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End of second Term March 2017

NAME - Answer all questions. YEAR 10

1. Label the diagrams below with the correct sex organs. [13]

2. Multiple Choice Questions: There is one correct answer for each. [12]

a) The male hormone testesterone is produced by _________.

1. Testicles 2. Seminiferous tubules 3. Epididymis 4. Vas deferens

b) The fertilized egg is called ______________.

1. ovum 2. blastocyst 3. diploid cell 4. zygote

c) The tube that carries the sperms out of the testes is the __________________.

1. vasa efferentia 2. vas deferens 3. ovaries 4. epididymis

d) The fertilization of human egg by the sperms takes place in __________________.

1. ovary 2. fallopian tube 3. vagina 4.

e) The onset of the reproductive age is called _____________.

1. menstruation 2. menarche 3. menopause 4. Puberty

f) Sperms are produced at a temperature that is ________the body temperature.

1. same as 2. lower than 3. higher than 4. immaterial to

g) The sperms are temporarily stored in ___________.

1. vas deferens 2. vas eferens 3. epididymis 4. bladder

h) A hollow, pear shaped organ. A zygote develops in the uterus if the ovum is fertilized by a

1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina

i) A woman has two of these. They take turns releasing one ovum about every 28 days. This
is called ovulation.

1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina

j) 10. The neck or opening of the uterus. It dips down about half an inch into the vagina. It
is normally plugged by mucus. It stays tightly closed during pregnancy, but thins and
opens for the delivery of the baby.

1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina

k) 11. The passage which the penis penetrates to release its sperm. The baby also leaves the
uterus through the vagina during birth.

1. Uterus 2. Ovaries 3. Cervix 4. Vagina

l) The ovum released by the follicle travels through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus.
An ovum survives between 24 and 48 hours in the fallopian tubes, where it can be

1. Labia 2. Fallopian Tubes 3. Cervix 4. Follicle

3. Menstrual Cycle: Use the chart below to read the data [5]
a) Progesterone is secreted by ____________.

1. Ovarian Follicle 2. Graffian Follicle

3. Corpus Luteum 4. Corpus Follicle

b) Ovulation occurs between which day(s)?

1. Seventh to 13th 2. 13th to 15th

3. 10th to 12th 4. 23rd to 27th

c) The uterine lining is least thick on which day(s)?

1. Day 11 2. Day 8 3 Day 24 4. Day 1

d) Which hormone STARTS the ovulation cycle?

1. Luteinizing Hormone 2. Estrogen

3. Progesterone 4. FSH

e) Which Phase is Progesterone released?

1. Follicular Phase 2. Ovulation

3. Luteal Phase 4. Menstruation

4. Pregnancy: Use the chart provided for your answers [6]

a) This organ is first developed in the 1st Trimester around the 3rd week; it ends development
at the end of the 8th week? ________________

b) This organ system starts to develop in the 1st Trimester around the 3rd week; it ends at
the 38th week. (But you will develop it throughout your life) _________________

c) Which weeks do the embryo risk major congenital anomalies? __________________

d) Which weeks does the fetus risk functional defects and minor congenital anomalies?

e) Label the organs below. [3]

f) Which week does is the zygote created? __________________

g) Which weeks do the external genitalia become noticeable? _______________

h) Make a hypothesis: A woman was given a morning sickness pill to combat the feeling of
being ill. Her son was born with no feet; a major congenital anomaly. Which weeks would
you suspect she took the pills in her pregnancy? _______________

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