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Debate: Climate changes is unstoppable

Sum up
Greenhouse glass
Ozone glacier
Rising ocean
Factor that affect climate change

As people living with no concerns about climate changes, climate change is already
beginning to transform life on Earth. Around the globe, seasons are shifting, temperatures are
climbing and sea levels are rising. Climate changes can lead to many problems that affects the
environment in which we live.
Heat-trapping gases emitted by power plants, automobiles, deforestation and other sources
are warming up the planet. Greenhouse gases and land temperatures all hit a record high in 2014.
New research indicates the impact of rising CO2 levels in Earth's atmosphere will cause
unstoppable effects to the climate for at least the next 1000 years, causing researchers to estimate a
collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet by the year 3000, and an eventual rise in the global sea
level. Glacier melt at a high rate, while sea ice loss continued.
As usual, humans are emitting around 29 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere per year. Around 43% remains in the atmosphere. Even though greenhouse gas levels
were cut immediately, the researchers claim the warming of the oceans is predicted to continue for
centuries without stopping. Additionally, the new report warns that the warming of the oceans is
now unstoppable. Even we were to cut all carbon emissions tomorrow, the temperature of the
worlds oceans will continue to rise anyway. It seems we might have reached the unstoppable point,
and are no longer be able to fix it. What we can do is only extending the time, what was happened is
not able to be undone. It is like when people create their own storms, and they get upset when it
rains. We did it by ourselves, and bing pissed off or sensitive about it.
As a conclusion, we can see there are many effects of climate changes that seriously
affecting our environment, health and biodiversities. We come up with the factors that lead to severe
climate changes, these factors are unchangeable and irreversible, including deforestation,
greenhouse gases, ozone glacier, rising ocean, and sea level.

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