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Part A: Scaffold

Insert your name: Loren Bambagiotti

Insert your class: 7D
Catholic symbols at Loreto Normanhurst
Name a Where is this symbol Write a brief How does this symbol help
Catholic located at Loreto description of show that Loreto
symbol at Normanhurst? this symbol (15 Normanhurst is a Catholic
Loreto words) school? (30 words)
For example: Near Barry House
Normanhurst lockers, in every classroom

For example: cross,

candle, statues, school
crest, Bible, Religious
paintings, Rosary
beads, sacred spaces

Symbol 1: The Mary Ward statue is The Mary Ward Mary Ward inspires us to be
in the Main Quad near the statue reminds us people who believe in God and
Mullhall lockers and of the past and help the world be a better place.
student services. present life at A calling from God made Mary
Loreto Loreto which has believe she needed to do more in
statue influenced the her life. She makes us think how
catholic teachings we can influence others by living
(Mary we know today. through Christ.

Symbol 2: The school crest is on our It is made up of We wear this crest everyday on
hat our bag and our four symbols which our belongings so this means
blazers. This is located shows a sign of that God is always with us,
around the school and in faith in our life and wherever we are. Symbols on the
School our handbook. how we can be crest are: The Sacred Heart, the
Crest disciples of Jesus. Heart of Mary, the Cross and the
Anchor of Hope. These symbols
make us closer to Jesus and make
us think how we can live out his
commandments every day.
Catholic rituals at Loreto Normanhurst
Name a When does this ritual Write a brief How does this ritual help
Catholic ritual happen at Loreto description of show that Loreto
at Loreto Normanhurst? this ritual (15 Normanhurst is a Catholic
Normanhurst words) school? (30 words)
For example:
For example: Midday
Every Friday morning, Loreto Day,
Gong, Communion
Thursday Tutor time
Service, Prayer,
Eucharist, Ash
Wednesday, School
Feast Day

Ritual 1: Every day except This is a time This is tradition at Loreto where
Wednesday at 12:00 where we stop and we stop our work and have a
speak to God quiet time with God. This is
Midday Gong reflecting on the essential to a Catholic school like
positives and Loreto to have a conversation to
negatives of the maintain our spiritual relationship
previous day. with God.

Ritual 2: On the 28th of February This is a day when We remember when Gonzaga
we join together to remember the time Barry saw that first rainbow in
remember the day when when our school the sky where the grounds of
Loreto Gonzaga Barry saw that was first built and Loreto are now.
rainbow as a calling from how life at Loreto
Anniversary God and our school was has changed from
founded. 120 years ago to God showed her a sign that this
now. was the right place to build a
school and that the students
would follow Mary Ward and the
Loreto sisters, to be followers of
God and spread his teaching.

Catholic History and Traditions at Loreto Normanhurst

Name a history How is this history or Write a brief How does this history or
or tradition of tradition shown at description of tradition help show that
Loreto Loreto Normanhurst? the history or Loreto Normanhurst is a
Normanhurst For example: School Handbook,
tradition (15 words) Catholic school? (30 words)
For example: Buildings, name of a building, Photographs,
school crest, school Painting
song, Rainbow Story,
Cemetery, Loreto

History or The song is sang at This song is a One of the main word in this song
Tradition 1: assemblies and special tradition at Loreto is Cruci Dum Spiro Fido this
times around the school where we sing means As long as I live, I put my
year when we come together, united as trust in Christ who died for me.
School song together to celebrate one and bound by
something. Christ following the
callings of God to This shows that we as Catholics
live a life of we believe in God and trust in
service. him because he died for me so I
can live.
History or This is around the gym The Loreto values Values are there to remind us
Tradition 2: where you see the are standards and that we put our trust in God and
banners showing each qualities that are how we can live like his son Jesus
year and what we have focused on every and be an example to others.
Loreto Values focused on. It is also said year to remind us
throughout the year at how to be disciples
assemblies and special of God and live like Some of the values that are a
events. Mary Ward. tradition at Loreto are:
Vision, Freedom, Women, Justice,
Sincerity, Felicity, Verity and

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