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A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes

of the Earth; examples include floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes. A natural disaster can cause
loss of life or property damage and typically leaves some economic damage in its
wake, the severity of which depends on the affected population's resilience, or
ability to recover and also on the infrastructure available.

Tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the increasing waves of the sea to

land with a high swiftness as the consequence of the quake which is centred under
the ocean. The term of tsunami comes from the Japanese which means harbor
("tsu") and wave ("nami"). A tsunami is a series of waves generated when water in
a lake or the sea is rapidly displaced on a massive scale. Tsunami usually happens
if the size of the earthquake exceed until 7 on the Richter scale. This tsunami is
quite dangerous, mainly for those who live around the beach. With great force, it
will sweep out whatever around it. From all causes of tsunami, earthquake is the
major cause.

Earthquake causes perpendicular layers motion of earth. As a result, the

sea bottom is suddenly up and down, so that the balance of sea water was
disturbed on it, similarly with cosmic objects or meteors that fall from above. If
the size of a meteor or landslide is quite big, mega tsunami can happen with
hundreds of meters high.

Vertical movement of the earth crust because of a volcanic eruption, an

earthquake, the avalanche or a meteor falling to earth can cause the sea floor
becomes up or down suddenly therefore it disturbs the balance of water on it. This
makes the occurrence of energy flow of sea water on the beach become large
waves so that tsunami happens. Billows can spread to all directions. Energy which
conceives in the wave of the tsunami is fixed on the function of the altitude. The
height of waves in the sea is only about 1 meter. Thus, the rate of a wave cannot
be felt by a ship that was in the middle of the sea. When it approaches the coast,
the speed of the tsunami of decline until about 30 miles per hour, but its height has
increased to reach tens of meters. When it reaches the coast, tsunami enters the
land until hundreds of meters, even kilometers. The victim of tsunami is not a
little. The casualties are hit by sluggish water flow and material that carried away
by the tsunami. Besides the victim, tsunami also has a negative impact on the
building, herbs, and pollution to agricultural land, and water.

A very heartbreaking events going on in Earth Meccas porch. The

earthquake and Tsunami in Aceh on Sunday morning, December 26, 2004.
Approximately 500.000 lives drifting in an instant in the entire world that the rim
bordering the Indian Ocean. In the region of Aceh was the biggest casualty in the
world and the building of thousands of smashed corpses, thousands also lost and
not found and also thousands of corpses in masse.

The earthquake occurred exactly on time at 7:58:53 GMT. The epicenter

was located at longitude 3,316 N 95,854 E approximately 160 km west of
Aceh as deep as 10 kilometers. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.3 according
to the Richter scale and with this earthquake is most intense in the past 40 years
that hit Aceh, West coast of Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, the East coast of India,
Sri Lanka, even to the East coast of Africa.

The panic occurred in the duration of the longest in the history

of recorded seismicity of the Earth, which is about 500-600 seconds (10
minutes). Some experts said the outcomeof the earthquake strength of this
earthquake, is able to make the entire globe to vibrate with the amplitude of
vibration above 1 cm. Of the earthquake centered in the middle of
the ocean, Indonesia, also sparked some earthquakes in various places in the
world.The earthquake caused a tsunami that resulted in approximately 230,000
people died in 8 countries.

Tsunami waves as high as 9 meters. This disaster is the death

of history. Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, and Thailand is a country with the
largest number of deaths. The strength of the quake was initially reported
to reach a magnitude 9.0. In February 2005 reported magnitude
earthquake magnitude 9.3. Although the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has
approved that number. However, the United States Geological Survey set the
magnitude9.2. or when using the unit of seismic moment (Mw) of 9.5.Rupture
velocity is estimated at 2.5 km/s in the direction between North-Northwest with a
length of between 1200 to 1300 km. According to the emergency relief
coordinator of the United Nations (UN), Jan Egeland, the death toll due to
Hurricane tsunami in 13 countries (until Sunday 2/1/2005) reached 127,672
people. But the number of fatalities in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Africa
which in fact can never be known, it is estimated at least 150,000 people. The UN
estimates the majority of additional fatalities were in Indonesia.

Because, most of the humanitarian aid is hampered because there are still
many areas that are isolated. Meanwhile the death toll in the province of
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra, according to the Social
Department, RI (11/1/2005) was 105,262 people. Meanwhile, according to news
agency Reuters, the number of victims of the Tsunami is estimated to be as much
of a victims soul with 168,183 most inflicted on Indonesia, 115,229 (per week
4/1/2005). While the total injured as many as 124,057 people, an estimated
100,000 of whom experienced the Acehnese. According to the U.S. Geological
Survey the death toll reached 283,100, 14,000 people missing and 1,126,900
homeless. According to the UN, the 229,826 people missing and 186,983 were
killed. Tsunami of the Indian Ocean earthquake and Tsunami worst becomes the
last 10 years.

In Indonesia, earthquakes and tsunamis swallowing more than 126,000

fatalities. Dozens of buildings were destroyed by a major earthquake,
mainly in Meulaboh and Banda Aceh on the tip of Sumatra island. In Banda Aceh,
about 50% of all buildings were damaged hit by tsunami. However, most of
the casualties were caused by the tsunami that struck the West coast of Aceh.
The earthquake occurred at 04:00 pm EST to 9 on the Richter scale on December
26, 2004, earthquake in the Indian Ocean, off the western coast of Aceh. At
precisely 12:00 pm GMT one by one the people of Aceh who were present at
the Istora Jakarta panicked because the relationship of cell phones to Aceh broke
up, their eyes on a teary.

The effects of a tsunami on a coastline can range from unnoticeable to

devastating. The effects of a tsunami depend on the characteristics of the seismic
event that generated the tsunami, the distance from its point of origin, its size
(magnitude) and, at last, the configuration of the bathymetry (that is the depth of
water in oceans) along the coast that the tsunami is approaching.
Small tsunamis, non-destructive and undetectable without specialized equipment,
happen almost every day as a result of minor earthquakes and other events. They
are very often too far away from land or they are too small to have any effect
when they hit the shore. When a small tsunami comes to the shoreline it is often
seen as a strong and fast-moving tide.

Tsunamis have long periods and can overcome obstacles such as gulfs,
bays and islands. These tsunamis make landfall usually in the form of suddenly
decreasing and then rapidly increasing water levels (not unlike a tidal bore) a
combination of several large waves or bore-type waves. Generally tsunamis
arrive, not as giant breaking waves, but as a forceful rapid increase in water levels
that results in violent flooding. However, when tsunami waves become extremely
large in height, they savagely attack coastlines, causing devastating property
damage and loss of life.

Destruction is caused by two mechanisms: the smashing force of a wall of

water traveling at high speed, and the destructive power of a large volume of
water draining off the land and carrying all with it, even if the wave did not look
large. Objects and buildings are destroyed by the sheer weight of the water, often
reduced to skeletal foundations and exposed bedrock. Large objects such as ships
and boulders can be carried several miles inland before the tsunami subsides.

Tsunami waves destroy boats, buildings, bridges, cars, trees, telephone

lines, power lines - and just about anything else in their way. Once the tsunami
waves have knocked down infrastructure on the shore they may continue to travel
for several miles inland, sweeping away more trees, buildings, cars and other man
made equipment. Small islands hit by a tsunami are left unrecognizable.

One of the biggest and worst effects of a tsunami is the cost to human life
because unfortunately escaping a tsunami is nearly impossible. Hundreds and
thousands of people are killed by tsunamis. Since 1850 alone, tsunamis have been
responsible for the loss of more than 430,000 lives. There is very
little warning before a tsunamis hits land. As the water rushes toward land, it
leaves very little time to map an escape plan.
Tsunami waves and the receding water are very destructive to structures in
the run-up zone. The areas close to the coast are flooded with sea water, damaging
the infrastructure such as sewage and fresh water supplies for drinking.

Flooding and contamination of drinking water can cause disease to spread in the
tsunami hit areas. Illnesses such as malaria arise when water is stagnant and
contaminated. Under these conditions it is difficult for people to stay healthy and
for diseases to be treated, so infections and illnesses can spread very quickly,
causing more death.

Tsunamis not only destroy human life, but have a devastating effect on
insects, animals, plants, and natural resources. A tsunami changes the landscape. It
uproots trees and plants and destroys animal habitats such as nesting sites for
birds. Land animals are killed by drowning and sea animals are killed by pollution
if dangerous chemicals are washed away into the sea, thus poisoning the marine

The impact of a tsunami on the environment relates not only to the landscape and
animal life, but also to the man-made aspects of the environment. Solid waste and
disaster debris are the most critical environmental problem faced by a tsunami-hit
Recycling and disposal of this waste in an environmentally sensitive manner
where possible (crushing concrete, bricks, etc. to produce aggregate for rebuilding
and road reconstruction) are critical.

Combined with the issue of waste is that of hazardous materials and toxic
substances that can be inadvertently mixed up with ordinary debris. These include
asbestos, oil fuel, and other industrial raw materials and chemicals. Rapid clean-
up of affected areas can result in inappropriate disposal methods, including air
burning and open dumping, leading to secondary impacts on the environment.

Contamination of soil and water is the second key environmental impact of a

tsunami. Salination of water bodies such as rivers, wells, inland lakes, and
groundwater aquifers can occur in most cases. This also affects the soil fertility of
agricultural lands, due to salination and debris contamination, which will affect
yields in the medium and long term. Sewage, septic tanks and toilets are damaged
contaminating the water supply.

Last but not least, there may be radiation resulting from damage to nuclear plants,
as it happened in Japan in March 2011. Since radiation exists for a long time, it
has the capacity to inflict damage upon anything exposed to it. Radiation is most
dangerous to animals and humans causing destruction as molecules loose their
electrons. The damage caused by radiation to the DNA structure determines birth
defects, cancers even death.


Massive costs hit communities and nations when a tsunami happens. Victims and
survivors of the tsunami need immediate help from rescue teams.

Governments around the world may help with the cost of bringing aid to
devastated areas. National institutions, the United Nations, other international
organizations, community groups and NGOs , and a variety of other entities come
together to provide different kinds of aid and services. There might also be
appeals and donations from people who have seen pictures of the area in the
Reconstruction and clean up after a tsunami is a huge cost problem. Infrastructure
must be replaced, unsafe buildings demolished and rubbish cleared. Loss of
income in the local economy and future losses from the destruction of
infrastructure will be a problem for some time to come.

The total financial cost of the tsunami could be millions or even billions of dollars
of damage to coastal structures and habitats. It is difficult to put an exact figure on
the monetary cost but the cost may represent an important share of a nations

Psychological effects

Victims of tsunami events often suffer psychological problems which can last for
days, years or an entire lifetime. Survivors of the Sri Lankan tsunami of
December 2004 were found to have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) when
examined by the World Health Organization (WHO): 14% to 39% of these were
children, 40% of adolescents and 20% of mothers of these adolescents were found
to have PTSD 4 months after the tsunami.

These people were suffering from grief and depression as their homes, businesses
and loved ones were taken from them. Many still had PTSD. Periliya Village
counts 2,000 dead and 400 families became homeless. These people were found to
still have psychological problems 2 years after the tsunami.

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