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lndividual Report for Stacy Reikowsky : HIST 112 26879 US in Perspective

since {865
Concord ia Cou rse-lnstructor Eval uation Spring 2016
Project Audience 31
Responses Received 27
Response Ratio 87.'10%

Creation Date Fri, illay 06,2016

Which of the following best describes why you took this course?

Sons Score Csurt Percentage

Satisfies a major/minor 1 4 16-67Ys ,

requirement :

Satisfies a core 16
2 66-67Yo'.

Elective clurse 3 4 16.670/o

Stacy Reikotrvsky Course

1. The instructor's approach to teaching 2. The instructo/s approach to teaching stimulated

contributed to my learning. my interest in the course content.
1,ffi Ydrc s[ilhfrcc :,, t'.'..,:,',. .Value

; Response Count 27 Response Count 27

i Mean 9_37 Mar 9.41

:i trrteOian 10.00 Median 9.00

I Mode 10 liode 10

Sfaldard Devidion +14.!4 Staldld Deviation +l-o.U,

3. The insfftrc'tor demonstrated the importane and

significarrce of the subject matter.
| - -.:=tn.
,$mtffi '
: Response Count 27
i Mean 952
i Median 10.m

Mode 10i
Standard Devklim +/-0.75 !

-- - ----- i

College Rosponses Gombined

1. The instructor's approach to teaching wfiibuted to my learning.

Statistii$ : ,. Vahre
Response Count 26046
U6r 8.43
Median 9.00
flode 10
Standard Deviation +/-1.83

2. The instructor's approach to teaching stimulated my interest in the course content.
Statistics Value
Response Count 27800
Mean 8.22
Median 9.00
Msde 10
Standard Deviation +l-2.01

3. The instructor demonstrated the importance and significance of the subject matter.
Statistics Yalue
Response Count 27815
, Mean 8.79
, Median 9.00
Mode 10
: Standard Deviation +l-1.57

Stacy Reikowsky Gourse

1. The instructor encouraged me to set and 2. The instructor ptmGnted course

achieve challenging academic goals. contenUmaterials in a elear and
$ffic* varue ,
undery!1n$'bl: !3t
Response Count 27 Statistics lf?hs
Mean g.g1 Response Count 27
Median 9.00 Mean 9.S
Mode l0 Median 10.00
Standard Deviation +l-1.7i Mode t0
Standard Deviation +r{.m
3. The instructor encouraged a learning
environment in which I could ask queations
and express my opinions.
StEtisUe --:
Response Count 27
Mean 9.6:t
Median 10.00
Mode 10
Standard Deviation +r-0.63

Gollege All Responses Combined

1. The instructor encouraged me to set and 2. The instructor presented course

achieve challenging academic goals. contenUmaterials in a clear and
understandable way.
:Satt$icc .Y-d.qi
Response Count 27761 ;,Qtiq4icc .,,, Y.alua-:;
, Response Count 27907
Mean 8.19 i

: Mean 8.32;
, Median 9.00
r Median 9.00 i
i Mode 10
+l-1.87 . ttoOe 10i
I Standard Deviation
i,- : Standard Deviation +/-t.gS l

3. The instructor encouraged a learning

environment in which I could ask questions
and express my opinions.
l' ::Ydl*

, Median r0.00
, Mo& t0
: Standard Dsidirn +r-l.Gt

Stacy Reikffiky Course
1. The coulaa improved myability b address 2. The Gourse improved my ability to think
problems and make informod decisions- critically about issues in this area of study.
:r#ffi! ' ..y hp

Mean 8.93 9.33 l

Median 9.00 9.00 :

Mode I loi
Standard Deviatfurn +l-1.14 +/4.83 l

3. The counse improved my ahilityto make

connections betueen this area of study and
other areac sf etudy.

College All Responses Combined

{. The course improved my ability to address 2. The course improved my ability to think
problems and make informed decisions. critically abou! issues i1 this 3191 _of 1tudV.
:.- ..,. .
.,..1:.;ffi{l$:i .,$dry,l.1'';,.- ...; :'1.,1,;.-.:,' j:-,-:
, @Gq.',:-:,:,::::,':.=1i.1.i:.;1r'. =l',="L-,i'V...W,
, Response Count 9831 Response Count 9728

Mean 8.28 Mean 8.57 l

i Median 9.00 Median 9.00 r

: Mode I Mode 10

: Standard Deviation

+l-1.74 Siandard Deviation +1.{,7! i

3. The course improved my ability to make

connections beh,rreen this area of study and
other areas of study. '--' - '
..:,1. Ery
i Response Count 9855
, tttean 8.53

. Median 9.00

; Mode t0
: Siandard Deviation +l-1.77

Stacy Reikowsky Course

1, The instructor explained the syllabus, 2. Tho irufiuctot's evalualion of my

course requirements and expectations clearly perfomranco conlributed to my learning.
i Response 27 1,

Response Count 27 ;: Mean 9-67

g.74 t',Median r0.00
, Mean
r Median 10.00 . Mode 10!
; Mode 10 , : st nd"rd Deviatin +ra.GE;
; Standard Deviation +r{t.5:l

College All Responses Combined

1. The instructor explained the syllabus, 2. The instructor's evaluation of my

course requirements and expectations clearly performance contributed to my learning.
and concisely. Statistics Value ,

9.-@ge 'vaJue , r Response count 27595

, Response Count 27796' f:ran 8.36 i

Mean .
8.75 Median e"oo l

' Median 9.00 Mode 10,

Mode 1o Shndard Deviation +/-1.94 I

, Standard Deviation +l-1.77

Stacy Reikowsky Gourse

1. My overall rating of the teaching of this 2. Ay overall rating of this class.

course. Vsl$e
: 3ffislic*
| >:.: .. .:.
l'*tB Response count 27
i Response Count 27 , mean 9.48
; Mean 9'71 10.00
, , Median
, Median ,0.00 . , Mode 10
: ttloOe
l0'. Standard Deviation +l-0.58
, Standard Deryidhn +/-0.45 :

College All Responses Comhined

1. My overatl rating of the teaching of this 2. My overall rating of this class.

course. St#ics t aluel' t

$affsJics rHs Response count 9849 I

Response Count $73 , Mg n 8.34 ,

, Mean S.5, . Median 9.00 '

Median 9.00 , , ysds 10 i

Mode l0', Standard Deviation +l-1.841


Standard Deviatisr +l-1.77

The following statements only apply to select courses. lf they don't apply to your
course please select NOT APPLICABLE
Stacy Reikowsky Course

1. The laboratory sessions, clinical 2. One-on-one lessons with the instructor

experiences, or field experiences associated contributed to my understanding of course
with this course contributed to my concepts or enhanced my skills.
understanding of course concepts. Statistics Value
Statistics value Response count 2
Response Count 2 M"un 10.00
Mean 9.50 Median 10.00
Median 9'50 StandardDeviation +/-0.00
Standard Deviation +l-0.71

3. The instructor's use of group discussions

or teams contributed to my understanding of
course concepts.
Statistics Value
Response Count 5

Mean 9.60
Median 10.00
Standard Deviation +/-0.55

The following statements only apply to select courses. lf they don't apply to your
course please select NOT APPLICABLE
College All Responses Combined

1. The laboratory sessions, clinical 2. One-on-one lessons with the instructor

experiences, or field experiences associated contributed to my understanding of course
with this course contributed to my concepts or enhanced my skills.
understanding of course concepts. statisties vatue
Statistics Value Response Couni 1664
Response Count 2200 Mean
Mean 8'50 Median 9.00
Median 9.00 Mode 10
Mode 10 Standard Deviation +t-1 .gQ

Standard Deviation +11.86

3. The instructor's use of group discussions

or teams contributed to my understanding of
course concepts.
Statistics Value
Response Count 3152
Mean 8.56
Median 9.00
Mode 10

Standard Deviation +l-1.81

Concordia College
Moorhead, MN

Course Evaluation - Sprine 2016

Course Name: US In Perspective since L865 Instructor'sName: StacyReikowsky

Course Number: History 112 Department: History
CRN Number: 26879

1. What do you feel has been done well in the teaching and adminisfration of this course?

"Great use of different methods to stimulate interest in the subject matter,"

instructor created an open discussion, and positive learning environment. Related the topics to
modern issues very we11."

"This was an interesting course with a passionate professor. I think that she did a great job. It got long at
times but I think that was because it was at 8:30am."

"The PowerPoints with videos helped me learn the material better. It pror-ided a visual which always

"The instructor seemed to be very interested in making sure each student u-as leaming."

"She was the most understanding and caring teacher/professor that I have er er had i, *y entire 1ife. She
understood the struggles that college students faced and she didn't put pressure on them in an1'rlat'. She
always started the day with a video clip to -eet us interested in the day's less n."

"The way she taught the class for a better understanding."

"Relating material to current events."

"The teacher did well teaching effectively using lecture and porrerpoint to add to my learning.''

"The pace was nice and she was always in a good mood."

"Covering the material in a clear manner, bringing in fun ways to remember timelines."

"Stacy is very understanding and very smart in her atea."

"She did a great job of keeping the energl'up in class."

"She made it a fun environment to be a part of. I really enjol'ed this class."
,.Wonderful teacher with a wealth of knogledge. She taught in a r-ery effective manner that helped me
understand the history at hand."

"Good group discussions."

"The teacher loves the material and enjoys teaching. She is very laid back and understanding, and is'my
favorite professor."

"Videos helped us learn."

"The class was made very interesting. This was a class that I actually looked forward to coming to
because the professorwas very intriguing to listen to. I think everything was explained well."

"All content was gone over and made clear."

"Understanding student's situations, preparation for exams, stimulating interest in content, delivering
lectures, making worthy and interesting assignments, keeping the discussion going."

"She made the class interesting always. She had an inviting classroom setting that made this class
enjoyable. She was the first history teacher that made me enjov it."

"Letting us take notes on the slide shows given to us."

o'Very good at explaining the subjects."

"The course content was clear and was presented in a lva1. that made it interesting and relevant to now."

"I like the st11e of the lectures."

"Professor Reikowsky is one of my favorite teachers of history of all time. She sparked interest in the
course content. and made my learning engaging. I highly recommend her."

2, What suggestions do you have for improving and strengthening the teaching and administration of
this course?

"Finding some administrative $-a\,to make students take part in the discussion if it's not impossible. Sad
to be one of the few contributing in the discussion. This is mainly an issue with students."

"By midsem class discussion was focused on specific documents, I think that should stay that way."

"Maybe taking out the discussion da1-s. I leel it u ould be more beneficial to have a lecture 3 days a week
in order to learn the material and every-once in a u-hile take a break and read primary documents."

"More hands on activities."

"Have the class not be an 8am"

"I would say to ma1-be set higher expectations. Despite my leaming in this class, I think papers oculd
have been graded a little tougher."

"Isurgest that she grade a linle more criticalll only because then there rvould be a gteater sense to
achieve success."

"This course was crazy easl . it u ould have been nice to actualll' rvork for my A."
"I honestly like everything she did."

"I think she did a great job!"


"Lecture notes got to be long somedays."

"Don't use the readings(?) It's important to do those types of history and look at different sources of
levels, but it's so dry."

3. General comments - please feel free to comment on any aspect of this course.

"Thank you for the best history class I have ever taken (kiitos parhaasta historiaa kurssista jolla olen


"I was dreading having to take this class, but thanks to the professor, I actually ended up really enjoying
it! I wish I could take another course from her."

"Fave teacher"

" Arnazing course and amazing teaching, great j ob ! "

*Gave great
feedback! "
"One of my favorite classes!"

"Good professor and course."

'oKeep the drunk history videos! They related to course material very well md were super interesting."

"The professor was funny and had a passion for history."

"I enjoyed taking this calss and learned a lot of new material."
"Good class."

"Amazing class. 10/10 would recommend- Dr. Reikosdry is awesome!"

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