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Adam Duffey Music 2B Assignment 1 Music 2 Aural


Question 1 (12 Marks) The Renaissance Period

This Question is based on excerpts from Flow my Tears by John

Dowland (1526 1563).

Part a) is a melodic dictation.

Bars 9-16 will be played 6 times for you to notate bars 10

16of the voice part. (10 Marks)

The whole excerpt will be played ONCE for familiarisation.

Time: First Playing 10 Second pause

Second Playing 30 second pause
Third Playing -- 1 minute pause
Fourth Playing -- 1 minute pause
Fifth Playing -- 2 minute pause
Sixth Playing -- 2 minute pause
**Score to be handed out AFTER Melodic dictation section is
taken away**

Score Attachment A contains the score for both Excerpt A

and B.

Excerpt A Bars 1-32

Excerpt B Bars 33- 58

Excerpts A and B will be played 3 times for your to answer part



How is Contrast created between the two excerpts in relation to

pitch and duration? (6 Marks)

Question 2 (8 Marks) Australian Art Music (last 25 years)

This piece is Silva by Mary Finsterer.

You have 10 minutes to Answer questions a, b, c and d.

You will have one playing for Familiarisation.

Please refer to Score Attachment B for your responses.

a) What Dynamic device is used between bars 15-16? (1



b) List two techniques or compositional features that the

composer has used to create a sustained, slow sensation?
(2 marks)


c) What role does the Piano play in this excerpt? (1 mark)


d) In relation to duration, compare the Piano and Violoncello

parts between bars 1 - 8. (4 marks)


Question 1

a) Melodic Dictation (10 Marks)

Bars 10, 11,12,13,14 are worth 2 marks each. If Student

answers half of the bar correctly, they will receive 1 mark.
There will be no half marks in this section.

Correct Answer

b) Extended Response

How is Contrast created between the two excerpts in relation to

pitch and duration? (6 Marks)

6 5 4 3 2 0-1
Identifies Identifies Identifies Identifies Identifies Identifies
how how how how how a
Contras Contras Contras Contras Contras musical
t is t is t is t is t is element.
created created created created created Does not
between between between between between identify
excerpts, excerpts, excerpts, excerpts, excerpts, any
in in in in in contrasti
relation relation relation relation relation ng
to pitch to pitch to pitch to pitch to pitch features
and and and and and between
duration. duration. duration. duration. duration. both
Must Must Must Must Must excerpts.
referenc referenc referenc referenc referenc
e6 e5 e4 e3 e2
musical musical musical musical musical
elements elements elements elements elements
or ideas. or ideas. or ideas. or ideas. or ideas.
Possible Answers may Include

Excerpt A

- Semibreve chords used to create sustain and

harmonic stability

- 16 bar Melody repeated twice, (different lyrics)

- Tonality A Aeolian
- Perfect Cadence bars 14-15

Excerpt B

- Transition to C Major, D Minor, Before moving back

to A Aeolian
- Chords are shorter from bar 54 (crotchets)
- New Melodic Material
- Less use of legato in Melody, shorter notes.

Question 2

a) What Dynamic device is used between bars 15-16? (1



b) List two techniques or compositional features that the

composer has used to create a sustained, slow sensation?
(2 marks)

(1 mark per technique/compositional feature)

Possible Answers include: Tempo = 76, Legato, Slurs,
Sustained notes, rests.

c) What role does the Piano play in this excerpt? (1 mark)

Harmonic Role.

d) In relation to duration, compare the Piano and Violoncello

parts between bars 1 - 8. (4 marks)

4 3 2 0-1
In relation to In relation to In relation to Answer
duration, duration, duration, provides little
answer answer answer or no
provides at 2 provides at provides little examples
answers for least 2 comparison related to
each part. answers with between two duration.
With detailed limited parts.
comparison. comparison.
Possible answers include:

- Piano: long, sustained notes through the use of a pedal,

which are on the beat. Rests that contrast the Violoncello.

-Violoncello: uses some syncopation through the use of

triplets and dotted notes.

Band 6 Band 5 Band 4 Band 3 Band 2

20-18 17-15 14-12 11-10 9-0

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