Exhibition Homework #1: Project Ideas-Due Friday 3/17

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Name: Jennifer Alvarez Mod 4 Date: 3.19.


Exhibition Homework #1
Project Ideas- Due Friday 3/17
Part 1
Use the resources below to review information from our project launch.

Why the Zombie Apocalypse?

Learning Outcomes

This multidisciplinary project is designed to help students authentically

engage in problem solving, research, brainstorming, prototype design,
speaking and listening skills, writing, reading, and presentation skills.

Students will examine and analyze the impact of a zombie apocalypse in

their town. Students will interview people in their community to promote
creative thinking to solve problems.

The learning objectives will be centered on how to respond to a

disaster/crisis by maximizing survival for the community.

Explore the links provided below. See how others are using the
zombie apocalypse.
Zombie Slides from Launch CSU Northridge
CDC Preparedness Guide Department of Defense

Project Overview
EQ: How will I survive a zombie apocalypse?
1. Groups of 3-4 max
2. Some groups, upon teacher approval, may have more if the
project requires it
3. Project must show mastery of the standards for each course.*
*Provided at a later date

11th Grade e3 Exhibition 2017

Part 2
How can I relate this to the Real World?

Real World Examples

Think about what happens in a time of crisis. Use the table below to examine our world
when crisis (natural disasters, war, political or economic crisis, etc) occurs. The zombie
aspect of this project is just a way to engage you and others.

The idea of a zombie apocalypse relates to human nature

(sociology) during real-world historical events and current
Exhibition Detail Student Learning Outcome

Individual Impact
How would people react?
What would individuals be worried
Personal experience
How do emotions play a role? Anger?
Fear of the unknown?
Map the Outbreak
Geographic tools
Map and analyze zombie attacks
Display data on a map
Creating Regions
Analyze spatial relationships
Create regions to warn citizens
Landforms and climate
(emergency alert systems)
Patterns of characteristics
Physical Characteristics
Natural hazards
(characteristics of geography, not of
Opportunity and constraint
the zombies!)
What Resources Would you
Types of resources
Formation of resources
Choose a location based on resources
Advantages of resources

Migration & Settlement Types of migration

Describe local connections of new Push and pull factors
settlement Movement within regions
Design a new settlement Functions and patterns of settlements
Urban land use
Boundaries and conflicts

Grice Zombie Based Learning Exhibition Project

Spring 2017
Choose a location based on landform and
Human Environment Impact &
Ecosystems Role of technology
Environmental impact of new Long distance impact
settlement Positive and negative impact
Change in ecosystem post outbreak
Demographics Population demographics
Compare population change post Comparing demographics
outbreak Population density
Geography and History
Historical expansion of settlements
Use history to influence plans
Culture and Society
Plan to aid survival of all cultures and Cultural characteristics
social norms Diffusion
Laws? Government? Religion? Money? Cultural landscape
Does this exist?
Plan for the next 30 years.
Current and future issues
Laws? Government? Religion? Health
Geographic planning
care? Does this exist? What does
society look like now?

Part 3
What am I passionate about? What are my ideas to help survive?
1. What issues listed above are
you most passionate about or
The two issues above that I am
are the most important to you? most passionate about are
Why? This can be issues that
directly affect your life or
Migration and settlement and
others lives culture and society because those
(Example: I want to be able to
factors are very important and
communicate with my family and can be the real explanation of
why people go corrupt. People

Grice Zombie Based Learning Exhibition Project

Spring 2017
settle in order to find successful
lives, like my parents migrated to
look for better opportunities and
they did find them.

2. What historical examples

can you use as positive and
A positive historical example of
negative examples of what what people have done in
people have done in a time of
crisis? (at least two of each)
migration and settlement is
people seeking better

A negative historical example of

what people have done in the
first issue above is people
starting families in the country
then later having to be torn apart

A positive historical example of

what people have done in the
second issue above is can lead to
innovations to society making
things more better and advanced

A negative historical example of

what people have done in the
second issue above is people can
come to disagreements causing
battles and corruption

3. What are your ideas to help

survive a zombie apocalypse?
Survival Ideas:

Grice Zombie Based Learning Exhibition Project

Spring 2017
(List at least 10 ideas)

1. First Aid Kid

2. Water

3. Canned Food

4. Ideas

5. Bravery

6. Strength

7. Weapons

8. Shelter

9. Stealth

10. Speed

Grice Zombie Based Learning Exhibition Project

Spring 2017
Grice Zombie Based Learning Exhibition Project
Spring 2017

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