Block Modeling

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Sample Manager:

1.Extract lithology contacts (OB, LIMO, SAP, BED) from the sample database and save
files as either, Lim_top, Sap_top, Bed_top and Bed_bot in *.sur file format.

Export Create surfaces from samples

2. Fill out the form. Remember that when extracting the lithologic contacts, the
upper, and lower surface must be chosen when, for example, Lim_top and
Lim_bot.sur files are made.

Select data source Dsamp;

Surface type Geological;
Survey File user defined file;
Sample variable containing geological code the lithology code in the
Sample database;
Code of geological structure lithology code in sample database;
Z value Level;
Output surface Lower, Upper (ex. Lim_bot, Lim_top)
3. Make Queries from the Dsamp to filter the samples according to geology

FileSelect Database Objects;

Query builder Select Tables (Dsamp)Field NameOperatorValue;
Click And into CriteriaCopy SQL;
Go to Data Selector;
Execute SQLCloseSave as Query (user defined name)Close
Exit Sample manager

4. Generate Surfaces from the extracted lithology samples in sample manager:

ModelTriangulate a File;
Find the extracted files(Lim_bot, Sap_bot, Bed_bot and
Bed_top.sur)executeCancel (if finished)
5. Digitize a block modeling boundary:
DigitizeFill out the form (should be close)Enter;
Digitize the boundary.

6. Move the digitized boundary to a separate file:

ToolsTrade StringsMove;
Type the filename (poly_bndry)-select indicate-click on the boundary;
FileSaveSelect the Sample Database (*.mdb file)Append (warning: do
not overrite);
Open the boundary fileExportStrings to Perimetersexecute
Close Survey Manager

7. Go to Geological Manager and edit the attributes of the boundary perimeters to

assign thickness (width+ and width- ex. 1000,1000)
FileOpen perimeter group Select the *.mdb sample database;
ToolsEdit AttributesAssign value to width+ and width-Save and quit;
FileSave perimeter groupexit geology manager
8. Generating Block Model Parameters:

8.1 Define extents of the block model in North(lower to upper boundary), East (left to
right) and Level (bottom to top):
North Open the boundary file and define extents of north coordinates (ex.
710100N to 710700N;
East define east coordinates (ex. 1400E to 3000E)
Level Go to sample managerDisplaySummary statisticsselect from table
the Levelexecute;
View the minimum and maximum value (128 and 220);
Level elevation value (120 to 240) to be safe;
Exit Sample manager
8.2 Decide on the block model parameters and attributes:

parameters North East Level

Block Size 25 25 3
No.Sub-cells 5 5 1
Origin 710100 1400 120
No. of cells 30 70 50

Block model attributes Ni, Fe, Co,

SiO2,CaO,Cr2O3,MgO,NumNi.,Lithology,Oreclass (ex. LFO, etc..)

9. Create Block Model:

Open Resource Manager;

FileCreate/Modify Model;
Type the name of the model;
Cell Properties;
Model Type Block
Cell properties..common to all grids (type the attributes previously defined in
item 8.2;

Cell size and positions;

AddType the name of block model (ex. Model) execute;
Double click the model name (click Model)
Fill out the form (ex. Cell size, number of sub cells previously defined in item
Click Ok
10. Creating the block model grids by Subdivide cells by surface:
Open Resource manager;
Fileopen existing modelselect the filename and click open;
InterpolationSub-divide cells by surfaces;

Block model from surfaces (model);

Model field for material type (Lithology);
Define bounding perimeter file (boundary perimeter previously defined in item 7);
Surfaces and materials in descending order (note click priority descending)
Click AddSurfaces for model subdivision;
o Surface File (topo.trn,lim_top.trn,sap_top.trn,bed_top.trn and
bed_bot.trn in sequential order);
o Code of material lying under the surface:
Topo OB;
Lim_top LIMO;
Sap_top SAP;
Bed_top BED;
Bed_bot (blank);
o Click Ok
Click Ok
11. Assign Specific gravity, volume and mass to the block model cells;
o EditStore system fields;
o Fill out the form and click on write volume, mass and SG;
o Click Ok

12. Create queries to separate the cells by geology (OB, LIMO, SAP, BED). Refer to
same procedure as in item 3.
13. Grade Assignment:
o FileOpen existing modelselect block modelopen;
o InterpolationInverse distance weighing;

o Inverse distance grade estimation:

o Model table or query block model query (ex. Bed_blocks);
o Sample database - *.mdb sample database;
o Sample table or query sample database query (ex. Bed_samples);
o Geological masking sample field field denoting lithology in sample
database (ex. Lith2);
o Match with model masking field field denoting lithology in block model
(ex. Lithology);
o Search ellipsoid radii (xyz) the search limit distance of block centroids
to the sample in database (75m 75m 3m). Note the vale is variable
depending on the characteristics of the deposit (usually defined through
variogram analysis in geostatistics);
o Weighing power 2 (common value);
o Number of samples minimum and maximum number of samples to be
used for the grade estimation of a cell (ex. Min-1, max.-10);
o Click weighing relative to ellipsoid radius;
o Click Add in model values to estimate and define which field variables
(ex. Ni, Co, Fe, etc..) for grade assignment;
o Click OK

o Notes of Consideration:
o The purpose of geologic masking is to make sure that the sample based in
lithology is the only ones used to estimate a cell according also to
lithology (Block model lithology Bed matched with Sample Database
lithology Bed)

14. Make Queries within the block model relative to the Ore Classification (ex. LFO,
LGL, HFO, LGS, MGS, HGS and Waste). Same procedures as in item 3.
o Example LFO Ni (>=0.80 and <1.20), Fe (>=45);
o Save the queries as LFO

15. Resource Reporting:

o FileOpen existing model select model nameOpen;

o DisplayResource report
o Fill up form;
o Columns Tabulation Variable (Fe, Co, etc.) from block model. Note-do not
select Ni since already selected in primary variable;
o Row tabulation Pattern (ex. Oreclass previously defined in Modify system
lookup table in File menu)
o Click OK

16. Thats ALL Folks!!!!!!!! Happy Modeling Pak Stef. Remenber to email me for
problems in

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