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(EBD bere tndoun yes Pysilogy> Acti: Metabotin and Thyroid Homone Introduction _Metabolism sve broad range of bischemical actions occurring inthe body. Metabolism includes anabolim and catabolism, Anaboliemsthebulding up of small moleculsinto large, ‘more-complex molecules wa enzymatic reactions. Energy is stored inthe chemical Bonds formed when larger, more-complex molecules are formed, Ccataboliem'sthe breakdown of lage, complex molecules int smaller molecules via enzymatic reactions. he breaking of chemical bands in catabolism releases energy thatthe cll can use to perform various actives, sucha forming AT Thecell doesnot use al the energy released by bond breaking. Much of he energy i released as heat o mainiaina fixed body temperature, ‘especialy in humans, Humans ae homeathermic organisms that need to maintain a fixed body ‘temperature to maintain the activity of the various metabolic pathways inthe body. ‘The most important hormone for maintaining metabolism and body heat is thyroxine (yroid homone, aso known as tetaiodothyranie, of, Thyraxine is secreted by the thyrld gland located in the neck view Eure 3). ‘The production of thyroxineis controled bythe pituitary gland or hypophyss, which secretes ‘thyroid-stimulatin hormone (TSH) The blood caries TSH tots arget tissue the thyroid ‘land. TSH causes the thyroid gland ta increase in size and secrete thyroxine nto the general ‘culation. ITSH levels are too high the thyroid gland enlarges. The resulting glandular sweling in theneck's called goiter Om oO

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