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Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189 203

Microwave-assisted leachinga review

M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman *
School of Chemical Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Received 19 June 2003; received in revised form 9 September 2003; accepted 23 October 2003


Microwave applications in mining and process metallurgy have been the subject of many research studies over the past two
decades. This paper reviews microwave-assisted leaching of copper, gold, nickel, cobalt, and manganese, lead and zinc and also
coal desulphurisation. It has been recognised that microwave technology has great potential to improve the extraction efficiency
of metals in terms of both reduction in required leaching time and increased recovery of valuable metal. Despite a significant
number of research studies in this area and potential for achieving highly attractive benefits, there is no agreement to the
mechanism of interaction of microwaves with hydrometallurgical systems.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microwave-assisted leaching; Mining; Process metallurgy

1. Introduction of operation make leaching more preferable than high

temperature smelting.
Compared with pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgi- However, some problems may arise during hydro-
cal extraction of metals from their ores is potentially metallurgical operations. These include: low recovery
highly attractive. This attractiveness is attributed to of extracted metal, difficulties in solid liquid separa-
economical, environmental, and technical reasons. It tion and effect of impurities on the ease of purifica-
is often less costly and less harmful to the environ- tion. The principal disadvantage of hydrometallurgical
ment by avoidance of hazardous gases emissions such operations is probably the process times required to
as SO2. In addition, metals can be obtained directly in achieve high metal recovery since these processes are
pure form from leach solution or recovered from often carried out at low temperatures compared to
impure leach solution. Factors such as the relatively pyrometallurgical processes.
mild corrosion issues compared to refractory lining Microwave-assisted leaching has been investigated
consumption in smelting operations; low temperature in an attempt to improve the yield of extracted metal
processing; low handling cost of leaching products; and to reduce process time, especially with the in-
possibility of treatment of low grade ores and the scale creasing demand for more environmental friendly
processes. Unique microwave heating characteristics
are the main driver for potential implementation in
* Corresponding author.
metal extraction. These include: low processing time,
E-mail address: direct, selective and volumetric heating, and a more
(S.W. Kingman). controllable heating process.

0304-386X/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
190 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

Research into heating of minerals by microwave corresponding frequencies between 300 MHz and
energy started in 1996 when Connell and Moe (1966) 300 GHz. Within this range, microwaves have exten-
obtained a US patent for apparatus for treatment of sive use in communication, especially in radar, cellu-
ore. Ford and Pei (1967) applied microwaves to lar phones, television and satellite applications
several oxides and sulphides. They found that dark (Thostenson and Chou, 1999). The most commonly
coloured ore heated faster than lighter ore. Chen et al. used frequencies for heating purposes are 915 MHz
(1984) applied microwave irradiation to 40 minerals and 2.45 GHz, which correspond to wavelengths of
and compounds. Walkiewicz et al. (1988) subjected 33.5 and 12.2 cm, respectively. These frequencies
135 reagent grade chemicals and 19 minerals to were chosen by international agreement to minimize
microwave irradiation. Generally, it was found that the interference with communication services (Mere-
many ore minerals are lossy and good absorbers, dith, 1998).
whereas, the gangue minerals (silicate type) heated Microwave heating is a process within a family of
poorly. McGill et al. (1988) studied the effect of electro-heat techniques, such as induction, radio fre-
power level on the heating rate of reagent grade quency, direct resistance, and infrared heating, which
chemicals and minerals. utilize specific parts of electromagnetic energy
Various authors have suggested potential applica- (Fletcher, 1995). Microwave heating of dielectric
tions of microwave energy in mineral extraction and materials lies in the ability of the electric field to
several review papers can be found in this area (Xia polarize the charge of the material where polarization
and Pickles, 1997; Kingman and Rowson, 1998; cannot follow the rapid change of the electric field.
Haque, 1999). It was indicated that microwave energy The main types of dielectric polarization are (Metaxas
could have a potential application in comminution, and Meredith, 1983):
drying, pre-treatment of refractory gold ores, coal
desulphurisation, leaching, roasting, carbon reactiva-  electron polarization due to the change of electron
tion, carbothermic reduction of oxides and waste and position around the nucleus;
slag management. The above authors concluded in  atomic polarization caused by positional shifts of
most cases that microwaves may have the potential to the nucleus due to the non-uniform distribution of
reduce the energy cost of comminution, enhance the charge within the molecule;
mineral surface chemistry and facilitate new forms  orientation polarization caused by the reorientation
of metal extraction in a controlled environment. of the permanent dipoles due to the influence of
The aim of this paper is to review microwave- electric field;
assisted leaching of minerals and compounds. A brief  spatial charge polarization observed when material
description of microwave heating principles is pre- contains free electrons whose distribution is limited
sented. Microwave leaching of copper sulphide min- by the grain surface.
erals, especially chalcopyrite is reviewed. Gold
leaching, coal desulphurisation, leaching of nickel, Orientation (dipole) polarization is the most im-
cobalt, manganese, zinc and lead from their minerals portant mechanism at the microwave frequencies
using microwave energy are considered. Finally, notes because the energy required for electron and atomic
about the influence of microwave irradiation on polarization is much greater than can be produced by
chemical reaction are presented with some concluding microwave frequencies. Therefore, these effects do
remarks and recommendations for further develop- not contribute to dielectric heating at microwave
ment of the technology. frequencies (Mingos and Baghurst, 1991). Fig. 1
shows how polar molecules in a microwave field
attempt to reorient themselves in accordance with
2. Microwave heating the rapidly changing field.
When applying microwave irradiation to the mate-
Microwave energy is a form of electromagnetic rial, the electric and magnetic components are chang-
energy, which travels in high frequency waves. The ing rapidly ( f 2.4  109 per second at a frequency of
wavelengths are between 1 mm and 1 m with 2.45 GHz) and the molecules cannot respond quickly
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 191

into heat (Metaxas and Meredith, 1983; Galema,

1997; Thostenson and Chou, 1999). The two quanti-
ties are expressed in terms of the complex dielectric
constant (e*) (Eq. (1)):

e* eV  ieW 1

The loss tangent provides an indication of how

well a material can be penetrated by electric field and
Fig. 1. Realignment of a dipole in an electromagnetic field.
how it dissipates energy into heat (Chan, 2000) (Eq.
to the change in direction, giving rise to friction and
therefore causing them to warm up (Galema, 1997). eW
tand 2
Ionic conduction is another important microwave eV
heating mechanism. When a microwave field is ap- The penetration depth (Dp, m) is the distance from the
plied to a solution containing ions, they move due to material surface where the absorbed electric field (e)
their inherent charge. As a result, ions collide and the falls to 1/e of the electric field at the surface. The
collisions cause the conversion of kinetic energy to penetration depth is inversely proportional to the
thermal energy. As the concentration of ions increases frequency, whereas the greatest heating is achieved
in solution, more collisions occur, causing the soluton at high frequencies. For example, for water the great-
to heat faster (Schaefer, 1999). est rate of heating occurs at 20 GHz where the
Depending on the response to microwave heating, dielectric loss factor is at its maximum value. How-
materials can be classified into three principal groups ever, the penetration depth at such frequencies is so
with respect to their interaction with a microwave low that only the exterior of the material will heat
field: (Mingos and Baghurst, 1991; Thostenson and Chou,
1999). Dp is given by
1. transparent or low loss materials where micro-
waves pass through without any losses; C
Dp pp 1=2 3
2. conductors which reflect microwaves without any 2pf 2eV 1 tan2 d  1
3. absorbing or high loss materials, which absorb where: ffrequency, Hz; cspeed of light, m/s.
microwaves and dissipate the electromagnetic In conventional furnaces, heat is transferred to the
energy as heat, depending on the value of the material by thermal electromagnetic radiation. The
dielectric loss factor. penetration depth at infrared radiation ( f = 1013 s 1)
is very small (Dpb10 4 m) in the majority of solids,
There is a fourth category, which occurs when a which means a very thin layer of the material will heat
material contains two or more phases with different up and the rest of the material will be heated depend-
dielectric properties. In this case, microwaves can ing on the heat transfer properties of the material.
selectively heat the high loss phase passing through Obviously this can result in significant temperature
the low loss one without significant absorption (Clark gradients. In the microwave frequency range Dp varies
et al., 2000). from metres to millimeters depending on the frequen-
The dielectric constant (eV) and dielectric loss cy, temperature, chemical composition and micro-
factor (eU) are used to express the dielectric response structure (Bykov et al., 2001). Minimization of
of materials in an applied microwave field. The temperature gradient across a material as a result of
dielectric constant measures the ability of a material microwave heating can therefore give more uniform
to store microwave energy, i.e. the ability of the heating. The penetration depth of microwave energy
material to be polarized. The loss factor measures at various frequencies into pyrite has recently been
the ability of a material to dissipate the stored energy investigated. (Cumbane, 2003). It was shown that
192 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

penetration depths within the order of several centi- have been used to increase the reactivity of chalco-
metres are possible but are highly frequency depen- pyrite, such as sulfidizing chalcopyrite activation
dent. Tests were carried out at frequencies of 615 (Subramanian and Kanduth, 1973; Padilla et al.,
MHz, 1.4 and 2.21 GHz, and the penetration depth 2003), mechanical activation (Maurice and Hawk,
was calculated to be reduced from 14 cm at 615 MHz 1998, 1999), organic extracting additions, the use of
to 4 cm at 2.21 GHz. This suggests that if large pieces ozone as an oxidant (Havlik and Kammel, 1995), and
of material are to be treated, then lower frequency the use of promoters (silver ions, surfactants, carbon
energy should be used. particles, iron powder or hematite) (Hiroyoshi et al.,
The average power density P (volumetric absorp- 2000).
tion of microwave energy W/m3) produced in a This section presents a review of research studies
material when it is exposed to microwave energy is that have been conducted to improve copper recovery
defined in Eq. (4) as (Metaxas and Meredith, 1983) from its ores and concentrates using microwave energy.
2 3
The first attempt to use microwave energy to
P 2pf e0 eW
eff E W =m 4 improve copper recovery from its ores was conducted
by Kruesi and Frahm (1982b). They obtained a US
where: e0permitivity of free space (F/m); eeff W
patent for the recovery of copper from its oxide and
effective relative loss factor; Eelectric field strength
sulphide ores using microwaves. Various methods for
inside material (V/m).
different ores and concentrates were presented. For
If the material exhibits magnetic losses the effect of
example, 120 g copper ore containing 1.6% copper,
the magnetic field must be considered, especially for
53% of which was in the form of oxides and 47% in
materials exhibiting high magnetic susceptibility. The
the form of sulphide, was blended with 11 g of
relevant equation can be re written as:
concentrated sulphuric acid and 3 g of iron as FeCl2.
P 2pfE 2 e0 e eWff 2pf l0 l Weff H 2 5 The mixture was irradiated in a multimode cavity for
10 min at a power level of 600 W and a frequency of
where: l0permeability of free space, H/m; leff 2.45 GHz under a chlorine atmosphere. The mixture
effective magnetic loss factor; Hmagnetic field was then cooled and leached in a brine solution
strength, A/m. achieving 86% of copper soluble. Another example
was where 100 g of copper ore, containing 0.6%
copper mainly in the form of chalcopyrite, was ground
3. Microwave leaching of chalcopyrite to 12 mesh then mixed with 1 g of iron as FeCl2. The
dry mixture was then irradiated under a chlorine
Chalcopyrite is the most important copper mineral atmosphere for 6 min at 600 W and a frequency of
in terms of scale of use and availability. This mineral 2.45 GHz. The remaining solids were then leached in
is generally treated by pyrometallurgical processes brine solution and 91% copper was found to be
either in reverberatory furnaces or by using flash soluble.
smelting techniques. However, recently, there has Walkiewicz et al. (1988) microwave-treated chal-
been interest in hydrometallurgical leaching of sul- copyrite ore containing 24% Cu mixed with ferric
phide minerals due to the requirement to avoid SO2 chloride hexahydrate (FeCl3.6H2O). The experiments
emission (Dutrizac, 1989). were carried out in a 1-kW 2.45-GHz commercial
From an economic point of view, the most practical multimode oven, and the temperature was measured
oxidants of chalcopyrite are ferric ions (Dutrizac, and monitored continuously using type K sheathed
1992). However, the leaching rate of chalcopyrite is thermocouple, which was inserted in the sample
very slow when using ferric sulphate and is also slow through the roof of the oven. The temperature reached
in ferric chloride media. The slow reaction kinetics of 224 jC after 10 min and the copper extraction reached
chalcopyrite dissolution in these systems is due to the 30%Cu. However, when the same mixture was heated
formation of sulphur layer around the particles pre- in a muffle furnace for 10 min, the maximum tem-
venting the oxidant from reaching unreacted mineral perature reached was 255 jC but only 22%Cu of the
surface (Dutrizac, 1989, 1990). Several techniques copper was extracted. According to the authors, this
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 193

indicates that increase in copper extraction is not volume was 3.22 m3. The maximum copper extraction
related to the heat delivered by microwaves but by efficiency achieved was 70%. This was achieved at the
some other non-thermal effect. following conditions: acid paste/concentrate ratio
Worner (1990) mixed 85% copper concentrate, 1.34; power level7 kW; irradiation time13 min
containing 24% Cu, 29% Fe, 33% S and minor and energy consumption0.602 kWh/kg.
amounts of Pb, Zn and gangue minerals, with 15% Florek et al. (1996) observed that microwave pre-
finely ground peat and formed the mixture into pellets treatment of tetrahedrite (Cu2S.Sb2S3) had a positive
of 2-cm diameter. The pellets were irradiated in a effect on the recovery of As and Sb. When tetrahedrite
laboratory 650-W microwave oven. As a result, sul- was treated in a 900-W Panasonic microwave oven at
phur and sulphur dioxide were emitted. After 6.5 min, a frequency of 2.45 GHz for 30 s, and subsequently
the pellets were removed from the oven. The reaction leached in a solution of sodium sulphide, the recovery
continued and after 2 min, all the carbon was burned of As and Sb was 15% and 6% higher than without
out. The product was subjected to leaching in a microwave irradiation. Cu2S remained as a solid
solution of ammonia and ammonium carbonate. Cop- phase. The authors concluded that the different effect
per was found to completely dissolve with the result- could not be connected with the phase change.
ing blue solution being separated from iron oxide Harrison (1997) investigated the effect of micro-
residue. wave pre-treatment of copper sulphide minerals on
Antonucci and Correa (1995) heated chalcopyrite copper recovery after subsequent leaching. The pre-
and concentrated sulphuric acid in an adapted domes- treatment was carried out in a 2.6-W Panasonic
tic microwave oven (up to 1 kW at 2.45 GHz) within a multimode microwave oven at 2.45 GHz. Samples
temperature range of 200 260 jC for about 20 min. (3 g) of untreated and treated bornite, chalcocite,
The product was then leached in water at a tempera- chalcopyrite, and pyrite were leached in 50 ml solu-
ture of 60 jC and at a pH of 1.6. The copper tion of cupric chloride (118 g/l CuCl2 and 25 g/l HCl,
extraction was between 90% and 99% with high 40 g/l CaCl2). After 120 min, the leached masses of
copper concentration in solution (9 14 g/l). All the the untreated samples as a percentage of the original
elemental sulphur formed was captured without prob- mass were approximately 22% of the bornite, 25% of
lems. Sulphur dioxide was produced in low volumes the chalcocite, 10% of the chalcopyrite, and 1% of the
and any pyrite contained in the concentrate remained pyrite compared to 23% of bornite, 34% of chalcocite,
unreacted. However, the energy consumption was five 14% of chalcopyrite, and 2% of pyrite for the treated
times higher than thermodynamic calculations and the samples. The increase in dissolved amount was
penetration depth was less than reagent mass thick- explained by the increase of the surface area after
ness. Leaching reactions of the sulphide minerals microwave treatment.
contained within the concentrate in concentrated sul- Harrison (1997) also examined the effect of micro-
phuric acid are as follows: waves on the leaching of chalcopyrite in acidified
ferric sulphate. Fifty grams of Norwegian chalcopyrite
CuFeS2 4H2 SO4 ! CuSO4 FeSO4 2S0 concentrate containing 28% copper at size of  355
+ 250 Am was microwaved at 1.3 and 2.6 kW for 10,
2SO2 4H2 O 6 20 and 30 s. The product was then leached in a
solution of 0.25 M Fe2(SO4)3 and 1.0 M H2SO4 for
120 min. The amount of copper extracted increased
Cu2 S 4H2 SO4 ! 2CuSO4 S0 2SO2 4H2 O
with an increase in microwave exposure time and also
7 with the increase in power level, although the increase
was insignificant (see Fig. 2).
CuS 2H2 SO4 ! CuSO4 S0 SO2 2H2 O 8 Kingman (1998) also investigated the effect of
microwave pre-treatment on the copper recovery from
An industrial multimode microwave oven was used chalcopyrite concentrate. Chalcopyrite concentrate at
with a maximum power output of 50 kW at a frequency a size of  63 + 45 Am, from Mount Isa Mines,
of 915 MHz for the pilot scale study. The cavity Australia, containing about 23.7% copper was micro-
194 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

concentrate containing mainly chalcocite (79%) and

chalcopyrite. It was found that the copper extraction
reached 99% within 45 min when a leaching solution
of 120 g/l FeCl3 was irradiated in a refitted commer-
cial microwave oven at an output power of 700 W.
The leaching temperature was 105 jC, which was
measured at the end of treatment. In comparison it
was found that 2 h was required to achieve the same
results by conventional heating. According to the
author, this may be due to the creation of large
convection thermal currents, which agitated the sur-
face of the particles and swept away the formed
sulphur layer. Nadkarni (1984) came to this conclu-
Fig. 2. Influence of leaching time on copper recovery for treated sion in an earlier paper. Tremendous accelerations of
(power level2.6 kW) and non-treated chalcopyrite in ferric sample dissolution in microwave field were explained
sulphate solution at 89 jC (Harrison, 1997).
by the fact that in heterogeneous reaction systems, the
effect of microwaves causes different heating rate of
waved for 10, 20 and 30 s, then leached in a solution liquids and solids, which generate temperature gra-
of 0.25 M Fe2(SO4)3 and 1.0 M H2SO4 at various dients between the two phases. This creates large
temperatures. It was observed that the initial reaction thermal convection currents, which can agitate and
rate of chalcopyrite leaching was much faster for sweep away the reaction products exposing new
microwaved samples than that of non-treated material. surface to the solution. On the other hand, it was
This is probably due to the oxidation of chalcopyrite claimed that microwave heating alone could not break
to bornite after microwave pre-treatment which is chemical bonds because the quantum energy of micro-
more amenable to leaching than chalcopyrite. Further- waves is less than the energy required to break
more, the activation energy calculated for the leaching chemical bonds.
reaction of the pre-treated chalcopyrite was found to Similar results were achieved by Hwang et al.
be similar to the activation energy of bornite. How- (2002). They investigated the leaching kinetics of
ever, the reason for lower final copper recovery of the oxygenated chalcocite under microwave-hydrother-
microwave-treated chalcopyrite was not given (see mal conditions in CuCl2 NaCl HCl solution with a
Fig. 3). corresponding concentration 0.25, 0.4 and 1.0 M.
Harrison (1997) noticed this effect when micro- Thick, stirred (300 rpm) leaching slurries (50 100
wave-treated chalcopyrite samples were quenched in
water before leaching in ferric sulphate and this was
explained by the formation of CuSO4, which dis-
solved in water before leaching.
The leaching rate of chalcopyrite in Figs. 2 and 3 is
different, although microwave treatment and leaching
conditions are the same (power level, microwave
treatment time, leaching temperature and concentra-
tion of the leaching solution). This difference may be
due to the different particle size, the mineralogy of
chalcopyrite concentrate or a combination of both
factors. Another important factor that might be con-
sidered is the location of the samples in microwave
cavity. Fig. 3. Influence of leaching time on copper recovery for treated
Weian (1997) investigated the effect of microwave (2.6 kW) and non-treated chalcopyrite in ferric sulphate solution at
heating on the leaching of a complex copper sulphide 90 jC (Kingman, 1998).
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 195

g/l) under an oxygen pressure (approx. 3 bar) were first stage of leaching of chalcopyrite was dissolved
irradiated in a microwave oven at 4 kW and 2.45 GHz after 8 min of microwave treatment, probably via
to reach the required leaching temperature. Fast leach- Reaction (11). This process was less complete (only
ing kinetics was observed with low initial concen- 60% SO2 generated) when using nitrogen.
trations of cupric and chloride ions. Complete
leaching of copper was achieved after 1 h for a S 2H2 SO4 ! 3SO2 2H2 O 11
solution containing 50 g/l mineral, while 3 h were
required to totally dissolve copper from a solution Popovicova and Havlik (2001) and Havlik et al.
containing 100 g/l mineral. The fast leaching kinetics (2002) leached chalcopyrite containing 30% copper
were attributed to the super heating effect of copper in ferric chloride (0 1.0 M) in an adapted domestic
ions, which becomes more significant as temperature microwave oven (900 W). In each experiment, 3 g of
rises. chalcopyrite and 200 ml of leaching solution were
Microwave heating has been also tested to improve used. The copper extraction increased with an increase
the leaching kinetics of chalcopyrite by sulfidizing in power level. About 19% copper was leached at a
decomposition according to the following reaction power level of 90 W in 0.5 M FeCl3 and 0.5 M HCl
(Bradshaw and Beckmann, 1998): within 2 h compared to about 34% at 900 W within
the same other conditions). It was found that the rate
CuFeS2 S ! CuS FeS2 9 constant increased very quickly with the increase in
ferric ion concentration until 0.25 M. Above 0.25 M,
When chalcopyrite is heated with sulphur at 425 jC,
the increase became less progressive. Popovicova and
covellite originates which covers the pyrite core. The
Havlik (2001) and Havlik et al. (2002) compared
former is easily leached in FeCl3 or CuCl2 with an
microwave leaching with the other methods used
efficiency of more than 99%. The estimated energetic
and the results are shown in Fig. 4 (lines 2 7).
requirement was low (23 kW h/tonne). However,
In a different study, Havlik et al. (2001) heated a
temperature must be strictly controlled because an
dry mixture of ferric chloride and chalcopyrite in a
increase of temperature to over 445 jC causes the
microwave field for a short time. Highly soluble
formation of bornite and idaite. Additionally, a prob-
compounds were produced which were leached in
lem with sulphur that smelted and evaporated oc-
water at a temperature of 25 jC. The achieved copper
curred which still needs to be overcome.
leaching efficiency was better than that achieved by
Yianatos and Antonucci (2001) leached chalcopy-
rite from molybdenite concentrate in sulphuric acid.
Reactions (6), (8) and (10) describe the leaching

2FeSO4 2H2 SO4 ! Fe2 SO4 3 SO2 H2 O

The experiments were carried out in a modified
microwave oven with a power level of 147 850 W,
and incorporated a variable speed agitator. Copper and
iron were dissolved in the same proportion (1:1.5),
whereas, pyrite was not dissolved. After exposure to
microwaves for 15 min 95% of copper was dissolved
from the molybdenite concentrate, whereas 40 min
was required to reach a similar level when applying
conventional electrical heating at 200 jC. The disso-
lution of finer particles was faster than in standard Fig. 4. Comparison of the most effective chalcopyrite leaching
leaching because of larger surface area. It was ob- curves of various leaching agents (sources: Havlik et al., 2001,
served that the elemental sulphur formed during the 2002).
196 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

leaching under conventional heating conditions (see subsequent water leaching. Water-soluble Na3AsO4,
Fig. 4, line 1). Na2SO4 and FeSO4 were formed instead of As2O3 and
Beeby (1992) examined the effect of short micro-
4. Gold leaching wave pulses on the leachability of gold from gold-
bearing ores. It was found that when Ora Banda gold
Hydrometallurgical extraction of gold from its ores ore was exposed to short pulses of microwave energy
by leaching with sodium cyanide proceeds according for 3 s after every 30-s interval, for 10 min, the
to the following reaction (Habashi, 1970): amount of gold recovered increased by 62% compared
to the amount recovered without microwave exposure.
4Au 8NaCN O2 2H2 O The leachability was assessed by dissolution of wet
! 4NaAuCN2 4NaOH 12 ground ore with a mean particle size of 76 Am in
0.005 M NaCN at a pH of 10.5 and a temperature of
However, gold recovery from refractory gold ore is 22 jC. Microwave pulses result in differential thermal
very low when conventional cyanide leaching is expansion within the ore as a result of the varying loss
applied without pre-treatment. The main reason for factor of the constituents in the ore. In addition, these
refractoriness is the finely disseminated nature of gold pulses may create high temperature internal gas
in such ore. Therefore, high temperature oxidation, phases, which lead to structural distortion and break-
high pressure oxidation or biochemical oxidation pre- down of the ore.
treatment have been investigated as a means of Huang (2000) and Huang and Rowson (2000) also
improving gold recovery. However, these methods investigated the effect of microwave irradiation on
are cost intensive, time consuming or impractical gold recovery from refractory ore obtained from Lihir
(Huang and Rowson, 2002). One reason that micro- Gold Mine, Papua New Guninea. The ore was sized
wave energy may have found successful application in between 0.2 and 16 mm and was irradiated for a
gold extraction is that gold-bearing minerals tend to period between 0 and 70 min in either a monomode or
be good microwave absorbers, whereas gangue min- multimode microwave cavity. The ore was then
erals commonly found in gold ores are microwave ground to 80% passing 75 Am and leached in a
transparent (Haque, 1999; Huang, 2000). Pyrite and cyanide solution of pH 11 12. The optimum results
arsenopyrite are the main gold-bearing minerals. achieved were about 81% gold extraction after micro-
Chen et al. (1984) reported that when arsenopyrite wave pre-oxidation compared to 37% for untreated
was microwaved at a power level of 80 W, it heated ore. It was found that irradiation time and particle size
readily and sulphur and arsenic fused, leaving new of the pre-treated samples has a significant effect on
phases of pyrrhotite and ferroarsinide. Similarly, py- the gold recovery. The enhancement of gold leach-
rite has also been shown to heat quickly with the ability was probably due to the increase in surface
evolution of sulphur fumes and pyrrhotite products. area as a result of pyrite and arsenopyrite oxidation
Haque (1987) also studied microwave pre-treatment and formation of a porous hematite structure, accord-
of refractory gold concentrate. It was found that the ing to the following reactions:
weight loss after irradiation was about 20%, which
corresponds to complete volatilisation of As and S as FeS2 O2 ! FeS SO2 13
As2O3 and SO2, whereas iron was converted to Fe2O3.
After subsequent cyanidation leaching, 98% gold Or : FeS2 ! FeS S 14
recovery was achieved. When concentrate was irradi-
ated in nitrogen atmosphere, the major products were S O2 ! SO2 15
pyrrhotite, As2S3 and sulphur with 89% of gold being
recovered after subsequent cyanidation. However, Then: 4FeS 7O2 ! 2Fe2 O3 4SO2 16
99% of gold extraction was achieved when the same
concentrate was mixed with sodium hydroxide and An alternative process for pre-treatment of refractory
irradiated at a power level of 5 kW for 5 min, and gold ores is to use nitric acid to oxidise marcasite,
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 197

pyrite and arsenopyrite. Huang (2000) and Huang and surface of the microwaved solid. As a result, this
Rowson (2002) studied hydrometallurgical decompo- promotes diffusion of the reaction product away from
sition of pyrite and marcasite in a microwave field. A the surface. The authors also found that microwave
Microwave Accelerated Reaction System (MARS) radiation failed in reducing the formation of elemental
produced by CEM operating at a power level of sulphur or indeed dissolving it, which may reduce the
1200 W and a frequency of 2.45 GHz was used for leaching rate of gold from the decomposed marcasite
the leaching experiments; in this device, temperature and pyrite. Joret et al. (1997) also concluded that the
and pressure can be controlled and monitored by increase of the dissolution rate of Co3O4 and CeO2 in
variation of power level. Samples of pyrite and nitric acid is not related to a specific microwave effect.
marcasite with different particle size ranges (20 63, On the other hand, Kuslu and Bayramoglu (2002)
90 125, and 180 250 Am) were leached in nitric acid found that the activation energies for both classical
(0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 3 and 4 M) at different temperatures and microwave conditions for the leaching of pyrite
(70 110 jC). The leached particles were washed with in ferric sulphate solution were approximately 33 and
deionised water and dried at a temperature below 50 19 kJ/mol, respectively. The microwave apparatus
jC so that the sulphur was stable. The dried samples used were designed in their laboratory, which con-
were then slowly heated below 220 jC to vaporize sists of a generator operated at 2.45 GHz with
sulphur and calculate the amount of elemental sulphur adjustable power (0 1 kW), R26 standard rectangu-
formed. It was found that the reaction rate increased lar waveguide and applicator. The temperature was
with an increase in nitric acid concentration and measured using optical fiber, which was inserted
temperature, whereas reaction rate was found to be inside the reactor. Stirring was also applied to the
inversely proportional to the particle size. With regard system. They found that the reaction rate for disso-
to reaction kinetics, it was found that the rate-limiting lution of pyrite in ferric sulphate was chemically
step was chemical reaction on the particle surface for controlled and that the reaction order with respect to
both pyrite and marcasite. Marcasite was found to ferric ion and sulphuric acid was the same for both
have a higher apparent reaction rate than pyrite conventional and microwave heating. Other research-
despite being chemically identical. ers support the idea of a non-thermal influence of
Huang and Rowson (2002) suggested that micro- dielectric heating in chemical reactions. Specially
waves only heat the system and did not effect the designed experiments have been used to study the
reaction mechanism or chemically activate the disso- non-thermal effect of microwaves. For example,
lution of minerals because microwave energy itself Shibata et al. (1996) investigated the effect of
does not break chemical bonds. This is supported by microwave power on the disintegration kinetics of
the view that quantum microwave energy within the sodium hydrogen carbonate. The reaction vessel
microwave frequencies (300 MHz 300 GHz) is containing 50 ml of the reactant was positioned in
1.24  10 6 to 1.24  10 3 eV. These energies are a rectangular waveguide type cavity at the position
much lower than the ionization energies of covalent of the highest electric field. It was found that the
bonds like OH (5 eV), hydrogen bonds (2 eV), van activation energy of this reaction under microwave
der Waals bonds ( < 2 eV) and even lower than the heating was less than that found for resistant heating,
energies associated with Brownian motion at 37 jC and in addition, the reaction rate was found to be
(2.7  10 3 eV) (Chemat and Esveld, 2001). much faster. Temperature was measured in various
Huang and Rowson (2002) found no significant places using a glass alcohol thermometer with a
change in the activation energy of the reaction, with very fine thermo junction (20 Am in diameter)
and without microwave heating. The acceleration of completely shielded except for its hot tip. The
the leaching reaction rate for the microwave experi- tremendous acceleration of the reaction rate was
ment was suggested to be due to the super heating explained by the fact that when the polarized dipoles
effect produced in nitric acid in a microwave field. In in the molecules rotate as microwave energy were
addition, the different dielectric properties of liquid applied, the probability of the contact between mol-
and solid may result in localized temperature differ- ecules and atoms might be increased as a conse-
ences, which create strong convection currents at the quence of the reduction in activation energy. There-
198 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

fore, the microwave effect was said to originate by level of 75 kW at a frequency of 915 MHz and a
lowering of the Gibbs energy of activation of the fluidized-bed-based cavity.
reactions through either storage of microwave energy
as vibrational energy of molecules (enthalpy effect) or
by alignment of molecules (entropy effect) (Galema, 5. Coal desulphurisation
1997; Fini and Breccia, 1999).
At EMR Technology, Canada, arsenopyrite gold The presence of sulphur in coal leads to SO2
ore was subjected to microwave pre-treatment under emission into the atmosphere during burning causing
very low oxygen conditions at an energy level below environmental problems. Generally, sulphur is pres-
50 kJ/kg for very short time. The product contained ent in coal in two forms: organic and pyritic.
pyrrhotite, elemental sulphur and arsenic, which was Conventionally, pyritic sulphur is removed by partial
then acid washed to remove elemental sulphur and oxidation, chlorination, hydrodesulphurisation, and
arsenic then retreated again to oxidize pyrrhotite to aqueous alkali leaching. However, organic sulphur
magnetite (Tranquilla, 1997). The main advantages can be removed only by molten caustic methods
of this process were suggested to be low energy cost (Hayashi et al., 1990).
(about Cdn $0.5/tonne), the low SO2 emission and There have been several attempts to minimize
the ore being processed at lower temperature than sulphur content in coal using microwave energy to
conventional roasting. An estimate of operational assist coal desulphurisation. These efforts were started
costs for a microwave treatment plant capable of in 1978 when Zavitsanos and Bleiler (1978) obtained
processing 200 tonnes/day of ore concentrate com- a US patent for removal of sulphur from coal by
pared to costs for roasters, autoclaves and bio-oxi- microwave irradiation. When coal was microwaved
dation processes are shown in Fig. 5. EMR put into for 40 to 60 s at 2.45 GHz and power level of 500 W
operation a pilot plant for microwave pre-treatment or higher, pyritic sulphur fumed as H2S and SO2,
of pyrite and arsenopyrite gold ores in 1997 which which were then recovered as elemental sulphur. Up
incorporated two microwave generators with a power to 50% of sulphur was removed using this technique.
In the same year, Kirkbride (1978) presented an
invention whereby microwave energy was used with
hydrogen to remove sulphur. Coal was dried prior to
admixing with hydrogen and then microwave treated.
Hydrogen reacted with sulphur, nitrogen and oxygen
in coal. The produced gas after microwave irradiation
contained unreacted hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide,
ammonia, and water vapor. Zavitsanos et al. (1979)
presented another patent for coal desulphurisation
using alkali metal or alkaline earth compounds and
electromagnetic energy. When coal-containing par-
ticles between 100 and 200 mesh and alkali mixture
were subjected to microwave irradiation for 30 to 60
s, up to 97% of pyritic and organic sulphur were
removed after water washing.
Hayashi et al. (1990) also found that the rate of
sulphur removal from coal was enhanced when coal
was treated with a molten caustic mixture of KOH
and NaOH under microwave irradiation. This was
suggested to facilitate the contact between coal and
Fig. 5. Comparative cost estimate for major gold ore pre-treatment molten caustics. It was suggested that the rate-deter-
technologies for a plant throughput of 200 tpd of concentrate mining step was not chemical reaction but mass
(Tranquilla, 1997). transfer of the caustics and coal. The reaction took
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 199

place in a microwave oven with an output of 500 W in coal using microwave acid digestion and ICP-EAS.
at 2.45 GHz. Rowson and Rice (1990a,b) confirmed 5 M HCl was used to dissolve sulphate sulphur,
this when coal was mixed with strong caustic solu- followed by 2 M HNO3 to extract pyrite sulphur
tion (KOH or NaOH) and microwaved at a power and finally concentrated HNO3, HCl, HF and boric
level of 500 W and frequency of 2.45 GHz for 60 s. acid were used to leach organic sulphur. Solutions
They obtained up to 70% reduction in the total from each stage were analysed using ICP-EAS. The
sulphur content of raw coal after magnetic separa- first application of microwave energy for sample
tion, where pyrite was altered to magnetically en- preparation in analytical chemistry was reported by
hanced pyrite. Abu-Samra et al. (1975) but it is not appropriate to
Weng and Wang (1992) carried out further inves- review this article here.
tigations regarding inorganic sulphur removal from
coal using microwave treatment and diluted hydro-
chloric acid washing. They found that pyrite was 6. Leaching of nickel, cobalt and manganese
converted to pyrrhotite (Fe1  xS) and troilite (FeS)
according to the following reaction: Nickel and cobalt have been recovered from
laterite ores by smelting operations to obtain ferro-
FeS2 ! Fe1x S ! FeS 17 nickel cobalt, these are then selectively dissolved
with ammonia ammonium carbonate. This process
This reaction progresses toward FeS formation with is energy intensive. Alternatively, nickel and cobalt
an increase in radiation time. A 97% decrease in can be recovered by applying microwave radiation to
inorganic sulphur was achieved after 100-s treatment the mixture of laterite, ferric chloride and sodium
combined with successive acid washing. These results chloride. When the mixture was microwaved for 4 to
were supported by Mossbauer spectra analysis. How- 8 min, chlorides were formed which were subse-
ever, Weng and Wang (1992) and Weng (1993) quently leached in water (Kruesi and Frahm, 1982a).
suggested that Fe S bonds of pyrite molecules were Manganese and cobalt can also be recovered in a
broken due to the polarization of the electric field similar way from deep-sea nodules. Gomez (1995)
portion of the microwave, which may contradict other obtained a US patent for a leaching process for
researchers opinion (Chemat and Esveld, 2001; nickel, cobalt and manganese ore containing high
Huang, 2000; Huang and Rowson, 2000). Despite levels of magnesium. In this instance, microwave
this controversy, Weng and Wang (1993) further heating was applied directly to the leaching slurry
investigated ways in which to increase coal desul- containing sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. Metal
phurisation efficiency, by incorporating magnetic sep- extraction increased considerably compared with
aration after microwave irradiation and chemical acid conventional leaching at temperatures between 230
leaching. and 250 jC.
Ferrando (1996) and Andres et al. (1996) obtained Kruesi and Kruesi (1986) investigated the leach-
99% removal of pyritic and 70% removal of organic ing of laterite ores in ammonium chloride using
sulphur by reacting coal with HI in a sealed reactor in microwave energy as a heating source. Laterite
H2 with microwave heating for 10 min. Sulphur was containing nickel, cobalt, iron and magnesium
removed as H2S and elemental sulphur. Further sol- oxides was mixed with ammonium chloride and
vent extraction was required to remove the free irradiated at a power level of 1200 W for 4 5
sulphur in coal. Elsamak et al. (2003) confirmed that min under a nitrogen atmosphere. The product was
concentrated HI leaching of coal reduced Stotal/C to a then leached in water at a temperature of 80 jC for
lower value than raw coal and concluded that micro- 30 min. It was found that 66% nickel and 78%
wave desulphurisation of coal is much faster than cobalt were extracted. Microwave pulses were ex-
thermal treatment, which is probably due to a local- amined to avoid any possible thermal runaway
ised super heating effect. effect. After irradiation of a similar mixture with a
Laban and Atkin (2000) developed a three-stage total pulsing time of 5 min in an air atmosphere,
method for the direct determination of sulphur forms 70% of nickel and 85% of cobalt were extracted
200 M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203

after only 15-min water leaching. These results are iron dissolution. The authors obtained 99% zinc
comparable to conventional treatment at 300 jC in a extraction after 15-min microwave leaching. The iron
rotary kiln for 2 h. and silica in solution were as low as 0.3% and 0.1%,
Electric arc furnace (EAF) dust contains consider-
7. Extractions of lead and zinc from their ores and able amounts of lead and zinc and it is considered a
compounds hazardous waste. Zinc occurs in EAF dust mainly as
zincite (ZnO) and magnetite franclinite (ZnFe2O4).
Peng and Liu (1992) investigated the effect of Lead occurs as lead oxide (PbO). It was observed that
microwaves on the leaching kinetics of sphalerite in the leaching kinetics of zinc and lead in caustic
a solution of 1.0 M FeCl3 and 0.1 M HCl at 95 jC. It solution were significantly improved when micro-
was observed that the total zinc extracted after 1- wave energy was used as a heating source (Xia and
h microwave treatment reached 90%, whereas under Pickles, 2000). The leaching efficiency was strongly
conventional leaching conditions, the maximum zinc dependent on the power, caustic concentration and
recovery was about 52%. The reaction was found to solid/liquid ratio. According to the authors, this may
be first order and the activation energy of the reaction be due to super heating of liquids, extremely violent
was calculated to be 51 kJ/mol, which suggests that behavior and interaction of the microwaves with the
the reaction was chemically controlled. Microwave EAF dust solids in the solution (temperature of
treatment was carried out in an adapted microwave particles higher than would be achieved in conven-
oven with an energy output of 650 W at 2.45 GHz. In tional heating). Mingos and Baghurst (1991) and
a similar study (Peng and Liu, 1997), it was found that Baghurst and Mingos (1992) reported earlier that
microwave leaching kinetics of sphalerite in ferric any acceleration of reaction rate might be due to super
sulphate were much faster than those produced by heating. The super heating effect was observed when
conventional leaching. The results showed that 92% some organic solvents and water were heated in
of zinc was leached within 90 min when microwaves microwave cavity (Baghurst and Mingos, 1992). For
were applied compared to 41% total zinc recovery example, it was found that ethanol heated to 103 jC
under conventional conditions. It has been suggested without boiling (boiling point 79 jC), methanol 84 jC
that, compared to other sulphide minerals, sphalerite (boiling point 65 jC) and water 104 jC. This may be
is a poor absorber of microwave energy (Walkiewicz due to the absence of a nucleation surface compared
et al., 1988). After 7 min of microwave exposure in a with conventional heating or because the liquid heats
1-kW microwave oven, a 25-g sample of sphalerite up so quickly that convection to the top surface and
reached a maximum temperature of only 88 jC. This subsequent vaporization are insufficient to dissipate
may indicate the existence of a microwave effect, the excess energy (Mingos and Baghurst, 1991).
which enhanced the kinetics of the leaching process. Temperature measurements were conducted using
In addition, it is likely that the heating rate of fiber-optic techniques.
sphalerite in a microwave field is sensitive to the iron
content of the mineral.
Another alternative source of zinc is from zinc 8. Conclusions
silicate ores. However, when such ore is treated by
hydrometallurgical processes, minimization of the The application of microwave energy in mining
dissolution of iron and silica and increased zinc and metallurgy is in the early stages. The information
recovery can be a problem. Using a quick leach presented in this review shows that microwaves have
method, the dissolution of silica could be reduced. potential application in mineral processing and ex-
However, iron dissolution increases which is not traction of metals such as copper, gold, nickel, cobalt,
preferable. Hua et al. (2002) applied microwave heat- lead, zinc and manganese. Also the use of microwaves
ing to quick leach zinc from silicate ores in diluted for coal desulphurisation seems to be promising.
sulphuric acid. The zinc extraction increased with a It has been shown that many research studies have
combination of reduction in silica gel formation and been conducted to examine microwave-assisted leach-
M. Al-Harahsheh, S.W. Kingman / Hydrometallurgy 73 (2004) 189203 201

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