Electricity Act, 2007 and Rules, 1956-Earth Pit Identification Not Done & Testing

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Legal gaps:

Electricity Act, 2007 and Rules, 1956- Earth pit identification not done & testing
is not recorded

Danger as well as authorized person listing Notices in Hindi, English And local
language of District not evident

Static and Mobile (unfired) pressure vessels rules, 1981- Form: 11 of

pressure vessel testing not obtained from Competent Person for Air compressor and
pressure vessels

The Factories Act, 1948

Chapter 3 Health Point No. 17 Lighting- Illumination study not carried out

Chapter 3 Health Point No. 18 Drinking Water- Test report not evident as per IS

Chapter 4 Safety -Point No. 28 hoists and lifts- test Report of Hoist not evident

Chapter 4 Safety Point No. 40 Safety of buildings and Machinery- Building Stability
Certificate not evident

Gujarat Factories Rules, 1963 Amendment 1995

Chapter No 1 -Point no. 3 Approval of Plans.- Not evident

Chapter No. 1 Point no. 12-B Maintenance records- Work Place Monitoring to be
Carried out in Form 37 not done.

Chapter No. 3 Health Point no. 18 Disposal of Trade wastes and effluents- no any
procedure for the same. Action of membership is not there.

Chapter No. 4 Safety Point no. 66 Means of escape in case of fire- emergency
prepredness plan not documented

Chapter No. 4 Safety Point no. 68-B Quality of personal protective equipments- ISI
License of the PPE Not evident

Chapter No. 4-A Safety Point no. 68-R Making available Health records to workers
not evident

Indian Motor Vehicle Act. 1988 & Rule 1999- Documents verification not evident for
organization vehicles.

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