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Henri Duparc (January 1848-February 1933) was a French composer during the

late Romantic period. He was born in Paris and studied piano with Cesar Franck.He is
best known for his 17 mlodies, or art songs. He worked with poets such as Goethe,
Leconte de Lisle, Gautier, and Baudelaire. Due to a mental illness, he stopped
composing at the age of 37. He later became completely blind and destroyed most of
his works, leaving about 40.
These four melodies were composed at different times, but all show the
contrapuntal accompaniment and sensitivity to poetry and music that were
characteristic to Duparc. The first song of this set, Au pays ou se fait la guerre is a
poem by Gautier in three parts of a woman who awaits her loves return from a
country where war is waged. The piano of this song sets a weary mood, something
like a vigil. The music and poetry are very closely connected and relate throughout
the song. The second is Linvitation au voyage, a text by Baudelaire. This song
shows a closely connected relationship between piano and voice, and a deep
expression of sensuality in both. The scene is of someone inviting their lover to a
place where there is nothing but "order and beauty, luxury, calm, and
voluptuousness." Duparc only set two of three stanzas of the poem. Soupir, the
third song, is one of the songs untouched by Duparcs insecurities about his own
music. It features text by Sully Prudhomme, and tell the story of a man mourning the
loss of his wife. This song is home to a beautiful and subtle theme. The final song,
Chanson triste, is simply a song of love. The poetry is by Jean Lahor and tells of
summer moonlight and love. The arpeggio of the piano accompanies the tender and
intimate sentiments of the voice, painting with a skipping radiation of caresses and

Au pays o se fait la guerre

Mon bel ami s'en est all ;
Il semble mon cur dsol
Qu'il ne reste que moi sur terre !
En partant, au baiser d'adieu,
Il m'a pris mon me ma bouche.
Qui le tient si longtemps, mon Dieu ?
Voil le soleil qui se couche,
Et moi, toute seule en ma tour,
J'attends encore son retour.

Les pigeons sur le toit roucoulent,

Roucoulent amoureusement ;
Avec un son triste et charmant
Les eaux sous les grands saules coulent.
Je me sens tout prs de pleurer ;
Mon cur comme un lis plein s'panche,
Et je n'ose plus esprer.
Voici briller la lune blanche,
Et moi, toute seule en ma tour,
J'attends encore son retour.

Quelqu'un monte grands pas la rampe :

Serait-ce lui, mon doux amant ?
Ce n'est pas lui, mais seulement
Mon petit page avec ma lampe.
Vents du soir, volez, dites-lui
Qu'il est ma pense et mon rve,
Toute ma joie et mon ennui.
Voici que l'aurore se lve,
Et moi, toute seule en ma tour,
J'attends encore son retour.
To the country where war is waged And I, all alone in my tower,
My beautiful love departed. I still await his return.
It seems to my desolate heart
That I alone remain on earth. Someone is climbing the ramp rapidly.
When leaving, at our kiss goodbye, Could it be him, my sweet love?
He took my soul from my mouth... It isn't him, but only
Who is holding him back so long, O God? My little page with my lamp.
There is the sun setting. Evening winds, veiled, tell him
And I, all alone in my tower, That he is my thoughts and my dream,
I still await his return. All my joy and my longing.
Here is the dawn rising.
The pigeons on the roof are cooing, And I, all alone in my tower,
Cooing lovingly I still await his return.
With a sad and charming sound;
The waters under the large willows flow...
I feel ready to cry;
My heart, like a full lily, overflows
And I no longer dare to hope.
Here gleams the white moon.
LInvitation au Voyage
Mon enfant, ma sur, My child, my sister,
Songe la douceur think of the sweetness
D'aller l-bas vivre ensemble, of going there to live together!
Aimer loisir, To love at leisure,
Aimer et mourir to love and to die
Au pays qui te ressemble. in a country that is the image of you!
Les soleils mouills The misty suns
De ces ciels brouills of those changeable skies
Pour mon esprit ont les charmes have for me the same
Si mystrieux mysterious charm
De tes tratres yeux, as your fickle eyes
Brillant travers leurs larmes. shining through their tears.
L, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaut, There, all is harmony and beauty,
Luxe, calme et volupt. luxury, calm and delight.

Vois sur ces canaux See how those ships,

Dormir ces vaisseaux nomads by nature,
Dont l'humeur est vagabonde; are slumbering in the canals.
C'est pour assouvir To gratify
Ton moindre dsir your every desire
Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde. they have come from the ends of the earth.
Les soleils couchants The westering suns
Revtent les champs, clothe the fields,
Les canaux, la ville entire, the canals, and the town
D'hyacinthe et d'or; with reddish-orange and gold.
Le monde s'endort The world falls asleep
Dans une chaude lumire! bathed in warmth and light.
L, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaut, There, all is harmony and beauty,
Luxe, calme et volupt. luxury, calm and delight.

Ne jamais la voir ni l'entendre, Never to see or hear her,
Ne jamais tout haut la nommer, never to name her aloud,
Mais, fidle, toujours l'attendre, but faithfully always to wait for her
Toujours l'aimer! and love her.

Ouvrir les bras, et, las d'attendre, To open my arms and, tired of waiting,
Sur la nant les refermer! to close them on nothing,
Mais encor, toujours les lui tendre but still always to stretch them out to her
Toujours l'aimer. and to love her.
Ah! ne pouvoir que les lui tendre
Et dans les pleurs se consumer, To only be able to stretch them out to her,
Mais ces pleurs toujours les rpandre, and then to be consumed in tears,
Toujours l'aimer... but always to shed these tears,
always to love her.
Ne jamais la voir ni l'entendre,
Ne jamais tout haut la nommer, Never to see or hear her,
Mais d'un amour toujours plus tendre never to name her aloud,
Toujours l'aimer. Toujours! but with a love that grows ever more tender,
always to love her. Always!
Chanson Triste
Dans ton cur dort un clair de lune,
In your heart moonlight lies dormant,
Un doux clair de lune d't,
A gentle moonlight of summer;
Et loin de la vie importune,
And far from the troubles of life,
Je me viens perdre en ta clart.
I will lose myself in your brightness.
J'oublierai les douleurs passes,
I will forget past griefs,
Mon amour, quand tu berceras
My love, when you rock
Mon triste cur et mes penses
My unhappy heart and my thoughts
Dans le calme aimant de tes bras.
In the loving tranquility of your arms.
Tu prendras ma tte malade,
You will lay my anxious head,
Oh ! certain soir sur tes genoux,
Oh! - some evenings - upon your lap,
Et lui diras une ballade
And you will utter to it a ballad
Qui semblera parler de nous ;
That will seem to speak of us;
Et dans tes yeux pleins de tristesse,
And from your eyes so full of sadness,
Dans tes yeux alors je boirai
From your eyes I will then drink
Tant de baisers et de tendresses
So many kisses and so much tenderness
Que peut-tre je gurirai.
That perhaps at last I will be healed.

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