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Montavious Ward
Title Of Prompt

Ward 1 Montavious Ward


ICT 2 Room 128


WOLVERINE V. BLACK PANTHER, Wolverine has his claws and thats it. Black Panther also only
has his claws. Because of their different types of claws, they have very different fighting styles,
but neither has a clear advantage.

Wolverine has an adamantium skeleton and nearly unlimited regenerationin the comics, he
regenerated from a drop of blood. Black Panther has a nearly indestructible vibranium suit.
Adamantium claws probably couldnt do much damage to vibranium, and Black Panthers claws
couldnt do too much damage to Wolverines adamantium skeleton.

Both are very skilled fighters, trained in countless forms of combat. As of yet, Black Panther only
has one movie, so he hasnt had a real chance to prove himself yet. We dont know the full
extent of his skill, but he can definitely rival Wolverine.

Wolverine knows no limits when it comes to fighting. Black Panther will stop at nothing to
avenge his father. Both are passionate about what they believe. Both use the dark sidethey
use their anger to make them stronger.

In the finale of X2: X-Men United Wolverine proves that he can use almost any environment to his
advantage. Black Panther has the right stuff, and in future movies there is no doubt he will
demonstrate similar ingenuity.

These are two excellently matched heroes, but there is a winner. While neithers weapons can
harm the other, Wolverine is immortal. Black Panther can be killed. Wolverine can keep fighting
forever, but eventually Black Panther will die. To top it off, Wolverine has been around for a while,
and Black Panther is relatively new and inexperienced. The fight would be long and bloody (as all
of Wolverines fights are), but eventually Wolverine would come out on top, with brute force if

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