of the on-load tap changer, refer to the Warning notes on operation of on-load
tap changers stated in Section 12.2.

Reference drawings see Section 10.

A three-phase on-load tap changer is provided for regulation of HV system voltage. The drive gear is
connected to the motor drive cabinet located on the control cubicle side of the tank.

The electrical drive raises or lowers the tap position by means of the tap change motor controlled by
raise or lower contactors located in the motor drive cabinet.

Local operation by handle (motor drive is automatically rendered inoperative when the handle is
inserted), local control by means of push buttons and remote control from the control room is
possible, as well.

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4.6. Corrosion Protection

Two working conditions apply:
air contacted surfaces
oil wetted surfaces

The surface has to be completely dry, grease- and powder-free.

Preliminary treatment
Quality of sand-blasting acc. to EN ISO 12944, Part 4
conform to SVENSK STANDARD SIS. 055900

outside areas: SA 2 (SSPC-SP10)

oil wetted inside areas: SA 2 (SSPC-SP6)

Surface profile ranging after blasting is between 25 75 m.

The prime coat shall be applied no more than 12 hours after the surface is prepared.

Transformer tank, conservator, pipes:

Surfaces in contact with air (outside areas)
Coat Material Colour Thickness
CHING EP Zinc dust primer
Prime Grey 80 m *)
EMD 156 HS
CHING EP Intermediate coat
Intermediate Red brown 2 x 80 m
CHING PUR top coat
Finish RAL 7035 80 m
ADL 43

Total dry film thickness (nominal film thickness according to EN ISO 12944 part 5) is 320 m.
Minimum dry film thickness: not less than 300 m.
*) Maximum dry film thickness < 80 m

Oil wetted surfaces inside areas

Coat Material Colour Thickness
1 x CHING- EP primer
oil resistant White 35 - 40 m
EMC 182 white K-DB

Oil wetted surfaces sealing surfaces

Coat Material Colour Thickness
1 x CHING- EP primer
oil resistant White 70 m
EMC 182 white K-DB

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Preliminary treatment
Quality of pickling according to EN ISO 12944-4
outside areas: Be

Hot-dip-galvanized in accordance to DIN EN 1461 55 m

Surfaces in contact with air (outside areas)

Coat Material Colour Thickness
Prime Redbrown 2 x 40 m *)
EMC 182 FL
CHING EP Intermediate coat
Intermediate Light grey 2 x 40 m
CHING PUR top coat
Finish RAL 7035 2 x 40 m

Total dry film thickness (nominal film thickness according to EN ISO 12944 part 5) is 240 m.
Minimum dry film thickness: not less than 220 m.
*) Maximum dry film thickness < 80 m

Product Data Sheets

No. Designation
Transformer: Paint Prime Coat (Type CHING EMD 156 HS grey)
Radiator: Paint Prime Coat (Type CHING EMC 182 FL redbrown)
Transformer: Paint Intermediate Coat (Type CHING EMD 30 TR red brown)
Radiator: Paint Intermediate Coat (Type CHING EMD 30 FL light grey)
Transformer: Paint Finish Coat (Type CHING ADL 43 RAL 7035)
Radiator: Paint Finish Coat (Type CHING ADL 43 FL RAL 7035)
4. Paint Inside Areas (Type CHING EMC 182 white K-DB)

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4.7. Gasket System

4.7.1. Tank - cover connection

1 Retainer
2 Rubber gasket
3 Tank flange
4 Cover flange

Figure 4-2: Tank-cover connection

The gasket is made of oil and heat resistant synthetic rubber NBR (acrylnitril - butadien rubber -
Perbunan) or equivalent rubber quality.

Technical Data of Nitrile rubber - NBR

Quality P512 (former nomination P313)
Density 1.19 g/cm
Hardness 60 5 Shore A ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2
Tensile strength 10 N/mm DIN 53504
Ozone proof
Cold-resistant to -35 C
Asbestos free
Safe material

Suitable for use in transformer oil up to 120 C

Special test acc. to ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2 and ISO 1817
after 3 days in 120 C transformer oil US 3000
increase of volume approx. 4%
increase of weight approx. 2%

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4.7.2. Bushing adapters

1 Rubber gasket
2 Groove

Figure 4-3: Bushing adapter connection

The metal-to-metal sealing system is based on the use of rubber gaskets in grooves. The groove is
milled or turned.

The gaskets are made of oil and heat resistant synthetic rubber NBR (acrylnitril-butadien rubber -
Perbunan) or equivalent rubber quality.
The gasket may be of flat or round shape.

Technical Data of Nitrile rubber - NBR

Quality P512 (former nomination P313)
Density 1.19 g/cm
Hardness 60 5 Shore A ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2
Tensile strength 10 N/mm DIN 53504
Ozone proof
Cold-resistant to -35 C
Asbestos free
Safe material

Suitable for the use in transformer oil up to 120 C

Special test acc. to ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2 and ISO 1817
after 3 days in 120 C transformer oil US 3000
increase of volume approx. 4%
increase of weight approx. 2%

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4.7.3. Assembly and inspection holes

1 Tank wall
2 Rubber gasket
3 Groove
4 Blind flange

Figure 4-4: Assembly hole connection

The metal-to-metal sealing system is based on the use of rubber gaskets in grooves. The groove is
milled or turned.

The gaskets are made of oil and heat resistant synthetic rubber NBR (acrylnitril-butadien rubber -
Perbunan) or equivalent rubber quality.
The gasket may be of flat or round shape.

Technical Data of Nitrile rubber - NBR

Quality P512 (former nomination P313)
Density 1.19 g/cm
Hardness 60 5 Shore A ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2
Tensile strength 10 N/mm DIN 53504
Ozone proof
Cold-resistant to -35 C
Asbestos free
Safe material

Suitable for use in transformer oil up to 120 C

Special test acc. to ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2 and ISO 1817
after 3 days in 120 C transformer oil US 3000
increase of volume approx. 4%
increase of weight approx. 2%

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4.7.4. Flanged joints for pipes

1 Rubber gasket
2 Groove

Figure 4-5: Pipe connection

The sealing system is based on the use of rubber gaskets in grooves. The groove is milled or turned.

The gaskets are made of oil and heat resistant synthetic rubber NBR (acrylnitril-butadien rubber -
Perbunan) or equivalent rubber quality.
Dimensions of O-rings are acc. to ISO 3601-1.

Technical Data of Nitrile rubber - NBR

Quality P512 (former nomination P313)
Density 1.19 g/cm
Hardness 60 5 Shore A ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2
Tensile strength 10 N/mm DIN 53504
Ozone proof
Cold-resistant to -35 C
Asbestos free
Safe material

Suitable for use in transformer oil up to 120 C

Special test acc. to ISO 7619-1, ISO 7619-2 and ISO 1817
after 3 days in 120 C transformer oil US 3000
increase of volume approx. 4%
increase of weight approx. 2%

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4.8. Piping and Instrumentation

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5. Shipment, Checking upon Arrival, Storage

5.1. Dispatch Preparations in the Factory
The railway/road clearances, the weight and the size of the transformer as well as customer
requirements influence the kind of shipment.
Miscellaneous parts such as bushings, pipes, cooling facilities, motor drive, conservator, etc. have to
be detached according to the shipping requirements.
Tank openings (resulting from the disassembly of bushing adapters, etc.) have to be tightly closed
with transport covers.

For shipping mass and dimensions of the transformer and detached parts as well as position of
jacking, lifting and haulage lugs see Detailed Outline Drawing and/or Transport Drawing in Section 10.

Transport covers and blind flanges belong to the transformer, if not otherwise agreed.
Store them carefully in case the transformer will be moved to another substation some day.

The transformer is shipped without oil. After draining the oil, parts such as bushings, adapters,
conservator, control cubicle, etc. are detached and the tank openings are sealed. Vacuum is then
applied to the tank for 24 hours. After this period the transformer is filled with dry air.
For shipment an overpressure of 0.3 bar is applied at 20 C ambient temperature.
This prevailing overpressure prevents ingress of humid air during natural temperature variations.

Dry Air Equipment for Transport

The equipment consists of at least one high pressure dry air cylinder connected to the transformer
tank. The number of cylinders depends on the gas volume inside the tank and on the duration of
This equipment provides a dry atmosphere in the transformer tank during transport and erection
which will safeguard the electrical properties of the insulation.

The cylinders are secured to the transformers by means of brackets bolted to the tank (to be removed
before energization).
Each cylinder is equipped with a high pressure regulator (HPR).
In the case of two cylinders, a three-way hose adapter is used for making the connection between the
cylinders and the transformer by means of low pressure hoses.

The cylinder pressure when fully charged is approx. 150 bar and is reduced by the HPR to 0.3 bar.
Two gauges are fitted to each HPR. The HP gauge (range 0 to 300 bar) indicates the dry-air pressure
in the cylinders and the LP gauge (range -1.0 to +1.5 bar) indicates the output from the HPR. The
gauges on the HPR should be checked at regular intervals to ensure pressure is maintained on the
transformer tank.
Dry air is automatically admitted to the tank whenever the overpressure drops to 0.1 bar.
A relief valve opens when the overpressure exceeds 0.55 bar.

The following frequency of checks is recommended:

a) immediately after any trans-shipment

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b) at least once weekly

c) 24 hours after re-applying pressure to the tank

No attempt should be made to dismantle the regulators or alter settings on the regulators.
Care must be taken to ensure that oil does not enter the regulators of cylinders.

Spare gas supply

Cylinder replacement is required when pressure on the HP gauge falls below 14 bar.

1. Close the valves on all cylinders.
2. Close the dry air inlet valve on the transformer tank.
3. Disconnect the hose from the cylinder to be replaced.
4. Replace the cylinder.
5. Re-connect the hose.
6. Open the cylinder valves (the HP gauge should now read approx. 150 bar, and the LP gauge
0.35 bar).
7. Open the dry air inlet valve on the transformer tank.

1 LP pressure gauge
2 HP pressure gauge
3 Three-way hose adapter
4 Inlet valve
5 Tank
6 Arrangement for two cylinders
7 Arrangement for one cylinder
HPR High pressure regulator
C1, C2 Dry air cylinders

Figure 5-1: Dry-air bottle assembly

5.2. Checks upon Arrival on Site

a) Immediately upon arrival on site the heavy part of the transformer should be inspected for
damage. Broken or loose braces or clamps are often an indication of undue impacts.

b) Check the internal tank pressure.

If the pressure gauge indicates lower or higher pressure than the natural (zero pressure), one
may presume that no leak has occurred.
If the gauges show zero pressure, check whether air has entered the transformer and humidity
could have reached the insulation of the active part. In this case inform the manufacturer
immediately for advice on further measurements and proposed actions.
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c) For shipment 3-way impact recorders are attached to the transformer tank.

The readings have to be either checked by our supervisor or can be downloaded by using a
laptop (special software and cable is necessary, for every single impact recorder a certain
password was released before shipment).

If the acceleration levels stated below have been exceeded then an internal inspection is
necessary (refer to item g).

2.0 g vertically
1.5 g horizontally (longitudinal axis)
1.5 g horizontally (transversal axis)

After inspection immediately E-mail the downloaded file of the electronical impact recorder to:
service.at@siemens.com and return recorder to the transformer manufacturer!

d) Check whether all items quoted in the packing list have been delivered.

e) Inspect all accessories shipped separately in crates for damage and completeness.

f) Perform an insulation resistance measurement at the grounding bushings provided. The

connection is accessible at the cover or at the tank wall.
Recommended test voltage: 1 kV
Values in excess of 500 M are considered acceptable.

g) Work requiring opening of the transformer tank

Prior to carrying out an internal inspection (if required) or any assembly work, make sure that the
air in the transformer contains at least 19.5 % oxygen!
If necessary, the transformer must be purged with dry air.
Whenever the transformer is opened (for inspection or installation of components such as
bushings) before the core and coils are immersed in oil, exposure of the interior should be limited
to as short a time as possible. During this time, positive pressure in the tank has to be maintained
by flowing dry air into the tank. Table 5-1 serves as a recommendation for tolerable exposing
times depending on the max. system voltage.

Highest voltage for equipment Exposing time*

36 kV 24 hours
123 kV 16 hours
245 kV 12 hours
*Exposing time valid only in case tank is not purged with dry air

Table 5-1: Exposing time

The transformer shall only be opened during favourable climatic conditions (no rain, snow, fog,
strong wind).
All precautions must be taken to prevent entry of dirt, moisture or foreign objects into the tank.
Only one hand hole or flange cover should be removed at a time.
If there is any doubt about the dryness of the insulation, fill the transformer with dry gas (dew
point - 50 C or below), let it rest for at least 24 hours and make a dew point measurement.
The gas pressure in the transformer should not be higher than 0.35 bar when the dew point is
measured. The preferred time of day is early in the morning when the difference between
insulation and ambient temperature will be less than 3 C.

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Depending on the weather conditions and the exposure of the transformer to wind and direct sun,
some judgement is necessary.

For determination, if dryness is acceptable, please refer to Figure 5-2.

Dp1 Dew Point [C]

Dp2 Dew Point [F]
It1 Insulation Temperature [C]
It2 Insulation Temperature [F]
1 Points in this area are

Use this diagram for

pressure between
0 and 0.35 bar.

Figure 5-2: Moisture Equilibrium Chart

If the active part has been heated prior to dew-point measurement, the measurement will
show more unfavourable values than the dew-point really is, as the temperature of the
active part is higher than the ambient temperature.

If there is any unsatisfactory indication, contact the manufacturers representative!

After the internal inspection verify that the transformer is again totally sealed.

Until the transformer is filled with oil, positive gas pressure must be maintained inside the
tank at all times. The pressure shall be checked regularly and the values recorded.
The core ground connection must be maintained during installation and service.

After the external and internal inspections, use the QC-4 Site Assembly Blank Form (see
Section 13) for documentation.

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5.3. Storage
5.3.1. Storage of Main Unit
Transformers not immediately put into service must be stored under one of the conditions below. The
storage period should be considered to start when the unit arrives on site.

The main unit must be stored upright on a flat and levelled foundation with adequate load bearing

a) Temporary storage (12 months) in dry air

It is permissible to store the transformer under dry air for a period of 12 months following the
date of its dispatch from STWs works.
For storage of the transformer in dry air it has to be ensured that positive gas pressure is
continuously maintained. The best method of accomplishing this is with the use of gas pressure
regulating equipment. A pressure-vacuum gauge shall be installed where it can be read from
ground level.
The transformer must be placed on a solid and levelled foundation in the storage area. The gas
pressure regulating equipment must be reconnected after the transformer has been received and
inspected. The tank and any mounted bushings have to be grounded.
A positive dry air pressure from 0.1 - 0.3 bar must be maintained at all times.
0.2 bar is suggested for normal pressurizing.
The transformer gas pressure and cylinder pressure should be recorded daily for the first three or
four days.
These readings should preferably be taken at the same time on each day; the time of day should
be noted on the log. After the daily logging period the frequency of pressure readings may be
reduced to once a week if there are no apparent leaks, but should still be logged.

In case the storage period on site is between 3 and 4 months, contact the manufacturer
to clarify whether doubling of the vacuum period is necessary and perform a dew-point
In case the storage period on site is longer than 4 months, the vacuum period has to be
doubled (refer to Section 6.7) and a dew-point measurement has to be performed.
Also, in case the dry air pressure is lower than 0.1 bar, the vacuum period has to be
doubled (refer to Section 6.7) and a dew-point measurement has to be performed.

b) Temporary storage between 12 months and 24 months

For this period it is necessary to install the conservator with piping and oil-fill the unit up to the
conservator (refer to Section 6.7 and 6.8).

Vent the air while filling with oil to prevent a pressure build-up inside the tank. The pressure
gauge should be checked frequently making sure that the pressure does not exceed 0.3 bar.

c) Storage beyond 24 months

The transformer must be completely assembled and fully processed following the instructions
given by the manufacturer in Section 6.

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5.3.2. Storage of Accessories

If accessories are not mounted immediately after arrival of the transformer, care must be taken to
protect them from damage or loss during storage. Below general instructions and the detailed
instructions stated in the manufacturers manuals must be followed. Table 5-2 gives information on
the recommended checks during storage period.
For storage categories refer to Table 5-3.

a) Radiators
The radiators are shipped with the top and bottom openings sealed. Store radiators in such a
manner that water cannot collect around the sealed openings.
Make a visual inspection of vent and drain plugs to see if the plugs are tight. If they have been
loosened, plugs must be removed, recemented, and retightened (Teflon sealing tapes may be
used for sealing plug threads).

b) Fans
The fans shall be stored in a dry and clean place, free from dust and vibration.
For further recommendations read the manufacturers manual in Section 9.

c) Pumps
Openings are sealed by blind flanges. Check if power plug is hand-tight. The pump motors must
be stored elevated from the ground and weather-protected. They may be stored outdoors for
three (3) months. Indoor storage is required for times exceeding three (3) months.
For further recommendations read the manufacturers manual in Section 9.

d) Bushings
The bushings are shipped in crates. The lower ends are covered with a plastic bag to keep them
clean and dry. The plastic coverings on the bushings contain a bag of silica gel. Examine for
signs of moisture inside the plastic coverings. If they are damaged, replace the coverings and the
silica gel bags before storage.
It is recommended to store condenser bushings at a clean and dry indoor place; if possible, in
their original shipping crates. As a general recommendation, oil-filled bushings should be stored
with the top end elevated, but for detailed instructions the manufacturers manuals have to be
consulted (see Section 9).
All bushings mounted on a spare unit should be grounded.
If oil-filled bushings are stored horizontally, the bushings must be placed in upright
position for at least 12 hours before rated voltage is applied, and 24 hours before test
voltage is applied. If stored 1 year or more, 1 week in upright position is required.

e) Surge Arresters
The arresters are shipped in crates. It is recommended to store arresters at a clean and dry
indoor place; if possible, in their original shipping crates.
All arresters mounted on a spare unit shall be grounded.
For further recommendations read the manufacturers manual in Section 9.

f) Cubicles housing electrical equipment

The cubicles have to be stored at a dry indoor place. Although limited exposure to the
atmosphere is permitted, it should be noted that rusting of relays and other control devices could
occur as a result of condensation. In order to prevent condensation, the control cubicle heaters
must be put into operation for storage periods exceeding three (3) months.
For further recommendations on motor drive cabinets for OLTC (if applicable), read the
manufacturers manual in Section 9.

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g) Box containing accessories

Store the box containing gaskets, internal bushing connectors, tape, paint, gasket cement,
protection devices, and other parts as specified on the detail packing list at a clean and dry indoor

Indoor storage is required for all items marked FRAGILE.

Equipment Check Period

OLTC Switching through the whole tapping range 6 months
Fans Operational run for at least two hours 1 month
Pumps Operational run for at least one hour 6 months
Cubicles housing electrical Check whether heater is still in operation (in
3 months
equipment case of storage longer than three months)

Table 5-2: Checks during storage period

5.3.3. Storage Categories

A: Normal warehousing, complete protection from rain and reasonable protection from dust
B: Outside storage covered by a roof, protection from direct rainfall
C: Outside storage, no protection required

Component Category
Transformer heavy part C
Valves B
Radiators B
Bushings A
Bushing Adapters A
Conservator A
Pipes and Brackets A
Surge Arresters A
Fans A
Oil Pumps A
Gaskets A
Accessories (Protection Devices, etc.) A

Table 5-3: Storage categories

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6. Assembly and Oil filling

6.1. General
These instructions are intended for the guidance of the customer's skilled personnel. However, they
can not be considered a substitute for experienced crews and careful procedure. The erection should
be supervised by a factory specialist.

STW cannot assume responsibility for work performed improperly or without supervision by its

The local and national safety instructions have to be strictly followed (refer to Section 12).

To obtain the necessary dielectric strength and to stabilize it mechanically and thermally, the
transformer insulation has been dried and impregnated with oil under high vacuum in the factory. The
first filling of a transformer in the field is considered a reimpregnation. Therefore the same standards
should be maintained as at the factory. When put into operation, the equipment should essentially be
in the same condition as during the acceptance tests.

Any receiving inspection of the core and coil assembly and the unit interior should be performed
immediately prior to oil filling. Otherwise the tank must be filled with dry gas in the same way as
before shipment.

For shipment the transformer is filled with dry air. As the overpressure is approx. 0.3 bar, take
care when opening flanges or hand holes for internal inspection.

Before any work under the tank base plate can commence, the transformer tank has to be
securely positioned on appropriate supports (e.g. wooden beams) in order to ensure that the
tank cannot move under any circumstances.

6.2. Moving to the foundation

6.2.1. Lifting
For removing the transformer from the rail car and moving it to the foundation, the heavy part must be
jacked up, lifted and supported only at the locations shown in the Detailed Outline Drawing.

Use all jacking pads or lifting bolts when lifting the transformer.
The capacity of each hydraulic jack should be about 50 % of the heavy parts weight.

If the transformer is to be supported by rails or beams, the Detailed Outline Drawing or the
manufacturer must be consulted for proper width and spacing.

Lifting bolts are designed for lifting the oil-filled transformer with its fittings, only (without bushing
adapters, conservator).

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6.2.2. Unloading
Below, typical methods for unloading and moving transformers are described.
In special cases, heavy haulage companies should be contacted for assistance.

Using Rollers
Build a temporary platform beneath the trailer, equal in height to the trailer platform.
Support the trailer with jacks or timber.
Jack up the heavy part.
Lay up beams of necessary strength, rollers and timber.
Necessary pulling capacity: approx. 15 % of the weight to be pulled.
Both pulling eyes for longitudinal and transversal movement have to be used in parallel.

1 Heavy part 3 Rollers

2 Timber 4 Plank

Figure 6-1: Unloading of heavy part using rollers

Using rails
Build a temporary platform beneath the trailer, equal in height to the trailer platform.
Support the trailer with jacks or timber.
Jack up the heavy part.
Lay up rails of necessary strength, place channelizing parts and timber between rails and
transformer base.
Grease the rails.
Necessary pulling capacity: approx. 10 % of the weight to be pulled.
Both pulling eyes for longitudinal and transversal movement have to be used in parallel.

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1 Heavy part 3 Timber

2 Rail 4 Grease

Figure 6-2: Unloading of heavy part using rails

In a similar way the heavy part can be pulled to its foundation.

Before moving the transformer to the foundation, the flanged wheels must be installed.

After reaching the final and correct position on the foundation, the wheel brakes have to be installed
as shown in the Detailed Outline Drawing.

The axes of the transformer are marked on each side with red triangles.

6.3. Installation on the Foundation

If a transformer is equipped with wheels, they must be installed before the transformer can be set on
the foundation. Then the transformer has to be moved to its final position. Finally, the wheels have to
be secured to the rails using the provided wheel brakes.

6.3.1. Requirements for transformer foundations

Foundations for oil-filled transformers shall be designed in accordance with relevant industrial
regulations, environmental guidelines and standards so that critical functions of the transformer, such
as gas flow to the Buchholz relay, are not impeded.
The levelness of the transformer installed on the foundation is of fundamental importance for the
following operational reasons:
Avoidance of unnecessary vibration, which may result in excessive noise and component stress.
Avoidance of excessive component stresses (at the tap changer for example).

Proper tolerances for foundation dimensions shall be considered and shims may be used to achieve
the correct elevation and level of interfaces during installation.

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6.3.2. Foundation for the support of transformers on rails Installation
Rail sections shall be aligned and levelled on the foundation and shall be fixed by appropriate means. Height tolerance

Permissible height deviations (TH) between specific reference points apply in the load condition (see
Figure 6-3). The offset distances shown refer to the centre-to-centre spacing between the wheels. Wheel arrangement I

1 Rail 1
2 Rail 2
3 Reference points

Figure 6-3: Wheel arrangement I Rail groove dimensions (where wheel rotation is required)

Figure 6-4: Rail groove dimensions

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6.3.3. Flat foundation for the support of transformers

Valid tolerances 2 mm

The required material for meeting the tolerances, e. g. shim plates, are not delivered by the
transformer manufacturer.

6.3.4. Placing on the foundation

The tank is equipped with bi-directional double rollers adjustable for longitudinal or transversal
movement. The rollers are finally fixed to the rails by means of wheel brakes in order to prevent
movement or damage caused by seismic impacts.

The supporting structures of the cooling blocks have to be bolted to the foundation by using
M20x250mm anchor bolts.

For more information about placing the Transformer and the Cooling blocks on the foundation refer to
Detailed Outline Drawing, Confirmed Outline Drawing in Section 10 and to Figure 6-5.

Figure 6-5: Foundation Detail

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6.4. Preparation for Assembly

6.4.1. Grounding
The tank, conservator (if separately installed) and cooling plant supporting structure (if separately
installed) need to be grounded permanently and effectively at the grounding pads.

6.4.2. Preparation of the parts

Study the installation and plan every step beforehand.

All necessary equipment should be on hand before work is started.

Parts already checked upon arrival on site must be rechecked before commencement of erection.
All parts must be in good and clean condition.

Do not re-use shipping gaskets; a set of new gaskets is delivered with the transformer.

6.4.3. Pipes and Flanges

Check pipes and valves for moisture, dirt or rust.
If necessary, flush with clean transformer oil.
For erection line up the flanges and tighten the bolts crosswise (torque wrench settings given in
Section 6.5).

Adjacent pipes are marked with identical numbers on the facing flanges.

Pipe connections with rubber gaskets in grooves

The flanges must be clean and free from oil, any traces of which shall be removed by using a solvent.
Petroleum jelly is used to keep the gasket in place at locations where the gasket would drop out of the
groove. Before tightening the flange bolts, the surface of the gasket has to be lubricated with
transformer oil so as to avoid the gasket being damaged.

Tighten flange bolts with a constant force, alternating between diagonally opposite pairs.
Do not use any kind of sealant.

1 Groove
2 Identical numbers
3 Rubber gasket O-ring type

Figure 6-6: Identification of adjacent pipe flanges

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6.5. Torque Wrench Settings

6.5.1. General
The torque values given in this section are valid for lubricated threads.

The applied torque values must be within the tolerance 0% / +10%.

As the bolting material is made from stainless steel, the threads are to be lubricated using the
grease supplied (refer to Table 12-2).

6.5.2. Steel girders and brackets

Thread size Tightening torque

ftlbs Nm
M8 (5/16") 9 12
M10 (3/8") 17 24
M12 (1/2") 30 41
M16 (5/8") 73 101
M20 (3/4") 142 196
M24 (1") 243 337

Table 6-1: Torque wrench settings for steel girders and brackets

Figure 6-7: Steel girders and brackets

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6.5.3. Radiator and butterfly valves

Thread Size Tightening torque for nut item 1 Tightening torque for nut item 2
M16 (5/8) 61 ftlbs 85 Nm 51 ftlbs 71 Nm
M20 (3/4) 118 ftlbs 165 Nm 98 ftlbs 137 Nm

Table 6-2: Torque wrench settings for radiator and butterfly valves

Figure 6-8: Radiator and butterfly valves

6.5.4. Tank, cooler and pipe connections

Thread size Tightening torque

ftlbs Nm
M10 (3/8") 17 24
M12 (1/2") 30 41
M16 (5/8") 73 101
M20 (3/4") 142 196

Table 6-3: Torque wrench settings for connections with rubber gaskets
(metal-metal gasket system)

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Figure 6-9: Tank, cooler and pipe connections

6.5.5. Electrical connections

The values stated below are valid for electrical connections on bushings.

The applied torque values must be within the tolerance 0% / +20%.

Thread size Tightening torque

ftlbs Nm
M10 (3/8") 14.5 20
M12 (1/2") 29 40
M16 (5/8") 58 80

Table 6-4: Torque wrench settings for electrical connections

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6.6. Erection
6.6.1. General
Before starting work, carefully study Section 12.

Before any erection work make sure that the air in the transformer contains at least 19.5 %

When working inside the transformer tank the following routine is strongly recommended:

1. All erection work should be done under proper ambient conditions (low humidity, sunny weather).
No work should be performed under rain or high ambient humidity (more than 80 %).
2. The area to be opened must be clean and free from dust.
3. A suitable container to store fixings must be available.
4. Tools used inside the tank must be attached to a secured cord before use.
5. Make a checklist of all loose items.
6. Carry out internal work as required.
7. Fit new gasket(s) to cover(s).
8. Close off cover(s).
9. Compare remaining loose items against checklist.

The transformer tank should not remain open for more than 8 hours (total effective opening time)
to avoid the contamination of the coils with moisture. All man and hand holes should be closed
immediately after completion of each working step.
If any man or hand hole will be opened for a longer period, an overpressure of approx. 0.2 bar of
dry air should be applied to the tank.

In case of water spray deluge systems, do not direct the spray nozzles at electrical equipment
such as fan motors, terminal boxes etc.
In case a water spray deluge system has been activated, run the fan motors for approx. 3 hours
to eliminate residual moisture in the motors.
Water spray deluge systems or other components must not be mounted above or onto the OLTC
so that the diverter switch insert can be lifted. Do not mount any supports for water spray deluge
systems or other components at the transformer.

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6.6.2. Main Steps

1. Install all major components, such as bushings, adapters, cooling equipment, valves, pipes and
conservator with the exception of the following components and instruments which shall be
mounted after the vacuum procedure:
Gas Monitoring Device
Shafts for tap changer motor drive
2. Apply vacuum and fill the transformer following the detailed instructions.
3. Install all remaining equipment, e.g. terminal boxes, instruments, wiring, etc.
4. Make final tests and checks.

6.6.3. Detailed Procedure

1. Perform an insulation resistance measurement at the grounding bushings provided.
The connection is accessible at the cover or at the tank wall.
Recommended test voltage: 1 kV
Values in excess of 500 M are considered acceptable.
2. Check all bolted joints for tightness.
Check flanges, transport covers and valves for damage.
3. Install the ladder to the Transformer tank and tank cover as indicated on the Detailed Outline
4. Remove transport covers, fit and connect bushing adapters and bushings according to
instructions given in Section 6.6.4 (refer also to the Detailed Outline Drawing and instructions of
bushing manufacturer in Section 9).
5. Install the neutral cable box (Terminal N) according to the instructions given in Section 6.6.5
(refer also to the Detailed Outline Drawing in Section 10).
6. Install the other cable boxes (Terminals 1n / 1r 1y 1b / 2r 2y 2b / 2n / Y1 Y2) according
to the instructions given in Section 6.6.6 (refer also to the Detailed Outline Drawing in Section 10)
7. Assemble radiators in accordance with the Detailed Outline Drawing.
Radiator bank
The transformer is equipped with three separate cooler banks. If there is any difference in the
elevation of the foundation, spacers shall be used to get the correct level. Install all supports,
brackets and pipe-type cross supports. Mount the bottom and the top distribution pipes. All parts
have to be free of condensation or moisture.

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1 Top distribution pipe

2 Brackets
3 Radiators
4 Bottom distribution pipe
5 Pipe-type cross support
6 Supports

Figure 6-10: Cooling plant

Do not remove the shipping covers from the radiators and radiator valves while equipment is not
ready for installation. It is most convenient to place the radiator across suitable supports while
preparing for mounting to the distribution pipes.
Remove shipping covers from the radiator valves on the distribution pipes, clean the gaskets and
the flanges and apply adhesive to the gaskets (see Section 6.4.3).
Lift each radiator separately and swing it into the correct position in front of the valves.
Bolt the radiator to the valves.
Compress the gasket evenly all the way around, by alternately tightening top and bottom.
A stabilizing angle iron is to be mounted across all radiators.

Unlock the stuffing box gasket before opening or closing the shut-off valves. Lock it again
afterwards. In closed position the triangle on the valve points in direction of the mark at the
flange, in open position the top of the triangle is on the radiator side.

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Detail A

1 Venting 1 Stuffing box gasket

2 Bracket for fan
3 Oil drain valve

Figure 6-11: Radiator assembly

8. Install the bottom and top cooling pipework inclussive all valves, pumps, oil flow indicators
and brackets or supports in accordance with the Detailed Outline Drawing in Section 10.
9. Assemble fans in accordance with the Detailed Outline Drawing.
Refer to instructions of fan manufacturer (see Section 9).
10. Position conservator brackets and conservator on the central cooling block as indicated on the
Detailed Outline Drawing.
11. Erect conservator oil inlet and air pipework including the Buchholz Relays and the protection
relay for the tap changer as indicated on the Detailed Outline Drawing.
When mounting the Buchholz relay, take care that the arrow mark on the relay points to the
12. Pressure Relief Device
Remove the related blind flanges from the transformer cover, OLTC cover and the neutral cable
box check that the gasket and gasket areas are clean. Install the pressure relief devices by
carefully tightening the bolts crosswise to avoid any damage. Install the overflow pipes as
indicated on the Detailed Outline Drawing.

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1 Screw
2 Washer
3 Gasket
4 Base flange

Figure 6-12: Pressure relief device

13. Mount OLTC motor drive unit as indicated on Detailed Outline Drawing.
For shipment, the motor drive arrangement has been removed and the tap changer and motor
drive cabinet have been locked in the same position.
After the oil filling, attach the bevel gear, remove the locking devices and connect all the shafts.
Do not turn anything during assembly.
The tap changer shall be run manually in both directions to the extreme tap positions.
For further instructions refer to the OLTC manufacturers manuals in Section 9.

1 Primary shaft
2 Connection to tap changer
3 Bolted connection
4 Primary shaft
5 Universal joint
6 Motor drive
7 Bracket
8 Bevel gear

Figure 6-13: Motor drive assembly

14. Check that all parts that were removed for transport have been fitted.
15. Fill the transformer with dry air (0.3 bar/ 4.35 psi overpressure) and check for leaks.

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16. Apply vacuum and fill with oil (see Sections 6.7 and 6.8).
17. Wiring can be performed during the vacuum period.
18. After the oil filling procedure, install shaft of the tap changer drive and gas monitoring device.

6.6.4. Bushing adapters and bushings

Adapters General
Whenever an assembly or manhole etc. is opened, apply a slight positive flow of dry air to the
inside of the transformer to prevent the ingress of moisture!

Remove the shipping cover from the bushing adapter (the adapters were filled with dry air before
shipment, internal current transformers may be installed - pay attention while removing the
shipping cover).
Check the adapter (current transformers, impurities, moisture, etc.) and clean the interior.
Remove the relevant shipping cover from the transformer tank.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one (clean the surface).
Check the cables or copper terminals inside the tank.
Set the adapter on the flange.
Bolt the adapter to the cover evenly.
Install the ground connection.
Do not open the bushing side flange before you are ready to install the bushing.

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HV Line Bushing (Terminal R Y B)

Refer to Figure 6-14 and to the manufacturers instructions given in Section 9.

Make a power factor measurement (Doble Test) on the bushing before installation. The bushing
has to be placed in vertical position without any lifting force on top; for this purpose a suitable
rack or stand is necessary.
Carefully clean the oil side of the bushing and the gasket area of the flange.
Remove the blind flange from the adapter.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one.
Open the assembly hole.
Put the end shield with barrier over the flexible cabele stored inside the tank.
Carefully lower the bushing to its final position.
Tighten the bushing to the adapter flange.
Connect the flexible cable stored inside the tank to the bushing oil side terminal.
Connect the end shield with barrier to the bushing oil side terminal.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using a new gasket.

Figure 6-14: HV Line bushing connection

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LV Line Bushing (Terminal 1b 1y 1r / 2b 2y 2r)

Refer to Figure 6-16, Figure 6-16 and to the manufacturers instructions given in Section 9.

Make a power factor measurement (Doble Test) on the bushing before installation. The bushing
has to be placed in vertical position without any lifting force on top; for this purpose a suitable
rack or stand is necessary.
Carefully clean the oil side of the bushing and the gasket area of the flange.
Remove the blind flange from the adapter.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one.
Open the assembly hole.
Carefully lower the bushing to its final position.
Tighten the bushing to the adapter flange.
Connect the flexible cables stored inside the tank to the bushing oil side terminal.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using a new gasket.
Install the terminal connector to the bushing head.

Figure 6-15: LV Line Bushing connection

Figure 6-16: LV Line Bushing connection side view

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LV - Neutral Bushing (Terminal 1n / 2n)

Refer to Figure 6-17, Figure 6-18 and to the manufacturers instructions given in Section 9.

Make a power factor measurement (Doble Test) on the bushing before installation. The bushing
has to be placed in vertical position without any lifting force on top; for this purpose a suitable
rack or stand is necessary.
Carefully clean the oil side of the bushing and the gasket area of the flange.
Remove the blind flange from the adapter.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one.
Open the assembly hole.
Carefully lower the bushing to its final position.
Tighten the bushing to the adapter flange.
Connect the flexible cables stored inside the tank to the bushing oil side terminal.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using a new gasket.
Install the terminal connector to the bushing head.

Figure 6-17: LV - Neutral Bushing connection

Figure 6-18: LV - Neutral Bushing connection side view

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HV - Neutral Bushing (Terminal N)

Refer to Figure 6-19 and to the manufacturers instructions given in Section 9.

Make a power factor measurement (Doble Test) on the bushing before installation. The bushing
has to be placed in vertical position without any lifting force on top; for this purpose a suitable
rack or stand is necessary.
Carefully clean the oil side of the bushing and the gasket area of the flange.
Remove the respective blind flange from the Transformer cover.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one.
Carefully lower the bushing down to approx. 300 mm before the Transformer cover.
Mount the end shield with barrier.
Insert a cord through the bushing centre tube.
Check the insulation of the oil side connection of the flexible cables stored inside the tank the
bolting connection has to be insulated (2mm radially).
Connect the cord to the flexible cable with the stem conductor stored inside the tank.
Carefully lower the bushing and simultaneously pull the cord with the flexible cable.
Tighten the bushing to the Transformer cover.
Assemble the flexible cable connection at the bushing head.

Figure 6-19: HV - Neutral Bushing connection

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Tertiary Bushing (Terminal Y1 Y2)

Refer to Figure 6-20 and to the manufacturers instructions given in Section 9.

Make a power factor measurement (Doble Test) on the bushing before installation. The bushing
has to be placed in vertical position without any lifting force on top; for this purpose a suitable
rack or stand is necessary.
Carefully clean the oil side of the bushing and the gasket area of the flange.
Remove the blind flange from the adapter.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one.
Open the assembly hole.
Carefully lower the bushing to its final position.
Tighten the bushing to the adapter flange.
Connect the flexible cables stored inside the tank to the bushing oil side terminal.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using a new gasket.
Install the terminal connector to the bushing head.

Figure 6-20: Tertiary Bushing connection

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6.6.5. Neutral Cable box (Terminal N)

For further information about installing the neutral cable box refer to Figure 6-21, Figure 6-22, Figure
6-23, Figure 6-24, Figure 6-25, Figure 6-26 and to the Detailed Outline Drawing in Section 10.

Install the supporting structure for the cable box by bolting it to the tank.
Remove the shipping covers from the cable box; the cable box is filled with dry air before
shipment, pay attention while removing the shipping cover; desiccant bags could also be inside
remove them after opening).
Check the cable box (impurities, moisture, etc.) and clean the interior.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one (clean the surface).
Set the cable box on the flange of the bushing adapter and onto the supporting structure.
Evenly bolt the cable box both to the bushing adapter and to the supporting structure.
Install the cable sealing end (not in scope of STW supply).
Install the ground connection Testing of the cable sealing end on site

If testing of the cable sealing ends on site takes place:
Remove the cable connection at the cable sealing end head (see Figure 6-25).
Loosen the clamps of the laminated wood supports and turn the barrier tube upward 180
(see Figure 6-21 and Figure 6-22).
Fasten the clamps of the supports.
Connect the potential cable of the barrier tube to one of the two connections of the copper
connector of the flexible cable inside the barrier tube (see Figure 6-22).
Connect the potential cable for cable test to the second connection of the copper connector
(see Figure 6-22).
Install the other end of the potential cable for cable test to the grounding pad inside the
cable box (see Figure 6-22).
The transformer and the cable box have to be filled with oil in accordance with the instructions
given in Section 6.7 and 6.8. After successfully testing, the oil has to be drained from the cable
box. Assembly the cable box arrangement step by step backwards as described above. Re-fill
the cable boxes with oil.

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Figure 6-21: N Cable box Cable test

Detail C

Figure 6-22: N Cable box Cable test Detail C

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz Lead arrangement between oil- oil bushing and cable sealing end

Open the assembly holes.

Mount the cable for the measuring tab of the oil-oil bushing to the measuring tab at the cable box
Install the supports of the barrier tube and the barrier tube with flexible cable inside the cable box.
Lower down the end shield over the oil-oil bushing head.
Install the connection terminal from the flexible cable to the oil-oil bushing head.
Erect the end shield to the oil-oil bushing head.
Install the terminal for the copper connector of the flexible cable to the terminal of of the cable
sealing end.
Put the end shield over the terminal for the copper connector.
Bolt the potential cable of the barrier tube to the terminal for the copper connector.
Connect the flexible cables with the terminal of the copper connector.
Mount an insulation sleeve over the bolting connection (0,3 x 150mm insulation paper, radially
thickness 2mm).
Install the end shield to the terminal of the cable sealing end.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly holes using new gaskets.
Install all fittings outside the cable box that are quoted on the Detailed Outline Drawing.
The transformer and the cable box has to be filled with oil in accordance with the instructions
given in Section 6.7 and 6.8.

Figure 6-23: N Cable box

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Detail A

Figure 6-24: N Cable box Detail A

Detail B

Figure 6-25: N Cable box Detail B

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Figure 6-26: N Cable box Top view

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6.6.6. Cable boxes Terminals (1n / 1r 1y 1b / 2r 2y 2b / 2n / Y1 Y2)

For further information about installing the LV- cable boxes, LV- neutral cable boxes and TV- cable
box refer to Figure 6-28, Figure 6-27, Figure 6-30, Figure 6-29, Figure 6-31, Figure 6-32 and to the
Detailed Outline Drawing in Section 10.

Install the supporting structure for the cable boxes by bolting it to the tank.
Remove the shipping covers from the cable box; pay attention while removing the shipping cover;
desiccant bags could also be inside remove them after opening).
Check the cable box (impurities, moisture, etc.) and clean the interior.
Replace the shipping gasket with a new one (clean the surface).
Set the cable box onto the flange of the bushing adapter and onto the supporting structure.
Evenly bolt the cable box both to the bushing adapter and to the supporting structure.
Install the ground connection LV - n- Cable boxes Terminal (1n / 2n)

Testing of the cables on site

If testing of the cables on site takes place:
Remove the upper copper bar (see Figure 6-28).
Remove the potential cables from the cables (not in scope of STW supply) and from the
bottom copper bars (see Figure 6-28).
Install a potential cable from the bushings terminal connector to the bottom copper bar (see
Figure 6-27).
Test the cables (not in scope of STW supply).
After successfully testing, assembly the cable box arrangement step by step backwards as
described above.

Figure 6-27: 1n/2n Cable box Cable test arrangement

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Installing the cable box equipment for operation

Open the assembly hole.

For transport the post insulators, potential cables and the copper bars are allready installed inside
the cable box.
Connect the terminal connector to the upper copper bar via flexible connectors.
Install the cables (not in scope of STW supply) to the upper copper bar.
Install the potential cables from the bottom copper bars to the cables (not in scope of STW
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using new gasket.
Install all fittings outside the cable box that are quoted on the Detailed Outline Drawing.

Figure 6-28: 1n/2n Cable box

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz LV - Cable boxes Terminal (1r 1y 1b / 2r 2y 2b)

Testing of the cables on site

If testing of the cables on site takes place:
Remove the upper copper bar (Figure 6-30).
Remove the potential cables from the cables (not in scope of STW supply) and from the
bottom copper bars (see Figure 6-30).
Remove the post insulators between the surge arresters (see Figure 6-30).
Connect the three terminal connectors of the bushings with potential cables (see Figure
Install a potential cable from one bushings terminal connector to the bottom copper bar (see
Figure 6-29).
Test the cables (not in scope of STW supply).
After successfully testing, assembly the cable box arrangement step by step backwards as
described above.

Figure 6-29: LV Cable box Cable test arrangement

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Installing the cable box equipment for operation

Open the assembly hole.

For transport the surge arrester, post insulator, potential cables and the copper bars are allready
installed inside the cable box.
Connect the terminal connector to the upper copper bar via flexible connectors.
Install the cables (not in scope of STW supply) to the upper copper bar.
Install the potential cables from the bottom copper bars to the cables (not in scope of STW
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using new gasket.
Install all fittings outside the cable box that are quoted on the Detailed Outline Drawing.

Figure 6-30: LV Cable box

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz TV - Cable box Terminal (Y1 / Y2)

Open the assembly hole.
Install the outdoor current transformer.
Install the copper bar between the bushings terminal connectors.
Mount the copper bar to the upper copper bar and route the end of the bar through the outdoor
current transformer.
Connect the end of the copper bar to the grounding pad on the bushing adapter.
Check that nothing has been left inside and close the assembly hole using new gasket.
Install all fittings outside the cable box that are quoted on the Detailed Outline Drawing.

Figure 6-31: TV Cable box

Figure 6-32: TV Cable box side view

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6.7. Evacuation
6.7.1. Recommended equipment
Vacuum pump, capable of pulling 0.05 mbar (0.038 Torr, 38 microns) or less in blanked off
Vacuum gauges
Vacuum hoses (2")

Tank volume Pump capacity Vacuum hoses

< 50 m3 (6600 gal) 250 m3/h (1100 gal/min) 40mm (1)
> 50 m3 (13200 gal) 500 m3/h (2200 gal/min) 50mm (2)
> 100 m3 (26400 gal) 1000 m3/h (4400 gal/min) > 80mm (3)

Table 6-5: Size of equipment for evacuation

6.7.2. Sequence

The pressure difference between the inside of the OLTC diverter switch and the main tank must
not exceed 0.3 bar, otherwise the diverter switch might be damaged.
Thus a pipe connection has to be provided between these two oil compartments during

The unit must be prepared for vacuum and oil filling in accordance with Figure 6-33.


Variant A is applicable when the humidity of ambient air during installation was lower than
75% and the ambient temperature during evacuation period was higher than 10 C.

1. Install the vacuum line between the vacuum connection valve of the conservator and valve C of
the oil purification plant (OPP).
2. Install the oil filling line between the tank, the neutral cable box and the OPP (use T-connectors
and vacuum proof hoses):
Tank top oil filter valve OPP valve A
Neutral cable box top oil filter valve for OPP valve A
Tank bottom oil filter valve OPP valve B
Neutral cable box bottom oil filter valve OPP valve B
3. Disconnect both breathers and flange off the breather pipes.
4. Open the vacuum compensation valves of the conservator (vacuum compensation valve
between conservator main compartment and breather bag and vacuum compensation valve
between conservator main compartment and conservator OLTC compartment).
5. Open the oil filter valves and all valves in the expansion pipe between tank, cable box and
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6. Open all valves in the cooling system.

7. Open the valve between tank and OLTC.
8. Close valves A and B.
9. Open the vacuum connection valve of the conservator and valve C.
10. Apply vacuum.
A final vacuum of less than 1 mbar (750 microns) has to be reached and maintained for at least
36 hours for max. system voltage < 245 kV
(for information on doubling of the vacuum period refer to Section 5.3.1).
Timing of final vacuum is started as soon as the pressure variation is less than 0.17 mbar
(130 microns) in a 6 hour period
11. Perform a leak check.
12 hours after starting the vacuum, close vacuum valve C and wait for 30 minutes.
If the rise is not more than 0.133 mbar (100 microns), open valve C.
After a further 24 hours for max. system voltage < 245 kV start filling with oil in accordance with
the procedure given in Section 6.8.


Variant B is applicable when the humidity of ambient air during installation was higher than
75% or the ambient temperature during evacuation period was lower than 10 C.

1. Install the vacuum line between the vacuum connection valve of the conservator and valve C of
the oil purification plant (OPP).
2. Install the oil filling line between the tank, the neutral cable box and the OPP (use T-connectors
and vacuum proof hoses):
Tank top oil filter valve OPP valve A
Neutral cable box top oil filter valve for OPP valve A
Tank bottom oil filter valve OPP valve B
Neutral cable box bottom oil filter valve OPP valve B
3. Disconnect both breathers and flange off the breather pipes.
4. Open the vacuum compensation valves of the conservator (vacuum compensation valve
between conservator main compartment and breather bag and vacuum compensation valve
between conservator main compartment and conservator OLTC compartment).
5. Open the oil filter valves and all valves in the expansion pipes between tank, cable box and
6. Open all valves in the cooling system.
7. Open the valve between tank and OLTC.
8. Close valves A and B.
9. Open the vacuum connection valve of the conservator and valve C.
10. Apply vacuum.
A final vacuum of less than 1 mbar (750 microns) has to be reached and maintained for
12 hours.
11. Close the oil filter valves of the cable box.
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12. Open valve A. Valve B has to remain closed.

13. Start oil filling.
The oil has to be pumped from the OPP (temperature 75 C 80 C) into the tank via the top oil
filter valve.
When the oil reaches the level of the tank-cover flange, stop filling.
14. Open valve B and circulate the oil with maximum rate until the oil temperature at the tank outlet/
OPP inlet reaches 45 C.
Continue circulation at 45 C, circulate further 24 hours.
15. Drain the entire amount of oil as quickly as possible (if necessary, reduce vacuum by applying
dry air).
16. Open the oil filter valves of the cable box.
17. Apply vacuum.
A final vacuum of less than 1 mbar (750 microns) has to be reached and maintained for at least
36 hours for max. system voltage < 245 kV
(for information on doubling of the vacuum period refer to Section 5.3.1)
Timing of final vacuum is started as soon as the pressure variation is less than 0.17 mbar
(130 microns) in a 6 hour period
18. Perform a leak check.
12 hours after starting the vacuum, close vacuum valve C and wait for 30 minutes.
If the rise is not more than 0.133 mbar (100 microns), open valve C.
After a further 24 hours for max. system voltage < 245 kV start filling with oil in accordance with
the procedure given in Section 6.8.

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Figure 6-33: Schematic Arrangement for Evacuation and Oil Filling

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6.8. Oil Filling

6.8.1. General
In order to ensure that the oil is in clean condition, it has to be processed and tested. The oil must be
cleaned (filtered), dried and degassed in an oil purification plant until it reaches the values specified in
Table 6-6.

The oil quality has to be in accordance with the STW standard and the customers specification.

Property Limit
80 kV (IEC 60156, gap 2.5 mm)
Min. breakdown voltage
60 kV (ASTM D1816, gap 80 mils 2 mm gap)
Max. gas content 0.5 % (ASTM D2945)
0.5 % (IEC 60247 at 90 C) or
Max. power factor 0.3 % (ASTM D924 at 100 C),
whichever applies
Max. water content 5 ppm (ASTM D1533)

Table 6-6: Oil quality after purification

For limits of IEC 60296 see Table 6-7.

IEC 60296
Property Unit Transformer oil Test Method
Viscosity, max. at 40 C mm /s 12
ISO 3104
-30 C mm/s 1800
Pour point, max. C -40 ISO 3016
Water content, max. mg/kg 30 IEC 60814
Dielectric breakdown voltage, min. kV 30 / 70 (after treatment) IEC 60156
Density at 20 C, max. g/ml 0.895 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185
DDF at 90 C, max. 0.005 IEC 60247 or IEC 61620
Refining/ Stability
Appearance clear and bright ---
Acidity, max. mg KOH/g 0.01 IEC 62021-1
Interfacial tension at 25 C, min. mN/m 40 ISO 6295
Total sulfur content no general requirement BS 2000 Part 373 or ISO 14596
Corrosive sulfur not corrosive DIN 51353
uninhibited oil: not detectable
Antioxidant additive % trace inhibited oil: max. 0.08 IEC 60666
inhibited oils: 0.08 0.40
Furfural content, max. mg/kg 0.1 IEC 61198
Test duration:
uninhibited oil: 164 h
Oxidation stability IEC 61125
trace inhibited oil: 332 h
inhibited oil: 500 h
Total acidity, max. mg KOH/g 1.2
Sludge, max. % 0.8
DDF at 90 C, max. 0.500 IEC 60247
Gassing no general requirement IEC 60628, A
Health, safety and environment
Flash point, min. C 135 ISO 2719
PCA content, max. % 3 BS 2000 Part 346
PCB content not detectable IEC 61619

Table 6-7: Oil specification IEC 60296

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A world wide discussion about transformer and reactor failures related to sulphur corrosion
started several years ago. Different transformer manufacturers are involved in failures caused by
corrosive transformer oil. Working Groups within Cigre and IEC have started to study the
problem in more detail and to find solutions to reduce the risk.
Therefore we have to stress that our transformers have to be filled with oil which is not
contaminated with corrosive sulphur.
However, we propose to add a passivator to the oil, if necessary.

6.8.2. Recommended equipment

Oil purification plant for filtering, degassing and dehydration (capacity approx. 5 - 10 % of total oil
quantity per hour)
Oil hoses and pipes: 25 mm (1") for 3000 l/h
40 mm (1 ") for 5000 l/h
50 mm (2 ") for 10000 l/h
Connection pieces
Oil tanker or if oil has been delivered in drums an interstorage tank (capacity preferably for
the whole oil quantity)
Oil testing device

6.8.3. Sequence

During the filling process the tank, windings etc. shall be grounded because of the effect of static

1. Check the oil tankers, oil purification plant (OPP), hoses and fittings for cleanliness and ensure
all joints are secure.
2. Sufficient oil to fill the complete unit should be brought to site by oil tankers. Take an oil sample
of the tank and test it; the oil should comply with the following data:
Moisture content @ 20C < 35 ppm (ASTM D1533)
< 30 ppm (IEC 60814)
Breakdown voltage > 30 kV (ASTM D877, gap 80 mils)
> 30 kV (IEC 60156, gap 2.5 mm)
Max. power factor 0.5 % (IEC 60247 at 90 C)
0.3 % (ASTM D924 at 100 C)
0.05 % (ASTM D924 at 25 C)
3. If the vacuum fulfills the requirements as specified in Section 6.7, filling can be started.
4. Close the top oil filter valve of the cable box.
Open valve A. Valve B has to remain closed.
5. The oil has to be pumped from the OPP (temperature 50 C 75 C) into the tank via the top oil
filter valve with a filling rate, so that the vacuum does not exceed 2.0 mbar (1500 microns).

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During filling the vacuum shall remain essentially constant; if necessary, the flow rate has
to be reduced.

Once filling has commenced it must be completed in one continuous operation, without
releasing vacuum.

The OLTC is filled via the pipe between tank and OLTC. For evacuation and oil filling, the
valve between tank and OLTC has to be in open position.

When the oil level has almost reached the upper edge of the tank cover, reduce the flow rate.
6. Close the top oil filter valve of the tank.
Open the top oil filter valve of the cable box.
7. Start oil filling of the cable box. The oil has to be pumped from the OPP (temperature 50C
75C) into the cable box via the top oil filter valve .
8. Check the oil level at the oil level indicator. Stop oil filling when the level has reached the
reference height corresponding to the present ambient temperature (refer to Figure 6-34 and
Table 6-8).

The oil level must not reach the vacuum connection valve. This will cause damage to the
vacuum pump.

9. Close the vacuum connection valve, the vacuum compensation valves and valve C.
10. Remove the vacuum line.
11. Close the valve between the tank and OLTC.

The valve between tank and OLTC has to be in closed position when the unit is in
12. Slowly open the breather pipe of the conservator main compartment and release the vacuum in
the breather bag until atmospheric pressure is reached (bag will expand).
13. Slowly open the breather pipe of the conservator OLTC compartment.
14. Open valve B and the top oil filter valve of the tank.
Process the oil in the tank and cooling pipe work to give at least two passes of the oil through
the OPP. Ensure that all parallel oil circuits are circulated (e.g. cooling system, cable box).
15. Take oil samples from the tank, cooling system, cable box and conservator. The oil shall comply
with the values specified in Table 6-6.
If any sample is unsatisfactory, the oil shall be further processed until it is in accordance with
Table 6-6.
16. Close the oil filter valves of the tank and cable box.

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17. Close valves A and B.

Disconnect the oil filling line.
18. Re-install the breather.

The unit is now sealed.
Do not vent any plugs or valves at the conservator or the seal will be broken.

1 Plug
2 Pipe with inspection plug on top
3 Breather bag
4 Conservator

Figure 6-34: Oil level for filling

Table 6-8: Oil level for filling

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If, for any reason the oil has to be lowered in the transformer, we recommend the following:
Drain the tank completely.
Pull vacuum according to the voltage level.
Fill the transformer as described above.
Refilling takes place within 24 hours after draining the oil.
Dry air of approx. 0.2 bar (2.9 psi) overpressure is applied to the related
All insulation material of the active part is still under oil.
In case above exceptions apply the manufacturer shall be consulted before doing any work.
We do not recommend pulling vacuum on a transformer which is only partly filled with oil. This
process could cause bubbles to be produced in the oil which could be left in the insulation thus
reducing the dielectric strength.

6.8.4. Venting
After the filling process is finished open all relief plugs (in cooling equipment, pipes, top of the
transformer, Buchholz relay, gas accumulation indicator, pressure relief device, etc.).
If applicable, run the cooling pumps for 24 hours and repeat venting procedure.
In case of ON cooling, repeat the venting procedure after 24 hours.
Remove all traces of oil in order to avoid questionable results during the leak check.

Do not open the vent plugs on the conservator!

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6.9. Accessories
6.9.1. Wiring
On the transformer, protection and monitoring devices as well as components of the cooling system (if
applicable) are installed which need to be wired to the control cubicles provided.

The wiring was completely installed in the factory for testing.

Components separately shipped have to be re-installed on site.
All the cables/wires are labelled and marked.

Refer to electrical drawings in Section 10.

The single wires run in flexible steel conduits fastened to steel angles (at locations where mechanical
damage could happen, e.g. cover) fixed to supporting bars or fastened to steel bars (at locations
where no mechanical damage can happen, e.g. on tank wall, underside of the conservator tank) or
laid in cable ducts.
The above mentioned steel angles and cable ducts provide the outer mechanical and partial sunlight
protection for the conduits.
The oil-tight conduit provides further proper mechanical protection for the wires.

1 Anti-slip angle
2 Flexible conduit
3 Wire
4 Fastening strip
5 Tank cover
6 Support
7 Screw

Figure 6-35: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel angles

1 Flat bar
2 Flexible conduit
3 Fastening strip
4 Single wire
5 Tank wall

Figure 6-36: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel bars

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Figure 6-37: Flexible steel conduits fastened in cable ducts

Flexible, strong galvanized, steel conduits with special oil resistant thermoplastic cover. This oil-tight
conduit provides proper mechanical protection for the wires.
Manufacturer: ANAMET EUROPE
Temperature range: -55C up to +145C / for short durations up to +160C
Sunlight proof: Acc. to UL 360
Color: Black

See information given on the drawings in Section 10.

Proper function of any alarm and trip signals shall be fully verified before putting the transformer
into operation.

Screws and bolts of all connections shall be tightened before unit is taken into operation.

6.9.2. Grounding
All hand and man holes, brackets, bushing adapters, etc. have to be grounded to the tank by means
of copper connectors. Clean the connection surface and ensure a solid connection is achieved.

6.9.3. Corrosion Protection

After final assembly check the corrosion protection of the transformer, pipes, cooling equipment, etc.
Scratches from shipment or assembly must be cleaned, primed and finish-painted. For details on the
repair procedure of painting see Section 8.6.

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7. Commissioning, Energization and Operation

7.1. Checks before energization

Before operation of the tap changer, refer to the Warning notes on operation of on-load tap
changers stated in Section 12.2.

In addition to the standard utility tests (power factor, resistance etc.) the following checks shall be

Item Check, Test Requirement

1. Grounding of transformer including accessories proper grounding
2. Grounding of shields, neutral terminals, etc. proper grounding
3. Venting procedure all relief plugs except air relief plugs on conservator
4. Oil level in conservator compartments to correspond with the present oil temperature
5. Leak check no leaks allowed
6. Corrosion protection damaged areas to be repaired (touch-up painting)
valves in expansion pipes to be open
7. Valve position check
valves in cooling equipment to be open
8. Condition of silica gel pellets shall be of orange colour
9. Wiring terminals to be properly fastened
to be either connected to external equipment or short
10. Current transformer terminations
test windings of current transformers must not be short
11. Phase sequence of the AC power supply to be correct (important for three-phase equipment)
12. Functional test of protection and control circuits proper function
proper function (refer to above WARNING note and
13. Functional test of tap changer (if applicable)
Section 7.3)
14. Search for loose tools on transformer all tools to be removed

Table 7-1: Checks before energization

7.2. Oil tests before energization

Besides various mechanical and electrical checks, tests of the insulating oil have to be performed
before energizing the transformer.
For this purpose draw oil samples from the transformer and verify the values stated in Table 7-2.

Property Limit
75 kV (IEC 60156, gap 2.5 mm)
Min. breakdown voltage
56 kV (ASTM D1816, gap 80 mils)
0.5 % in case of energization less than three months after oil treatment
1.0 % in case of energization more than three months after oil treatment
Max. gas content
If the gas content is exceeding 1.0 %, the oil has to be treated once again.

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Property Limit
0.5 % (IEC 60247 at 90 C) or
Max. power factor 0.3 % (ASTM D924 at 100 C),
whichever applies
Max. water content 5 ppm (ASTM D1533)

Table 7-2: Oil quality before energization

In order to have reference values for future comparison we recommend that a Dissolved Gas Analysis
test is performed before putting the transformer into operation.

7.3. Energization
If all checks are satisfactory, the transformer can be energized considering the settling time (duration
between the last oil treatment and energization) given in Table 7-3.

System voltage Settling time

123 kV 24 hours
123 245 kV 48 hours
> 245 kV 72 hours

Table 7-3: Settling time

The unit is to be energized applying rated voltage.

During one hour of no-load operation observe temperatures and the Buchholz relay or gas
accumulation indicator (whatever is applicable) and check for vibration and leaks.
Furthermore, it is recommended to run the cooling pumps during the no-load operation period (if
If everything is satisfactory, the transformer can be loaded.

In the course of the initial energization of the transformer the tap changer has to be run over the entire
range of possible operating conditions at rated voltage. Note that if the transformer is equipped with
both a de-energized and an on-load tap changer the on-load tap changer must be exercised over the
full range for each of the positions of the de-energized tap changer.
It is recommended to connect the transformer to a generator for energization.

Refer to the Warning notes on operation of on-load-tap changers in Section 12.2.
Refer also to Section 4.5.3.

If energization of the completely assembled transformer does not happen immediately after
commissioning, the control cubicle and motor drive cabinet (if applicable) needs to be supplied
with power for operation of the thermostatically controlled heaters. This is to avoid low
temperatures and condensation inside the cubicle.

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Cold Start Procedure

For a top oil temperature below -25 C the following start procedure has to be applied:

Apply rated voltage to the transformer and operate it at no-load condition until the oil temperature is
above -25 C.
Above -25 C the transformer can be operated without restrictions.

7.4. Operation

Adjust the transformer load to the available cooling capacity in order to avoid the permissible oil
and winding temperatures in the transformer being exceeded.
In order to ensure the full cooling capacity it is necessary to clean the cooling equipment on a
regular basis (refer to maintenance instructions in Section 8).

The life of the transformer is influenced by the oil temperature in the transformer. The lower the
oil temperature, the longer the life of the transformer.

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8. Maintenance and Repair

8.1. General
The life of the transformer is generally dependent on the condition of the insulation system. STW
transformers are made of materials with excellent long-term stability, are designed with low
temperature gradients and protected against the external influences of oxygen and humidity.
The quality achieved at the factory and at site during assembly should be kept during operation as
long as possible. The checks suggested below should be a guideline for the mode of operation to
maintain this high quality.

Necessary checks to keep the quality and therefore the operational reliability are:

external checks
checks of the insulation system
checks of the on-load tap changer (if applicable)

These checks should be performed periodically.

8.2. External Checks

External checks concern the exterior of the transformer and all protection devices and should be
performed according to Table 8-1.

The inspection periods stated in Table 8-1 are the minimum permissible intervals. The
transformer operator is responsible for adapting (i.e. reducing) the inspection periods to suit the
prevailing environmental and service conditions.

Item Method Action
Bushing insulators 1 year Check the cleanness periodically. Refer to the relevant instruction manuals in
Surge arrester insulators The period has to be chosen Section 9
depending on the pollution conditions
on site.
Electrical connections 1 year Checking of all electrical connections Clean the contact area
(Bushings, etc.) for signs of corrosion Grease the contact area
Tighten the connection
Oil expansion system 1 year Condition of rubber bag (if applicable) Insert a rod and check for traces of oil

3 months Condition of silica gel breather Conventional breather:

(for conventional breather: check If more than 2/3 of total silica gel pellets are of
silica gel; transparent appearance, exchange it.
for maintenance-free breather: If appearance is transparent beginning at the
perform device self test) upper level, trace for air leaks and act
Maintenance-free breather:
In case of error: Refer to the relevant instruction
manual in Section 9
External grounding system 1 year Checking of proper contact of Clean the contact area
grounding connections at tank, cover, Grease the contact area
control cubicle, man hole covers, Tighten the connection
bushing flanges, protection devices,

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Item Method Action
Cooling equipment 1 year Dust and other external materials Refer to the relevant instruction manuals in
collected on the equipment must be Section 9
removed for proper cooling operation
Oil level indicator 1 year Visual inspection
Oil temperature indicator 1 year Visual inspection Check all values
3 years Calibration Heat probe to 100 C, check all values
Winding temperature 1 year Visual inspection Check all values
indicator 3 years Calibration Heat probe to 100 C, check all values
Pressure relief device 3 years Function test Press test button - check tripping
Buchholz relay 1 year Visual inspection Perform gas analysis in case of gas
3 years Function test Press test button - check alarm/tripping
OLTC protection relay 3 years Function test Press test button - check tripping
Gas collecting device 1 year Visual inspection
Cubicles housing electrical 1 year Visual inspection
equipment Heater check Check that heating switches on and off with signal
from thermostat / hygrostat
Gaskets year Visual inspection for leaks Replace gaskets in case of serious oil leaks
Leaks 3 months Visual inspection of all joints, pipe Carefully tighten the leaking area
connections, etc. Replace the gasket
checking of oil level in the
Gas accumulation 1 year Checking of air relief plugs on cover, Open the relief plugs till bubble-free oil
bushings, pipework, cooling streams out
equipment, Buchholz relay Check gas accumulation indicator or gas
collecting device
Corrosion protection 1 year Visual inspection Damage and rust formations are to be repaired
(painting to be of the same type as the original
Bolted connections 1 year Manual inspection Tighten the connection

Table 8-1: External checks

8.3. Checks on the Insulation System

The easiest way to check the condition of the transformer insulation is to inspect the insulating oil. If
examination of oil samples is performed periodically, changes of the insulation resistance, aging of
the insulating oil, ingress of humidity or the beginning of defects located by dissolved gas analysis will
be recognized in time.

8.3.1. Oil sampling

The taking of samples should be performed very carefully at operating temperature (see reference
standards for insulating oils: IEC 60422 and/or ASTM D923 Sampling Electrical Insulating liquids).

For each transformer an oil sampling pot shall be filled; sampling location is depending on the
measurements/tests to be performed.
Connect the transition piece (flange DN10) with filling hose (3) to the oil sampling valve (4).
Connect the oil sampling pot (2) to the filling hose and open the overflow valve (1).
Open the oil sampling valve (4) necessary prior to connection of the transition piece for some
Direct down the filling hose and swing the oil sampling pot until filling hose is free of air bubbles
(drain several litres of oil).
Completely fill the oil sampling pot maintaining light oil flow with vertical sampling line and
overflow valve on top.
Operate valve on the pot (2) and overflow valve (1) several times until oil flows bubble-free.
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No gas analysis is possible if pot has not been completely filled or air bubbles occurred
during filling!

During oil filling, first close overflow valve (1), then valve (2).

1 Overflow valve
2 Oil sampling pot with valve
3 Transition piece with flange DN10
and filling hose
4 Oil sampling valve
5 Tank

Figure 8-1: Oil sampling

8.3.2. Checks
Since the tendency of the tested values is as important as absolute values, an initial oil test is
proposed prior to putting the transformer into operation.
Inspection of gas content giving information about initiation of defects should be performed in
accordance with ANSI/IEEE C57.104 or IEC 60567 and 60599.

Checks on the insulation system should be performed according to Table 8-2.

Property Method Action
Humidity 3 years Measure the water content (titration If the measured value is too high, the oil
(in case of filling or method Karl Fischer, should be needs to be processed.
extraction of oil) <20 ppm), refer to table overleaf.
Specific resistance 3 years Measure the specific resistance of the If the water content, sludge content or
oil if the periodic inspection results dielectric resistance is not satisfactory, an
indicated unsatisfactory oil condition. internal inspection of the unit may reveal the
problem (refer to table overleaf).
Dielectric factor 3 years Take an oil sample Check it in a laboratory
Breakdown voltage 3 years Take an oil sample Check it in a laboratory
Neutralization value 3 years Take an oil sample Check it in a laboratory
Colour 3 years Take an oil sample Check it in a laboratory
Dissolved gas 1 year Take an oil sample Measurement results should be sent to STW
content for comment.
Insulation resistance 10 years Measure the insulation resistance The insulation resistance depends on the
of windings between each pair of windings and temperature, humidity and cleanness of the
from each winding to ground by bushing insulators.
using an M-meter at preferably
2500V (measuring voltage shall Check the bushings,
always be the same, as the Clean the insulators
insulation resistance slightly depends
on the measuring voltage level).

Table 8-2: Checks on insulation system

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8.3.3. Characteristic Values

The basic characteristic values - test results before use in the transformer - should be in accordance
with the applicable international standard for insulating oils IEC 60422 or the relevant national

Property Unit Revitalization Value Method

Breakdown voltage kV <60 VDE, 2.5 mm gap
Interfacial tension mN/m <28 ASTM D971
Dielectric power factor @ 90 C >0.1 ASTM D924
Specific insulation resistance @ 90 C Gm <10 ASTM D1169
Neutralization value Nz mg KOH/g >0.10 ASTM D664, D974
1.5 ... 2.5 ASTM D1500
Colour/dye number (according to VDEW)
dark and/or turbid
Water content adjusted to an equivalent value at 20 C ppm >10 ASTM D1533

Table 8-3: Revitalization values

If one or more test values confirm oil quality below above revitalization values, we recommend further
testing (e. g. artificial aging) to get more details about the condition of the insulation in order to
determine the measures for repair or oil treatment.

8.4. Tap Changer Maintenance

Before operation of the on-load tap changer, refer to the Warning notes on operation of on-load
tap changers stated in Section 12.2.

When energizing the transformer after maintenance work, all possible tap positions have to be
run under rated voltage. Only then, persons are allowed in the vicinity of the transformer.

The inspection and all maintenance work should be done by the tap changer manufacturers
personnel or by specially trained STW personnel.

Checks on the on-load tap changer should be performed according to the OLTC manufacturers
instructions and recommendations given in Section 9.

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8.5. Failure Localization

If a protection device operates, investigations should be made as listed in Table 8-4.

Protection Device Function Failure Reason Necessary Actions

Oil level indicator If oil level drops below LOW oil level, Malfunction of indicator Verify the correctness of
for conservator alarm is activated. oil level
for main Lack of oil Add some oil
compartment Ambient temp. lower than Measure the ambient
design temp. range temperature
Oil leakage Check for leaks
If oil level drops below LOW LOW oil level, Malfunction of indicator Verify the correctness of
alarm is activated. oil level
Significant lack of oil Add oil
Massive oil leakage Check on signals
coming from other
protection devices
(would give indication on
the failure)
Oil level indicator If oil level drops below LOW oil level, Malfunction of indicator Verify the correctness of
for OLTC alarm is activated. oil level
compartment Lack of oil Add some oil
Ambient temp. lower than Measure the ambient
design temp. range temperature
Oil leakage Check for leaks
If oil level drops below LOW LOW oil level, Malfunction of indicator Verify the correctness of
alarm is activated. oil level
Significant lack of oil Add oil
Massive oil leakage Check on signals
coming from other
protection devices
(would give indication on
the failure)
Breather bag If a certain amount of air accumulates in Damaged breather bag (in Replace the breather
rupture indicator the indicator, alarm is activated (abnormal case of oil detected inside) bag
breather bag condition). Leakage in oil preservation Trace for leaks and
system repair
Oil temperature If temperature exceeds 95C, alarm is Overload Decrease the load
indicator activated. Cooling equipment does not Check function of
operate properly cooling equipment
If temperature exceeds 110C, the unit is Internal failure Inspect the active part
Winding If temperature exceeds 110C, alarm is Overload Decrease the load
temperature activated. Cooling equipment does not Check function of
indicator operate properly cooling equipment
If temperature exceeds 125C, the unit is Internal failure Inspect the active part
Pressure relief If the oil pressure inside the tank exceeds Closed valve in the expansion Check expansion
device for tank the operating pressure, the unit will be system system
tripped. Serious internal failure Active part has to be
Pressure relief If the oil pressure inside the OLTC Closed valve in the expansion Check expansion
device for OLTC exceeds the operating pressure, the unit system system
will be tripped. Serious internal failure OLTC has to be
Pressure relief If the oil pressure inside the cable box Closed valve in the expansion Check expansion
device for Neutral exceeds the operating pressure, the unit system system
cable box will be tripped. Serious internal failure Cable box has to be

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Protection Device Function Failure Reason Necessary Actions

Buchholz relay for If a certain amount of gas accumulates in Air might be trapped after oil Take gas samples from
tank the relay, alarm is activated. filling the Buchholz relay and
internal failure perform gas analysis
If a certain oil flow is exceeded, the unit is Serious internal failure (flash- Active part has to be
tripped. over or internal short circuit) inspected
If other protection relays operate
simultaneously, heavy damage occurred
inside the tank.
Buchholz relay for If a certain amount of gas accumulates in Air might be trapped after oil Take gas samples from
Neutral cable box the relay, alarm is activated. filling the Buchholz relay and
internal failure perform gas analysis
If a certain oil flow is exceeded, the unit is Serious internal failure (flash- Active part has to be
tripped. over or internal short circuit) inspected
If other protection relays operate
simultaneously, heavy damage occurred
inside the tank.
Protection relay for If a certain oil flow is exceeded, the unit is
Internal failure in the diverter OLTC has to be
OLTC tripped. switch of OLTC inspected
Oil flow indicator In case of low oil flow through the oil Closed valve in the cooling Check cooling pipework
pumps, alarm is activated. pipework and valves
Tripped MCB for oil pump Check MCB of oil pump
Gas monitoring If gas content exceeds alarm level, alarm is Reason dependent on the Check system output
device activated. alarm level and
consult the manufacturer
If hydrogen content exceeds alarm level, Reason dependent on the Check system output
alarm is activated. alarm level and
consult the manufacturer
If hydrogen content exceeds alarm level, Reason dependent on the Check system output
alarm is activated. alarm level and
consult the manufacturer
If water content exceeds alarm level, alarm Reason dependent on the Check system output
is activated. alarm level and
consult the manufacturer
Undervoltage relay In case the voltage drops down under a Trip of V AC/DC, Check the circuits
certain limit, alarm is activated. 1/3-phase power supply
Maintenance-Free If a device error occurs or the voltage Device error Refer to Section 9.16
Dehydrating supply is not connected or not switched Check the voltage
Breather on, alarm is activated. supply

Table 8-4: Failure localization

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8.6. Repair procedure of painting

8.6.1. Procedure for surface touch-up painting
These guidelines apply to the repair of corrosion protection. This guideline applies only to damage
sustained to the paint whereby no metal parts are exposed.

Surface Preparation
All contamination/ damaged surfaces shall be cleaned by using suitable cleaning rags, scotch brite or
After cleaning, all surfaces must be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and free from scaling,
corrosion, coatings and foreign impurities.

Repair coating system

The top layer of the coating system has to be applied in accordance with the corrosion protection
specification (information given in Section 4.6).
The total dry film thickness has to be verified in accordance with the corrosion protection specification
(information given in Section 4.6).

Environmental conditions
All works on the corrosion protection system have to be performed under specified atmospheric
The required atmospheric conditions under which these works have to be carried out are defined in
the associated product data sheets of the paint (see Section 4.6).

The method of application shall be governed by the coating and lubricants manufacturers
recommendation for the particular coating being applied (product data sheets for the coating system
can be found in Section 4.6).
All coat layers shall be applied uniformly over the repaired surface. Skips, runs, sags and drips shall
be avoided. Any coat layer shall be free from pinholes and blisters. Contamination of painted surfaces
between coats shall be avoided.
Any contamination shall be removed.

8.6.2. Reapplication of complete paint system on exposed metal parts

These guidelines apply to the repair of the corrosion protection system in areas where the damage
has incurred resulting in the exposure of bare metal.

Surface Preparation
Where corrosion is present, the area has to be cleaned in order to remove the corrosion.
The surfaces have to be manually grinded until uniform surface is achieved.
A smooth transition is required to areas of healthy, undamaged paint.

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Repair coating system

Individual coats have to be applied in accordance with the corrosion protection specification
(information given in Section 4.6).
The total dry film thickness has to be verified in accordance with the corrosion protection specification
(information given in Section 4.6).

Environmental conditions
All works on the corrosion protection system have to be performed under specified atmospheric
The required atmospheric conditions under which these works have to be carried out are defined in
the associated product data sheets of the paint (see Section 4.6).

The method of application shall be governed by the coating and lubricants manufacturers
recommendation for the particular coating being applied (product data sheets for the coating system
can be found in Section 4.6).
All coat layers shall be applied uniformly over the repaired surface. Skips, runs, sags and drips shall
be avoided. Any coat layer shall be free from pinholes and blisters. Contamination of painted surfaces
between coats shall be avoided.
Any contamination shall be removed.

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9. Operating Instructions and Descriptions of

9.1. Bushings
System Terminal Manufacturer HSP
Kind of bushing Oil-SF6
HV Type EKTG 1050 245 1600 E0 spez.
Line Outline Drawing 332931
Manual Operation Instructions_BAL_EKTG_05e
System Terminal Manufacturer Passoni Villa
Kind of bushing Oil-air
Type PNR.52.250.3150 K=300
LV 1r 1y 1b
Outline Drawing RXF00434-01
Line 2r 2y 2b
Documentation Technical Data Sheet
PNR_Data Sheet
System Terminal Manufacturer Passoni Villa
Kind of bushing Oil-air
Type PNR.52.250.3150 K=300
1n 2n Outline Drawing RXF00434-01
Documentation Technical Data Sheet
PNR_Data Sheet
System Terminal Manufacturer Passoni Villa
Kind of bushing Oil-air
Type PNR.36.170.1250 K=0
Y1 Y2 Outline Drawing RXF00437-01
Documentation Technical Data Sheet
Data Sheet
System Terminal Manufacturer Passoni Villa
Kind of bushing Oil-oil
HV- Type PCTR 145.650.800 K=0
N Outline Drawing RXF00113-01
Manual Instruction Manual_IS2638

9.2. Surge Arresters

System Terminal Manufacturer ABB
Kind of arrester Station Class
Type POLIM-H 33 N
1r 1y 1b
LV Outline Drawing HAWA481444
2r 2y 2b
Manual Operating instructions_1HC0046777
Data Sheet_1HC0046777

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9.3. On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC)

Type VRF III 1000 Y 170/D-16 31 3G
Manufacturer MR
Documentation Outline Drawing_8998035E
Connection Diagram_SBI_4788133
Operating Instruction_4349307/00
Adjustment plan_7210914E

Motor Drive Type ED 100 L

Manufacturer MR
Documentation Outline Drawing_8988023E
Motor Drive_Operating Instruction_BA 138/06
Drive Shaft_Operating Instruction_BA 42/08
Motor Drive Control Diagram_4791519

9.4. Protection Relay for OLTC

Type RS2001-2A
Manufacturer MR
Documentation Operating Instruction_BA 59/08

9.5. Fans
Type SH 1000 - 12
Manufacturer Schormann
Documentation Drawing_3 SA 120104
Transport and Storage Instruction
Operating and Service Instruction

9.6. Oil Pumps

Type PR 250/8
Manufacturer GEA Renzmann (=Kelvion)
Technical Data Sheet
Documentation Outline Drawing_NK 4496-4
Operating Instruction

9.7. Oil Flow Indicator

Type MFloC
Manufacturer Messko
Data Sheet_ IN21070401
Operation Instructions_BA2113/00/05

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9.8. Oil Level Indicator

Tank Type MTO-ST160G
Manufacturer Messko
Documentation Operating Instruction_IN 2069_02_01

9.9. Breather Bag Rupture Indicator

Type AF 25/10 - 03-46-0207
Manufacturer EMB
Documentation Catalogue_01-02-15-02

9.10. Oil / Winding Temperature Indicator

Oil Type AKM 34/Gen 2
Winding Type AKM 35/Gen 2
Manufacturer Qualitrol
Documentation Technical Data Sheet_AP_T02_03A_02EN
Instruction Manual_IST-103-1-EN

9.11. Resistance Temperature Detectors

Type B2000270
Manufacturer Schenk
Documentation Drawing_ B2000270
Drawing_ B2000260-E

9.12. Pressure Relief Device

Tank - Type LMPRD (10 psi / 0.69 bar)
Cable box - Type LMPRD (10 psi / 0.69 bar)
OLTC - Type LMPRD (20 psi / 1,38 bar)
Manufacturer Messko
Documentation Instruction Manual_BA 2066-03-07
Catalogue_IN 2065-04-01

9.13. Buchholz Relay

Tank Type BF 80/10 - 09-28.46-03.43
Cable box Type BF 25/10 - 06-28.46-03.43
Manufacturer EMB
Documentation Catalogue_01-02-15-02
Operating Instructions_01-01-15-02

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9.14. Gas Collecting Device

Type ZG 1.2
Manufacturer EMB
Documentation Operating Instructions ZG 1.2

9.15. Silica gel Breather

LV Cable boxes Type DIN 42562 L2
LV-n Cable boxes Type DIN 42562 L2
TV Cable box - Type DIN 42562 L2
Manufacturer STW
Documentation PI-SAG-ATM01-en

9.16. Maintenance-Free Dehydrating Breather

Tank Type MTraB DB200D-T
OLTC Type MTraB DB100
Manufacturer Messko
Documentation Technical Data Sheet_IN20720701
Operating Instructions_BA2070

9.17. Over-Pressure Relief Device

LV Cable boxes Type ODV / ODU DN490x590
LV-n Cable boxes Type ODV / ODU DN490x590
TV Cable box - Type ODV / ODU DN490x590
Manufacturer Rembe
Documentation Product Information_ODV/ODU

9.18. Gas Monitoring Device

Type Will be discussed
Manufacturer Will be discussed
Documentation Will be discussed

9.19. Monitoring Device

Type Will be discussed
Manufacturer Will be discussed
Documentation Will be discussed

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Draft - Instruction Manual

No. 1838
Volume 2 of 2
(Section 10 13)

Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO)

Al Dabbiya

PO No.: 7500049851

Three Phase Transformer

300 / 150 / 150 MVA
220 14 x 1.25 % / 34.5 / 34.5 / 10.89 kV

Rev. Page Description Date

Weiz, August 26, 2016 OM PE / HKE

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

Transformer type: TDQ-455L44D9L-99

Rating: 300 / 150 / 150 MVA
Rated voltage: 220 14 x 1.25 % / 34.5 / 34.5 / 10.89 kV

Serial No.: 1 799 244, 1 799 245

Manufacturers project No.: P.149031
Manufacturers work order No.: WA 6800522, WA6800523

When ordering spare parts please indicate manufacturers project and work order number, serial
number and transformer type.

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

1. Appropriate Use, Liability ......................................................................................................... 8
2. Project Data ............................................................................................................................. 9
3. Technical Data Nameplate ..................................................................................................... 10
3.1. Nameplate ....................................................................................................................... 10
4. Design.................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Iron core .......................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Windings ......................................................................................................................... 13
4.3. Tank and Cover............................................................................................................... 13
4.4. Conservator..................................................................................................................... 14
4.5. Control and Protection..................................................................................................... 15
4.5.1. Transformer Control Cubicle .................................................................................. 15
4.5.2. Cooling System ...................................................................................................... 15
4.5.3. Operation and Control of Tap Changer .................................................................. 17
4.6. Corrosion Protection........................................................................................................ 19
4.7. Gasket System ................................................................................................................ 21
4.7.1. Tank - cover connection ......................................................................................... 21
4.7.2. Bushing adapters ................................................................................................... 22
4.7.3. Assembly and inspection holes .............................................................................. 23
4.7.4. Flanged joints for pipes .......................................................................................... 24
4.8. Piping and Instrumentation .............................................................................................. 25
5. Shipment, Checking upon Arrival, Storage ............................................................................. 26
5.1. Dispatch Preparations in the Factory ............................................................................... 26
5.2. Checks upon Arrival on Site ............................................................................................ 27
5.3. Storage ........................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1. Storage of Main Unit .............................................................................................. 30
5.3.2. Storage of Accessories .......................................................................................... 31
5.3.3. Storage Categories ................................................................................................ 32
6. Assembly and Oil filling .......................................................................................................... 33
6.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 33
6.2. Moving to the foundation ................................................................................................. 33
6.2.1. Lifting ..................................................................................................................... 33
6.2.2. Unloading ............................................................................................................... 34
6.3. Installation on the Foundation ......................................................................................... 35
6.3.1. Requirements for transformer foundations ............................................................. 35
6.3.2. Foundation for the support of transformers on rails ................................................ 36
6.3.3. Flat foundation for the support of transformers ....................................................... 37
6.3.4. Placing on the foundation ....................................................................................... 37
6.4. Preparation for Assembly ................................................................................................ 38
6.4.1. Grounding .............................................................................................................. 38
6.4.2. Preparation of the parts .......................................................................................... 38
6.4.3. Pipes and Flanges ................................................................................................. 38
6.5. Torque Wrench Settings .................................................................................................. 39
6.5.1. General .................................................................................................................. 39
6.5.2. Steel girders and brackets ...................................................................................... 39
6.5.3. Radiator and butterfly valves .................................................................................. 40
6.5.4. Tank, cooler and pipe connections ......................................................................... 40
6.5.5. Electrical connections............................................................................................. 41
6.6. Erection ........................................................................................................................... 42
6.6.1. General .................................................................................................................. 42
6.6.2. Main Steps ............................................................................................................. 43
6.6.3. Detailed Procedure ................................................................................................ 43

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6.6.4. Bushing adapters and bushings ............................................................................. 47

6.6.5. Neutral Cable box (Terminal N) .............................................................................. 53
6.6.6. Cable boxes Terminals (1n / 1r 1y 1b / 2r 2y 2b / 2n / Y1 Y2) .................. 58
6.7. Evacuation ...................................................................................................................... 63
6.7.1. Recommended equipment ..................................................................................... 63
6.7.2. Sequence ............................................................................................................... 63
6.8. Oil Filling ......................................................................................................................... 67
6.8.1. General .................................................................................................................. 67
6.8.2. Recommended equipment ..................................................................................... 68
6.8.3. Sequence ............................................................................................................... 68
6.8.4. Venting ................................................................................................................... 71
6.9. Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.1. Wiring ..................................................................................................................... 72
6.9.2. Grounding .............................................................................................................. 73
6.9.3. Corrosion Protection .............................................................................................. 73
7. Commissioning, Energization and Operation.......................................................................... 74
7.1. Checks before energization ............................................................................................. 74
7.2. Oil tests before energization ............................................................................................ 74
7.3. Energization .................................................................................................................... 75
7.4. Operation ........................................................................................................................ 76
8. Maintenance and Repair ........................................................................................................ 77
8.1. General ........................................................................................................................... 77
8.2. External Checks .............................................................................................................. 77
8.3. Checks on the Insulation System .................................................................................... 78
8.3.1. Oil sampling ........................................................................................................... 78
8.3.2. Checks ................................................................................................................... 79
8.3.3. Characteristic Values ............................................................................................. 80
8.4. Tap Changer Maintenance .............................................................................................. 80
8.5. Failure Localization ......................................................................................................... 81
8.6. Repair procedure of painting ........................................................................................... 83
8.6.1. Procedure for surface touch-up painting ................................................................. 83
8.6.2. Reapplication of complete paint system on exposed metal parts............................ 83
9. Operating Instructions and Descriptions of Accessories ......................................................... 85
9.1. Bushings ......................................................................................................................... 85
9.2. Surge Arresters ............................................................................................................... 85
9.3. On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) ........................................................................................ 86
9.4. Protection Relay for OLTC .............................................................................................. 86
9.5. Fans ................................................................................................................................ 86
9.6. Oil Pumps ....................................................................................................................... 86
9.7. Oil Flow Indicator ............................................................................................................ 86
9.8. Oil Level Indicator ........................................................................................................... 87
9.9. Breather Bag Rupture Indicator ....................................................................................... 87
9.10. Oil / Winding Temperature Indicator ................................................................................ 87
9.11. Resistance Temperature Detectors ................................................................................. 87
9.12. Pressure Relief Device .................................................................................................... 87
9.13. Buchholz Relay ............................................................................................................... 87
9.14. Gas Collecting Device ..................................................................................................... 88
9.15. Silica gel Breather ........................................................................................................... 88
9.16. Maintenance-Free Dehydrating Breather......................................................................... 88
9.17. Over-Pressure Relief Device ........................................................................................... 88
9.18. Gas Monitoring Device .................................................................................................... 88
9.19. Monitoring Device ........................................................................................................... 88
10. Drawings ................................................................................................................................ 96
11. Photos.................................................................................................................................... 97

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12. Health, Safety and Environment ........................................................................................... 104

12.1. Regulations ................................................................................................................... 104
12.2. Operation, Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................ 104
12.3. Working inside the Tank ................................................................................................ 105
12.4. Installation and Erection ................................................................................................ 105
12.5. Electrical Safety ............................................................................................................ 106
12.5.1. Electricity at Work ................................................................................................ 106
12.5.2. Electricity on Construction Sites ........................................................................... 107
12.6. Environmental Protection .............................................................................................. 109
12.7. Disposal ........................................................................................................................ 109
12.7.1. General ................................................................................................................ 109
12.7.2. Components and Equipment ................................................................................ 110
12.8. Material Safety Data Sheets .......................................................................................... 113
13. Annex................................................................................................................................... 114

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List of Figures
Figure 4-1: Grounding bushing...........................................................................................................12
Figure 4-2: Tank-cover connection .....................................................................................................21
Figure 4-3: Bushing adapter connection.............................................................................................22
Figure 4-4: Assembly hole connection ...............................................................................................23
Figure 4-5: Pipe connection ...............................................................................................................24
Figure 5-1: Dry-air bottle assembly ....................................................................................................27
Figure 5-2: Moisture Equilibrium Chart ...............................................................................................29
Figure 6-1: Unloading of heavy part using rollers ...............................................................................34
Figure 6-2: Unloading of heavy part using rails ..................................................................................35
Figure 6-3: Wheel arrangement I .......................................................................................................36
Figure 6-4: Rail groove dimensions ....................................................................................................36
Figure 6-5: Foundation Detail .............................................................................................................37
Figure 6-6: Identification of adjacent pipe flanges ..............................................................................38
Figure 6-7: Steel girders and brackets ...............................................................................................39
Figure 6-8: Radiator and butterfly valves ............................................................................................40
Figure 6-9: Tank, cooler and pipe connections...................................................................................41
Figure 6-10: Cooling plant ..................................................................................................................44
Figure 6-11: Radiator assembly .........................................................................................................45
Figure 6-12: Pressure relief device ....................................................................................................46
Figure 6-13: Motor drive assembly .....................................................................................................46
Figure 6-14: HV Line bushing connection ..........................................................................................48
Figure 6-15: LV Line Bushing connection ...........................................................................................49
Figure 6-16: LV Line Bushing connection side view ........................................................................49
Figure 6-17: LV - Neutral Bushing connection ....................................................................................50
Figure 6-18: LV - Neutral Bushing connection side view .................................................................50
Figure 6-19: HV - Neutral Bushing connection ...................................................................................51
Figure 6-20: Tertiary Bushing connection ...........................................................................................52
Figure 6-21: N Cable box Cable test ............................................................................................54
Figure 6-22: N Cable box Cable test Detail C ............................................................................54
Figure 6-23: N Cable box ................................................................................................................55
Figure 6-24: N Cable box Detail A ................................................................................................56
Figure 6-25: N Cable box Detail B ................................................................................................56
Figure 6-26: N Cable box Top view ..............................................................................................57
Figure 6-27: 1n/2n Cable box Cable test arrangement .................................................................58
Figure 6-28: 1n/2n Cable box ..........................................................................................................59
Figure 6-29: LV Cable box Cable test arrangement .....................................................................60
Figure 6-30: LV Cable box ..............................................................................................................61
Figure 6-31: TV Cable box ..............................................................................................................62
Figure 6-32: TV Cable box side view............................................................................................62
Figure 6-33: Schematic Arrangement for Evacuation and Oil Filling ...................................................66
Figure 6-34: Oil level for filling ............................................................................................................70
Figure 6-35: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel angles .............................................................72
Figure 6-36: Flexible steel conduits fastened to steel bars .................................................................72
Figure 6-37: Flexible steel conduits fastened in cable ducts...............................................................73
Figure 8-1: Oil sampling .....................................................................................................................79

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These instructions for erection, operation and maintenance are intended for the guidance of the
customers personnel.

However, they cannot be considered a substitute for experienced crews and careful procedure. The
oil filling, erection and energization have to be supervised by a factory specialist.

Please take note of the safety notations stated for certain steps during installation, operation and
maintenance as follows:

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which could result in severe damage to material or
even in serious or fatal injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which could result in damage to material or minor or
moderate injury.

NOTE indicates recommendations which should be followed in order to avoid damage to
material or gives important information on a certain subject.

Siemens Aktiengesellschaft sterreich - Transformers Weiz, 2012

All rights reserved

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Siemens AG sterreich - Transformers Weiz

10. Drawings
Item Drawing Title Drawing No.
1. Name Plate Drawing 6863490
2. Detailed Outline Drawing 6863703
3. Transport Drawing 6863506
4. Confirmed Outline Drawing 6863052
5. Valve Location Plate 6863755
6. Schematic Wiring Diagram 6886145
7. Terminal Diagram 6886146
8. Control Cubicle Layout 6886147
9. Cable Diagram 6886148
10. Schematic Wiring Diagram (Monitoring) 6886140
11. Monitoring Network Cubicle 6886211

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11. Photos
Active Part HV side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Active Part LV side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Active Part narrow side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Completely assembled transformer HV side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Completely assembled transformer LV side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Completely assembled transformer narrow side

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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Control cubicle

Photos will be provided as soon as they are available

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12. Health, Safety and Environment

12.1. Regulations
STW is fully committed to meeting its responsibilities under the following regulations:

Work in the factory: Austrian regulations and legislation are followed.

Work on site at customers location: Local regulations and legislation to be followed (Health,
Safety & Environment Plan for Job Site Activities,
Customers regulations).

12.2. Operation, Inspection and Maintenance

The transformer and related equipment supplied must be operated, inspected and maintained in line

The information contained within this Instruction Manual

Maintenance must be carried out as detailed and at the intervals specified.
Safe working practices by suitably qualified and experienced personnel.

Failure to do so could result in:

Injury, or loss of life

Failure of the transformer and related equipment
Reduced life of the transformer and related equipment
Invalidation of the warranty

Warning notes on operation of on-load tap changers

As a general safety precaution for all transformers equipped with on-load tap changers, irrespective of
the tap changer type, the following rules shall be applied and be strictly adhered to:

1. All applicable safety standards, regulations, directives, rules, etc. shall be strictly adhered to, in
particular for testing, commissioning and/or maintenance of transformers.
2. Transformer testing and switching of a transformers on-load tap changer is strictly restricted to
competent and authorized personnel.
3. During testing no persons are allowed in the vicinity of an energized transformer given the risk of
explosion and the risk of high voltages appearing on or currents flowing through tanks and/or
control cubicle
4. When a transformer is energized, the on-load tap changer must not be operated directly from the
tap changer motor drive cubicle attached to the transformer. The tap changer shall only be
operated by remote control from a safe control room.
5. In the event that OLTC or ARS switching operations are carried out during initial energization or
energization after maintenance work, no persons are allowed in the vicinity of the energized
transformer. This restriction is not valid for normal operation of the transformer.
6. The customer is requested to inform the Commodity Team of Siemens Transformers
(gcmoltc.stl@siemens.com) without undue delay of any property damages, injuries, casualties or
near- misses caused by a transformers on-load tap changer.

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Attention note on insulating oil

Special attention is to be given to the physical properties of insulating oil regarding risk of fire (flash
point at 140 C).

Special Health & Safety Notes

For inspection of the Buchholz relay or gas accumulation indicator access to locations may be
required, where there is the risk of falling (using a ladder or other means).
Consequently, this work should only be performed by specially trained and proficient people.

In case of operation of the pressure relief device (internal pressure increase), people standing
nearby the transformer may be injured by the spraying hot insulating oil.

It is to be noted, that power transformers are passive equipment without danger of radiation or
emission as per EMC Regulation stipulated by COTREL.

12.3. Working inside the Tank

There should be no reason to enter the tank under normal operation or maintenance conditions. If the
customer decides that there is good reason to enter the tank, then the appropriate instructions of
Section 6 must be followed.

It should be noted that even tanks that have been drained of oil and purged with dry air, may still
contain dangerously low levels of oxygen.

12.4. Installation and Erection

The transformer and related equipment supplied must be installed and erected in line with:

The information contained within this Instruction Manual.

Safe working practices by suitably qualified and experienced personnel.

Failure to do so could result in:

Injury, or loss of life

Failure of the transformer and related equipment
Reduced life of the transformer and related equipment
Invalidation of the warranty

Special Notes
The oil basin in the foundation has to be properly sized in order to cover the entire oil volume of the
transformer and its cooling plant. This is in the responsibility of the civil contractor or overall
The local civil regulations and legislations have to be followed.

The oil filling procedure has to be according to the instructions given in this manual.
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Special attention must be paid on all site work during placing the equipment on the foundation and
installation of components (moving and lifting activities).

For transportation of transformers, authorized forwarders have to be consulted.

12.5. Electrical Safety

The following are given as guidelines on Electrical Safety and should not be viewed as all
encompassing. The customer is responsible for implementation of their own Health, Safety and
Environmental policy which includes Electrical Safety.

Where The Company is referred to, this can be taken as The Customer, but also applies to STW
while they have a site presence.

12.5.1. Electricity at Work

The Company must ensure that the design, installation, operation and maintenance of all electrical
systems, equipment and conductors comply with the requirements of the local regulations and
legislations and the manufacturers HS&E Plan for Job Site Activities.

The use of electrical equipment or work activity on or near to electrical equipment must be carried out
safely in order to ensure that the duties imposed on the Company by the above regulations are

Summary of Requirements
The specific requirements are to ensure that:

1. Employees are adequately trained to operate any electrical equipment which they use.
2. Employees are provided with appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision about
the precautions to avoid danger and prevent injury from electricity, and the treatment of electric
3. Electrical equipment is used only for the purpose for which it is intended.
4. Equipment is clearly marked and taken out of service if it has malfunctioned or shows signs of
damage or deterioration.
5. All portable electrical equipment is properly maintained, examined and tested in accordance with
the specification prepared by The Company.
6. Work of an electrical nature is carried out by suitably qualified or authorised persons.
7. This standard is applied to contract work on all Company premises and site locations.
8. All work is carried out in compliance with the local regulations and legislations.
9. Relevant safe working procedures are adhered to.
10. Electrical equipment used or installed in hazardous or adverse environments is fit for the purpose.
11. A 'No Live Working' policy is applied in the Company. Where live working or testing is absolutely
necessary, it must be carried out in accordance with the local regulations and legislations and the
manufacturers HS&E Plan for Job Site Activities.
12. Advice and guidance on the interpretation and application of this Standard is sought from the
relevant specialists, e.g. electrical engineers and safety advisers.

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12.5.2. Electricity on Construction Sites

The following gives guidance for construction site activities which may involve contact with electrical
equipment and supplies.

1 Electricity can be a hazard on a construction site in one or more of the following ways:

1.1 Working on or near live electrical equipment and supplies

1.2 Use of portable electrical equipment and tools
1.3 Working near to over-head cables
1.4 Working in proximity to buried electricity cables

Hazards may arise through faulty installation, lack of maintenance, lack of safe working
procedures and abuse of equipment. Electricity and electrical installations must always be
under the control and supervision of experienced "competent" persons. A "competent person"
is someone with the necessary technical knowledge and experience to prevent danger or

Summary of Requirements
2 Working on or near live electrical equipment

2.1 Work on or near live electrical equipment should only be permitted where it is
unreasonable to make the equipment dead because of the financial and operational
difficulties it would cause. In these circumstances there needs to be very strict safety
procedures and adequate precautions to prevent injury. Such procedures may
incorporate a "permit to work" system. The following factors should be considered:

2.1.1 If it is possible for anyone to touch live parts then temporary insulation or
barriers should be used.
2.1.2 The people doing the work must be adequately trained and experienced in the
type of work being undertaken.
2.1.3 There must be adequate working space and adequate lighting.
2.1.4 Only properly insulated tools should be used. Test instruments should have
insulated probes and fused leads where appropriate.
2.1.5 Work that is to be carried out "near" rather than on live equipment should be
performed with adequate safety clearances.
2.1.6 Protective clothing and equipment should be provided and used where this
would reduce the risk of contact with the live parts.
2.1.7 It may be necessary for persons working on or near live electrical parts to be
"accompanied" by a second person who will assist from a safe position. This
person must be trained in the appropriate rescue procedures and be competent
to render first aid treatment.
2.1.8 Where risk assessment of a task has identified a significant or high risk, the
safe working procedure should be in written form, specifying the control
methods to be adopted to eliminate or adequately control that risk. All workers
must be fully trained in the requirements of the written procedures.

2.2 Procedure for Working "Dead". Work which is to be carried out on equipment "made
safe" should be accompanied by a "permit to work" system. In this "system" the
following sequence should be followed:

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2.2.1 Identification of system

2.2.2 Disconnection from every source of electrical energy
2.2.3 Isolate and lock off supply
2.2.4 Post notices
2.2.5 Verify the system is dead
2.2.6 Minimise the risk by earthing all conductors using properly designed earthing
devices or earthing leads
2.2.7 Erect physical barriers to protect against possible contact with other live parts

The permit to work should be issued by a designated competent person and must specify:

exact details of the task involved

who will perform the work
equipment involved etc.
all the precautions taken to make the equipment safe

2.3 Electrical Supplies on Sites

2.3.1 In general all wiring should conform to the local regulations even though much
of this wiring will be "temporary" or of short duration.
2.3.2 Installation, repair and maintenance of site electrical supplies must be
performed by competent persons and must be subject to regular visual
inspection for signs of damage or deterioration. Testing to identify faults should
also be performed. Records should be made of these inspections and tests.
2.3.3 Ground cables, extension leads and festooned lighting systems are particularly
susceptible to damage and should be subject to frequent inspection and test.

3 Portable electrical tools and appliances

3.1 Hazards

3.1.2 On construction sites portable electrical tools and appliances can be exposed to
hostile conditions and rigorous use. This can lead to a rapid deterioration of the
equipment. The initial selection of the equipment may also be a contributing
factor in that the equipment may be unsuitable for the application or the
environment in which it is to be used.
3.2.2 It is very difficult to maintain the required standards of protection for electrical
tools on sites. There is often a constant risk of damage, exposure to wet
conditions and breakdown of earthing arrangements which can all lead to a fatal
electric shock.

3.2 Precautions

3.2.1 It is strongly recommended to gain additional protection by using residual

current devices. These devices sense any earth leakage and cut off the supply
if a predetermined current is exceeded (usually 30mA).
3.2.2 Routine inspection and preventive maintenance is essential. All portable tools
and equipment should be tagged with a unique identification number or code
following routine examination by a competent person. The results of the check
should be recorded in a suitable register. All equipment should also be
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frequently inspected before use for signs of damage or deterioration to leads,

plugs and equipment body.
3.2.3 Equipment that does not meet the inspection standards should be removed
from service immediately until it can be repaired or replaced.

4 Working near overhead cables

4.1 Hazards
Overhead power lines are normally uninsulated and can be lethal if contact is made or
if an arc jumps to a conductive material located near to the line.
4.2 Precautions
If construction sites are located below or near to overhead power lines then the local
Electricity Board, client or principal contractor on site should be consulted and advice
sought on the best safety practices to adopt.
Further information can be found in the relevant local HSE regulations.

5 Working in proximity to buried electrical cables

5.1 Hazards
Damage to live underground cables during excavation work has caused many fatal
accidents and usually involves considerable disruption of electrical supplies.
5.2 Precautions
Before work commences the local Electricity Board or Site Owner should be consulted
to obtain advice on the location of all underground cables. All employees engaged in
excavation work near buried cables should have proper safe working procedures and
adequate supervision.
Further information can be found in the relevant local HSE regulations.

12.6. Environmental Protection

All necessary measures must be taken to prevent contamination of the environment to comply with
associated protective legislation. This includes:

Spillages or incorrect disposal of substances

Objectionable noise
Interference with communication networks due to poor external electrical connections

12.7. Disposal
12.7.1. General
Disposal of all or any part of the transformer on the part of the owner, shall place on the owner a
responsibility to dispose of the items or materials in accordance with the requirements of the local
Environmental Regulations.

It is recommended that the owner carries out disposal of the transformer tank, core, windings and
other internal components through a company specialising in this type of disposal.

In particular, due care must be exercised in any disposal operation requiring the application of a
significant heat input to the transformer tank or internal active part (e.g. oxy-acetylene burning or arc-
air gouging). Where such heat sources shall be used in the vicinity of the transformer, it is essential

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that the transformer tank is suitably purged with dry air to avoid the possibility of ignition of any oil/air
vapour mixture inside the tank.

The items identified below which are supplied as part of the transformer, shall be noted.

12.7.2. Components and Equipment

Special consideration should be given to the correct disposal of components/equipment as given in
Table 12-1.

No. Component / Equipment Used for

1 Oiled Nomex paper Transformer cores
2 Glass fibre tapes impregnated with Rembrandtin varnish Transformer cores
3 Oil impregnated transformer board components Transformer cores, windings, leads
4 Oil impregnated insulation paper Transformer windings, leads
5 Oil impregnated components made of laminated wood Transformer cores, windings, leads
Condenser type bushings (porcelain, copper, steel, oil
6 Transformer
impregnated paper, resin impregnated paper, crude oil
7 Varnish and thinner for touch-up painting Transformer tanks and accessories
Transformer conservator and
8 Silica gel
shipped accessories
9 Insulating oil on crude oil basis Transformer tanks

Table 12-1: Components/equipment for special consideration

Oil impregnated components

Any oil impregnated components as supplied items 1, 3, 4, 5 of above table - are not considered as
hazardous materials, however during the operational life of the transformer the chemical composition
of the oil may change, and upon disposal, it shall be the owners responsibility to determine, by
chemical analysis or otherwise, whether the oil contaminated components are regarded as hazardous
materials and upon disposal is classified as special waste.

It should be noted that disposal of the subject materials, even if intended for reclamation, does not
discharge the owners obligation to comply with the duty of care regulations.
If disposal is required, it should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

For Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the insulating oil see Section 12.8.

Glass fibre paper impregnated with Rembrandtin varnish

Rembrandtin varnish is used for impregnation of the glass fibre tapes wound around the core limbs
and considered as hazardous material and upon disposal is classified as special waste.

It should be noted that disposal of the subject materials, does not discharge the owners obligation to
comply with the duty of care regulations.
If disposal is required, it should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

For MSDS of the insulating oil see Section 12.8.

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Condenser type bushings

Condenser type bushings may be of:

OIP Type (oil impregnated paper)

RIP Type (resin impregnated paper)
ERIP Type (Epoxy resin impregnated paper)

Depending on the type, the bushing may contain materials as porcelain, copper, aluminium, cast iron,
resin impregnated paper, oil impregnated paper, epoxy resin, insulating oil.

Oil or resin impregnated components are not considered as hazardous materials, however during the
operational life of the bushing the chemical composition may change, and upon disposal, it shall be
the owners responsibility to determine, by chemical analysis or otherwise, whether the contaminated
components are regarded as hazardous materials and upon disposal is classified as special waste.

It should be noted that disposal of the subject materials, even if intended for reclamation, does not
discharge the owners obligation to comply with the duty of care regulations.
If disposal is required, consult the bushing manufacturer or follow the bushing manufacturers
instructions. Disposal should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

Refer to the instruction manuals of bushings in Section 9.

Varnish and thinner for touch-up painting

Painting may be required to touch up damaged paintwork on the transformer.

The touch-up varnish and thinner are considered as hazardous materials and upon disposal is
classified as special waste.

It should be noted that disposal of the subject materials, does not discharge the owners obligation to
comply with the duty of care regulations.
If disposal is required, it should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

For Technical Data Sheets (TDS) and MSDS see Section 12.8.

Silica gel
The following contain silica gel (desiccant):

silica gel breather

components (e.g. bushings) in shipping and storage condition

Type SORBSIL C Chamleon, A32 2550.SRB is throughout used for new transformers.

Older transformers most likely are fitted with cobalt chloride (blue coloured, turning pale pink when
saturated) silica gel crystals. Cobalt blue has been classed as a category 2 carcinogen as defined in
EC directive 98/98/EC, and is a hazard to the environment.

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In normal operation, there is no hazard, it is acceptable for this product to remain in service
indefinitely, the potential hazard is only with regard to drying and disposal.

Drying No attempt should be made to dry the Cobalt Chloride (blue/pale pink) Silica Gel.

Disposal If Cobalt Chloride (blue/pale pink) Silica Gel needs to be disposed of, it should be treated
as special waste and should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

For MSDS of the used silica gel material see Section 12.8.

Insulating oil
Insulating oil for transformers is a mineral oil on crude oil base used for electrical insulation and
cooling purposes. It is contained within the transformer tank, tap changer compartments, cooling
banks and conservators.

The insulating oil is not considered as hazardous material, however during the operational life of the
transformer the chemical composition of the oil may change, and upon disposal, it shall be the
owners responsibility to determine, by chemical analysis or otherwise, whether the transformer oil is
regarded as hazardous materials.

It should be noted that disposal of the transformer oil, even if intended for reclamation, does not
discharge the owners obligation to comply with the duty of care regulations.
If disposal is required, it should be handled by a registered waste management company or company
authorized as per the local regulations.

For MSDS see Section 12.8.

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12.8. Material Safety Data Sheets

No. Designation
1. Silica Gel (SORBSIL C Chamleon, A32 2550.SRB)
Varnish for glass fibre tapes component A (Isolierklebelack RL810 KOMP.A MV 1:1)
2. Varnish for glass fibre tapes component B (Isolierklebelack RL810 KOMP.B MV 1:1)
Hardener (Thinner 81)
Transformer: Paint Prime Coat (Type CHING EMD 156 HS grey)
Hardener (Type CHING M026)
Radiator: Paint Prime Coat (Type CHING EMC 182 FL redbrown)
Hardener (Type CHING M024 FL)
Transformer: Paint Intermediate Coat (Type CHING EMD 30 TR red brown)
Hardener (Type CHING M037)
Radiator: Paint Intermediate Coat (Type CHING EMD 30 FL light grey)
Hardener (Type CHING M024 FL)
Transformer: Paint Finish Coat (Type CHING ADL 43 RAL 7035)
Hardener (Type CHING D 104)
Radiator: Paint Finish Coat (Type CHING ADL 43 FL RAL 7035)
Hardener (Type CHING D 104)
Paint Inside Areas (Type CHING EMC 182 white K-DB)
Hardener (Type CHING M038)
7. Lubricant (Type Castrol Optimol Paste White RV)

Table 12-2: Material safety data sheets

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13. Annex

No. Document Title Document No.

1. QC-4 Site Assembly Blank Form -
2. Assembly Drawing 6863740
3. Assembly Drawing Parts List - WA6800522 - SN1799244 6863740A
4. Assembly Drawing Parts List - WA6800523 - SN1799245 6863740B
5. List of Gaskets 6863741

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