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FirePASS Hypoxic air generator model

FP-SCU-145 (silent version 2012)
Copyright: Nov 2012 Confidential! Property of the FirePASS Europe GmbH



1 CAUTION and safety instructions.
2 Introduction
3 Technical description
4 Technical specifications
5 Transportation and put in position instructions.
6 Connecting the hypoxic air generating system.
7 Purity setting.
8 Operating the system.
9 Maintenance, maintenance parts and spare parts.
10 Trouble shooting

Other documents:
- Electrical wiring diagram
- Pictures with text

Attention: Read this manual carefully before installing and operating the FirePASS
hypoxic air system.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 1
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

CAUTION: The FP-SCU-145 System produces nitrogen enriched and oxygen enriched air.
Nitrogen enriched air causes suffocation and oxygen enriched air causes increased fire danger.
Adequate ventilation of the location in which the equipment is installed is required. If this is
not possible, please contact FirePASS at

The air provided for the feeding compressors must be normally clean.

Only authorised personal should conduct maintenance and/or servicing, educated in

compressed air and electricity technologies.

The system is pressurised during the operation. De-pressurisation may take some time after
the pressurised air feed has been switched off.
Before servicing or maintenance, one must make sure that the system is fully de-pressurised
and the ball valve at the inlet is closed.

During commissioning the hypoxic air purity has to be set at 10% oxygen content before
taken into operation.

To ensure proper, reliable and safe operation it is obliged to perform the regular maintenance
and service as indicated in this manual.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 2
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

The FP-SCU-145 Hypoxic air generator enables you to make Hypoxic air (10% oxygen) out
of the normally pure ambient air. The system employs a gas separating technology and is
based on the gas separation membranes.

Air is composed of 78.1% nitrogen, 20.9 % oxygen and about 1% of argon 1% and some
other inert gases. The system is capable of separating oxygen from air.

Compressed air flows trough thousands of hollow gas separating fibres. Using the principal of
difference in diffusion speed, oxygen can pass through the walls of the fibres much more
easily than nitrogen.

By controlling the pressure and flow, we can manipulate the oxygen percentage in the air.
Increasing flow means more residual oxygen and decreasing the flow will result in a flow
with less oxygen content, as the compressed air pressure is the same.

The FP-SCU-145 system consists of a hypoxic air generator with two integrated compressors,
after cooler, compressed air filters etc. all assembled in one cabinet.

The FirePASS controller that is also built into the cabinet, controls the generator in order to
deliver hypoxic air of set purity and/or switch to the standby mode. The oxygen read value is
to be measured by an oxygen monitor that has to be placed into a room, in which the hypoxic
environment has to be created and maintained. (see the separate Controller Manual).


The gas separating for the generator is done in a nitrogen membrane bundle.
The membrane has no maintenance and can be used for a long time.
The oxygen content is set by the purity setting needle valve. (increasing flow means more
oxygen, decreasing flow means less oxygen
This setting is factory set at about 10% oxygen content, under standard conditions.

However, the nitrogen membranes can only operate reliably when the incoming compressed
air is clean, dry and free of ozone. If not, the membranes will fail in a short time. Damage to
membranes cannot be repaired, so than the membrane has to be replaced.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 3
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
To make sure the compressed air is clean, oil free and ozone free, please note the following:

The built in compressors are oil free, so cleaning the air is relatively easy.
The Hypoxic generator is equipped with in total four air inlet filters, positioned with the
compressors. High quality filtration, 1mu and 0,01mu, an activated carbon vessel and a final
1mu dust filter. This air pre treatment section makes the compressed air free of oil and oil
vapours. Also ozone is taken out.
(also see maintenance)

The compressors have a thermal heating overload protection.

The membranes will be damaged if wet air enters the membrane. We need a RV Relative
Humidity) level of max 90% in the generator (Membrane). To obtain this, the generator can
only operate in RV of maximum 75% ambient condition.

The system has a delicate heat balance. Hot compressed air from the compressor flows into an
after-cooler at the back of the generator, condensing moisture out of the compressed air.

The filters do not only clean the air from particles, but also the fluid condensate is separated
in 3 separated stages, 5Mu, 1Mu and 0,01Mu. All have controlled auto drains.
In the generator, a vaporization unit has to vaporize the moisture, check on this regularly (see

After passing by these filters, the RV is still little above 100%+.

From there we heat up the compressed air, using the surface of the activated carbon adsorber,
as this is placed in the hot ventilation airflow of the upper compressor.
From there, the compressed air flows to the final filter before entering the membrane.

Note: The oxygen enriched airflow of the membrane (waste flow, some 35% oxygen content),
is vented direct into the cabinet.
This will mix in the ventilation air, as a ventilator is pushing up to 800m3/hr venting (cooling)
air throughout the unit.
To prevent that the oxygen level in the room where the generator is situated will rise, this
room has to be ventilated very well.
If this is not possible, the permeate flow has to be taken outside separately.
Please contact your supplier.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 4
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
The FirePASS controller system and generator electrics are situated behind the touch screen

As soon as the controller is demanding for hypoxic airflow, the compressor starts and the
hypoxic airflow with 10% oxygen will flow to the room to protect.

If there is no longer demand for hypoxic air, (The room has reached the minimum oxygen set
level, usually some 14% oxygen), the compressor will stop and so the production of hypoxic
air as well.

For cooling down the system, the ventilator in the cabinet will run for some 10 minutes extra.

To avoid situations where the compressor is stopped and is restarted direct again, the system
is protected with a timer delay for some seconds. If there is still pressure in the system, the
compressors will NOT start against backpressure.

Another protection for starting without backpressure is that the timer drains will open for a
few seconds during the start-up.

Influence of the Temperature:

The selectivity of the membranes is influenced by the compressed air temperature.

Also the volumetric performance of the compressors is influenced by the temperature.

The system has nominal data at 20 deg C ambient conditions.

Maximum ambient temperature is 30 deg C. And minimum is 5 deg C. If different please
contact FirePASS, (the ventilator speed can be increased to get extra cooling capacity)

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 5
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354


The system is designed to meet the following:

Flow capacity hypoxic air (10% oxygen in the air) 145Nl/min.

Suitable for constant use

Electrical power supply

Voltage : 230Volt/50Hz
Installed power : 3,2Kw
Fuse needed : 16 Amp slow

5. Transportation / Installation instructions.


The cabinet is shipped in normal standing position in wood pallet box.

However the unit is packed carefully, take great care during transportation.
Do not drop the box!


The pallet box can be internally transported with a forklift or a pallet lifter.
The top cover of the box and one of the sides can be removed with a screwdriver.
Only at this side the wheels are locked with wheel brake.
We suggest working with three persons to guide the generator out of the box. Take care of the
room sensor, sound muffler in the shipment and or other lose items.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 6
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
Location (general instruction)

The unit is designed to be used in a fixed location.

- Indoor temperature from 5 to 30 Deg C. (contact FirePASS for using at higher

- Allow a minimum 50 cm free space from the back of the unit to a wall.
- Vibration free.
- Preferred no continuous direct sunlight.
- Do not place close to heat sources.
- Proper ventilated room required (see safety precautions).
- The system must be situated such that it is accessible for operating and service.
- Due to the oxygen enriched venting, there is a need for a good ventilation.
- (If this is not possible please contact your supplier. The permeate than has to
be lead out the building using correct hose or a pipe size - non pressurizing,
connecting to the three vents of the nitrogen membranes).

6. Connecting the Hypoxic air generating system:

The unit is basically plug and play type.

After putting the generator in position, place the room sensor in the room to protect.
(Possibly a new cable has to be connected if you need more length). The same applies if the
cable has to be released in order to bring the cable trough a drilled hole through a wall.
The unit has a five-meter cord supplied. This cord can be plugged in at the back of the unit by
pushing in the connector and twist the lock nut.
Best use a shielded cable for the connection in between room sensor and generator cabinet.
Remount the cable connections in that case exactly as they were released.

Connect the hypoxic air outlet with a hose or pipe to the room. If the distance is no longer
than 3-4 meter, a tube, inner diameter some 12mm is OK. It is advised to use pipe work to this
room in a bigger diameter when distances are longer.

Mount eventually the sound muffler at the hypoxic air outlet in the room. (optional).

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 7
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
Condensate management:
The unit produces condensate; the amount depends on relative humidity and temperature, but
usually up to two litres a day if the unit is running constantly 24hrs/day.

The generator has a vaporisation unit where the condensate is collected and vaporized into the
hot venting air.
This unit is behind the left side panel.

When the air contains a high relative humidity, and the generator is running for more than
60% of the time, check this vaporisation unit every few days. If the water level in the
collecting bin comes to one cm below the top of the bin, then the incoming tube has to be
disconnected (push back the collar of the push in coupling and pull 6mm tube out)

Note: As also the fan is running near the vaporisation unit, you may only open the side panel
when the unit is switched off and the ventilator is not running.

Note: When you want to avoid this maintenance, the condensate tube can be taken out of the
unit at the back (trout the venting openings), and collected and disposed outside the unit.
In that case, remove the vaporisation unit completely, and use the built-in sound muffler
outside of the unit. Note that venting is under pressure, and the tube has to be fixed to a
canister or other object.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 8
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

For setting the purity you will need an external oxygen analyser. If not present, your supplier
can deliver a small hand held oxygen meter.

This generator is factory set at 10% oxygen. Usually there is no need to change this.

If you want to check the outgoing purity, measure the oxygen level in the outgoing flow from
the generator (or at the blow in point in the room) Make sure the measuring device is never

The oxygen level can be adjusted, using the purity-setting valve (flow valve).
Adjustments should only be done when the system is running for some time and the heat
balance is correct. (let it run at least 15 minutes before!)

See the attached pictures to identify the purity/flow setting knob.


After the electric connections 230V 50Hz being connected (Note: needs 16 Amps), the
hypoxic air connections in place and the room sensor installed and connected, the system is
ready to use.

Read the Controller Manual before starting up the system.

1- Turn on the main switch at the cabinet (yellow/red switch)

2- Turn on the controller switch.

3- The display will become alive and after short time a message comes up that the unit is
heating up. A countdown timer will show. After a few minutes the system is ready,
and if there is a demand for hypoxic air, the system will start, you hear the
compressors start and the message touch to continue.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 9
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
4- The system will work fully automatically from there. If the controller indicates that
there is no longer need for hypoxic air production, the compressors will stop
automatically and restart when the controller demands to start again.

5- As the compressors stop, the ventilator in the generator will run for some extra time,
usually about 7-10 minutes for cooling down the system.

NOTE: Do not operate the system when the generator cabinet panels are not closed. This is
for safety (ventilator inside is running) and cooling, as the flow will no longer pass the


Executing routine maintenance:

Daily attention:

1- Check on vaporisation unit level. (if needed)

Weekly attention:

1- General visual and acoustical attention inside and outside the cabinet.

Every month:

We suggest checking the purity of the hypoxic air every month. (see purity setting (7))

Every 3.000hrs

Note: for 3.000hrs service, you can order one service kit Part No. MKFP270B.

1- Replace compressor suction filters (4).

2- Replace filter element for filter 1.
3- Replace filter element for filter 2.
4- Replace filter element for filter 3.
5- Replace activated carbon adsorber.
6- Replace filter element for filter 4.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 10
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
Note : The compressors have a service life depending on ambient temperature and start/stop
frequency, stability in electricity and dirt in the suction air. (not only particles, but also
vapours and other air pollution factors can affect it). The estimate lifetime of the compressors
will be in between 8.000 hrs and 12.000hrs running time. Usually the compressors are
completely replaced when they fail. During normal service life, the compressors need no
maintenance (except for changing suction filters) Compressor part No. AV/FPSPCOMP15.

Part No:
Maintenance kit 2.000hrs MKFP270B
Compressor (both are the same) AV/FPSPCOMP15. (one compressor), two in unit
Solenoid drain AV/FPSDRAIN01 ( one drain valve), three in unit
Ventilator AV/FPFAN230/FPFRQ


One or two compressors are not running, while there is power and the controller is demanding
hypoxic air.

The compressors are stopped due to thermal overload. Resetting this can be done as follows:
Switch off the main switch.
Open the upper front cover.
Use the reset button(s), see pictures for exact location.
Make sure that both reset buttons are pushed in.
Close this panel again and restart the system by switching the main switch.

System is delivering less hypoxic air.

Check the membrane pressure during the running time, as shown in the upper front panel near
the membrane. Note that these items are under electrical power! The pressure should be some
5 till 5,5 bar.
If the pressure is significantly lower, than please check the hypoxic air purity settings (if the
purity is set at higher oxygen content, the pressure will drop and volume will increase)
But also when only one compressor is running, the pressure will be low (see above).

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 11
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
The pressure differential in filters and adsorber is getting high due to the dirt accumulation in
the filters, this can be visually checked by taking out the filter elements for filter 2, 3 and 4.

Also the suction filters from the compressors can be partly blocked.

The air sucked by the compressor and subsequently fed to the compressor must be normally

Only authorised personal should conduct maintenance and/or servicing,

educated in compressed air technology and electricity technology.

The system is pressurised during operation. De-pressurisation may take

some time after the pressurised air feed has been switched off.

Before servicing or maintenance one must make sure that the system is
fully de-pressurised and the ball valve at the inlet is closed.

During commissioning the hypoxic air purity has to be set at minimum

10% oxygen content before taken into operation.

To ensure proper, reliable and safe operation it is obliged to perform

regular maintenance and service as indicated in this manual.

Also see for maintenance of compressors and air dryers the separate
supplied manuals.

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 12
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 13
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 14
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 15
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
panel Main
switch Controller

Vent air

Wheels + break

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 16
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
Fan speed
setting, do
not change

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 17
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354
Filter 2 Filter 3 Filter 4
Filter 1
(red) (white) (red)

Filter drain solenoid


Purity setting

Fan delay timer

Thermal relais reset
(blue) buttons

Compressor pressure

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 18
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

Vaporisation unit


Max moisture level

Vent air outlet

room sensor,
mount in room
to protect.

Hypoxic air Room

to room to sensor
protect connector

16 Amp

FirePASS Europe GmbH, Im Sachsenhausen 5 , 64404 Bickenbach, HRG Darmstadt, HRB 87379 19
Geschftsfhrer: Igor Kotlyar, Gerichtsstand: Darmstadt
Bankverbindung: Commerzbank, Konto Nr. 0230930000, Blz: 50880050
IBAN: DE74508800500230930000, BIC: COBA DEFF XXX
Steuernummer: 07 23 30 24 12; Ust ID Nr. DE263046354

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