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Advances in Engineering Software 0 0 0 (2016) 111

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Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by

notch stress/strain and fracture mechanical approaches
Martin Leitner, David Simunek, Syed Faheem Shah, Michael Stoschka
Chair of Mechanical Engineering, Montanuniversitt Leoben, Austria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Post-treatment methods enhance the fatigue strength of welded high-strength steel joints signicantly. In
Available online xxx industrial applications, one commonly applied technique is the high frequency mechanical impact (HFMI)
treatment. Attained local benets increasing fatigue strength are the compressive residual stress state,
Structural weld simulation the reduced notch effect at the weld toe, and additionally the local work hardening of the material. This
Local fatigue assessment paper presents the set-up of a closed simulation loop including structural weld simulation, numerical
High frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) computation of the HFMI-process, and a numerical evaluation of the local fatigue life.
Noch stress/strain approach A thermo-mechanical coupled weld process simulation using Sysweld is built-up to assess the course
Fracture mechanics of residual stress and strain due to welding. The resulting local material behavior is transferred as me-
Fatigue of welded joints chanical cards to the solver Abaqus for the subsequent numerical simulation of the HFMI-process. Hence,
major inuences such as transient change of material parameters during welding and subsequent cool-
down, effect of process dependent clamping conditions and changing contact characteristics are consid-
ered. Finally, a numerical evaluation of the local fatigue behavior by the local stress/strain approach and
by crack propagation is performed by the aid of the software packages Femfat, nCode and Franc2D. A
comparison of the simulated fatigue life with experimental test results proofs their basic applicability;
but also numerical limitations of the presented simulation tools are determined. The major benet of
the established simulation chain is the opportunity to study different weld process and HFMI-treatment
parameters in regard to fatigue strength without the need of comparably expensive fatigue tests.
2016 Civil-Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction further major enhancement is provided by post-treatment meth-

ods. One widespread technique in industrial applications repre-
In general, welding leads to signicant amounts of distortion sents the high frequency mechanical impact (HFMI) treatment. This
and residual stresses in a component or structure. Acting external post-treatment method is statistically proven to increase fatigue
loads and internal weld residual stresses are superimposed which life of welded joints signicantly, especially for high-strength steels
may affect the local stress condition. For high-cycle fatigue appli- [5]. Thereby, a hardened metal pin is hammering onto the weld
cations, the notch topography, microstructure in the heat-affected toe surface with high frequency and causes local plastic deforma-
zone (HAZ), and the residual stress state have a signicant inu- tion in this area. The weld toe geometry is round-out; this re-
ence on the fatigue lifetime. duces thereby the notch stress concentration, compressive residual
This paper is based upon [1] and additionally provides en- stresses are induced, the top surface layer is hardened and weld-
hanced information about the specimen manufacturing, simulation ing induced small cracks on the surface are closed. The change in
work including process denitions, material data and representa- local geometry and material properties due to welding and HFMI-
tion of the results, and a fatigue assessment by a linear-elastic frac- treatment changes the geometric and metallurgical notch at the
ture mechanical approach. According to the IIW-recommendation most-stressed weld toe of full-penetrated joints. In this work, nu-
[2], the fatigue strength of welded steel joints is independent of merical investigations based on experimental data are made to
the steel grade. One opportunity to utilize the potential of high- build-up a closed three-dimensional simulation loop and to deter-
strength steels offers an optimization of weld process parameters, mine the change in local lifetime of a butt joint specimen.
such as ller metal and shielding gas, as investigated in [3,4]. A
2. Objectives

Corresponding author. Tel.: +43 38424021463. The aim of the work is to built-up a simulation loop including
E-mail address: (M. Leitner). structural thermo-mechanical coupled weld simulation, transfer of
0965-9978/ 2016 Civil-Comp Ltd. and Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

2 M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111

Table 1
Nominal mechanical properties of base and ller material.

Type Yield Ultimate Elongation

strength [MPa] strength [MPa] [%]

Base material 355 575 22

Filler material 440 530 30

Table 2
Nominal mechanical properties of base and ller material.
Fig. 1. Steps of numerical simulation loop.
Current Voltage Traverse Wire feed Heat input
Current [V] speed [cm/min] rate [m/min] [kJ/cm]

the transient results into a structural nite element code, numeri- 290.0 27.5 60.0 10.0 8.0
cal investigation of the HFMI-treatment and nally a computation
of the local fatigue strength or lifetime. Fig. 1 depicts a owchart
of the characteristic process steps and the involved software pack- Table 2 provides an overview of the welding process parame-
ages. ters which are applied for the GMAW-process in spray arc mode
without pulsed current pattern.
3. Experimental work Subsequently to the welding process and nal cool-down, half
of each specimen lot is mechanically post-treated by HFMI using
The benet of fatigue strength due to high frequency mechani- the Pneumatic Impact Technology (PIT). For the pneumatic actua-
cal impact (HFMI) treatment of welded joints depends on a reduc- tion energy, a common industrial air pressure of 0.6 MPa (87 psi)
tion of residual tensile stresses, shallower geometric notch, and a is applied. The angle of the pin-axis with respect to the plate sur-
local hardening of the hammered surface layer. In the following, face is set between 80 and 100, the angle of the pin-axis with
detailed insight in the manufacturing process of the investigated respect to the direction of travel about 90, and the working speed
S355 butt joint specimens and fatigue testing is provided. between 1 and 3 mm/s. The radius of the hardened pin used in this
study is R = 2 mm, which ts to the weld seam size of the inves-
3.1. Manufacturing of specimens tigated specimens. To ensure a high-quality post-treated weld toe,
the HFMI-treatment is performed in accordance to the proposed
In Fig. 2, the design and manufacturing set-up of the inves- procedures and quality assurance guidelines depicted in [6]. The
tigated butt joint is illustrated. The weld process is dened as post-treatment is applied without additional static pre-stressing
GMAW (MAG metal active gas welding) and the specimens are or former cyclic damage. Due to the HFMI-treatment, the pulsed
continuously welded in arrays in order to assure similar weld seam transaction of the hardened pin rounds-out the curvature of the
qualities, stiffness and residual stress states. The lateral run-on and weld toe region and thereby reduces the geometric stress concen-
off parts of the base plate are to stabilize the arc during ignition tration factor at the weld toe. In addition, compressive stresses are
and further on to avoid end crater cracks in the testing section. In a induced which counteract the superposition of residual weld and
subsequent manufacturing step after welding and HFMI-treatment, external load applied tensile stresses.
these lateral ends are truncated from the fatigue testing specimen.
Reproducible clamping conditions for every specimen are ensured 3.2. Fatigue tests
by a systematically positioning of the tacking points at the array.
Furthermore, additional tackings at the joint clearance between the Fatigue tests at a tumescent stress ratio of R = 0.1 involving
specimens minimize the magnetic arc blow and lead to a more butt joint specimens are carried out to investigate the inuence
consistent welding process. of the post-weld treatment technique on the lifetime experimen-
The nominal mechanical properties of the applied base and tally. The results are part of an extensive test program for HFMI-
ller material are summarized in Table 1. For the GMAW welding treated joints focusing on the effect of different high-strength steel
process, a solid wire G3Si1 in combination with a standard weld grades and joint geometries, see [7]. As the weld toe notch factor
process gas M21 (82% Ar, 18% CO2 ) is utilized. of the investigated thin-walled butt joint is comparably low, the

Fig. 2. Specimen geometry and set-up of welding array [4].

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111 3

Table 3
Summary of fatigue test results.

Condition  n (2e6) k Nk 1/TS

. 6
Base material 250 7.6 1.5 10 1.07
As-welded 185 5.3 2.0. 106 1.17
HFMI-treated 220 6.3 9.0. 105 1.15

Table 4
Chemical composition in weight % of S355 mild steel.

C Mn Si S P

0.18 1.60 0.55 0.035 0.035 Fig. 3. Half-symmetrical model for structural welding simulation.

benet in improvement due to the HFMI-treatment is quite small

but both are at the upmost fatigue performance. Due to the post-
treatment, ninety percent of the base material fatigue strength is
reached, which conrms the benecial effects of this technique.
Table 3 summarizes the fatigue test results and provides a com-
parison of the evaluated nominal stress range  n , slope k in the
nite life regime, transition knee point Nk , and scatter index TS for
the investigated conditions, base material, as-welded, and HFMI-

4. Manufacturing process simulation Fig. 4. Double-ellipsoidal heat source model [9].

4.1. Structural weld simulation

clamping conditions are dened as applied during welding of the
The thermo-mechanical coupled structural weld simulation is specimens.
performed by the aid of the commercial software package Sysweld. The weld toe area requires a ner mesh for the plastic deforma-
Firstly, the transient temperature distribution including the time- tions of the subsequent HFMI post-treatment simulation. Accord-
temperature dependent phase transformations are calculated ac- ingly to the manufacturing process, the specimens are clamped
cording to Eq. (1). with tacking points at the end of the plates and unclamped af-
 2  ter nal-cooling. The heat-input q(x,y,z,t) is dened as a double-
T K T 2T 2T 1 Q
= + + + (1) ellipsoid model [8] and adjusted to the real weld process with an
t c x2 y2 z 2 c t constant ellipse shape of a = 7.50 mm, b = 4.00 mm, cf = 3.33 mm,
In Eq. (1), T represents the temperature, t the time, K the ther- and cr = 6.67 mm. A normalized power maximum power source
mal conductivity, c the specic heat capacity, the density and intensity at the front area of qf = 1.00 and at the rear side of
Q the internal heat generation rate. After the thermo-metallurgical qr = 0.83 is used to split up the total heat input per unit length
run, the mechanical computation of the local strain state is oper- of 8.0 kJ/cm, see Fig. 4. Finally, a general welding heat eciency of
ated according to Eq. (2). = 0.85 for the GMAW is considered in the process denition.
To ensure comparable results to the experimental investiga-
tot = el + th + p + v p + pt (2)
tions, the knowledge of thermal and mechanical properties of the
In Eq. (2), tot represents the total strain, el the elastic part, material is essential. Thermal properties like specic heat, conduc-
th the thermal proportion, pl and vp the plastic- and visco- tivity, emissivity, and latent heat depend on the current temper-
plastic part and pt the phase-transformation induced strain. The ature, whereas mechanical properties like Youngs modulus, Pois-
unclamping occurs after nal cool-down of the welded plate and sons ratio, and the material plasticity are in addition inuenced by
not-yet-deposited material is treated as quiet elements with signif- the work-hardening behavior controlled by the effective strain rate.
icantly reduced mechanical properties. The chemical composition Numerical investigations in [10,11] exhibit that only a few proper-
of the mild steel for the numerical analysis is shown in Table 4 ties are technically important; therefore, numerous extensive and
and basically equal to the base material used in testing. costly experiments may be avoided. Moreover, the default database
A half symmetrical 3D-model of the butt joint consisting of in Sysweld provides numerous temperature-dependent thermal and
about 135,0 0 0 hexahedral elements and 150,0 0 0 nodes is built- mechanical properties for the applied carbon mild steel. Fig. 5 de-
up according to the specimen geometry of the fatigue test sam- picts two major thermal properties, as specic heat c and thermal
ples, see Fig. 3. Thereby, also the two run-out areas are added conductivity K, illustrating a distinctive phase-dependent differ-
along the weld line, whereat the inhomogeneous start and stop ence up to approximately Ac1 -temperature. Additionally, the den-
regions of the weld seam are not located within the test speci- sity is pre-dened exhibiting no signicant phase-dependency and
men cross section. The subsequent HFMI-treatment is applied onto an almost linear decrease from 7.9 kg/m for 20 C to 7.29 kg/m for
the whole weld toe length and the overlapping lateral surfaces are 1500 C.
cut-off after the treatment, leading to an identical replication of Regarding the material properties not only temperature-
the real manufacturing procedure. The cross shape of the joint is dependent quasi-static values like yield stress, ultimate stress,
based on micrographs of metallographic sections and the applied Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, and density, but also cooling
weld toe radius possesses a value of 0.3 mm, which was gained rate-dependent phase transformation have to be considered. To
by non-destructive laser-confocal measurement of the weld toe re- evaluate the local microstructure and hardness, time-temperature-
gion. The input parameters of the structural weld simulation, en- transformation (TTT) diagrams are utilized as a basis, see Fig. 6.
ergy input per unit length and welding speed, the boundary and It is shown that especially for higher cooling rates a primary

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

4 M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111

Especially for carbon steels a consideration of the volume

change due to austenitic-martensitic phase transformation is es-
sential to compute the local residual stress state properly. The de-
fault data-base incorporates this information based on dilatometer
tests for the applied base material, see Fig. 7.
After the material assignment, the weld process parameters
have to be dened. Preliminary investigations [13] showed that
by application of isotropic hardening model, the simulated resid-
ual stress conditions are in good accordance to measured val-
ues. In contrast, the kinematic hardening model underrates phase-
dependent hardening effects. Hence, the isotropic hardening model
is applied within the structural weld simulation. Fig. 8 shows the
nodal temperature distribution during welding and compares the
molten area with a micrograph. The three main areas - base metal
(BM), heat-affected-zone (HAZ) and molten ller metal (FM) are
labeled accordingly, exhibiting that the shape of the numerical
weld seam is in good accordance to the real weld process.
Fig. 5. Thermal phase-dependent properties.
After completing the thermo-metallurgical computation, the
mechanical step including a calculation of the residual stress and
distortion condition is conducted. In regard to the fatigue life of
the investigated specimen, the residual stress state in transverse
direction to the weld seam is of great importance, which is dis-
played in Fig. 9. The maximum tensile values are located in the
center of the weld toe and exhibit stresses of about 290 MPa. Dur-
ing cyclic loading, these tensile residual stresses are superimposed
with the tumescent external load and fatigue crack initiation is
mainly caused at this region.
Considering the preceding thermo-mechanical rolling process,
the evaluated residual stress values at this region agree well to X-
ray measurements, up to a maximum deviation of fteen percent.

4.2. Simulation of HFMI-treatment

After structural welding simulation in Sysweld, the results of

the butt joint including residual stress state, plastic strains and
Fig. 6. TTT-diagram for mild steel S355 [12]. phase-dependent material properties are transferred as mechan-
ical cards into Abaqus. Although the amount of data gained by
three-dimensional weld simulation is excessive, the simulation of
bainitic-martensitic microstructure is achieved, leading to an in- the HFMI-treatment is applied onto the whole model; thus avoid-
creased hardness in the HAZ and primary brittle fracture mecha- ing errors due to two-dimensional plane strain simplications as
nisms. Therefore, it is most important to follow the recommended discussed in [14]. On contrary to the structural weld simulation,
cooling time for the base material, which is veried by thermo- whereat an isotropic hardening model is applied, it is herein ut-
couple measurements during welding of the specimens leading to most important to incorporate the cyclic hardening behavior prop-
a predominantly ferrite-bainite microstructure in the HAZ. erly. To study the effect of the hardening law on the stress-strain

Fig. 7. Volume change due to phase transformation [12].

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111 5

Fig. 8. Temperature distribution during welding and comparison of molten zone.

Fig. 9. Residual stress condition after welding process.

Fig. 10. Isotropic and combined isotropic/kinematic model [after [15]].

relationship, a single element was stressed by a reversal load cy- force value denes the displacement-controlled impact step in the
cle. Fig. 10 compares the results of isotropic hardening law with a subsequent HFMI simulation.
mixed isotropic-kinematic hardening model. In addition, high-speed camera recordings are operated to in-
The combined hardening model includes the backstress after a vestigate the dynamic movement of the pin during service. An
change of the loading direction and matches suciently for the
mild construction steel S355. In [16], the combined Chaboche-
model [17], implemented in Abaqus, is applied for the simulation
of the HFMI-treatment of austenitic and duplex stainless steels and
shows a good cyclic applicability. Hence, for the subsequent struc-
tural elastic-plastic simulation of the HFMI-treatment in this work,
the mixed hardening model and a single non-step-wise indenta-
tion of the pin is applied.
As the impact power of the hardened pin is essential for the
plastic deformations at the HFMI-treated area, strain gauge mea-
surements at the surface of the pin are carried out. The evaluation
of the dynamic impact force matches well to the transient move-
ment of the pin. Each compressive peak intends an impact of the
pin onto the specimen surface. The results of such strain gauge
measurements, either with a clamped device or operated manu-
ally, are shown in Fig. 11. Due to a high logging frequency of at
least 1.2 kHz the necessary time steps for evaluation of the tran-
sient impact force are maintained. It is shown that both techniques
are almost equal, exhibiting an impact peak force up to 2.5 kN. This
Fig. 11. Results of impact force measurements.

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

6 M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111

Fig. 12. Numerical simulation of HFMI-process.

Fig. 13. Residual stress condition after HFMI-treatment.

evaluation of the pin stroke and velocity distribution by the point Table 5
Comparison of residual stress values at weld toe region.
tracking method acts as basis to estimate the local strain rate dur-
ing penetration. Strain rates up to 500 s1 are determined, which Residual stress S11 [MPa] Simulation Measurement
are basically in good agreement to recent studies [18] with the
z = 0 m (at surface) -190 210
same post-treatment device. In general, it is preferred to perform z = 200 m (in depth) -310 290
numerical analyses of the HFMI treatment on the basis of an ex-
plicit simulation to consider the dynamic process properly. In this
case, one great drawback is the comparably high numerical insta- on the weld toe zone. The nal residual stresses state is shown in
bility and computational effort. In [18], it is shown that an explicit Fig. 13.
simulation with a combined isotropic-kinematic and strain rate de- A comparison of the residual stress condition at the surface
pendent hardening behavior leads to the best agreement with the layer of the weld toe in mid-position is provided in Table 5. The
measured residual stress values. resulting values agree well with differences up to ten percent be-
However, in this work an implicit displacement-controlled com- tween the measurement and simulation, showing that a numerical
putation is executed, showing a more stable computing behavior computation by an implicit formulation is well applicable.
featuring the calculation of complex structures as well. As shown
later on, the numerical results after HFMI-treatment are in a good 5. Local fatigue assessment
accordance to X-ray measurement values, proving that this method
is an ecient and well applicable technique. The local fatigue behavior of welded and HFMI-treated joints
The pin is modeled as rigid body with a tip radius of 2 mm can be preferably evaluated by strain-based approaches due to
and the specimen is clamped to the padding support. The applied the quite excessive elastic-plastic material condition in the treated
axial travelling distance of the pin equals 0.1 mm, relating to the weld toe region [19,20]. In this work, a stress and strain-based, and
measured indentation of the micrographs, and leading to force val- a fracture mechanical approach is applied to assess the fatigue life.
ues almost equal to the measurements. After each indentation the
specimen is moved 0.4 mm along the weld path to achieve a su- 5.1. Safety factor based on local stress approach
cient overlapping.
Fig. 12 illustrates the HFMI-treatment process, clearly depicting Firstly, an assessment of the local safety factor based on a stress
the already post-treated area at the weld toe by change in hydro- approach is performed in Femfat. Thereby, the local stress concept
static pressure. As expected, tensile residual stresses are reduced [21] takes into account the stress gradient to dene the local stress
and the amount of compressive residual stresses in the weld toe fatigue strength limit, the number of cycles at the fatigue limit and
region increases due to the cyclic mechanical impacts. the slope in the nite lifetime region.
After completing the HFMI-treatment process, the run-out To consider the inuence of mean stresses various methods
plates are numerically cut off by deactivating the lateral elements have been developed, e.g. by Gerber [22], Goodman [23], Soderberg
and performing an additional equilibrium step. This causes minor [24] and Morrow [25]. In general, tensile mean stresses are detri-
stress redistribution at the sideways edges, but no signicant effect mental in regard to fatigue life, while compressive mean stresses

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111 7

Fig. 14. Local safety factor at R = 1 for as-welded (left) and HFMI-treated (right) condition calculated by stress approach in Femfat.

Table 6 Summarized, the stress approach to calculate the local safety

Local safety factor at different R-ratios for as-welded and HFMI-
factor shows a good accordance to the experimental fatigue tests
treated condition calculated by Femfat.
for the examined load level. The inuence of the applied stress ra-
Local safety factor at N = 1.5e5 As-welded HFMI-treated tio is well considered and the calculated safety factors agree well
R = 0.1 0.82 0.93
to the experiments. However, due to a high notch effect and over-
R = 1 1.31 1.53 loads plasticization at the weld toe may occur which is basically
not well described by stress-based methods. Therefore, a further
fatigue assessment based on the local strain approach is executed
to consider the elastic-plastic behavior at the notch more accurate.
are benecial. Most of these existing mean stress models are appli- 5.2. Damage based on local strain approach
cable within conventional stress based methods for correcting the
fatigue limit or fatigue strength in the high cycle fatigue regime of Due to the superposition of the residual and load based stresses
106 up to 108 load-cycles [26]. For the present investigations the the material yield limit is exceeded locally and plastic defor-
mean stress inuence according to the German FKM-guideline [27] mations occur. This plastic rearrangement deduces a subsequent
is applied. Thereby, the simulated manufacturing induced resid- change in the stress condition which is more clearly feasible by
ual stresses for the as-welded and HFMI-treated condition are de- the notch strain approach. For the evaluation of the local notch
ned as mean stresses which are superimposed with external load stress and strain relation, the stabilized cyclic stress-strain curve
stresses. For the analysis of the local safety factor a stress ampli- by RambergOsgood [28] is used:
tude of 150 MPa at 1.5e5 load-cycles and an evaluation by con-
na   n1
stant stress ratio with a survival probability of PS = 97.5% is chosen. a,t = a,e + a,p = +
Based on the experimental fatigue test results depicted in Fig. 2 E K
this would lead to a safety factor of about one in the most- where a,t is the total strain amplitude, a,e and a,p the elastic
damaged weld toe region of the butt-joint. In Fig. 14, the results and plastic terms, na the nominal stress amplitude, E the Youngs
for the as-welded and HFMI-treated condition at a stress ratio of modulus, K the strength coecient and n the strain hardening ex-
R = 1 calculated by Femfat are pictured. ponent. The calculation of the local notch stress condition is per-
For each node a local S/N-curve is calculated based on nodal formed based on Neubers rule [29]:
characteristics taking fatigue support, size effect, mean stress, sta-
(Kt na )2
tistical inuence and surface roughness as parameters into account.  e  e = (4)
In Table 6 the results by Femfat for the two investigated manu-
facturing conditions and stress ratios are shown. The experimental where  e is the notch stress range,  e the notch strain range
fatigue tests are performed at a tumescent stress ratio of R = 0.1 and Kt the stress concentration factor. The hysteresis loops are de-
whereat the as-welded and HFMI-treated condition show almost rived from stress-strain curves by applying Masings rule [30,31].
equal load-cycles until burst fracture. For comparison, the exper- Further on, the relationship between local strain and number of
imental values exhibit a local safety factor of one. In case of the load-cycles until crack initiation is dened by Manson [32], Con
numerical results the calculation for the as-welded condition is [33] and Basquin [34]:
slightly conservative but the HFMI-treated specimen shows a good f  b  c
a,t = a,e + a,p = 2N f + f 2N f (5)
accordance to the experiments. For the stress ratio of R = 1 the E
safety factor increases by about 60% for both conditions caused by where f is the fatigue strength coecient, Nf the fatigue life, b
the reduced mean stress state. the fatigue strength exponent, f the fatigue ductility coecient
For comparison purposes a numerical calculation of the local and c the fatigue ductility exponent [35]. For the current inves-
safety factor is also performed with the aid of nCode. To ensure tigations, the damage parameter according to Smith, Watson and
comparable results, the same material behavior and assessment at- Topper [36] is applied do consider the mean stress effect within
titudes are dened. In the as-welded condition, the local safety the strain approach:
factor at R = 1 is determined as 1.21 and at R = 0.1 as 1.09. These 
values show a good compliance to the results calculated by Femfat. PSW T = max a E (6)
However, for the HFMI-treated condition the results show a signif- where max is the maximum local stress amplitude and a the lo-
icant overestimation of the fatigue behavior. The local safety factor cal strain amplitude. For a dened lifetime and for different com-
at R = 1 for the as-welded condition calculated by the stress ap- binations of the strain amplitude and maximum stress the model
proach in nCode is pictured in Fig. 15. assumes that the damage parameter keeps constant [26,31].

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

8 M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111

Fig. 15. Local safety factor at R = 1 for as-welded condition calculated by stress approach in nCode.

Fig. 16. Local damage at R = 0.5 for as-welded and HFMI-treated condition calculated by strain approach in nCode.

Table 7 Table 8
Local damage for as-welded and HFMI-treated condition calcu- Local damage at different R-ratios by strain approach for as-
lated by stress and strain approach nCode. welded and HFMI-treated condition calculated by nCode.

Local damage at N = 1e5 As-welded HFMI-treated Local damage at N = 1e5 As-welded HFMI-treated

Stress approach 0.41 < 0.01 R = 1 0.96 < 0.01

Strain approach 0.96 < 0.01 R = 0.1 1.37 < 0.01
R = 0.5 1.86 0.24

An implementation of the SWT damage parameter in the strain-

HFMI-treated specimen, both concepts calculate a minor damage
life equation shows that the product of the maximum tensile stress
sum by reason of the high compressive residual stress state in the
max and the strain amplitude a considers the inuence of the
weld toe area which counteracts to the external loadings. To study
mean stress:
the effect of higher mean stresses further calculations based in the
f  2 b  b+c strain approach for different R-ratios are performed. The results for
max a = 2N f + f f 2N f (7) R = 0.5 are shown in Fig. 16.
A summary of the results is given in Table 8. Thereby signicant
Based on this approach, a strain-based local damage calculation differences between the investigated stress ratios are recognizable.
is performed in nCode. For this study, the cyclic material data of The local damage sum for R = 0.5 is almost two times higher com-
a mild-strength steel (UTS500) is taken from the default database. pared to R = 1 in the as-welded condition. In addition it is shown
The load amplitude is set to 100 MPa and the linear damage ac- that even for high external mean stresses the calculated damage
cumulation is done for a dened number of 1e5 load-cycles. For for the HFMI-treated condition is quite low in contrast to the as-
comparison, the experimental values exhibit a local damage of one. welded state.
A tabular comparison of the local damage between the stress and
strain approach for the as-welded and HFMI-treated condition at a 5.3. Fatigue life based on fracture mechanical approach
survival probability of PS = 97.5% is shown in Table 7.
The results for the as-welded condition exhibit that the local To evaluate not only the crack initiation stage by notch
damage calculated by the two approaches are roughly in the same stress or strain-based approaches but also the subsequent crack
range. Minor deviations might be caused by the different method propagation, fracture mechanical concepts provide suitable and
of implementations of the mean stress effects caused by the high proven tools. Especially for welded joints containing cracks, aws
residual stress conditions after the welding process. In case of the or crack-like imperfections, the estimation of crack propagation is

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
ARTICLE IN PRESS [m5G;February 22, 2016;14:45]

M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111 9

Fig. 17. Results of numerical crack propagation analysis in Franc2D at a nominal stress range of  n = 300 MPa.

Fig. 18. Results of analytical crack propagation analysis in nCode at a nominal stress range of  n = 300 MPa.

fundamental to assess the service lifetime and inspection periods Welding as thermo-metallurgical process causes complex resid-
properly. ual stress states, global and local distortions, and changes the
In general, the fatigue life evaluation by crack-growth models is local microstructure and hardness within the heat-affected-zone
based on the stress intensity factor K as driving force for the crack (HAZ). Among all these effects, the residual stress condition has
propagation. Nowadays, several methods are available to calculate been identied as the most inuential factor on fatigue [51]. An
the factor K, such as closed form solutions for simple structural evaluation of the local residual stress distribution can be either
details [3739], weight function approaches [4042], and numeri- performed by experimental measurements [52], by numerical anal-
cal methods for complex welded structures [4345]. In case of the ysis using structural weld simulation [53] or the inherent strain
investigated butt joint parametric formulas are provided in [4648] method [54]. To incorporate residual stresses in fracture mechan-
at which the non-linear stress peak at the weld toe is considered ical calculations a superposition of the external applied stress in-
by an additional function Mk . Therefore, the range of the stress in- tensity factor range Kapp and the stress intensity factory due to
tensity factor K is dened as shown in Eq. (8) incorporating the residual stresses Kres is proposed by [55,56]. Hence, the range of
applied stress range  , the actual crack length a, the geometry effective stress intensity factor Keff is dened as follows, which is
function Y(a), which considers the crack geometry, and the factor not affected by a superposition of Kres :
Mk (a):  max   min 
Ke f f = Kapp + Kres Kapp max
+ Kres = Kapp min
Kapp = Kapp
K =  a Y ( a ) M k ( a ) (8)
Further on, the crack growth rate da/dN and subsequent the to-
tal lifetime N can be calculated following the equation by [49] for In contrary, the local effective R-ratio Reff at the crack tip is af-
actual stress intensity values K above the threshold value Kth : fected by the superimposed stress intensity factory due to residual
stresses Kres and continuously changes during crack propagation:
= C0 K m for K > Kth (9)  min 
dN Kemin Kapp + Kres
Re f f = (11)
For welded joints the material parameters C0 and m are derived Kemax
ff Kapp + Kres
from experimental data and conservative values are given in [50].
For steel structures the coecient C0 = 5.0E-13 [N. mm3/2 ] and the To calculate the crack growth rate da/dN incorporating the pres-
exponent m = 3 are applicable which are used for the analytical ence of residual stresses several models exist [5759]. Within this
and numerical calculations in this paper. paper, rstly, a numerical crack propagation analysis by applica-
For the application of fracture mechanical approaches an as- tion of the software package Franc2D [60] is conducted for the
sumption of an initial crack depth ai is required. In [50] it is butt joint in as-welded condition. Thereby, the inuence of residual
stated that a specication of ai = 0.15 mm is recommended for a stresses is considered by a crack closure approach, but no redistri-
conservative assessment, but in case of mechanical engineering ap- bution of the residual stress eld during the crack propagation is
plications ai can be dened as 0.05 mm, which is also selected for taken into account [61]. The results of the crack growth simulation
the investigations in this paper. in Franc2D are shown in Fig. 17.

Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),
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10 M. Leitner et al. / Advances in Engineering Software 000 (2016) 111

Table 9 measurements shows a good agreement with differences up to f-

Comparison of fatigue life for as-welded condition calculated by frac-
teen percent for the as-welded and up to ten percent for the HFMI-
ture mechanical approaches.
treated state.
Fatigue life at  n = 300 MPa Number of load-cycles Finally, a local fatigue assessment incorporates the utilized sim-
IIW-recommendation (nominal S/N-curve) 24,000
ulation tools within the manufacturing steps for the investigated
Franc2D (a/c = 0) 28,000 thin-walled butt joint. The assessed manufacturing and load pa-
nCode (a/c = 0.1) 46,000 rameters include also the effect of different load-ratios. The simu-
lated lifetimes are in good accordance to the fatigue tests, which
proofs the basic applicability of the presented procedure. Linear-
elastic fracture mechanical calculation of the crack propagation is
well applicable for the as-welded condition, but on contrary, for
the HFMI-treated state further investigation is needed to incorpo-
rate the enhanced crack initiation phase properly.


Financial support by the Austrian Federal Government (in

particular from Bundesministerium fr Verkehr, Innovation und
Technologie and Bundesministerium fr Wirtschaft, Familie und
Jugend) represented by sterreichische Forschungsfrderungsge-
sellschaft mbH and the Styrian and the Tyrolean Provincial Govern-
Fig. 19. Notch dependency of endurance limit  E assessment [62,63]. ment, represented by Steirische Wirtschaftsfrderungsgesellschaft
mbH and Standortagentur Tirol, within the framework of the
COMET Funding Programme is gratefully acknowledged.
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given parametric formulas in [37] is executed, see Fig. 18.
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Please cite this article as: M. Leitner et al., Numerical fatigue assessment of welded and HFMI-treated joints by notch stress/strain and
fracture mechanical approaches, Advances in Engineering Software (2016),

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