Mediation Agreement - English

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no. .............. date .................

I. The parties

EURO SERVICE.RO S.R.L. with the registered office in Constanta County, 33 Stefan cel Mare
Street, C4, 2nd floor, Sole Registration number 36799848, J13/2787/29.11.2016, represented by ARTUR
ALBIN KOCWIN, as provider/ supplier
and .....WORKERS NAME..................................................................., (full name) as beneficiary,
holder of the identity card ............, having the personal identification code .................,
profession ........................................., domiciled in ............, city of ........, street....,

have agreed on concluded the present mediation agreement:

II. The object of the agreement

1. Employment mediation of the beneficiary at ............................................. (name of the employer
from abroad) from .(country).
2.Fulfilling all the formalities for concluding the individual labor contract.
3. Fulfilling all the formalities regarding the movement to working place.
4. Other benefits ........................................................ .

III. The duration of the mediation agreement

The duration of the mediation agreement is .......................... starting from the closing date.

IV. The obligations of the parties

1. The obligation of the provider/ supplier:
a) to provide a job according to the preparation, skills/qualification and interests of the beneficiary
during the present agreement.
b) To inform the beneficiary and to specify the requests of the working place and the conditions he may
be hired.
c) to ensure, where appropriate, testing skills of the beneficiary.
d) to apply all necessary for the conclusion of the individual working contract with the employer
e) to ensure the inclusion of the items stipulated in the job offers.
f) to ensure the drawing of one copy of the individual working contract in Romanin, too.
g) to ensure confidentiality of personal data;
h) to apply and to fulfill all necessary for the movement of the beneficiary at the working place (to
obtain, where appropriate, the passport, visa, working permit, to assure all the conditions for the
transport, etc.).
i) to return all the documents submitted by the beneficiary, if not found an appropriate job or if the
beneficiary quits mediation.
j) to ensure compliance by the employer of the clauses from the individual working contract.

2. The obligations of the beneficiary:

a) to present all the documents and provide all the information needed for searching a properly job
b) to participate at all the actions organized for testing by the provider/supplier, for the selection, for
employment abroad.
c) to announce the provider if he abandon its mediation services.
d) to pay legal fees and the costs of movement abroad, if they are supported by the employer according
the individual working contract.
e) to respect the obligations set out in the individual working contract.

V. The tariff/price of mediation services

1. The tariff of mediation services is ..lei (..) and it is paid at the date of the
conclusing of the present agreement.
2. The provider/supplier undertakes to reimburse the beneficiary a part of the tariff/price in the following
a) ......%, if not founds a job corresponding to the beneficiary, during the mediation agreement.
b) .....%, if before the expiration of the mediation agreement the beneficiary notify the provider that he
give up mediation.

VI. The modification and completion of the agreement

The modification and completion of the clauses of the agreement may be done only by written agreement
of the parties, by addendum concluded by the contracting parties.

VII. Cancellation of the agreement

The present mediation agreement contract may be done:
a) at the date of signing of the individual working contract with the employer, with the exception of the
clauses from Chapter IV point 1 let.j) and point 2 let. e), that stops at the expiring of the individual
working contract.
b) at the expiry date of the mediation agreement, if the object of the mediation was conducted.
c) by agreement of the parties.
d) if the beneficiary refuses .job offers abroad.
e) by cancellation.
If one party does not fulfill its obligations under the contract, the aggrieved party shall notify the guilty
party to make all possible efforts for the proper execution of contract terms. If the guilty party
within ........ days of receiving notification does not comply, the injured party may unilaterally terminate
the mediation agreement and may claim damages, under the law.

VIII. Litigations
The parties agreed that all the divergences coming from or related to the present agreement to be
amiably settled, and if this thing is not possible, the parties shall address the competent legal courts,
according to the law.

IX. Final clauses

The mediation agreement shall enter into force upon signature by the parties. The present mediation
agreement was concluded at the providers office, in 2 copies, 1 for the provider and 1 for the

Provider, ..................... Beneficiary, ................


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