Applications of AI

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Applications of AI

Section D Group 6 | MIST | 30th January 2017

Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that
traditional data processing applications are inadequate to deal with them.
The 6 Vs, combined together, that characterize the data as Big data
are Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity and Validity, Volatility and
Variability. The focus is to differentiate how not having all of them
necessarily entails the data to be not considered as big data. The foremost
applications include following major operations on the data storage,
transformations, extractions, analytics. Big data analytics has been the
focus of most of the global firms in recent years to capture value from
their data by using predictive analytics, user behavior analytics, and
advanced data analytics methods that extract value from data. With the
explosive growth of the internet and generation of unstructured data by
an ever-growing user base, the amount of data generated daily is larger
than ever, but that is not the key distinctive feature of the Big Data


Section D Group 6 | MIST | 30th January 2017

Project methodology

Primary Research
Secondary Research
Cover a spectrum of
various industries, Conclusion
firms and Refer to secondary
Government data available online
- TechCrunch, Collate the findings
applications through and present
interviews. Forbes, NASSCOM
reports, Library conclusions on the
databases, different ways big
published reports. data is used and the
applications of
theoretical concepts
to real life

We will be interviewing the following personnel to find out more information
about how Big Data technologies (Hadoop, HDFS etc.) are being used in the
IT sector (Citrix, Microsoft), financial services sector (Goldman Sachs) and
Government (Jan Dhan Fraud Detection)

We will be interviewing key personnel involved in Big Data teams of

the firms mentioned above. The first half of the final report will be on-the-
ground research, spanning for two weeks, performed by visiting Citrixs and
Goldman Sachs Bangalore headquarters. We will add more firms / persons to
these lists as soon as we get the confirmation from them.

For Citrix, we will be interviewing Rahul Kumar, Senior Software Engineer at

Citrix Bangalore, working in the Analytics division of Citrix NetScaler. For
Goldman Sachs, the interview will be with Sachin Lala, ex-Vice President of
Equity Data Infrastructure, who was in charge of developing the Big Data
Platform for storing all the APAC and EMEA transactional data of the Goldman
Sachs Electronic Trading (GSET) system in his tenure.

Section D Group 6 | MIST | 30th January 2017

We are also planning to interview Professor Pulak Ghosh, who has been roped
in by the NITI Aayog for fraud detection in the Government of Indias Jan
Dhan Accounts.2

The secondary research will include scholarly articles published on the
internet (McKinsey, Forbes et al). Well also be referring to the leading tech
websites for example, TechCrunch,, Mashable and various other

The final phase will include consolidation of all data accumulated through
Primary and Secondary research - based on the theoretical concepts taught in
classroom, and the future applications discussed with the above persons,
present the strategy of the firms in the way they implement Big Data
solutions (in-house development vs outsourcing), possible implications of the
choices they make and present our final insights in the report.



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