Quantitative Re

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Quantitative research is where a survey is given out for the intent to find out

solely how popular something is and to only look at the statistics of an event.
Instead of looking for a reason.
A pro of quantitative research is that it gives a statistic from a population a
certain opinion and the data is able to be easily read to what opinion is most
A con of quantitative research is that the population arent able to elaborate on
their decision and give reasons for it.

Qualitative research is where a survey is given out to find the opinion and a
reason for that opinion from a population.
A pro about qualitative data is that as well as showing a statistic of popularity in
a subject, the population is able to give a reason for their choice of opinion
A con of qualitative is that it is more in depth that quantitative so people may be
put off by this as it takes more time to fill out.

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