Investment Quality Scorecard

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Fund Lovestment-Quality Scorocant (Data as of ) Bund Name & Ticker Sybol: Investment Category Web site: L-Q# 1: Consistency of Management's Investment Style: Stated Srle Current Stile Style Changes: Yes_No__ Summary Analjsis for Qe I: Stale: __ Minor Change Major Change L.Q# 2: Positive Risk-Retuen Profile: ‘Momingstar Rating: Return (Ciucle) High Abuve-Averge Average Below-Average Low Risk (Circle) High Ahove-Average Average Relow-Average Low Summary Analjsis for HQ 2: Very Positive —_ Positive Matched __ Oxher__ 1.Q4 3: Compatibility of Fund Size and Lovesting Style: ‘Total Net Assets (millions $): Nuaber of Portfolio Holdings ‘Three-Year % Growth of Nex Assess Fund Closed: Yes__No__ Summary Analjsis for Qe 3: Analyst Concern: Yes_No__ Analyt Warning: Yes__Ne__ L.Q# 4 Managerial Tenure and Strucnaro: Single Menager__Co-Managess__Team Management __Indexed__ (Current manager tenure and find performance march for years Manages) investment in fund: Significant _ Moderate _Low _None ‘Summary Anolis for 14Qe 4: Very Pesitive Positive Suib-Stanad___ L.Q# 5 Low Portotio Tamovers (Current Percentage: Hscorcal Percentage: Comparable Higher__Lower__ ees group percentage Summary Analjsis for 14Qe 5: Very Positive Positive Average Sub Standard L.Q# 6 Reasonable Fees and Expenses: Loak bt Expense Rat: Trend Up__Dowa__ Peer Group Expense Rati: Summary Analjsis for LQ 6: Low __Below-Avg) Avy. _Ahove-Avg. High —_ Stealy T.Q#7 Total Return Performance: Fund Peer Group Peer Geoup Bench ‘S&P 500 Benchmark Loa js ‘ead ecturs:Fiely Steady Moderately regular _lrgular _ Very lrogulee —_ Summary Analysis foc Qe 7: High Abowe-Ave. Avg. —_ BelowAvg, Low —_ 1.Q# 8 Positive Analyst Commentary: Fund Stewardship Grade: ‘Moeniagsa' Take! (Other Comments Summary Analysis for LQ#8: Vey Positive __ Positive _ SubStandacd__ ‘Composite Fund Investment-Quality Scorecard Rating: High — Above-Average Average — Bolow-Average Low Lye Mecningsar Analyt Pick: Annualized Total Return (%) By Sy 10ye

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