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FASA Corporation


FASA Corporation
P.O. Box 6930
Chicago, IL 60680

Dr. Who RPG Dr.Who books and adventures

9001 Dr.Who RPG boxed

9101 Dr.Who - The Daleks supp.
9102 Dr.Who - The Master supp.
9103 Dr.Who - The Cybermen supp.
9104 Dr.Who - The Sontarans supp.
9201 Dr.Who - The Iytean Menace
9202 Dr.Who - The Lords of Destiny
9203 Dr.Who - Countdown
9204 Dr.Who - The Hardtlwich Horror
9205 Dr.Who - Legions of Death
9206 Dr.Who - City of Gold
9207 Dr.Who - Warriors Code
9208 Dr.Who - Sands of Terror
8901 Dr.Who and Vortex Crystal Adv. Book
8902 Dr.Who and Rebel's Gamble novel
Dr.Who 25mm miniatures

9501 The Five Doctors

9502 Companion set #1
(Sarah Jane, Leela, Adric)
9503 Daleks (2)
9504 Cybermen (3)
9505 Brigadier & U.N.I.T.
9506 Sgt. Benton & U.N.I.T.
9507 PC Time Lords (3)
9508 Temporal Maurauders
9509 Ice Warriors
9510 PC Time Lords (3)
9511 Master Davros & Dalek
9512 Companions #2 with K-9
9513 PC Time Lords (3)
9514 Sea Devils

FASA - Star Trek RPG

FASA - Star Trek RPG books and supplements

2001 StarTrek RPG boxed set
2002 Klingon Character Supplement (revised)
2003 StarTrek II: Starship Combat Simulator
2004 ? StarTrek RPG Basic set
2005 Romulean Rules Supplement
2006 Star Trek III: Starship Combat game
2007 The Triangle supplement
2008 The Orions supplement
2011 The Federation Rules Supplement
2012 Officer's Manual
2014 Star Fleet Intelligence Manual

Starship Deck Plans (15mm)

2101 USS Enterprise (original) Deck Plans
2102 Klingon D7 Deck Plans
2103 ?? USS Enterprise (Next Generation) Blueprints

StarTrek Adventures
2201 The Vanished
2202 Witness for the Defense
2203 Trader Captains and Merchant Princes (revised)
2204 Ship Construction Manual (revised)
2205 Denial of Destiny
2206 Termination 1456
2207 Demand of Honor
2208 The Orion Ruse
2209 Margin of Profit
2210 Outcasts
2211 A Matter of Priorities
2212 A Doomsday Like Any Other
2213 The Mines of Selka
2214 StarTrek III: Sourcebook Update
2215 The Triangle Campaign
- contains four background plots that
could reshape the galaxy. Details for
all the plots unfold over a one-year period.
2216 Graduation Exercise
- Adventure. Final test for graduates
of Klingon Naval Academy is to capture
a Romulan Security officer.
2217 Where Has All the Glory Gone
2218 Return to the Axanar
2219 Decision at Midnight
2220 Imbalance of Power
2221 Old Soldiers Never Die (Romulan war)
2222 A Conflict of Interest (Klingon Brief)
2223 The Dixie Gambit
- more covert adventures in the Triangle
2224 StarTrek IV: The Voyage Home
2225 The White Flame
2226 The Strider Incident / Regula 1 Deckplans
2227 St:NG - First Year Sourcebook
2228 ?? StarTrek: The Final Frontier Sourcebook

Starship Recognition Manuals

2301 Klingon Ship Recognition manual (revised)
2302 Federation Ship Recognition manual
2303 Romulean Ship Recognition manual

FASA - Star Trek miniatures

"Enter the final frontier.....

Star Trek: The role-playing game space battles
come to life with these highly detailed 1/3900
scale starships from FASA. Take command of a
federation starship, a klingon battlecruiser,
a romulan bird of prey or any of the other
ship models avialable and give your games
that added dimension of realism. All ships
are designed for use with the starship Hex
Grid but may be used in any manner you desire
Start now and collect them all"

2501 USS Enterprise (updated TOS version)

2502 USS Reliant
2503 Klingon D7 Battlecruiser
2504 Romulean Bird of Prey (cruiser)
2505 Old USS Enterprise (TOS original w. round nacelles)
2506 Regula 1 Space Lab
2507 USS Larson (destroyer)
2508 Klingon D-10 (heavy cruiser)
2509 Klingon D-18 (destroyer)
2510 Klingon K-23 (escort)
2511 Gorn MA-12 (2) (cruiser)
2512 Orion Blockade Runner (3)
2513 Klingon L-9 (frigate)
2514 USS Loknar (frigate)
2515 Romulean Winged Defender (cruiser)
2516 USS Chandley (frigate)
2517 USS Excelsior (ST-III Battleship)
2518 Klingon Bird of Prey (ST-III)
2519 USS Grissom (research vessel)
2520 Deep Space Freighter
2521 Romulean Graceful Flyer (scout)
2522 Orion Wanderer (blockade runner)
2523 Kobayashi Maru (freighter)
2524 Romulean Gallant Wing (cruiser)
2525 Gorn BH-2 Battleship
2526 USS Baker (destroyer)
2527 Romulean Nova (battleship)
2528 ?? Romulean Bright One
2529 Klingon L-24 (battleship)
2531 ?? Romulean Whitewind (cruiser)
2532 USS Northampton (frigate)
2533 USS Remora (escort)
2534 ?? USS Andor (Missile Cruiser)
2599 Starship Support stands (red/klingon)
2599 Starship Support stands (blue/Federation)
2599 Starship Support stands (purple/Romulean)
2599 Starship Support stands (green/ )
2599 Starship Support stands (smoke/ )

Starship 25mm Crew figures

3001 New TOS Enterprise ship miniature,
plus 25mm figures of Bridge Crew.

Starship mini-Games
Standalone games in small box format
5001 ST-III: Search for Spock
5002 Duel: Enterprise vs Bird of Prey
5004 Struggle for the Throne
5005 Duel: Reliant vs Bird of Prey


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