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Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________

Total Time Spent:______________

ES 204 Assignment 16-b Solutions(Due 03/02)

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IT. Submit the Matlab part by publishing the script. Watch the video to learn how to publish the
Matlab code.
Please complete the quiz Assignment 16-a on Canvas first.
Part I: Follow the instructions to solve each problem without finding the numerical solutions.
1. The hollow tube assembly rotates about a vertical axis with angular velocity F
& 4 rad/s & &
& 2 rad/s 2
and . A small 0.2- kg slider P moves in-side the
horizontal tube portion under the control of the string which passes out the bottom of Fr the
r 0.8 m r& 2 m/s r& 4 m/s
& 2

assembly. If , , and , deter-mine the tension T in the string

and the horizontal force exerted on the slider by the tube.
Draw the free-body diagram and the coordinate system: The forces are shown in the FBD. Since the
distance between the particle and the center is varying, we need to choose a polar coordinate system to
solve the problem.

& 4 rad/s & &

& 2 rad/s 2 m 0.2 kg r 0.8 m r& 2 m/s r& 4 m/s 2
Given: , , , , ,

Find: and .

a: Describe the motion The slider moves along a spiral like curve.
b. Show the primary equations, which clearly indicate how Newtons second law is applied at each
direction without showing individual forces, based on the coordinate system you choose.
Fr mar
F ma

c. Set up equations and show you have set up enough equations for unknowns.
T mar 1 eqn. 2 unknowns T , ar ,
F ma 1 eqn. 2 unknowns F , a ,
a &
r r& r&2 1 eqn. 0 unknown ,
a r& & 1 eqn. 0 unknown .
& 2r&

There are 4 equations and 4 unknowns.

Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________

2 Page
Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________

2. A swing ride is shown in the figure. Calculate the necessary angular velocity

for the swings to assume an angle with the vertical. Neglect the
mass of the cables and treat the chair and person as one particle.
Draw the free-body diagram and the coordinate system: The forces are shown in
the FBD. Since the person moves on a circle, we need to choose the tangential/normal coordinate system
r mg
with pointing to the center of the circle. Since the person moves at a constant speed in the tangential
direction, we dont need for solving the equation. But we do need a Cartesian coordinate system to
address the vertical forces. So we could use the Cartesian coordinate system shown in the figure with
the same as

35 R 3.2 5sin m
Given: ,


a: Describe the motion The person moves on a circle in the horizontal plane.
b. Show the primary equations, which clearly indicate how Newtons second law is applied at each
direction without showing individual forces, based on the coordinate system you choose.
Fx man
Fy 0

c. Set up equations and show you have set up enough equations for unknowns.
N sin man 1 eqn. 2 unknowns N , an
N cos mg 0 1 eqn. 0 unknown
an R 2 1 eqn. 1 unknown
Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________

3. 17.41 Bar AB rotates at 4 rad/s in the counterclockwise direction. Determine the

velocity of point C.

r r r r r
AB 4k rad/s rB / A 0.3i 0.6 j m
Given: , ,
r r r r r r
rC / B 0.6i 0.4 0.5 0.6 j m rD / E 0.3i 0.5 j m
vC m/s
a. How many links? 3

b. Which two points you can choose for each link to evaluate the velocity? A and B for link AB, B
and C for link BCD, C and D for link BCD, and D and E for link DE.

c. Set up equations and show you have set up enough equations for unknowns. Note that you need
to explicitly show the number of equations and unknowns.
r r r
vB AB rB / A 2 eqns. 2 unknowns vBx , vBy
r r r r
vC vB BC rC / B 2 eqns. 3 unknowns vCx , vCy , BC
r r r r
vD vC BC rD / C 2 eqns. 2 unknowns vDx , vDy
r r r
vD DE rD / E 2 eqns. 1 unknown DE

There are 8 equations and 8 unknowns.

4. 17.21 The bracket is rotating about point O with counterclockwise angular velocity

. The magnitude of the velocity of point A relative to point B is 4

m/s. Determine .
r r r r
k rad/s v A/ B 4 m/s rA / B 0.12cos 48 0.18 i 0.12sin 48 m
Given: , ,

a. How many links? 1

b. Which two points you can choose for each link to evaluate the velocity? O and B for the link and
A and B for the link.

c. Set up equations and show you have set up enough equations for unknowns. Note that you need
to explicitly
Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________
r r r
vB rB 2 eqn. 3 unknowns vBx , vBy ,

r r r r

v A vB rA / B 2 eqn. 2 unknowns v Ax , vAy
r r
rA/ B vA/ B 1 eqn. 0 unknown

There are 5 equations and 5 unknowns.

Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________

Part III: For each of the following problems, follow the instructions to solve each problem and use Matlab

to find the numerical solutions

6 rad/s
5. 17.34 Bar AB rotates in the counterclockwise direction at .
8k rad/s
Determine the angular velocity of bar BD ( ) and the velocity of
r r
6.4i 1.28 j m/s
point D ( ).
r r r r
AB 6k rad/s rB / A 0.32i m
r r r , r r r
rD / B 0.24 0.16 i 0.48 0.32 j m rD /C 0.16i 0.32 j m
, ,
r r
BD rad/s vD m/s
Find: and
a. How many links? 2

b. Which two points you can choose for each link to evaluate the velocity? A and B for link AB, B
and C for link BCD and B and D for link BCD.

c. Set up equations and show you have set up enough equations for unknowns. Note that you need
to explicitly
r r r
vB AB rB / A 2 eq. 2 unknowns vBx , vBy ,
r r r r
vD vB BD rD / B 2 eq. 3 unknowns vDx , vDy , BD ,
r r r r
vC vB BD rC / B 2 eq. 1 unknown vCx .

vBx vBy vCx vDx vDy BD

There are 6 equations and 6 unknowns, , , , , and .

Numerical Solutions:

clear all;close all;clc;

syms vBx vBy vCx vDx vDy omegaBD
% Given
omegaAB = 6; % [rad]
omegaAB_vec = [0 0 omegaAB]; % [rad/s]
rBA_vec = [0.32 0 0]; % [m]
rCB_vec = [0.24 0.48 0]; % [m]
rDB_vec = [0.24+0.16 0.48+0.32 0]; % [m]
vB_vec = [vBx vBy 0];
Spring 2015 ES 204 Dynamics Name:____________Collaborators:_________________
Total Time Spent:______________

vC_vec = [vCx 0 0];

vD_vec = [vDx vDy 0];
omegaBD_vec = [0 0 omegaBD];
% Solve
solns = solve(vB_vec == cross(omegaAB_vec,rBA_vec),...
vC_vec == vB_vec + cross(omegaBD_vec,rCB_vec),...
vD_vec == vB_vec + cross(omegaBD_vec,rDB_vec),...
% Convert
omegaBD_vec = [0 0 double(solns.omegaBD)];
vD_vec = [double(solns.vDx) double(solns.vDy) 0];
% Display
fprintf('The angular velocity of bar BD is [%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f] rad/s.\n',omegaBD_vec);
fprintf('The velocity of point D is [%3.2f %3.2f %3.2f] m/s.\n',vD_vec);

Warning: 9 equations in 6 variables.

The angular velocity of bar BD is [0.00 0.00 -8.00] rad/s.
The velocity of point D is [6.40 -1.28 0.00] m/s.

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