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Print edition: ISSN 2009-8537

Online edition: ISSN 2009-8545

The National Biodiversity Data Centre


Irelands National Node

The National Biodiversity Data Centre

Annual Review 2015

Citation: Lysaght, L., Fitzpatrick, ., Murray, T., OFlynn, C. & Walsh, M. (2016).
National Biodiversity Data Centre Annual Review 2015.
National Biodiversity Data Centre, Waterford. Ireland.

G.B.I.F. Ireland's National Node

Chairmans statement..............................................................................................................................4

Building the bioinformatics infrastructure.....................................................................6
Data licensing............................................................................................................................7

Highlights of the work programme in 2015 .....................................................................................8

Strategic objective 1. Mobilising data...............................................................................8

Strategic objective 2. Tracking change........................................................................... 16
Strategic objective 3. Informing decision-making...................................................... 20
Strategic objective 4: Develop strategic partnerships.............................................. 26
Strategic objective 5: International collaboration..................................................... 28
Strategic objective 6: Communicating........................................................................... 30
Strategic objective 7: Strengthening the recording base......................................... 32

Management Board................................................................................................................................ 34
Staff & contract management............................................................................................................ 34
Organisational chart.............................................................................................................................. 35
Financial Statement 2015.................................................................................................................... 36

Recorders and partner organisations.............................................................................................. 38


Chairmans Statement
2015 marked another highly productive This can be used by researchers and others engaged
year for the the Data Centre, delivering in biodiversity investigations or monitoring to select
significant actions across the seven sites that are representative of the environmental
objectives outlined in its Strategic diversity of the island as a whole. It has been the
Plan 2013-2017. I want to highlight basis for the design of the monitoring strategy for
a few that illustrate the breadth and the Marsh Fritillary butterfly
importance of activities undertaken
in 2015. Data capture, visualisation As I have mentioned in previous years the functions
and mobilisation remain a core and value of the Data Centre extend beyond that of
objective and the Centre continued to a repository for biodiversity data. Its staff actively
enhance its biodiversity bioinformatics engage with government and non-government
infrastructure to improve both access bodies to improve the delivery of information and
to data and online input of data by actions for biodiversity at national and international
recorders. Thanks to the efforts of 58 level. One such collective effort in 2015, involving
different data providers the biodiversity database 92 individuals across 19 organisations, enabled
continued to grow in 2015 and reached 3.7 million the development of Irelands National Biodiversity
records of 15,300 species at the end of the year. I would Indicators. These will be used as measures of action
like to highlight and acknowledge the enormous and with respect to Irelands National Biodiversity Action
valuable input of volunteer recorders, particularly Plan and the Aichi 2020 Biodiversity Targets, and
those that engage in annual monitoring schemes. For to inform conservation policy. To date 50 indicators
example the Centres butterfly monitoring scheme have been published on a dedicated website. The
is now in its eight year and in 2015 its 116 volunteers Data Centre also played a key coordination role in
recorded 39,100 butterflies representing 33 species. the development and publication of the All-Ireland
This large 8-year dataset is now allowing us to Pollinator Plan 2015-2020 in September 2015. The
statistically analyse trends in numbers of various plan was widely welcomed and endorsed, and also
butterfly species, particularly those that may be received international recognition.
in decline. Established in 2011 the All-Ireland
Bumblebee Monitoring Scheme is also making a At a European level the Data Centre provided
significant contribution given that 30% of species are advice and support for the implementation of a new
under threat. In 2015 its 77 volunteers recorded 11,829 EU Regulation on invasive species [No 1143/2014]
bumblebees across 16 species. Interestingly this is the that came into effect in January 2015. The Centres
worlds first national bumblebee monitoring scheme. Invasive Species Officer, funded by the Department of
2015 also saw the delivery of an all-Ireland monitoring Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, is a member on the
scheme for the endangered Marsh Fritillary butterfly European Commissions Working Group on Invasive
in collaboration with National Parks and Wildlife Alien Species. As you will read in this report the
Service, Northern Ireland Environmental Agency and Data Centre also contributed data and information
Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland. A database to a number of European and global databases and
of more than 7,100 records stretching back to 1982 initiatives. There is undoubtedly potential for other
was compiled to identify sites for management and national and international partners to engage with
monitoring. Of the 48 sites identified for monitoring the Data Centre and avail of the range of its shared-
32 were successfully covered in 2015. The Data Centre services for data provision and management.
is always welcoming and supportive of new recorders
and its programme of training workshops and field Finally, I would like to once again thank the Director
meeting is contributing to upskilling citizen science. and staff of the Data Centre for their continued
dedication, hard work and impressive achievements
Biodiversity monitoring is undoubtedly time- in 2015, and the Management Board for their input
consuming and it is often difficult to get adequate and support of the Data Centre.
national coverage at a relevant scale. To enable
more targeted and efficient monitoring design the Assoc. Prof. Mary Kelly-Quinn
Data Centre produced a Bioclimatic map in 2015 Chairman
using meteorological and other environmental data.
The National Biodiversity Data Centre is a national body that collects and manages
data on Irelands biodiversity, to document Irelands wildlife resource and to track
how it is changing over time. It was established by the Heritage Council in 2007 and
is funded by the Heritage Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage and the

The Data Centres mission is: provide national co-ordination and standards of biodiversity data and recording, assist the
mainstreaming of biodiversity data and information into decision making, planning, conservation
management and research, and encourage greater engagement by society in documenting and
appreciating biodiversity.

he Strategic Plan 2013-2017 sets out seven 4 Develop strategic partnerships: Support
primary objectives to assist identification of and collaborate with the Data Centres
priorities and to guide its work programme. partners to assist efficient delivery of their
The seven objectives are: 5 International collaboration: Facilitate
the provision of Irish biodiversity data to
1 Mobilising data: Serve as a national hub international initiatives.
for the storage, display and dissemination 6 Communicating: Communicate the value
of biodiversity data through the online data of Irelands biological diversity and raise
portal Biodiversity Maps. awareness of how it is changing.
2 Tracking change: Identify the need for, 7 Strengthening the recording base: support
and assist the production of high quality, the recorder and citizen science network
scientifically robust data to track changes in to increase the quantity and quality of
Irelands species and habitats. biodiversity data generated in Ireland.
3 Informing decision-making: Facilitate and
promote the use of biodiversity data to inform This Annual Review provides an overview of the
public policy and decision-making through work of the Data Centre during 2015, highlights
data analysis, interpretation and reporting. some of its main achievements during the year
and shows how the different elements of the work
of the Data Centre contribute to the objectives it
has identified.
The National Biodiversity Data Centre Strategic Plan 2013-2017


Building the bioinformatics infrastructure

To achieve the seven strategic objectives identified in the Strategic Plan, the Data Centre is
developing a biodiversity GIS needs.
informatics infrastructure that meets many of the national

Species SQL GBIF
1 National
profile Biodiversity GIS On-line
SQL database to manage
and store Irelands biodiversity 2 Record
9 NationalSurvey data ManagementSpecies
Biodiversity Indicators GBIF System profile
A suite of national indicators An online system to capture,
to track progress towards GBIF visualise and manage personal
meeting Irelands obligations
biodiversity records, supported
to conserve biodiversity. On-line by a mobile app Biodiversity
Data Capture to allow SQL
recording in the field.
Action On-line
On-line Inventory ManageSpecies
men Survey
profilet GIS
8 Biodiversity
Actions ReportingSpecies Species Action

System profile profile 3 Biodiversity Maps


Indicators GBIF
A system to manage, map A national mapping and data

and visualise actions taken portal to visualise, query and

to benefit biodiversity. provide access to biodiversity
Indicators Indicators Survey GIS GIS
data to inform decision-making.

Survey Species

Survey profile
The Data Centres infrastructure GBIF GBIF

has different elements:

b li

7 National

Sampling Framework or

Action Indicators
di Inventory

A sampling framework, na Action 4 GBIF Node

underpinned by a Bioclimatic tio On-line Publishing Irish data
Map of Ireland, and online n to Global BiodiversityOn-line
survey management system Information Facility, a globalSurvey
Inventory biodiversity database of more
to facilitate management of
large-scale citizen science Inventory than 6 billion biodiversity
surveys. profile records.
6 Biodiversity profile
Inventory 5 Species Profile
An inventory of sources of System
data with linkages to published Indicators
A system bringing together Inventory
spatial datasets, providing empirical and autecological
an overview of the state of information to build detailed Indicators
knowledge on Irelands dynamic accounts of
biodiversity. Irelands species.




Data licensing Option 2: Open data licence
[Creative Commons CC-BY]
Underpinning the development of the biodiversity
informatics infrastructure is clarity around the Facilitate the introduction of open-data model
licence attached to any data published through the whereby datasets could be licenced for download
Data Centres mapping system. During the year, the and use by third-parties, on condition that data
Data Centre circulated a consultation paper around would only be used with proper attribution. This is
the issue of data licences, to dovetail with a similar the Creative Commons with attribution (CC-BY)
exercise undertaken by all Global Biodiversity licence. This licence lets others distribute, remix,
Information Facility (GBIF) nodes. The purpose of tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially,
this consultation was to engage with all data providers as long as the data provider is credited with any use.
on the issue of data licences, and to commence the
process of attaching the appropriate licence to each The Data Centre offers both licence types for data
dataset published through Biodiversity Maps. providers to choose. However, the Data Centre
promotes the use of the CC-BY licence where possible
The approach adopted by the Data Centre is to as this greatly facilities added value to be derived
provide two licences types, 1. Restricted and 2. Open from the data, and ensures that it can be published
with attribution (CC-BY): to other systems such as the and Global
Details of the licences are as follows: Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) portal.

Option 1: Licence type Restricted The task of assigning licences to the datasets
published through Biodiversity Maps is ongoing, but
Allows data publishers to publish their datasets by the end of 2015, 38 of the 116 datasets were licensed
through Biodiversity Maps to enable data to be by CC-BY licences, resulting in 692,216 records
visualised and queried with other environmental licenced as open data. The challenge to publish more
datasets, but downloads of the dataset are not datasets to CC-BY licence will continue in 2016.
permitted without the permission of the data


Highlights of the work programme in 2015

The National Biodiversity Data Centre had a full work
programme in 2015, delivering actions identified in the Data
Centres Strategic Plan 2013-2017. Some of the highlights of
the work delivered
Plants 35.9%
during 2015 are presented below:
Birds 31%

Strategic objective 1.
Insects 15%
Cryptograms 8%
Other invertebrates 5%
Mobilising data:
Others 4% Serve as a national hub for the storage,
display and dissemination of biodiversity data through the
online data portal Biodiversity Maps.
Expected benefit: a greatly expanded knowledge base on Irelands biological
diversity and increased availability of data for decision-making, planning,
conservation management and research

Maintaining the National Biodiversity Database & mapping portal Biodiversity Maps
The core work of the National Biodiversity Data Centre is management of the National Biodiversity Database,
a consolidated repository of data on Irelands species, habitats and vegetation. At the end of 2015, 3.7 million
biodiversity records of 15,300 species were published through Biodiversity Maps. These data came from 116
datasets from 58 different providers from both the public and private sector, and from organisations and
national experts.
Growth of National Biodiversity Database








2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

The National Biodiversity Database continues to grow since it was established in 2008. It now contains 3.7 million biodiversity records.

No. of Visits

No. of Visitors
List of datasets, showing the provider and records details,
published through Biodiversity Maps at end of 2015.

DataSetTitle Provider Records Species

Algae: Irish Wire Weed (Sargassum muticum) National Biodiversity Data

106 1
Database Centre

Algae: Quantitative Phytoplankton data from Irish Environmental Protection

3275 91
lakes (EPA) Agency

Environmental Protection
Algae: Rocky Shore Macroalgae 2839 142

Algae: Seaweeds of Ireland British Phycological Society 49812 521

Amphibians & reptiles: Amphibians and reptiles of National Biodiversity Data

812 6
Ireland Centre

Amphibians & reptiles: Irish Marine Turtle

Simon Berrow & Gabriel King 1022 9

Irish Peatland Conservation

Amphibians & reptiles: Irish National Frog Database 3483 1

Amphibians & reptiles: National Frog Survey of National Parks and Wildlife
505 1
Ireland 2010/2011 Service

Amphibians & reptiles: National Newt Survey Irish Wildlife Trust 304 1

Amphibians & reptiles: An Foras Forbartha National Biodiversity Data

766 4
Distribution Atlas 1978 Centre

Birds: An Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Burren and

BirdWatch Ireland 5913 126
Aran Islands 1993 - 1996

Birds: Bird Atlas 2007 - 2011 BirdWatch Ireland 458185 286

National Biodiversity Data

Birds: Birds of Ireland 41099 362

Birds: European Seabirds at Sea (ESAS) bird Joint Nature Conservancy

264441 108
sightings from 1980 to 2003 Council, UK

Birds: Irish Wetland Birds Survey (I-WeBS) 1994-

BirdWatch Ireland 10909 132

National Parks and Wildlife

Birds: Kingfisher Survey 2010 6883 74

Birds: North-west Ireland Machair Breeding

BirdWatch Ireland 88 7
Waders 2009

Birds: Seabird 2000 BirdWatch Ireland 1990 24

Birds: The First Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain

BirdWatch Ireland 63985 143
and Ireland: 1968-1972

Birds: The First Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain

BirdWatch Ireland 55690 204
and Ireland: 1981/82-1983/84


DataSetTitle Provider Records Species

Birds: The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain

BirdWatch Ireland 247842 174
and Ireland: 1988-1991

Bryophytes: Bryophytes of Ireland British Bryological Society 192425 955

Fishes: Data on freshwater fish in Irish lakes Inland Fisheries Ireland 6035 27

Irish Federation of Sea

Fishes: Irish Federation of Sea Anglers Catch Data 212 37

Fishes: Rare marine fishes taken in Irish waters Sea-Fisheries Protection

1135 140
from 1786 to 2008 Authority

Fungi: Irish Records from the Fungal Records

British Mycological Society 14319 2275
Database of Britain and Ireland

National Biodiversity Data

Insects: All Ireland Marsh Fritillary Database 7251 1

Insects: Anisopodidae and Thaumaleidae (Diptera:

Irish Biogeographical Society 84 7
Nematocera) of Ireland

National Biodiversity Data

Insects: Bees of Ireland 24820 100

National Biodiversity Data

Insects: Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme 77019 33

National Parks and Wildlife

Insects: Irish Wood White Database 187 2

National Biodiversity Data

Insects: Butterflies of County Waterford 4751 25

National Biodiversity Data

Insects: Butterflies of Ireland 20402 36

Insects: Caddisfly Records, Edenvale, Co. Wexford

Martin Gammell 34 20

Insects: Craneflies of Ireland Irish Biogeographical Society 3311 202

Insects: Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Ireland

An Foras Forbartha 13528 34

Insects: Dixidae (Diptera) of Ireland Irish Biogeographical Society 89 12

Insects: Dragonfly Ireland CEDaR, N. Ireland 33522 36

Insects: Ephemeroptera of Ireland Dr. Mary Kelly-Quinn 6645 35

Insects: Fleas (Siphonaptera) of Ireland University College Dublin 2398 43

Insects: Heteroptera of Ireland Dr. Brian Nelson 11808 293

Insects: Lice (Phthiraptera) of Ireland Irish Naturalists Journal 306 122

Insects: Microlepidoptera, National Museum of

National Museum of Ireland 7175 586

Insects: Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of Ireland Irish Biogeographical Society 253 18

Insects: Moths Ireland MothsIreland 251339 1391

DataSetTitle Provider Records Species

Insects: Neuroptera (Insecta) of Ireland Irish Biogeographical Society 272 31

Insects: Orthoptera (Grasshoppers & Crickets) & National Biodiversity Data

2916 25
allied insects of Ireland Centre

Insects: Saproxylic Beetles of Ireland Dr. Roy Anderson 3720 261

Dr. Martin Speight & Dr. Tom

Insects: Syrphids of Ireland 31747 183

Insects: The Chironomidae (Diptera) of Ireland Dr. Declan Murray 21047 500

Insects: Trichoptera (caddisflies) of Ireland John Brophy 751 120

Insects: Water Beetles of Ireland Balfour Browne Club 34392 323

Lichens: data 895 313

Lichens: Lichens of Rocky Seashores Paul Whelan 620 114

Marine mammals: ESAS cetacean sightings - 1980 Joint Nature Conservancy

3045 27
to 2003 Committee, UK

Marine mammals: IWDG Casual Cetacean Irish Whale and Dolphin

5577 18
Sightings Group

Marine mammals: IWDG Cetacean Strandings Irish Whale and Dolphin

695 18
Database 2010-2014 Group

Marine mammals: IWDG Constant Effort Cetacean Irish Whale and Dolphin
1485 8
Sighting Scheme Group

Marine mammals: IWDG Ferry Survey sightings Irish Whale and Dolphin
1280 12
Data 2001 to 2013 Group

National Parks and Wildlife

Marine mammals: NPWS Seal Database 1210 3

Non-insect Invertebrates: All Ireland Non-Marine Conchological Society of

79186 196
Molluscan Database Britain & Ireland

Non-insect invertebrates: Aquatic Oligochaeta of

Pascal Sweeney 1589 52

Non-insect invertebrates: BioMar - LIFE project Dr. Mark Costello 53985 1480

Non-insect invertebrates: Centipedes of Ireland Biological Records Centre, UK 1229 26

Non-insect invertebrates: CrBeo Earthworm

University College Dublin 355 18
Records 2006/7

National Biodiversity Data

Non-insect invertebrates: Earthworms of Ireland 1210 25

Non-insect invertebrates: Harvestmen (Opiliones)

Martin Cawley 2109 17
of Ireland

Non-insect invertebrates: Hypogean Crustacea of

Lee Knight 107 4

Non-insect invertebrates: Irish Collembola records Roehampton University, UK 1364 174

Non-insect invertebrates: Irish National Crayfish National Parks and Wildlife

2253 1
Database Service 11

DataSetTitle Provider Records Species

Non-insect invertebrates: Irish New Zealand National Biodiversity Data

1193 1
Flatworm Database Centre

Non-insect invertebrates: Littoral Environmental Protection

4076 220
Macroinvertebrate data from Irish lakes Agency

Non-insect invertebrates: Millipedes of Ireland Biological Records Centre, UK 4834 43

Non-insect invertebrates: Pseudoscorpions of

Irish Biogeographical Society 235 17

Non-insect invertebrates: Spiders of Ireland Myles Nolan 1942 211

Non-insect invertebrates: Sponges of Rathlin Island Ulster Museum 18078 1091

Non-insect invertebrates: Native freshwater

EcoServe 18 1
opossum shrimp in Ireland

Non-insect invertebrates: The Gibson spider

National Museum of Ireland 1709 106

Terrestrial mammals: Atlas of Mammals in Ireland National Biodiversity Data

35891 44
2010-2015 Centre

Terrestrial mammals: Badger and Habitats Survey National Parks and Wildlife
4176 12
of Ireland Service

National Parks and Wildlife

Terrestrial mammals: Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 1603 19

Terrestrial mammals: Hare Survey of Ireland 06/07 National Parks and Wildlife
1263 18
- Non Hare records Service

Dr. Emma Sheehy & Dr. Colin

Terrestrial mammals: Hazel Dormouse in Ireland 17 1

Terrestrial mammals: Irish Deer Database National Museum of Ireland 794 4

Terrestrial mammals: Irish National Badger Sett Dept. of Agriculture, Food and
25727 1
Database Marine

Terrestrial mammals: MISE Project Otter Records, Waterford Institute of

2357 2
2011-2015 Technoloy

Terrestrial mammals: National Bat Database of

Bat Conservation Ireland 21188 11

Terrestrial mammals: National Feral Ferret

Daniel J. Buckley 134 1
(Mustela putoris furo) Database

Terrestrial mammals: National Lesser Horseshoe National Biodiversity Data

2922 7
Bat Database Centre

Terrestrial mammals: National Pine Marten Survey

Dr. Declan OMahony 153 1
of Ireland 2005 - 2007

Terrestrial mammals: Northern Ireland European

Dr. Neil Reid 38 1
hare (Lepus europaeus) survey 2005

National Parks and Wildlife

Terrestrial mammals: NPWS Pine Marten database 175 1

National Parks and Wildlife

Terrestrial mammals: Otter Survey of Ireland 1982 2167 2
DataSetTitle Provider Records Species

Terrestrial mammals: Otter survey of Ireland 2004 National Parks and Wildlife
373 1
& 2005 Service

Terrestrial mammals: Road Kill Survey 3220 11

Terrestrial mammals: The Irish Squirrel Survey

COFORD 1627 3

National Biodiversity Data

Various: Biodiversity records from Ireland - general 4045 907

Clare Biological Records

Various: Clare Biological Records Centre dataset 3688 480

National Biodiversity Data

Various: Coastal and marine species 353 139

Environmental Protection
Various: EPA River Biologists data 28788 97

National Biodiversity Data

Various: Irelands BioBlitz 31719 4471

National Biodiversity Data

Various: Local BioBlitz Challenge 2013 2010 712

Various: Marine species distributions in Irish

Seasearch Ireland 38693 1023
coastal waters

National Biodiversity Data

Various: National Invasive Species Database 8522 85

Botanical Society of Britain &

Vascular plants: BSBI tetrad data for Ireland 349988 2137

National Biodiversity Data

Vascular plants: Discrete vascular plant surveys 17202 671

Vascular plants: Flora of County Cavan National Botanic Gardens 34493 623

Vascular plants: Heritage Trees of Ireland Tree Council of Ireland 724 143

National Biodiversity Data

Vascular plants: Irish Crop Wild Relative Database 13823 202

Vascular plants: Irish Vascular Plant Data - Paul

Paul Green 59492 1483

Vascular plants: Irish vascular plant data 1999-

David Holyoak 39615 1041

Vascular plants: Online Atlas of vascular plants National Biodiversity Data

30872 1069
2012-2020 Centre

Vascular plants: Species data extracted from the National Biodiversity Data
387504 1001
National Vegetation Database Centre

Botanical Society of Britain &

Vascular plants: The Flora of County Clare 1735 391

Vascular plants: The Flora of County Waterford Paul Green 184156 1485

Vascular plants: The Flora of County Wexford Paul Green 178071 1465


Composition of National Biodiversity Maps usage statistics

Biodiversity Database 4000000
Biodiversity Maps is the on-line data portal
More than one third (35.9%) of all records contained
3500000 that provides access to the data in the National
in the National Biodiversity Database are of plants, Biodiversity Database. It is a shared-service availed
31% are birds, 15% insects, 8% cryptogams 3000000
(ferns, of by both data providers (publishers) and data
mosses, liverworts, lichens, algae and fungi), 5% other users. Organisations and individuals can avail of
invertebrates and 4% others. The only major change this service to map and manage their datasets, while
from 2014 is the larger percentage of bird2000000
records, data users can gain access to data and query those
thanks to the inclusion of almost 0.5 million bird data to gain an understanding of what is known about
records from the Bird Atlas 2017-11 dataset, 1500000
provided the biodiversity of different sites and regions of the
by BirdWatch Ireland. 1000000 country. Biodiversity Maps is very much serving
a national need, as 98% of traffic originates from
500000 Ireland & 1% from UK.
Plants 35.9%
Birds 31% 0
2008 was2009
a total of 168,368
2010 visits2011
from 152,545
2012 201
Insects 15%
visitors to Biodiversity Maps in 2015. This represents
Cryptograms 8%
a 19% increase in the number of visits and a 26%
Other invertebrates 5% increase in the number of visitors to Biodiversity Maps
Others 4% from the previous year.

No. of Visits

No. of Visitors

Breakdown by taxonomic group of the records in

the National Biodiversity Database 100000


2014 2015
Over view of traffic to Biodiversity Maps

Most viewed datasets on Biodiversity Maps

Bees of Ireland2000000 Orthoptera of Ireland Freshwater fish of Irish lakes

Atlas of Mammals in Ireland Syrphids (hoverflies) of Ireland Bryophytes of Ireland
Irelands BioBlitz Butterflies of Ireland Amphibians and Reptiles of Ireland
Littoral Macroinvertebrates from Irish Birds of Ireland BSBI tetrad database for Ireland
lakes 500000
National Bat database for Ireland Chironomidae of Ireland
Trichoptera (caddisflies)
0 of Ireland
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

No. of Visits
Number of records of the top 20 Invasive Number of records of top 20 Protected Species
Species in the National Biodiversity Database in the National Biodiversity Database

Invasive species Records Protected species Records

Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus 6729 Gannet Morus bassanus 55079

Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus 6623 Common guillemot Uria aalge 39380
Japanese knotweed Fallopia japonica 3485 Badger Meles meles 31516
Grey squirrel Sciurus carolinensis 2898
Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus 30811
Himalayan balsam Impatiens glandulifera 2405
Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla 28815
American waterweed Elodea canadensis 2121
Woodpigeon Columba palumbus 21226
Rhododendron Rhododendron ponticum 1564
Starling Sturnus vulgaris 19335
New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum 1369
Swallow Hirundo rustica 16746
Brown rat Rattus norvegicus 1365
Garden snail Cornu aspersum 1350 House sparrow Passer domesticus 15974

American mink Mustela vison 1264 Herring gull Larus argentatus 15520

New Zealand flatworm Arthurdendyus triangulatus 1194 Pheasant Phasianus colchicus 13456

Fallow deer Dama dama 1097 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 13132

Cherry laurel Prunus laurocerasus 1081 Common gull Larus fuscus 11858
Giant hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum 921 Skylark Alauda arvensis 11444
Ruddy duck Oxyura jamaicensis 765 Linnet Carduelis cannabina 10686
Feral goat Capra hircus 690
Razorbill Alca torda 10065
Sika deer Cervus nippon 610
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus 9863
Butterfly bush Buddleja davidii 608
Storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus 9009

Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus 8604

Snipe Gallinago gallinago 8585

Rabbit is the most commonly recorded non-native species. Gannet is the most commonly recorded protected species
Photo by David IIiff. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Photo by Andreas Trepte,


Strategic objective 2.
Tracking change: Identify the need for, and assist the
production of, high quality, scientifically robust data to track
changes in Irelands species and habitats.
Expected benefit: An increased understanding of how Irelands biological diversity
is changing.

The Data Centre delivered a number of work packages biodiversity in general. When analysed according to
that serve to improve knowledge on how Irelands international best-practice, these data revealed that
biodiversity is changing. These are presented as case the number of butterflies flying in the Irish landscape
studies under four headings: in 2015 was four-times higher than the eight-year low
1 Using data to track changes in Irelands recorded in 2014, and that of the 16 species where
biodiversity, population changes could be rigorously assessed, four
2 Using data for conservation assessments species are increasing in abundance, four are highly
Irelands Red Lists, variable and eight are in decline.
3 Tracking change in Irelands non-native
species, and
4 Promoting more efficient survey and sampling
Population Index (2008 = 100%)


design. 180

Using data to track changes 100


in Irelands biodiversity
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Case study 1: Mobilising citizen
Irish butterfly population trends since 2008
scientists to monitor insect
populations - All-Ireland Butterfly These data also contribute to the European Grassland
Monitoring Scheme Butterfly Indicator, adopted by the European
Environment Agency, which is based on 3,700
Established in 2007 by the National Biodiversity monitored sites across 22 countries. This shows that
Data Centre, the Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme between 1990 and 2013, Europe has lost 30% of its
supports and co-ordinates a network of 116 volunteer grassland butterfly populations.
monitors across Ireland. In 2015, the scheme
recorded 39,100 butterflies representing 33 species For further information see
from 120 sites across Ireland. In total, our volunteers
walked 3,724 km over 2,049 hours monitoring Irish surveys/butterfly-monitoring-scheme/.
butterflies; an enormous and valuable contribution
to butterfly conservation and the knowledge of Irish
Case study 2: Mobilising For the All-Ireland Marsh Fritillary Monitoring
Scheme, 53 putative populations were identified for
citizen scientists to monitor
conservation management and 48 selected as being
insect populations -All-Ireland both representative of the diversity of areas where the
Bumblebee Monitoring Scheme species exist and suitable for long-term monitoring.
The on-site monitoring and habitat assessment
Bumblebees are Irelands most abundant wild methodology was developing in partnership with
pollinators, yet 30% are under threat of extinction. Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland and in 2015,
As a follow on from the Regional Red List of Irish Bees, three training workshops were provided for NPWS,
the All-Ireland Bumblebee Monitoring scheme was Northern Ireland Environment Agency staff and
established by the Data Centre in 2011. Running in volunteer recorders prior to the monitoring period. At
collaboration with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust present, 32 of the 48 sites were successfully monitored
in Northern Ireland, the all-island scheme represents and these data will form a vital baseline for the future
a network of 77 recorders monitoring 92 sites. In 2015, monitoring of this species.
our bumblebee recorders collectively spent 665 hrs
walking 1,179 km and recorded 11,829 bumblebees
across 16 species. Although there have been longer
running bumblebee schemes in some nature reserves
across eastern Europe, the establishment of the All-
Ireland Bumblebee Monitoring Scheme in 2011 as
part of the Irish Pollinator Initiative meant that is the
worlds first national bumblebee monitoring scheme!
For further information see

The habitat and population of marsh fritillary were monitored

Case study 3: Mobilising citizen at 32 sites in 2015.

scientists to monitor insect

Using data for
populations - Marsh Fritillary
Monitoring Scheme Conservation Assessments
The Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) is Irelands
Irelands Red Lists
only legally protected insect, listed on Annex II
of the EU Habitats Directive and afforded legal Case Study 1: Chondrichthyan
protection under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife Order
Red List
(1985) Northern Ireland. The poor conservation
status and ongoing degeneration of habitats have Sharks and their relatives, including skates, rays and
resulted in an overall population reduction of more chimaeras, are collectively termed chondrichthyan
than 30% over the past 10 years in Ireland, and the fishes. Many of these species are increasingly
regional extinction of Marsh Fritillaries in some parts threatened with extinction as a result of human
of Northern Ireland. activities and the conservative life history traits of
this group of fishes. Generally, chondrichthyans are
To assist conservation of this species, the Data slow growing and late to mature with low fecundity.
Centre was tasked with the delivery of an all- These characteristics result in very low rates of
island monitoring scheme by the Department of potential population increase with little capacity to
Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in collaboration recover from overfishing (directly or their prey being
with the Northern Ireland Environmental Agency overfished), pollution and habitat destruction. Of the
and Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland. 116 species found in the Northeast Atlantic, 25% are
This involved collating existing historic data and under threat and 18% of Near Threatened status. In
merging it with more contemporary data from the collaboration with the Department Arts, Heritage and
Irish Butterfly Monitoring Scheme, to create the All- the Gaeltacht, the Marine Institute and University
Ireland Marsh Fritillary database, containing more College Dublin, the Data Centre has collated a
than 7,100 stretching back to 1982. database of >300,000 records across 200 years and
77 Irish species to support the development of an
International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Regional Red List assessment of chondrichthyan fish
in Irish waters to be published in 2016.


Case Study 2: Vascular Tracking change in

Plant Red List Irelands non-native
Significant work was also completed on the Vascular
Plant Red List in 2015. The Data Centre has supported
NPWS in this work by overseeing application of the
IUCN methodology and carrying out all the decline Case Study 1: Catalogue of
calculations on each species. As with the GB Red
Irelands Non-native Species
Data List (2005), the Wales Red List (2008) and
the England Red List (2015) this analysis used data For the first time in Ireland, a Catalogue of Irelands
from the Vascular Plant Database compiled for the Non-native Species has been compiled by the Data
New Atlas of the British and Irish Flora (2002). This Centre. While lists of non-native species have been
allowed comparison of data collected in the period published for specific groups or environments, this
1930-1969 for the first Atlas of the British Flora (1962) is the first centralised database for all known non-
with those collected in 1987-1999 for the New Atlas natives where information on those species are
(2002). These data were used as a basis for the analysis presented in categories in a standardised format.
of decline used in IUCN threat criterion A, which for Knowing what non-native species we have in Ireland
the purpose of this study looks exclusively at levels is the first stage in assessing what might be an invasive
of decline in distribution or area of occupancy and species.
range or extent of occurrence.
Standardising the information into a centralised
Other IUCN criteria (B, C and D) examine the current system facilitates answering questions such as,
number of sites, populations or individuals in the what are the main ways these species are being
area being considered. Criteria B and C also require introduced into Ireland? And what is the rate of
evidence of any ongoing decline. For these criteria, introductions? These are important questions to
detailed up-to-date site data were used from the support policy and decision-making to tackle future
following sources: introductions. The compiled data are compatible for
trend and prioritisation analysis with other European
NPWS rare plant database and international countries, as the categories used
NIEA: full data supplied for specific species confirm to the Convention of Biological Diversity
BSBI: full data supplied for specific species and the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group
National Biodiversity Data Centre: full data terminology.
supplied for specific species
County Rare Plant Registers completed in Ireland Underpinning the Catalogue of Irelands Non-native
(Fermanagh, Antrim, Armagh, Down) Species is an audit of species checklists and published
Records published by the BSBI in the Irish Bulletin sources of information on Irelands biodiversity.
since 2000 Already this audit indicated that of the 31,513 species
Additional information was sought directly from that occur in Ireland, at least 1,277 are non-native.
BSBI Vice-county Recorders Profiles are currently being developed for the species
at risk of high and medium impacts, bringing together
Case Study 3: Moth Red List empirical data and background information.
For further information see www.biodiversityireland.
Significant work was done on an Irish Moth Red List ie/projects/invasive-species/cins-2/
in 2015. Based on just over 515,000 records, 501 of the
578 species of Macro-moths (Lepidoptera) on the Irish
list were evaluated for their conservation status using
IUCN criteria. The Red List was completed by Moths
Ireland, with the Data Centre providing support with
respect to decline calculations and application of the
IUCN methodology. Approximately 8% of the current
Irish list were assessed as threatened, with another
4% assessed as near threatened or data deficient.
Fourteen species of moth have become extinct in the
last 50 years. The Moth Red List will be published
in 2016.
Promoting more efficient
sampling and survey
Case Study 1: The Environmental
Stratification of Ireland
Due to limited resources, biodiversity monitoring on a
national scale cannot be exhaustive i.e. all 10 m 2, 100
m 2, 1 km 2 or even 10 km 2 units across Ireland cannot
be routinely systematically surveyed. Therefore,
a sampling strategy is needed to identify a subset
of units or regions that, if monitored, would be
representative the whole of Ireland.

To support the objective of statistically robust and

representative sampling strategies for biodiversity
monitoring in Ireland, the Data Centre has
developed a Bioclimatic map of Ireland. This map
is generated from an environmental stratification
analyses based on 30-years of meteorological data,
in combination with elevation, slope, soil data and
satellite-derived plant growth data. The analysis
identifies 15 environmental strata that reflect Bioclimatic map of Ireland
relatively homogenous environmental regions
across which the allocation of sites for biodiversity
monitoring will produce a representative sample of
the environmental diversity of the island.

Produced at a 1 km 2 resolution, the bioclimatic map

has already facilitated the design of an all-island
monitoring strategy of the endangered Marsh
Fritillary butterfly. However, at smaller spatial scales,
the map can be used in combination with landcover
data to refine existing sampling strategies to account
for environmental heterogeneity within the area
covered by the study.

The development of this objective, reproducible

and robust spatial framework of environmentally
homogenous regions across Ireland provides a
valuable tool to ecologists and land managers to use
for stratified random sampling and the selection of
sites for representative studies across the island.

Proposed regionalisation
based on the Bioclimatic map


Strategic objective 3.
Informing decision-making: Facilitate and promote the use
of biodiversity data to inform public policy and decision-
making through data analysis, interpretation and reporting.
Expected Benefit: Improved evidence-based policy development to assist the
conservation of Irelands biological diversity.

The provision of data and information is a pre- To make the indicators as accessible as possible,
requisite for sound decision-making. The Data Centre they have been published on a dedicated website
has contributed to different work packages that managed by the Data Centre http://indicators.
have facilitated decision-making at international, This website facilitates the
national and local level, and these are presented as communication and synthesis of the indicators, as
case studies under three headings: well as providing a valuable educational resource on
1 Assisting Biodiversity Reporting, Irelands biodiversity and Irish societys relationship
2 Informing local-level decision-making, and with wildlife protection. As part of establishing the
3 Providing easy access to data to inform data flow and process for each sub-indicator, the
decision-making. interpretation and presentation of the data were
completed in direct consultation with data providers.
In terms of providing transparency of process and
Assisting Biodiversity supporting the Open Data Initiative, the raw data
collated for each sub-indicator are also provided
Reporting as a direct download. To date, 50 sub-indicators
have been completed and published, representing
Case Study 1: National Biodiversity the collective efforts of 92 individuals across 19
governmental and non-governmental organisations.
The successful delivery of this project is the direct
In a further expansion of the Data Centres central result of the ongoing cross-sectoral engagement by
role in the provision of a shared biodiversity the Data Centre and positively reflects the mutual
data infrastructure for governmental and non- support provided by all partners involved in
governmental organisations, the Data Centre delivering Irelands National Biodiversity
developed and made operational Irelands National Indicators.
Biodiversity Indicators, which are aligned with
Irelands National Biodiversity Action Plan and the
Aichi 2020 Biodiversity Targets. The suite of 33
Headline Indicators, supported by 87 sub-indicators,
are grouped according to eight Focal Areas. These
direct or indirect measures provide an important
source of evidence for managing conservation
actions, for reporting on biodiversity change and
informing conservation policy at international,
national and sub-national levels.
Case Study 2: Supporting Invasive Case Study 3: Symposium on
Species Regulations the Mapping and Assessment of
During 2015, the Data Centre provided advice Ecosystem Services
and support for the implementation of a new EU
Regulation on invasive species [No 1143/2014] that On the 16th February 2015, the National Biodiversity
came into effect on 01/01/2015. This Regulation Data Centre, in collaboration with the Environmental
requires all Member States to take action on Protection Agency and the Department of Arts,
prevention and management measures against listed Heritage and the Gaeltacht, hosted a symposium on
invasive species and their pathways. the how to of ecosystem services mapping to engage
a broad range of potential stakeholders in Ireland and
The work of the Data Centre also contributed begin the process of developing the necessary human
significantly to developments at the European level and technical infrastructure to support this initiative.
through the representation of the Data Centres Facilitated by a series of thematic workshops in the
Invasive Species Officer, Ms Colette OFlynn, on latter half of the symposium, this was also the first
the Working Group on Invasive Alien Species, event of its kind to identify existing data, data sources
established by the European Commission. The group and data needs for Irish ecosystem service mapping
examined the invasive alien species information and assessment.
system established in Ireland as a model for an
information support system to assist Member States 107 stakeholders attended the symposium and
in implementation of the Regulation. The Data the event succeeded in bringing together key
Centre continues to work with the Commissions representatives from public, private and non-
Joint Research Centre in Ispra, Italy to identify how governmental organisation sectors and in providing
best data and information from Member States can an overview of the European policy framework for
contribute to the European Invasive Alien Species ecosystem services mapping. Key messages emerging
Information Network (EASIN). from the symposium include:
1 The clear need for either a committee or
organisation to take lead and secure resources
for the effective delivery of an ecosystem
service map for Ireland.
2 The currently internationally adopted
standardised typology of ecosystem services,
CICES, requires immediate appraisal of its
applicability to Irish ecosystems and services.
3 For the cost-effective delivery of ecosystem
service mapping in Ireland, there is a
clear need to develop a national spatial
Biodiversity Catalogue of Invasive data framework for Irish ecosystems
Maps Irelands
Officer and ecosystem services that will both
accelerate collaboration and facilitate data
interoperability across sectors.

Biodiversity EASIN EASIN
Facility Portal NOTSYS
Regulation on Invasive Alien Species
Baseline Species Early Reporting on
distribution Detection eradication
maps Notification measures

Schematic representation of how the National Biodiversity Data Centre is supporting implementation of the EU Regulation
on invasive alien species.


Case Study 4: Support to

Department of Agriculture, Food &
Marines Echinococcus miltilocularis
surveillance programme
The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
(DAFM) conducts an ongoing surveillance
programme to protect Irelands domestic dog and wild
fox populations from a tapeworm called Echinococcus
multilocularis (EM). EM occurs throughout the
Northern Hemisphere and is transmitted primarily
between wild canids; in Europe this is mainly Red
foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and on continental Europe the
introduced raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides).
Humans can be accidentally infected by ingesting the
tapeworm eggs through food or water contaminated
by the faeces of foxes and, increasingly, of domestic
dogs (Canis lupus familiaris).

Given the potential impact of the parasite on canid

and human populations, the EU enacted a law Standard distribution map plotting species observations
(Regulation No. 1152/2011) in 2011 to put in place
preventive health measures for the control of EM
infection in dogs, which includes the legal obligation
that all pets transported within the EU must be
treated against EM. Ireland (along with Finland,
Malta and the U.K.) are currently free of EM and we
are exempt from having to treat our pets. However,
for Ireland to maintain this EM infection-free status,
DAFM were tasked with implementing an EM-
specific surveillance programme aimed at rigorously
detecting the parasite in Red fox and dog populations.

However, designing rigorous parasite surveillance

programmes in wild animals is challenging due to the
necessity of accurately mapping the distribution of
potential hosts. To support the design of an effective
surveillance strategy, the Data Centre developed a
species distribution model for the Red fox in Ireland
using over 6,000 Red fox records collected as part
of the Atlas of Mammals in Ireland initiative. Our
analyses confirmed that Red fox distributions are
now largely affected by the distribution of urban
areas, with the greatest densities predicted to be in
and around our larger towns and cities. Using this
information, the DAFM surveillance programme
could focus surveillance effort for EM in Red fox and
domestic dog populations, and ensure that Ireland is,
and will remain to be, EM infection-free. Density map derived from maxent modelling
Informing local-level Case Study 2: Knotweed Protocol
decision-making for Ireland
Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) is one of the
Case Study 1: Provision of data to most invasive and widespread invasive species in
Ireland. To address the fragmented availability of
Local Authorities
information on this and other invasive knotweed
There is continual active collaboration between species, the Data Centre has initiated and will lead
the National Biodiversity Data Centre and all development of a Knotweed Protocol for Ireland.
City and County Councils on invasive species in This will be a comprehensive resource for control
Ireland. In 2015, three workshops were delivered and management of invasive knotweeds that will
to local authorities. The workshops focussed on the be of use to anyone looking to treat the plants. To
threat from invasive species with an emphasis on support development of the Protocol the Data Centre
identification and control of high impact invasive convened a working group of key partners which
plants, and on the responsibilities of local authorities includes Transport Infrastructure Ireland staff,
to invasive species management. Inland Fisheries Ireland and Invasive Biosecurity,
with the support of National Parks and Wildlife
As local authorities are instrumental in the Service.
management of invasive species at a regional and local
level, the National Biodiversity Data Centre on an The first Knotweed Protocol Working Group meeting
annual basis provides a digital copy in various formats was held on August 6th and work has commenced on
including ArcGIS of all invasive species records found investigating legislative issues has begun.
within the local authority boundary area. Digital
files with distribution data for invasive riparian
and aquatic species that occur with the River Basin
Districts are also sent to each River Basin District
coordinator. For the three River Basin Districts that
encompass all or part of Northern Ireland, records
listed as High Impact under the UK Technical
Advisory Group on the Water Framework Directive
are supplied.

Japanese Knotweed (photo: Colette OFlynn)


Providing easy access to data

to inform decision-making.
Case Study 1: Usage of the
biodiversity data portal
Biodiversity Maps
One of the services provided by the National
Biodiversity Data Centre is easy access to data on
the known distribution of protected, threatened
and invasive species, and on the biodiversity of sites,
through the data portal Biodiversity Maps. The
system is developed as a service to enable third-
parties gain open access to biodiversity data
to inform their own decision-making needs.
During 2015, 13,508 area-based reports were
generated using Biodiversity Maps. These reports
provide users with a report that lists all the species
recorded for the area and when the species was
An example of the information generated by the
most recently seen. It also enable users to identify area-based reports
which of the species are protected, threatened or
invasive species.

No. of area-based reports






2km 1km 10km User-defined area 100m Townland

A large number of area-based reports were generated providing data to feed into the decision-making process.




Reports generated for protected areas
In 2015, 2,254 reports on protected areas were generated from Biodiversity Maps, a decrease of 7% in the
0 number of similar reports generated in 2014. By far the most frequently generated reports were for Special
Areas of2km
Conservation, as 1km
the system is a valuable
of data for area
Assessments required under
the EU Habitats Directive.

No of reports generated for protected areas







Special Areas of Conservation Special Protection Areas Nature Reserves Natural Heritage Areas

2,254 reports on protected areas were generated from Biodiversity Maps in 2015.

The top 15 species most frequently viewed on

Biodiversity Maps. Red fox (Vulpes vulpes)

Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica) Badger (Meles meles)

Otter (Lutra lutra) Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)

Marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) Wild boar/Feral pig (Sus scrofa)

Pine marten (Martes martes) Irish hare (Lepus timidus subsp. hibernicus)

Freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) Bank vole (Myodes glareolus)

White-clawed crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) Grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis)

Red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus)


Strategic objective 4:
Develop strategic partnerships: Support and collaborate
with the Data Centres partners to assist efficient delivery
of their objectives.
Expected benefit: Greater efficiencies in project delivery and programme
implementation through collaborative effort and use of shared-services.

s a service provider the Data Centre offers Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine,
a range of data management services to its Department of Agriculture and Rural Development,
partners, and it also plays an important role Northern Ireland, Teagasc, Bord Bia, Northern
in coordinating partners to improve the delivery of Ireland Environment Agency, Heritage Council,
information and actions on biodiversity. Services Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht,
provided by the Data Centre are presented as case Filte Ireland, An Taisce Green Schools, Federation
studies under two headings: of Irish Beekeepers Associations, Iarnrod Eireann,
1 Coordinating national action for biodiversity, National Trust, RSPB, Tidy Towns, Transport
and NI, Ulster Farmers Union, Ulster Wildlife, and
2 Collaboration on biodiversity research. Waterways Ireland.

In publishing the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-

Coordinating National Action for 2020, Ireland joined a small number of countries
who have developed a strategy to address pollinator
decline. The launch of the Plan received a high level of
media coverage and was met with widespread support
Case study 1: All-Ireland Pollinator across sectors in Ireland. It is also being recognised
internationally as a best practise example of a cross-
Plan 2015-2020
sectoral approach.
The Data Centre provides an important role in co-
ordination of partners to improve the delivery of
information and actions for biodiversity. This role was
most successfully performed through the publication,
in September, of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-
2020. The development and publication of the plan
was overseen by a 15 member steering group, chaired
by the Data Centre. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan
2015-2020 identifies a list of 81 actions to make the
Irish landscape more pollinator-friendly. This shared
plan of action has been formally endorsed by 68
governmental and non-governmental organisations,
many of whom have taken responsibility for delivering
specific actions .Supporting organisations include:

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020

can be downloaded here
Case Study 2: Participation in
Collaboration on research projects
biodiversity research The Data Centre partnered on the following research
Case Study 1: Development of an
Irish Research Council postdoctoral project on -
aquatic vegetation classification
Predicting the impact of environmental change on oral
system resources for pollinators at the national scale. This two
year project is based in Trinity College Dublin and
The National Vegetation Database was established includes partners at University College Dublin. The
in 2007 by the National Biodiversity Data Centre, research topic contributes to the work of the Data
working in conjunction with the National Parks Centres Irish Pollinator Initiative.
and Wildlife Service. It brings together over 30,000
relevs, or vegetation plots, from vegetation studies Science Foundation Ireland project on Role of
carried out in Ireland, and makes the data available biodiversity in the resilience of grassland production
for research projects in both Irish and Europe. The systems in response to climate change. This is a four-
database is the core building block for development year project led jointly by University College, Dublin
of an Irish Vegetation Classification System which and Queens University, Belfast.
is identified as a key objective in the 2011 National
Biodiversity Plan (Action 3.2). The development of the Synthesis Centre, Centre for Integrative Biodiversity
classification system will be done on a phased basis, Research, Germany research project on sECURE:
including the filling of some existing information Separating Environmental Changes and their effects on
gaps. One of these gaps relates to Irish river commUnity tRaits in European butterflies. This project
vegetation. To address this gap the Data Centre, will facilitate collation of butterfly monitoring data for
working with Lynda Weekes, applied for research a synthesis publication on butterfly functional trait
funding under Irish Research Councils employment- mapping in response to climate change.
based Ph.D. programme, supported by NPWS and
Compass Informatics, the potential employer. This Contribution of Data Centre staff to peer
application was successful and allowed the Data reviewed articles
Centre to work on development of a classification Landucci, F. et al. (2015) WetVegEurope: a
of Irish river vegetation and a monitoring protocol database of aquatic and wetland vegetation of
to support biodiversity reporting and conservation Europe. Phytocoenologia, 45(1/2):187-194
management. Moreira, A. S., Horgan, F. G., Murray, T. E., &
Kakouli Duarte, T. (2015). Population genetic
Already the project has resulted in the collation structure of Bombus terrestris in Europe:
and digitisation of 2,415 river vegetation plots and isolation and genetic differentiation of Irish and
two seasons of field work has supplement this with British populations. Molecular ecology, 24(13),
an additional 140 vegetation plots to fill identified 3257-3268.
gaps. A classification system for Irish rivers has been Essl, F. et al. (2015) Crossing Frontiers in
constructed with 39 vegetation types identified, that Tackling Pathways of Biological Invasions.
range from bryophyte-dominated communities in fast BioScience,(65), 8, 769-782.
flowing streams to those of vascular plant dominated de Jong, Y., et al. (2015) PESI a taxonomic
mature rivers. backbone for Europe. Biodiversity Data Journal
3: e5848 (28 Sep 2015) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.3.e5848


Strategic objective 5:
International collaboration: Facilitate the provision of Irish
biodiversity data to international initiatives.

Expected benefit: Having Irish data contribute to regional and global biodiversity
initiatives to inform decision making at an international level.

ata and information are increasingly needed accessible through GBIF relate to evidence about more
to address international initiatives on the than 1.5 million species, collected over three centuries
conservation of biological diversity. Much of natural history exploration and including current
research and policy implementation work requires observations from citizen scientists, researchers and
collation of data on a European scale. Some of automated monitoring programmes. More than 1,000
the work of the Data Centre that contributes to peer-reviewed research publications have cited GBIF
international networks are presented as case studied as a source of data, in studies spanning the impacts
under two headings: of climate change, the spread of pests and diseases,
1 Contributing to global networks, and priority areas for conservation and food security.
2 Contributing to European networks
The National Biodiversity Data Centre serves as
Irelands National GBIF Node. It published almost 4
Contributing to global networks million biodiversity records into this global network
in 2015.
Case study 1: Serving as
Irelands Global Biodiversity
Contributing to European networks
Information Facility Node
Case Study 1: Reporting on
Ireland is one of 96 participants in the Global
Invasive Species
Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) network GBIF is an international open Colette OFlynn, the Data Centres Invasive Species
data infrastructure, funded by governments. It allows Officer, sits on the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist
anyone, anywhere to access data about all types of Group. This group is developing an online information
life of Earth, shared across national boundaries via tool called the Global Register of Introduced and
the Internet. In 2015 it provided access to more than Invasive Species (GRIIS) to support implementation
600 million biodiversity records, shared freely by of Aichi Target 9 of the Convention on Biological
hundreds of institutions. By encouraging and helping Diversity. Target 9 states that by 2020, invasive alien
institutions to publish data according to common species and pathways are identified and prioritized,
standards, GBIF enables research not possible priority species are controlled or eradicated and
before, and informs better decisions to conserve and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent
sustainably use the biological resources of the planet. their introduction and establishment. The Data
Centre has responsibility to review and add to the
GBIF operates through a network of nodes, IUCNs GRIIS database for Ireland. By end of 2015,
coordinating the biodiversity information facilities of information on 1,119 non-native species recorded in
Participant countries and organisations, collaborating Ireland was provided. The expected launch of GRIIS
with each other and the Secretariat to share skills, is May, 2016.
experiences and technical capacity. The data
Case Study 2: Provision of Irish Case Study 4: National Vegetation
Butterfly Monitoring Scheme Data Database and the European
to TRUSTEE project Vegetation Archive
The Towards RUral Synergies and Trade-offs Irish vegetation data contained in the National
between Economic development and Ecosystem Vegetation Database is part of the European
services (TRUSTEE) project is a three-year research Vegetation Archive, a centralised vegetation database
collaboration between sixteen European partners containing over 1 million vegetation plots from across
from universities, science academies and research Europe.
institutions aimed at understanding the complex
relationships between economic development, land Since the establishment of European Vegetation
use and ecosystem services in rural areas at different Archive in 2012, large scale vegetation research and
spatial scales. In collaboration with butterfly classification on a continental scale is now possible.
monitoring schemes in Belgium, Catalonia, Finland, Irish data has contributed to 17 projects through
France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the European Vegetation Archive over the last year.
Sweden and the UK, the Irish Butterfly Monitoring These projects contribute to the European Red List of
Scheme data will be used to explore how butterfly Habitats, assessment of Natura2000 site biodiversity,
community structure can predict the condition of and involve classification of woodland and heathland
agricultural ecosystems and delivery of ecosystem vegetation with a view to revising EUNIS habitat code
services. definitions. Vegetation data have also been provided
to large-scale research projects on European mire,
weed and wet meadow vegetation and Sphagnum-rich
Case Study 3: Climatic Risk and habitats. The National Vegetation Database is not
only a valuable resource at national scale but also in
Distribution Atlas of European
a European context.
The Atlas of European Bumblebees breaks new
ground in assessing the most likely consequences
of climate change for these important pollinators
in Europe. It collated one million bumblebee
records from across Europe with the Data Centre
providing Irish bumblebee data and co-authoring
the publication.

Based on data from 1970 to 2000 it modelled the

current climatic niche for 56 of the 69 European
species and projected future climatically suitable
conditions based on three climate change scenarios
for the years 2050 and 2100. Since bumblebees are
mainly adapted to colder conditions, they appear
as highly vulnerable to climate change. In 2100,
depending on the scenario of climate change, up
to 36% of the European bumblebees are projected
to be at an high climatic risk (i.e. losing more than
80% of their current range) and 41% will be at risk
(loss between 50% and 80%). Only three species are
projected to benefit from climate change and can
potentially enlarge their current distributions in
Europe. The work concludes that strong mitigation
strategies are needed to preserve this important
species group and to ensure the sustainable provision
of pollination services. Derry Water, characterised by water crowfoot.
(Photo: Lynda Weekes)


Strategic objective 6:
Communicating: Communicate the value of Irelands
biological diversity and raise awareness of how it
is changing.
Expected benefit: an increased awareness amongst the Data Centres stakeholders
and wider public of the importance of conserving Irelands biological diversity.

Heritage Councils Oireachtas Information Day Heritage Councils 20th Anniversary celebrations
The National Biodiversity Data Centre was one of As a key component of Irelands national heritage
12 heritage organisations invited by the Heritage infrastructure, the Data Centre was invited to present
Council to showcase its work as part of the Heritage elements of its work at the Heritage Council 20th
Councils information day for the members of the Anniversary celebrations in June 2015. This provided
Oireachtas on 13th May. The event provided the Data an excellent opportunity to highlight the strategic
Centre an opportunity to meet with many members role of the Data Centre and to profile many of the
of the Oireachtas and to explain the relevance of its data management shared-services it provides to the
work to public policy. public and private sectors.

Dr. Liam Lysaght and Dr. Una Fitzpatick meet with Dr. Liam Lysaght meeting (from left) Dr. Conor Newman,
Minister Jimmy Deenihan at the Heritage Councils Chairman of the Heritage Council, Michael D. Higgins, President
Oireachtas Information Day. of Ireland and Anne Phelan, Minister of State at the Heritage
Councils 20th Anniversary celebrations in Kilkenny.
Biodiversity Ireland newsletter Website traffic overview
Biodiversity Ireland, the Data Centres newsletter A key means of communicating the work of
was re launched after a break of two years with the the Data Centre is through its website www.
publication of the Spring/Summer 2015 issue. The and associated social media.
newsletter is published to highlight the work of the During the year, the Data Centre launched a new
Centre and to serve as a vehicle to communicate website which rationalised its previous web presence
developments on biodiversity surveys in Ireland. under a single unified system delivering significant
In addition to containing latest news from the Data efficiencies in website management. It also allowed
Centre, Biodiversity Ireland features articles on the Data Centre to better showcase the different
major biodiversity initiatives from the Data Centre elements of its work, and demonstrate how they were
and its partners, identification guides, the latest in related.
Biodiversity Research and up to date information on
recent sightings of note. The release of the new website in July resulted in
an immediate increase in the traffic to the site, an
Engagement through social media increase that continued to the end of the year. Overall,
Much of the casual communication with the the website saw an increase of 40% new visitors and
recording community is done through social media, in an increase of 44% in views, but the 75% increase in
particular Facebook and Twitter. Both the Facebook page views showed that visitors accessed far greater
and Twitter accounts have increased significantly content.
over the year, with the Facebook page having 4,515
likes and the Twitter account 4,193 followers at the 200000
(2015) 2015
end of 2015. Tweets posted by the Data Centre in 2015
gained 272,900
(2014) impressions. This is also a doubling
150000of engagement on both platforms during the year.




Visits Visitors Page views
4,515 4,193 272,000 Comparing traffic to Biodiversity Ireland website in 2014
Facebook Likes Twitter Followers Twitter Impressions
0 with 2015: views 44% increase, Visitors 40% and Page views
Visits Visitors Page views 75% increase


Strategic objective 7:
Strengthening the recording base: support the recorder and
citizen science network to increase the quantity and quality
of biodiversity data generated in Ireland.
Expected benefits: A larger and sustained network of individuals, groups and
agencies interested in, and observant of, Irelands biological diversity, and
contributing to its documentation and conservation.

pre-requisite for the generation of biodiversity reconciling registrations with payments this system
data is a highly skilled recording network, was phased out early in the year.
across both the professional scientific and
voluntary citizen-science community. The Data Over the years the Data Centres workshop have
Centre engages with this community to assist proven to be a very valuable capacity building
capacity building for biological recording. Some of programme for the biodiversity sectors as it has
this engagement over the year is outlined below. trained 1,886 participants since 2009. Details of the
number of workshops and attendees is presented
Identif ication and recording of Ireland below.
biodiversity workshop programme
The 2015 identification workshop was designed to Year No. attendees No. workshops
continue improving identification and field skills of 2009 146 8
the recording community and those with a general
2010 237 13
interest in Irelands biodiversity as well as meeting
2011 226 13
the needs of the professional ecologist and Continuing
2012 367 23
Professional Development programmes. The 2015
2013 387 24
programme was developed based on feedback
provided from workshop participants in previous 2014 289 20
years. 2015 234 21

Workshops were offered, providing training in the

following areas: Celebration of International Biodiversity
Waders; seaweed; QGIS; habitat mapping; mammal Day, 22 May.
tracking; ladybirds; pollinators; aquatic animals; To celebrate International Biodiversity Day, 22 May,
butterflies; rocky shore; spiders; grass; macro-moths; the National Biodiversity Data Centre initiated a
social wasps; invasive species; Yellow Asteraceae; 1,000 records a day challenge to encourage people
stonefly nymph; aquatic plants; sphagnum moss; fungi to record biodiversity. The task was quite simple, to
and advanced invertebrates (covering bees, spiders, see if more than 1,000 records could be submitted to
hoverflies). the Data Centre each day for 21st, 22nd and 23rd May.
A total of 21 training workshops was held, providing The objective of the initiative was two-fold. First to
training to 234 participants. raise awareness of International Biodiversity Day, and
second, to highlight the value of biological recording.
A new online booking system using Eventzilla and The challenge was met, and almost 5,000 records
Stripe was introduced early in 2015 to manage were submitted over the period.
bookings. The old system using Event Espresso and
PayPal had become inefficient and led to difficulties
Distinguished Recorder Award 2015
Each year, the National Biodiversity Data Centre makes a Distinguished Recorder
Award to recognise someone who has made an outstanding contribution to biological
recording in Ireland. The recipient of the Distinguished Recorder Award in 2015 was
Padraig Whooley, for the outstanding contribution he has made to the recording and
study of Irelands cetaceans.

Pdraig Wholey Distinguished Recorder 2015 Pdraig has held several positions within the IWDG:
group secretary (1996), membership officer (1997) and
sightings co-ordinator 1999 (to date). He settled in
Cork in 1999, where he completed a two year Diploma
in Field Ecology in UCC (2000-2003). Padraig spent
much of the next decade carrying out systematic
land-based watches from sites such as the Old Head
of Kinsale in Co. Cork. This early body of work helped
highlight the importance of places like West Cork as
a feeding area for fin and humpback whales. During
this period it became clear that regular, year-round
land based watches were an ideal way to monitor
the inshore movements and seasonal abundance of
cetaceans in Irish waters.
Pdraig Whooley is perhaps an unlikely recipient
of the Distinguished Recorder award, coming from Under the auspices of ISCOPE (Irish Scheme
a commercial background with his early career in for Cetacean Observation and Public Education)
shipping (1987-1995) and later having worked in a 2003-2009, IWDG promoted active participation
corporate sales environment with Dell Computers in cetacean recording. During this period, Pdraig
(1996-1999). So this award is an acknowledgment of and colleagues Simon Berrow and Mick O Connell
the role Citizen Science has in biological recording travelled nationwide presenting at walks, talks and
schemes, and specifically how the Irish Whale and workshops and engaging with interested individuals
Dolphin Groups recording schemes have in so many and groups who could contribute cetacean sighting
ways led the way in making such schemes accessible and stranding records to the IWDG. The validation
to a wider public audience. process increased considerably the value of these
records, which were databased and made accessible
Pdraigs first involvement with the fledgling Irish for online interrogation making this
Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) dates back to a unique resource at the time.
1992, when he saw a poster in Bray train station for
one of the groups early meetings in Trinity College. With family and work commitments Pdraig doesnt
Intrigued to learn that not only were there were get to spend as much time these days up on the cliff
whales in Ireland, but that there was an organization tops of West Cork with his scope and binoculars as
interested in them, he attended, and the rest is history. he might like, but remains an avid recorder and an
In 1995 Pdraig embarked on a years overseas travel advocate of sustainable Whale Watching in Ireland.
in search of whales, during which he worked as a Pdraig is a regular contributor to a range of Irish
warden for BC Parks on the Robson Bight Ecological natural history publications, media and wildlife
Reserve for killer whales on Vancouver Island. His documentaries and continues in his role as IWDG
travels have also taken him on many occasions to Sightings Officer.
the Baja Peninsula, in Mexico, as well as Patagonia,
Chile, and Southwest Africa. These early travels gave
Pdraig invaluable field experience, which would
stand to him when his focus later shifted to Irish


Management Board
The National Biodiversity Data Centre is governed by a Management Board,
established by the Heritage Council. The Management Board is responsible for setting
the strategic direction of the work of the National Biodiversity Data Centre and for
ensuring proper corporate governance.
The composition of the Management Board is:
Dr. Mary Kelly-Quinn (Chair) University College Dublin
Mr. Michael Starrett Chief Executive - The Heritage Council
Dr. Ciaran OKeeffe Director National Parks and Wildlife Service
Dr. Michel Cinnide Director Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Peter McLoughlin Head of Department of Chemical and Life Sciences, Waterford Institute of
Mr. Bill Callanan Senior Inspector, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Mr. Nigel Monaghan Keeper National Museum of Ireland Natural History Division
Ms. Rachel Kenny Senior Planner, Fingal County Council
Mr. Mark Wright Northern Ireland Environment Agency
Dr. Matthew Jebb Director National Botanic Gardens
Mr. Michael Keatinge Director, Bord Iascaigh Mhara

Staff & contract management

During 2015, eight employees contributed to the delivery of the National Biodiversity Data Centres work
programme. The delivery of the work programme is by way of a 5-year Service Level Agreement awarded
to Compass Informatics by the Heritage Council for the running of the Data Centre. The full-time staff are
supported by a team of developers, employed by Compass Informatics, who are responsible for development
of the Data Centres core mapping system and online data portal.

Staff IT & Admin Systems team

Dr. Liam Lysaght Centre Director Pavel Janda Informatics developer
Dr. na Fitzpatrick Ecologist Gert Conradie Informatics developer
Dr. Toms Murray Ecologist Ken Dowling ICT infrastructure manager
Barry ONeill Data Manager Walter French GIS & data analyst
Maria Walsh Office Manager Cian OConnor GIS & data analyst
Colette OFlynn Invasive Species Officer Paulina Furmaniak Administrative services
Lynda Weekes Ph.D. Researcher
Rory OCallaghan JobBridge Intern Contract management
Gearid Riain Director, Compass
Informatics Limited
Organisational Chart


Dr. Liam Lysaght

Centre Director

Maria Walsh Dr. na Fitzpatrick Dr. Toms Murray Barry ONeill Colette OFlynn Lynda Weekes Rory O'Callaghan
Office Manager Ecologist Ecologist IT & Data Manager Invasive Species Research Officer JobBridge Intern

Bumblebee I.C.T National Classification Catalogue

Office Vegetation & & Butterfly Infrastructure Invasive Species
Management Plant Recording of River of non-native
Monitoring Manager Database Vegetation Species
Strategy Schemes Manager

National National
National Invasive
Financial Irish Pollinator Web Resources Early Warning Vegetation
Biodiversity Species
Management Initiative Development System Database
Indicators Profiles
Co-ordinator Manager

Purchasing Risk
& Sales Red lists Data Analysis Software Assessment
Management Programme & Modelling Engineer Co-ordinator

Training National National Database
& Education Sampling Sampling Administration/
Programme Framework Framework Developer

The National Biodiversity Data Centre is located at

Carriganore, West Campus W.I.T., Co. Waterford.
It is open weekdays from 09:00 to 17:00hrs.


Financial Statement 2015

Income (NET) 2015
Core funding

Core funding from the Heritage Council 523,577

2014 core funding surplus 38,541

sub-total 562,118

Additional project funding - outside core budget

Heritage Council 52,625

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht 7,913

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine 9,510

sub-total 70,048

Total Income 2015 (NET) 632,167

Expenditure (NET)

Staff (Research) 218,222

Staff (Administration) 75,291

Staff (IT & Data Management) 67,056

Additional IT services 78,291

Additional admin services 12,687

Hardware 0

Software 14,332

Office running costs/consumables 28,503

Staff CPD 872

Data projects 24,022

Travel & subsistence 14,860

2014 core funding surplus 25,162

sub-total 559,298

Surplus 2,821

Additional projects - outside core budget

Heritage Council Invasive Species Research Officer 30,000

Heritage Council Irish Vegetation Classification System 22,625

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht - Marsh Fritillary 1,458

Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht - Invasive Species 4,430

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine - Conservation of genetic resources 9,443

Refunded to Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine 67

sub-total 68,023

surplus 2,025

Total Expenditure 2015 (NET) 627,321

Total Surplus 2015 (NET) 4,846


Judith Annett, Michael Archer, Alan Armstrong,

The National Biodiversity Data Centre Val Atkins, Tina Aughney, Wendy Austin-Rawlings,
is grateful to all the individuals and Richard Ayre.
partners listed below who have assisted
with data collection and project delivery
during the year
B. Daniel Baars, Jan-Robert Baars, Philip Bagnall,
Kate Baker, Andy Baird, Deborah Ballard, Karen
Banks, Ret Barber, Bob Barrett, Ciara Barrett, Sarah
Barrett, Chris Barron, Simon Barron, Lief Barry,
Organisations: Penny Bartlett, Corey Bateman, Alan Bates, Ciara
Bat Conservation Ireland, Bees, Wasps, & Ants Beausang, Charmaine Beer, Kieran Behan, Desmond
Recording Society, BirdWatch Ireland, Bord Bell, Kate Bell, Michael Bell, Molly Bell, Pat Bell,
na Mona, Botanical Society of the British Isles, Dario Fernandes Bellon, Michael John Bennett,
BEC Consultants, British Bryological Society, Ashley Bennison, Chris Benson, Bernadette Bergin,
British Mycological Society, Burrenbeo, Butterfly Hazel Bergin, Cuan Berrow, John Berry, Catherine
Conservation, Butterfly Conservation - Northern Bertrand, Chris Betts, William Bible, Sinead Biggane,
Ireland, CEDaR - Northern Ireland, Chartered Ann Bingham, Laura Birt, Andrew Black, Philip
Instit ute of Ecolog y a nd Env ironmenta l Blair, Clodagh Blake, Rick Boelens MacMahon,
Management, Cork County Council, COFORD, Tara Boelens MacMahon, Brendan Bolger, Margaret
Coillte, Conchological Society of Britain & Ireland, Bolger, Michael Bolger, Stephen Bolger, Vivi Bolin,
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Tom Bolger, Chris Bolton, Ken Bond, Anne Booker,
Dublin City Council, Environmental Protection David Boomer, Alan Booth, Julia Booth, Stephen
Agency, Global Biodiversity Information Facility Booth, Ismay Bothwell, David Bourke, Sean Bourke,
(GBIF), GB Non-native Species Secretariat, Irish Gordon Boxwell, Glen Boylan, Mabh Boylan, Barbara
Char Conservation Group, Inland Fisheries Ireland, Bradby, Arlette Bradley, Susan Bradley, Antoinette
Invasive Species Ireland, Irish Biogeographical Brady, Ashton Brady, Marion Brady, Neil Brady, Pakie
Society, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, Irish Brady, Trevor Brady, Bill Brazier, Dina Brazil, Con
Research Council, Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, Breen, Dermot Breen, John Breen, Aaron Brennan,
Irish Wildlife Trust, Joint Nature Conservancy Aidan Brennan, Carmel Brennan, Cathy Brennan,
Committee, Kerry County Council, Killarney David Brennan, Kelly Marie Brennan, Marion
National Park, Killarney National Park Education Brennan, Julie Brett, Angela Brewer, Catherina
Centre, Marine Dimensions, Marine Institute, Bright, Chris Briody, Catherine Broderick, Shane
Mayo County Council, Monaghan County Council, Broderick, Clare Bromley, John Brophy, Laura Brophy,
MothsIreland, National Botanic Gardens, National J. Brosnan, Claire Brougham, Derek Brown, Paul
Museum of Ireland Natural History Division, Brown, Amanda Browne, Damian Browne, J.J.
National Museums Northern Ireland, National Browne, Juanita Browne, Sandra Browne, Helen
Parks and Wildlife Service, Natural History Museum Bruen, Ciaran Bruton, Alan Bryan, Barbara Buckley,
London, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Daniel Buckley, Eileen Burgess, Billy Burke, Brian
NOBANIS (European Network on Invasive Alien Burke, Daniel Burke, Eugene Burke, Michael Burke,
Species), Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Amy Burns, Dillon Burns, Sarah-Jane Burns, Bart
Office of Public Works, Plantlife International, Busschots, Andrew Butler, Eoin Butler, Fidelma
Roscommon County Council, Rothamstead Insect Butler, Martina Butler, K. Butson, Katie Buttimer,
Survey, Seasearch, Teagasc, The Heritage Council, Paul Butter, Tim Butter, Lynne Bye, Andrew Byrne,
UCD - Freshwater Ecology Research Group, Trinity Brendan Byrne, Carl Byrne, Ciaran Byrne, Cian
Centre for Biodiversity Research - Trinity College Byrne, Claire Byrne, Dolores Byrne, Kevin Byrne,
Dublin, Waterford County Council, Wexford Melanie Byrne, Michael Byrne, Ron Byrne, Thomas
Naturalists Field Club. J. Byrne, Triona Byrne, Elizabeth Byrnes, Martin

A. Kristina Abariute, Corina Abbott, Darren

Abbott, Isobel Abbott, Pauline Abbott,
C. Mary Cadden, Ian Cafferky, Joe Caffrey,
Padraic Caffrey, Dave Cahalin, John J. Cahill,
Liam Cahill, Cirde Eanlaithe Chorca Dhuibhne,
Leonard W. Abrahamson, John Adams, Marina Andrew Caldicott, Conor Cagney, Philip Callan, Mark
Adorni, Rebecca Aldakar, A. Allaway, Dave Allen, Callanan, Michael Calnan, Chris Campbell, Christina
Ashley Allshire, David Amstutz, Roy Anderson, Campbell, Hannah Campbell, Pauline Campbell,
Theo Campbell, Warren Campbell, Enrico Campi, John Day, Brendan Dean, John Deasy, Anna Duval
James Campion, Nuala Canny, Andy Carden, Ruth de Dampierre Phelan, Irene Deisler, Harm Deenen,
Carden, Elizabeth Care, Matthew Care, Caitriona Kevin Deering, Barbara Delahunty, Kevin Delahunty,
Carlin, Mark Carmody, William Carr, B. Carroll, Jake Lisa Delahunty, Edward W. Delaney, Fiona Delaney,
Carroll, Brian Carruthers, Seamus Carten, Adrian Zarah Delaney, Howard Delaney-Brownlow, Andrew
Carthy, Helen Carthy, Ellen Carvill, Peter Carvill, Dellas, Maria Dempsey, Jo Denyer, Derrycreha
Catherine Casey, Catriona Casey, Maurice Casey, National School, Ronan Dervan, Fiona Devery, Pete
Michael Casey, Aoife Cashman, Christine Cassidy, Devlin, Zoe Devlin, John Mark Dick, Jonathan
Diana Cassidy, Faron Cassidy, Claudio Caveliere, Dickson, Anke Dietzsch, Aaron Dignam, Caroline
Martin Cawley, Julien Champy, Paul Chanin, Tina Dilworth, Karina Dingerkus, Pat Dinneen, Amy
Christiansen, Gerry Clabby, Amyleigh Clancy, David Dixon, Boyd Dobbs, Andrew Doherty, Brian Doherty,
Clarke, Declan Clarke, Joe Clarke, Lindsey Clarke, Conor Doherty, Derek Doherty, Denis Doherty, Gary
Maura Clarke, Orla Clarke, Simon Clarke, Maurice Doherty, Cormac Dolan, Melanie Dolan, Tony Dolan,
Clarke, Sam Clawson, Pauline Clerkin, Shirley Anita Donaghy, Brenda Donaghy, Richard Donaghey,
Clerkin, Michele Clements, Deirdre Clifford, Simon Pat Doncaster, Brian Donlon, Clare Donoghue, Lee
Clifford, Suzanne Clinton, Cameron Clotworthy, Donohoe, Brendan Donnelly, Jean Dooley, David
Louie Coe, Lee Coffey, Paudie Coffey, Rebeccah Doran, Clare Dore, Brendan Douglas, Catriona
Cogan, Brian Coghlan, Thomas Colclough, Edwina Douglas, Deborah Dowdall, Daniel Dowling, J.J.
Cole, C. Coles, Brendan Coleman, Brian Colgan, Brd Dowling, Lisa Dowling, Paul Dowling, Peter Dowling,
Colhoun, Christy Collard, Laurence Colleran, Adrian Denis Downey, Andrew Downie, Brona Doyle, Colm
Collins, Brian Collins, Kevin Collins, Niall Collins, Doyle, Mark Doyle, Philip Doyle, Romey Doyle, Susan
Karen Comerford, Larry Comerford, John Conaghan, Doyle, Ismay Drohan, Blaise Drummond, Joe Duane,
Anne Condon, Rolf Conrad, Ted Cook, Christy Cooke, Katherine Duff, Angela Duffy, Carol Duffy, Madge
David Cooke, F. Coppillie, Burke Corbett, Bernadette Duffy, Oisn Duffy, Paul Duffy, Peter Duffy, Britt Du
Connolly, Brendan Connolly, Catherine Connolly, Fournet, Dave Duggan, Deirdre Duggan, Lisa Duggan,
David Connolly, Dawna Connolly, Kieran Connolly, Mary A. Duggan, Richella Duggan, Tracey Duignan,
Sam Connolly, Gerard Conroy, Lorna Conway, Ciarn Dunbar, Dunderrow National School, Stuart
Shane Conway, Alex Copland, Frank Corbally, Aoife Dunlop, Alan Dunne, Gavin Dunne, Joan Dunne,
Corcoran, Barry Corcoran, Declan Corcoran, Paul Michael Dunne, Mick Dunne, Paul Dunne, Roseann
Corcoran, David Cotter, Derval Cotter, Josh Cotter, Dunne, Veronica Dunne, William Dunne, Richard
Rebecca Cotter, Don Cotton, Aidan Coughlan, Kieran Dunphy, Penny Durell, Fran Durie, Rory Dwyer.
Coughlan, David Court, Alan D. Courtney, Peter
Courtney, Cormac Coyne, Micheal Cowming, Andrew
Cox, Kevin Coyle, Derek Crabbe, Cormac Craven,
E. Maurice Eakin, Patricia Earle, Ecologists Ireland,
Ian Edwards, Colette Egan, Brendan Egan,
James Egan, Ray Egan, Jamie Ellis, Ronald Ellis,
Derek Crawley, Mairad Crawford, Michael Creegan,
Sandra English, Colm Ennis, Ruth Enright, Liam
Rose Cremin, Martin Critchley, John Cromie, Andy
Crory, Christine Cronin, Ciaran Cronin, Stephen
Cronin, Mairi-Elena Crook, Denis Crosby, John
Cross, Olivia Crowe, Sarah Crowley, Patrick Crushell,
F. Paul Fallon, Nollaig Feeney, Michael Fahy, Gary
Falconer, Linda Foley, David Fallon, ine Farrell,
Catherine Farell, Ellie Farrell, Euan Farrell, Graham
Tom Cuffe, Eamon Cullen, John Cullen, Maria
Farrell, Scilla Farrell, Sinad Farrell, Tony Farrell,
Cullen, Stan Cullen, Brendan Culliton, Anne Cully-
Edward Farrell, John Faulkner, Susan Faulkner,
Ryan, Catherine Cummins, Alan Cunniffe, Adrian
Aidan Feehan, Dennis Feeley, Hugh Feeley, Samus
Cunningham, Caitriona Cunningham, Amy Curran,
Feeney, Tracy Anne Fennell, ine Fenner, Andrew
Breda Curran, David Curran, Eugene Curran, Ann
Fenner, Caitriona Fenton, Elma Fenton, Anne
Curtin, Peter Cutler.
Ferguson, Tom Ferris, Michael Field, C. Finan,

D. John Dack, Caroline McDaeid, Angela Dakin,

Anthony Dale, Cian Dale, Eoghan Dalton, Guy
Dalton, Brian Daly, Dave Daly, Gregory Daly, Mark
Breda Finn, Gerry Finnegan, Simon Finnegan, Sean
Finnerty, Caroline Fitzpatrick, Conall Fitzpatrick,
David Fitzpatrick, na Fitzpatrick, Alexis Fitzgerald,
Daly, Robert Daly, Tony Daly, Brian Danaher, Robert Brian Fitzgerald, Eleanor Fitzgerald, Meadhbh
Dancey, Rodney Daunt, Alice DArcy, Deborah DArcy, FitzGerald, Ger Fitzsimons, Ciaran Finch, Marian
Adeleh Davis, Stephen Davis, Jake Davison, Josh Fisher, Margaret Flaherty, Anne Flanagan, Donald
Davison, Andy Dawson, Anthony Dawson, C. Day, Flanagan, Orla Flanagan, Lorcan Flannery, Diann


Fletcher Jones, Andrew Fleming, Ann Marie Fleming, Hoban, Conor Hodgins, Brian Hogan, Michael Hogan,
Anne Flynn, Aoife Flynn, Carol Flynn, Sid Flynn, John Neasa Hogan, Thomas Hogan, Paddy Holohan,
Fogarty, Padraic Fogarty, Mary Foley, Patrick Foley, Catherine Holland, Andrew Holmes, Byron Hooper,
Nigel Foley-Fisher, Emily Follis, Adrian Foran, Maeve Claire Horan, Brian Horgan, Jerry Horgan, Mary
Foran, Cathal Forkan, Ivan Forsythe, Peter Foss, Julie Houlihan, Mary Howard, Francis Hoyne, Niamh
Fossitt, Jamie Fowley, Howard Fox, John Fox, Tom Hudson, Bobby Hunt, Deirdre Hunt, Geoff Hunt,
Fox, William Fox, Bridget Foy, Fionnuala Foy, Shona Tony Hunt, Heather Hunter, Caroline Hurley, Jim
Foyle, Anne Francis-Nee, Kathryn Freeman, Nuala Hurley, Ben Huskinson, Charlotte Hutchinson, Chris
Freeman, Rochelle Fritch, Janice Fuller, Raymond Huxley, Lynda Huxley, Tim Hyde, Andrew Hynes,
Fulton, Karin Funke. Kelly-Marie Hynes, Matthew Hynes, Ciarra Hyslop.

G. Elizabeth Gabbett, Conor Gaffney, Leah

Gainey, Darren Gallagher, Jim Galloway, I. F. Alberto Gavigan Imedio, Penny Insole, Kealin
Ireland, Bryan Irvine, Justin Ivory.
Niall Galloway, Chris Galvin, Martin Gammell,
Jim Gannon, Dara Garde, Brian Gargan, Liam
Gavin, David Gaynor, C. Geoghegan, Alice Gibbons,
J. David Jackson, Arlo Jacques, Gill James, Linda
James, Fons Jaspers, Frances Jeawon, Rebecca
Jeffrey, Anna Johnston, Erin Johnston, Caroline
Eamonn Gibbons, Cepa Giblin, Ian Gibson, Ciara Jolley, Brian Jones, Carol Jones, David Jones, Mick
Girvin-Kelleher, Lynne Gillespie, Jane Gilleran, Jones, Brian Joyce, Rosina Joyce.
Debbie Gillies, Brian Gilligan, Eddie Gilligan, Clive
Gilmore, Carol Gilroy, Conor Gilsenan, Tom Gittings,
Celine Geaney, Brian Glanville, Emma Glanville, Dick
K. Aideen Kane, Dellwyn Kane, Andrasne Katona,
Barry Kavanagh, Brendan Kavanagh, Lucy
Kavanagh, Padraig Kavanagh, Patrick Kavanagh,
Glasgow, Nicole Gleeson, Andrew Glenn-Craigie, Doreen Keane, Hazel Keane, John Keane, Mark
Brendan Glynn, Gary Goggin, Emily Goldstein, Dave Keane, Robert Keane, Ruth Keane, Bernadette
Good, Jervis Good, Dick Goodere, Colin Goodman, Kearney, Jon Kearney, Carmel Keating, Alan Keegan,
Anne Goodwin, Arie Gorissen, Ciarn Gorman, Elaine Keegan, Brian Keeley, Catherine Keena, Kate
Brian Gormley, Amy Gorol, Caitriona Graham, Lisa Keena, Padraig Keirns, Dith Kelleghan, Conor
Grant, Bobby Gray, Shonagh Gray, Tristan Gray, Kelleher, Aidan P. Kelly, Aideen Kelly, Alice Kelly,
Paul Richard Green, Catherine Greer, Catherine Andrew Kelly, Beatrice Kelly, Cathy Kelly, Daniel
Greer, Anne Griffin, Eugene Griffin, Tony Grogan, Kelly, Darina Kelly, Dermot Kelly, John Kelly, Kilian
Bernadette Guest, Denis Guilfoyle, Olivia Guilfoyle, Kelly, Laoise Kelly, Martin Kelly, Nancy Kelly, Noel
Michael Guiry, Jo Gurney, Sarah Gunther, Cicely Kelly, Stan Kelly, Therese Kelly, Mary Kelly-Quinn,
Gunton, Clare Guy. Catherine Ketch, Henry Kenny, Tom Kenny, Aengus

H. Amy Haigh, Conor Halpin, Moirin Halpin,

Trevor Halpin, Cormac Hamill, Rachel Hamill,
Colin Hamilton, Hannah Hamilton, Jean Hamilton,
Kennedy, Aisling Kennedy, Barry Kennedy, Lynda
Kennedy, Brendan Keogh, Niall T. Keogh, Bee Kesso,
Lorcan Keyes, Celine Kiernan, Noel Kiernan, Darran
Avril Hanbidge, Gail Hanbridge, Declan Hanley, Killian, Danielle Kirwan, Des Kirwan, Caroline
Maria Hanrahan, Mark Hanratty, Des Haran, Ray Kiely, David Kiely, Mary Kiely, Erin Kilbane, James
Hardie, Siobhan Hardiman, Jesmond Harding, Kerry Kilroy, Michael Kingdon, Caroline Kingston, Naomi
Hardy, Charlie Harkin, Cammy Harley, Bruce Harper, Kingston, Sean Kingston, Aayla Kirwan, Charlotte
Andrew Harrington, Anne Harrington Rees, Freddie Kitto, Patricia Kreiss, Isabelle Kurz.
Harris, Ulla Harris, Maryann Harris, Polly Hartney,
Feidhlim Harty, Margaret Harty, C. Harvey, Veritia
Harvey, Sophie Hayley, Seamus Hassett, James
L. Ciaran Lafferty, Heather Lally, Caroline Lalor,
Glenn Lalor, Aoibheann Lambe, Maureen Lambe,
D. Lambert, Stephen Lambert, Susan Lambert, David
Hayes, Daniel Healy, Denis Healy, Elizabeth Healy, Lane, Ann Langley, Alison Laredo, Bryan Larkin, M.
Dorothy Heaphy, Clare Heardman, Brian Heanue, Larkin, Alan Lauder, Kate Lavender-Duncan, John
Trea Heapes, Gerry Heery, Anne Heffernan, Marie Lavery, Gerry Lawless, Deborah Lawlor, Eamonn
Louise Heffernan, Eoin Hegarty, Claire Hempsey, Lawlor, David Lawton, Ann Leahy, Eamon Leahy,
Barry Heneghan, John Heneghan, Brendan Yvonne Leahy, Keith Leaver, Becky Ledger, Aideen
Hennessy, Bridget Hennessy, Breda Herlihy, Sylvia Lee, Caitriona Lee, Robin Leen, M. Lenane, Caroline
Hetherington, Willie Hetherington, Sarah Hickey, Lenehan, Fintan Lenehan, Larry Lenehan, Niamh
David Hickman, Abigail Higgins, Barry Higgins, Lennon, Kerry Leonard, Stephen Lester, Amy Lewis,
John Higgins, Therese Higgins, Edward Hill, Marian Caroline Lewis, David Lloyd, Fiona Lloyd, Carol
Hinchy, Maura Hiney, Sara Garcia Hipolito, James Loftus, Annette Logan, Dermot Long, Maria Long,
Steve Long, Anne Loughran, John Lovatt, Frances McLaughlin, Hugh McLindon, Debbie McLoughlin,
Lucy, Aine Lynch, Annette Lynch, Carmel Lynch, Deb Deirdre McLoughlin, Eamonn McLoughlin,
Lynch, John Lynch, Julian Lynch, Michael Lynch, Marc McLoughlin, Noreen McLoughlin, Barry J.
Peader Lynch, Tom Lynch, Wayne Lynch, Deirdre McMahon, Graham McMahon, Shirley McMahon,
Lynn, David Lyons, Fionnuala Lyons, Paul Lyons, Crna Mc Monagle, Kenny McNerlin, Dermot
Bella Lysaght, Damaris Lysaght, Felix Lysaght, Jessica McNelis, David McNicholas, Evelyn McNulty, Fintan
Lysaght, Liam Lysaght, Pauli Lysaght, Sen Lysaght, McPhillips, Charles McRobert, Abby McSherry,
Tony Lyster. Brendan McSherry, Edward McWilliams, Sandy
McWilliams, Michael McVeigh, Nigel Malcolm,
M. Ciarn MacAoidh, Seosamh MacCrthaigh,
Pl MacCana, Brian MacCormaic, Brendan
MacCourt, Declan Mac Gabhann, Ronan Mac
Ferdia Marnell, Jimmy Marron, Sallyann Marron,
Alastair Marsden, Colette Martin, Derek Martin,
Malachy Martin, Niamh Martin, Brian Massey, Ted
Giollapharaic, Pat Mackey, Scott MacKeown,
Massey, Frances Maxwell, Robert Maxwell, Christine
Breandn MacSarraigh, Luca Madden, Carmel
Meadows, Sarah Mee, Sean Meehan, Poppy Melia,
Madigan, Colin Magee, Emer Magee, Barbara
Clive Mellon, Aidan Melody, Cian Merne, Margaret
Maguire, Eileen Maguire, John Maguire, Breda
Merne, Joyce Millar, Tony Miller, Dan Minchin, Anca
Maher, Caitriona Maher, Anne Marie Mahon, Chris
Minescu, Kelda Minjon, Andrew Mitchell, Daniel
Mahon, Josephine Mahon, Ben Malone, David
Mitchell, Nicholas Mitchell, Sinad Mitchell, Will
Manning, Jerrad J. Manning, Karin Manning, Joanie
Mitchell, Franck Ar Moenner, Sue Moles, Stewart
Mannion, Nick Marchant, Brendan Marnell, Ferdia
Molloy, Kieran Moloney, Tom Moloney, Cormac
Marnell, Michael Marron, Anita Martin, Bob Martin,
Monaghan, Liam Monaher, Ian Montgomery, Kate
Brian Martin, Breffni Martin, Chris Martin, Rama
Moody, Derek Mooney, Aidan T. Moore, Anet Moore,
Mathers, John Matthews, John Mattimoe, Jane
Alan Moore, Brian Moore, Dave Moore, Fionn Moore,
Maxwell, Kate McAney, Gabby McAvey, Stephen
Jer Moore, Michelle Moore, Rory Moorhead, Evelyn
McAvoy, Michael McBride, Caitriona McCabe,
Moorkens, Anthony Moran, Brendan Moran, Deirdre
Bernadette McCafferty, Richard McCafferty, Cian
Moran, James Moran, Breeda Morgan, Mary Morgan,
McCann, Deborah McCann, Jason McCann, Alison
Colm Moriarty, Eileen Morrison, Pat Morrissey,
McCarthy, Barry McCarthy, Joan McCarthy, Paul
David Morrow, Hannah Mulcahy, Caoimhe Muldoon,
McCarthy, Anthony McCarville, Adam McClure,
Mulholland, Anne Mullen, Jimmy Mullen, Siobhan
Anthony McCluskey, Philip McCluskey, David
Mulligan, Patrick Mullins, Sean Mullins, Collette
McConnell, Anne McCormack, David McCormick,
Mulqueen, Kitty Mulvaney, Cathy Mulvey, Adam
Mark McCorry, Gerry McCourt, Karl McCready,
Mulvihill, Archie Murchie, Abigail Murphy, Aidan
Fiona McCrory, Eoin McCumiskey, Lee McDaid,
Murphy, Aran Murphy, Brendan Murphy, Chris
Sophie McDaid, Y. McDermott, Andrea McDonagh,
Murphy, Claire Murphy, Corona Murphy, Deirdre
David McDonagh, Aidan McDonald, Anna McDonald,
Murphy, Eimer Murphy, Jacinta Murphy, Joan
Evan McDonald, Juliet McDonald, Rosemarie
Murphy, John Murphy, Kevin Murphy, Lisa Murphy,
McDonald, Barry McDonnell, Brian McDonnell,
Lucy Murphy, Nancy Murphy, Orla Murphy, Paul
Conan McDonnell, Daireann McDonnell, Ian
Murphy, Philip Murphy, Ronnie Murphy, Sandra
McDonnell, Sinead McDonnell, Susan McDonnell,
Murphy, Pauline Murray, Toms Murray, Tony
Allan McDevitt, Deirdre McElligott, Marion
Murray, Tom Murtagh, Darragh Musgrave, Barbara
McElligott, Brian McElvaney, L. McEnroe, Anna
Mutschler-Hild, Amy Myers.
McEvoy, Dave McEvoy, Damian McFerran, Declan
MacGabhann, Maureen McGann, J. McGarry, Eugene
McGettrick, Helena McGlone, Camilla McGourty,
Danica McGourty, David McGovern, Kieron
N. Jason Nagle, Tony Nagle, Favel Naulty, Aidan
Neary, Niamh N Cholmain, Christina N
Dheaghaidh, Deirdre N Dhubhghaill, Claire N
McGowan, Dave McGrath, Valerie McGrath, Keith Fhearghail, Aine N Fhlaithearta, Roslyn Nicholson,
McGreal, Aiden McGuinness, Conor McGuinness, Aoife Nic Shein, David Nixon, Albert Nolan,
Helen McGuinness, Iain Mc Guinness, Alan McGuire, Antoinette Nolan, Billy Nolan, Joe Nolan, Lauren
Patrick McGurn, Philip McHaffie, Ewan McHenry, Nolan, Conor Nelligan, Anton Nelson, Brian Nelson,
David McIlveen, Clare McIntyre, David McKay, Don Debbie Nelson, Heather Nesbitt, Marie Neville, Pat
McKenna, Elizabeth McKenna, Martin McKenna, Neville, Geoff Newell, Beatrice Newman, Miles
Jane McKeon, Liam McKeown, Megan McKerchar, Newman, Mary Niblett, Aislinn Nugent, Andrew
Simon McKergan, Dermot McLaughlin, Ronan Nugent, Julia Nunn.


Anthony Patterson, Jennifer Pearson, Roddy Peavoy,

O. Yvette OBeirne, Conor OBoyle, Ann-Marie
OBrien, Catherine M. OBrien, Chris OBrien,
Cliona OBrien, David, OBrien, Des OBrien, Eileen
Catherine Penny, James Pembroke, Chris Peppiatt,
Bryan Peters, Judi Pheysey, Anthony Pickering,
Eileen Pickering, Byran Pinchen, H. Pinoff, Tracy
OBrien, Eugene OBrien, Gerard OBrien, Irene
Platt, Brian Pluck, Conor Plunkett, Catherine
OBrien, Ricky OBrien, Sabrina OBrien, Seamus
Pollard, Ciaran Pollard, Ada Porter, Ciara Powell,
OBrien, Margaret OBrien-Moran, Oliver Cadhla,
Lisa Powell, Alf Power, Alice Power, Andrew Power,
Anton OCallaghan, Fergal OCallaghan, Mark
Brian Power, Frank Power, Gerry Power, John A.
OCallaghan, Tony OCallaghan, Aodan Caoimh,
Power, Mary Power, Una Power, David Prendergast,
Donncha Cathin, Brian OCeallachain, Conall
Fraser Preston, Howard Preston, Bob Price-Adams,
O Coisneachain, Brendan OConnell, Catherine
Vanessa Price-Adams.
OConnell, Cliona OConnell, Danielle OConnell,
Darren OConnell, Heather OConnell, Joan
OConnell, Lynnie OConnell, Michael OConnell,
Michel OConnell, Brian OConnor, Catherine
Q. Brenda Quinn, Caitlin Quinn, Ciara Quinn,
Denis Quinn, Melina Quinn, S. Quinn, Arnold
OConnor, Claudette OConnor, David OConnor,
Deirdre OConnor, Liam OConnor, Maurice O Connor,
Pat OConnor, Liam OConnor Hannon, Tadhg O
R. Christine Raab-Heine, Anthony Rafter, Donna
Rainey, Christopher Ramsey, John Ramsey,
Andrea Rawat, Derek Redmond, Jim Redmond,
Corcora, Criostir Crinn, Feargal Cuinneagin, Joanne Redmond, Martina Redmond, Niall Redmond,
Caroline ODea, Dinah ODell, Joe Dochartaigh, Tom Redmond, David Rees, Adrian Reid, Alanna Reid,
Diarmaid ODoherty, Philip ODonaghue, John Brian Reid, Dara Reid, Neil Reid, Brian Reidy, Darren
ODonnell, Michael ODonnell, Patrick ODonnell, Ger Reidy, Grainne Reidy, Sean Reidy, Allen Reilly, Carole
ODonohoe, Aisling ODonoghue, Paul ODonoghue, Reynolds, Julian Reynolds, Shane Reynolds, Sylvia
Jim ODonovan, Sandra ODonovan, Vera ODonovan, Reynolds, Alice Rice, Darren Rice, Derek Richardson,
Dervla ODowd, Fergal O Dowd, Alan ODwyer, Ben Briege Roe, Cilian Roden, Robert Richardson,
ODwyer, John ODwyer, Sean OFeannachta, Cillin Anthony Robb, Christine Roberts, Julie Robertson,
O Foghlu, Peter OGorman, Suzanne OGorman, Charles Robinson, Brad Robson, Reika Robson, Jenni
Colette OGrady, Fiona OGrady, Mary OGrady, Alison Roche, Martina Roche, Niamh Roche, Dicky Rock,
OFlynn, Colette OFlynn, Margaret OHalloran, Craig Padraig Rocke, Tim Roderick, Simon Rogers, Anja
O hAinle, Aidan OHanlon, Mark OHara, Anthony Rosler, Angela Ross, Dan Rosy, John Rossiter, Dermot
OHerlihy, Eugene OKane, Ciaran OKeeffe, Niamh Rowan, Emanuela Russo, Alan Rutherford, Aideen
OKeeffe, Rnn OKeeffe, Aine OLeary, Donal Ryan, Aine Ryan, Bill Ryan, Ciaran Ryan, Colm Ryan,
O Leary, Eddie OLeary, Colin OLoan, Ailise Conor Ryan, Don Ryan, Esther Ryan, Finbarr Ryan,
OLoughlin, Barry OLoughlin, Maeve OLoughlin, Fintan Ryan, Geraldine Ryan, Jean Ryan, Karl Ryan,
Sarah OLoughlin Irwin, Michel Mainn, Caitln J. Martin Ryan, T. Ryan, Tim Ryle.
OMahony, Cian OMahony, David OMahony, Elaine
OMahony, Claire OMalley, Cormac Mthun,
Denise OMeara, Eileen OMeara, Kim O Meara,
S. Linda Saunders, Carol Savage, Paul Scallan,
Cronan Scanlon, Susan Scanlon, Rory Scarrott,
Tilla Schulte Ostermann, Scoil Phadraig Naofa, Cit
Paula O Meara, David Muineachin, Dirdre Scott, Damian Scott, Daniel Scott, Dara Scott, David
Murchadha, Aodhan OMurchu, David ONeill, Scott, Donal Scott, Lorcn A. Scott, Lorcn J. Scott,
Eoghan ONeill, Fionnuala ONeill, Keith ONeill, Colm Scully, Catherine Seale, Brian Seales, Brigid
Michel ONeill, Michelle ONeill, Sandra ONeill, Sealy, Joe Shannon, Patricia Sharkey, Clifford Sharpe,
Tony O`Neill, Clare ONolan, Denis ORegan, Jutta Thomas Sheehan, David Sheerin, Cormac Sheridan,
ORegan, Catherine OReilly, Desmond OReilly, Deirdre Sheridan, Paddy Sheridan, Patrick Sheridan,
Pauline OReilly, Nora O Riordan, Aoife ORourke, Sherkin Island National School, Hugh Sheppard, Liz
Erin ORourke, Pat ORourke, Terence ORourke, Kate Sheppard, Ralph Sheppard, Charles Shier, Barbara
OShea, Patrick L. OShea, Aileen OSullivan, Ann Shue, Colm Sides, Patrick Sills, Keith Skinner, Jim
OSullivan, Bernadette OSullivan, Fred OSullivan, Slattery, Mark Slattery, Paddy Sleeman, Majella
John OSullivan, Michael OSullivan, Donncha Smart, Patrick Smiddy, Aoife Smith, Cat Smith, Donna
OTeangana, Richard Odlum, Ciara Oglesby, Christian Smith, George Smith, Katie Smith, Daragh Smyth,
Osthoff, James Owens. Enda Smyth, Frank Smyth, Isabell Smyth, Noeleen

P. Mary Parr, Sharon Parr, Nick Parry, Adrienne

Parsons, Chris Passmore, Linda Paterson,
Smyth, Deirdre Snoek, Martin Speight, Andrew
Speer, Neil Spellacy, Alan Spencer, Sheena Spencer,
Wouter Staats, Gerard Stack , Caroline Stanley,
Colin Stanley, Dara Stanley, Valerie Stanley, Michael
Staunton, John Stephens, Gillian Stewart, Gordon
Stewart, Emma Stewart-Liberty, Michael Stinson, B.
Stirling, Richard Stone, Jane Stout, Marlyne Strijdom
ODonoghue, Wendy Stringer, Carin Stritch, Robert
Strunz, Geraldine Solosy, Leo Solosy, Dave Suddaby,
Caroline Sullivan, Monica Sullivan, Anne Sweeney,
Aileen Sweeney, Denis Sweeney, Niamh Sweeney,
Pascal Sweeney, Jeff Swords.

T. Karen Tambling, Malcolm Tanner, Sian

Tantrum, Cathal Taylor, Ciaran Taylor, Kate
Taylor, Carol Taucher, Rebecca Teesdale, Rosalyn
Thompson, Peter Thorpe, Hugh Thurgate, Erin
Jo Tiedeken, Deirdre Tierney, John Tierney, Niall
Tierney, Tricia Tierney, Fiona Tobin, Nicola Todd,
Susan F. Tollemache, Deirdre Toomey, Thomas
Torode, Wayne Trodd, Adam Tozer, Ann Turner,
David Turner, Eamonn Twomey, Sean Tyler, Max
Tynan, Angus Tyner, Tivon Tyner, Zo Tyner.

U. Frances U Chinnide, Mire Ui Lme,

Charlotte Utting,

V. Christian van den Bosch, Leon van der Noll,

Monica van Harpen, Aengus van Hout,
Annemarieke van der Voort, Sarah Varian, Rachel
Vaughan, Patrick Veale, Alberto Villarejo, Yvette von
Cramon, Anneke Vrieling.

W. Glenna Waldron, Dave Wall, Emma Wall,

J.F.K. Wallace, Roger Wallace, Aisling Walsh,
Brian Walsh, Christopher Walsh, Conan Walsh,
Debbie Walsh, Frank Walsh, Holly Walsh, Jim Walsh,
Maria Walsh, Marie Walsh, Martin Walsh, Oscar
Walsh, Paul M. Walsh, Sean Walsh, Brendan Ward,
James Ward, Stephen Ward, Jeremy Warnock, Liz
Warters, Andrew Warwick, Thomas Watt, Claire
Watts, Ryner Weinreich, Lynda Weekes, Delia
Welsby, Kate Welsby, R. Wentges, Fiona Wheeldon,
Rob Wheeldon, Denise Wheeler, Gerry Wheeler,
Michael Whelan, Paul Whelan, Ricky Whelan,
Janet Whelehan, Breffni Whiston, Brian White,
Kayla White, Sue White, Dave Whitfield, Lesley
Whiteside, Sean Whitney, Andy Whitty, Caitriona
Whyte, Jennifer Whyte, Andrea Wicks, Chris Wild,
Audrey Williams, Ben Williams, Bryony Williams,
Chris Williams, Nigel Willits, Penny Wilmot, Anne
Wilson, Christopher J. Wilson, Faith Wilson, Jim
Wilson, Paul Wilson, Ruth Wilson, Ruth Wiseman,
Mitch Wolf, Jeanette Woods, Mark Wright, Linsey

Y. Carole York,

Beechfield House,
WIT West Campus,
Carriganore, Waterford.
Tel. +353 51 306 240

The National Biodiversity Data Centre is an initiative of the Heritage Council and is operated under a service level agreement by Compass Informatics.
The Centre is funded by the Department of the Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht and the Heritage Council.

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