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This refers to face interaction between the informant and the informer and it complies of
the questions and answers that are intended to provide information to the research. This
method was basically used in during the activities like group sensitization mobilization to
have a clear view of what the group was doing and whether it was active also in the
probation cases that required much information from the clients, direct questions were
asked in order to get required information from the clients, in order to get the required
information about the case and be ale to make a sound decision or judgment.
b. Literature review or referring to records.
This method was mainly used when the cases have been referred to the office from the
sub county levels and police. It would require me to first consult the record book in order
to find out whether the client had ever a case with the office and how it was handled the
consensus met by the individuals. It would provide back ground information on how to
go about the clients problem
c. Social inquiries outreaches.
This refers to the method of data collection used by the researcher to find more
information about a social phenomenon. This method was so paramount in looking for
more additional information before making a decision as probation cases were concerned.
In case the client failed to give the detailed information about the cases or gave wrong
information or may be did not agree with the case put to him, with the help of the
probation officer more information would be got from the out reaches from village were
the person would be coming from i.e the LC1
d. Observation
The method requires the presence of the person who intends to get information. By use of
necked eyes, one can easily see and be able to take the information he or she intends to
get and record it for purpose of storage. Observation was basically used during the
monitoring of youth groups and women groups within the district while identifying their
e. Participation
This refers to the active involvement in the kind of activity that is taking place for
purposes of finding more information about a certain topic. In the probation cases I was
involved and participated in asking questions moving to the field and participated in
typing referral and summoning letters to the clients and through such activities more
information was got.
f. Focus group discussion.
This refers to the method used by the researcher to find out the information on a
phenomenon that affects the people in the same range of characteristics. The discussions
were mostly to find out information about the problems that were affecting the groups of
women and youth within the districts. The groups were formed and asked to discuss their

2.2 Activities performed

During my internship several activities were assigned to me and other I did my self for
the interest of gaining the skills and knowledge that I expected to gain from the filed as

I was involved in the sensitization programs that intended to avail information to

some specific groups within the community i.e sensitizing PWDs in Nyabubare S/C
and other sub-counties about their rights, benefits, opportunities they have from the
government in case they formed a group and can not benefit anything from the
government as individuals but can gains as a group.
Handled several probation cases that is in the course of my internship several cases
were handled in office and even others that needed outreaches some cases about
family property miss management, about children rights, family misunderstandings,
orphans, widows abuse. All cases that had the referral letters from the CDOs were
handled. With the help of the district probation and social welfare officer I was able to
handle and settle several conflicts from different families.
Monitoring and supervising of district village groups. Several group visited to
evaluate and find out the most active women in the youth groups in the district using
the skills of interviewing. Monitoring and evaluation; I was able to attend the
loaching of Muraro Anti-Aids in Buyanja Kyeizooba Sub-County with some of the
CBS staff and many government programms were being taught to members of the
group like CDD, NAADS and others.
Visiting FAL instructors and paying their yearly incentives in different S/Cs. This was
only done in a few sub counties of the district that is Kakanju Nyabubare, also
training and sensitization about FAL instructors and S/C counselors about what they
are expected to do in the FAL classes and also to educate the public about the
consumption of that government program. This was done with the help of my field
supervisor Mr. Muhanguzi Basil.
Entering and feeding the collected data about the NAAD program within the district
into the office computers. This was done to help in easy access to this information by
the officer who is the co-coordinator community based services. In this activity
computer skills were applied and poor hand writing was the biggest challenge.
Also in the course of my field work I was also involved in writing and typing letters
summoning letters to the clients who have been referred to the office for any kind of
assistance. This was always after the reporting of nay case that required calling up on
the other party to discuss the matter with the concerned individuals.

Chapter three.

3.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the importance of the filed word to the individual, lessons learnt
from the field work study, the challenges the encountered and the ways the student
overcame them, lessons learnt and the recommendations that are for the consumption of
the agency and the department at the institute.

3.1. Lessons learnt from the field.

Several lessons were learnt during the field work practice that helped me to put the
theoretical skills, knowledge, methods of social work into practical skills and
knowledge that can help me to able to help the clients with in the communities. The
lessons were all from the activities, interactions, facilitations, workshops, and many
others that were handled as below.
I learnt that delayed release of funds hinder the implementation of the planned
activities across the sector such as FAL, NAADS , CDD and OVC programs which
result into in effectiveness and ei efficiency of those programms.
I learnt how to handle public offices such as dress code, client handling, report
writing and the materials like stamps, books, computers, record keeping and many
others that are in offices. All this was during my orientation week by the probation
Handling probation cases such as how to ask questions, approach the situations of
clients especially basing on the rules and regulation such as the penal code, all this
was because of the many probation cases that I attended and intervened during my
field work study.
In the work training especially in probation case I intervened in handling. I learnt that
more above the womens triple role that is production and community roles and got to
know that their daily work load often limit their access and benefits to development
activities since they are always confined at their home all the times as they lack
information about development issues, lack of productive resources, have limited
capacity to contribute toward local revenue and have limited knowledge and skills.
One more big lesson that I learnt was that the intervention of the (third party) in the
matter of the family heads whose relation ship you dont know were it stared, how
and when it was stared only means nothing un less the concerned individuals.
One more big lesson that I learnt was that the intervention of the (third party) in the
matter of the family heads whose relation ship you dont know were it stared, how
and when it was stared only means nothing un less the concerned individuals decide
to resolve their issues themselves, i.e probation can only help them to make up their
minds but can not change them if they have decided to stay a part.
I also learnt the importance of reporting to the person responsible every after the
activity or assignment is done as required by the office the same way can be put to the
community practice.
With the probation cases and the way are always handled, I have learnt the
importance of inquires, consultation and investigation in case some situation is not
clear to a person who intends to make a decision. It would rather be slow but sure but
not quick and unpredictable. I have learnt how to make sound decisions.
I have also learnt how to apply several laws and regulations in different cases as
abused by some people with in the community. Like in children rights women affairs,
family and divorce cases and others with in the community.


During the practice many situation were challenging to me that retreated my practice to
achieve the set objectives efficiently though I did the best in order to achieve my set
objectives and goal of the field work.

During the field practice the student met some of the constraints that prevented her from
executing her assigned tasks. Thee include,

a) I encountered a challenge of the sector lacking a work plan. Where by the sector did
not have an appropriate work plan with the daily routine activities. This made it hard
for me plan for my daily routine activities. However this was in the long run
overcome by making my own plan therefore coping up with the situation.

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