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Approval Standard

Storage Cabinets
(Flammable and
Combustible Liquids)

Class Number 6050

December 1996

2002 FM Approvals LLC. All rights reserved.

The FM Approvals certification mark is intended to verify that the products and services described
will meet FM Approvals stated conditions of performance, safety and quality useful to the ends of
property conservation. The purpose of Approval Standards is to present the criteria for FM Approval
of various types of products and services, as guidance for FM Approvals personnel, manufacturers,
users and authorities having jurisdiction.

Products submitted for certification by FM Approvals shall demonstrate that they meet the intent of
the Approval Standard, and that quality control in manufacturing shall ensure a consistently uniform
and reliable product. Approval Standards strive to be performance-oriented. They are intended to
facilitate technological development.

For examining equipment, materials and services, Approval Standards:

a) must be useful to the ends of property conservation by preventing, limiting or not

causing damage under the conditions stated by the Approval listing; and

b) must be readily identifiable.

Continuance of Approval and listing depends on compliance with the Approval Agreement,
satisfactory performance in the field, on successful re-examinations of equipment, materials, and
services as appropriate, and on periodic follow-up audits of the manufacturing facility.

FM Approvals LLC reserves the right in its sole judgment to change or revise its standards, criteria,
methods, or procedures.

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Basis for Requirements ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Basis for FM Approval ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Basis for Continued Approval .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Effective Date .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.7 System of Units ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.8 Applicable Documents ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Approval Application Requirements ........................................................................................................................................ 3
3. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Maximum Capacity ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Construction Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Markings ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3.4 Manufacturers Installation and Operation Instructions ................................................................................................... 4
3.5 Calibration ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Loading .............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Fire Exposure .................................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Flame Arresters ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.4 Self-closing/latching Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.5 Release Operating Temperature ........................................................................................................................................ 6
4.6 Spill Containment .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
5. OPERATIONS REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program ........................................................................................................................... 7
5.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA) .......................................................................................................................... 7
APPENDIX A UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ........................................................................................................................... 8
APPENDIX B APPROVAL MARKS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
APPENDIX C TEST PROCEDURES ...................................................................................................................................... 10
C-1 Purpose and Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
C-2 Test Criteria .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
C-3 Equipment/materials Required ....................................................................................................................................... 10
C-4 Safety Precautions .......................................................................................................................................................... 10
C-5 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................................................ 11
C-5.1 Inspection and Conformance to Specifications ...................................................................................................... 11
C-5.2 Loading Test ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
C-5.3 Fire Exposure .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
C-5.4 Flame Arresters ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
C-5.5 Holding, Latching and Closing .............................................................................................................................. 13
C-5.6 Release Device ............................................................................................................................................................ 13
C-5.7 Leak-tight Sump/pan ................................................................................................................................................... 13
December 1996 6050


1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 This standard states FM Approval criteria for cabinets used to store flammable and combustible liquids.

1.1.2 FM Approval criteria may include, but are not limited to, performance requirements, marking require-
ments, examination of manufacturing facility(ies), audit of quality assurance procedures, and a follow-up

1.2 Scope

1.2.1 This standard sets performance and construction requirements for cabinets designed to provide a safe,
secure storage area for flammable and combustible liquids.

1.3 Basis for Requirements

1.3.1 The requirements of this Standard are based on experience, research and testing, and in large part on
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. The advice of manufacturers, users, trade
associations and loss control specialists was also considered.

1.3.2 The requirements of this Standard reflect tests and practices used to examine characteristics of storage
cabinets for the purpose of obtaining FM Approval. Storage cabinets having characteristics not anticipated
by this Standard may be Approved if performance equal, or superior, to that required by this Standard is
demonstrated, or if the intent of the Standard is met. Alternatively, storage cabinets which meet all of the
requirements identified in this Standard may not be Approved if other conditions which adversely affect
performance exist or if the intent of this Standard is not met.

1.4 Basis for FM Approval

FM Approval is based upon satisfactory evaluation of the product and the manufacturer in the following major

1.4.1 Examination and tests on production samples shall be performed to evaluate

the suitability of the product,
the performance of the product as specified by the manufacturer and required by FM Approvals; and as
far as practical,
the durability and reliability of the product.

1.4.2 An examination of the manufacturing facilities and audit of quality control procedures is made to evaluate
the manufacturers ability to produce the product which was examined and tested, and the marking
procedures used to identify the product. These examinations are repeated as part of FM Approvals
Approved Product Follow-Up Program.

6050 December 1996

1.5 Basis for Continued Approval

Continued Approval is based upon:

production or availability of the product as currently Approved;

the continued use of acceptable quality assurance procedures;

satisfactory field experience;

compliance with the terms stipulated in the Approval Agreement;

satisfactory re-examination of production samples for continued conformity to requirements; and

satisfactory Facilities and Procedures Audits (F&PAs) conducted as part of FM Approvals Approved product
follow-up program.

Also, as a condition of retaining Approval, manufacturers may not change a product or service without prior
authorization by FM Approvals.

1.6 Effective Date

The effective date of an Approval standard mandates that all products tested for Approval after the effective date
shall satisfy the requirements of that standard. Products Approved under a previous edition shall comply with the
new version by the effective date or forfeit Approval.

The effective date of this Standard is October 1, 1997 for full compliance with all requirements.

1.7 System of Units

Units of measurement used in this Standard are United States (U.S.) customary units. These are followed by their
arithmetic equivalents in International System (SI) units, enclosed in parentheses. The first value stated shall be
regarded as the requirement. The converted equivalent value may be approximate. Appendix A lists the selected
units and conversions to SI units for measures appearing in this standard. Conversion of U.S. customary units
is in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E 380, Standard for Use of the
International System of Units (SI).

1.8 Applicable Documents

The following documents are referenced and applicable to this standard:

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
FM Approvals Test Procedure 6050 Storage Cabinets
FM Approvals Standard 6051 Standard for Safety Containers and Filling, Supply, and Disposal

December 1996 6050


Approval Application Requirements

To apply for an Approval examination the manufacturer, or its authorized representative, should submit a request
to the Materials Group Manager at FM Approvals, 1151 Boston-Providence Turnpike, PO Box 9102, Norwood,
MA 02062, U.S.A.


3.1 Maximum Capacity

Storage capacity of a cabinet for flammable and combustible liquids shall not exceed 120 gallons (455 L).

3.2 Construction Requirements

3.2.1 Requirements
A. Cabinets shall be of double wall steel or single wall wood construction.

1. Steel cabinets Steel thickness shall not be less than 18 ga. Walls, top, and door(s) shall have a gap
of not less than 112 in. (38 mm) between the inner and outer panels. Seams and joints shall be
secured by riveting, welding, brazing, or some equally effective means. Nonflammable insulation
may be placed within the gap.

2. Wood cabinets Walls and doors shall be constructed of exterior grade plywood not less than 1 in.
(25 mm) thick. All joints shall be rabbeted and fastened in two directions with screws. Alternate
types of joint construction will be investigated on a case by case basis. The doors on two door
cabinets shall have a rabbeted overlap of at least 1 in. (25 mm). Wood veneers, on exterior surfaces,
for decorative purposes are allowed.
B. Door(s) of the cabinet shall be equipped with a lockable, non-sparking, three-point latching mecha-
nism. A separate latching system is not required for the left-hand door of two-door models, if the
right-hand door is designed to secure the other door in the closed position.
C. Cabinets shall be equipped with a leak-tight spill containment sump or pan not less than 2 in. (51 mm)
D. Cabinets may be equipped with upper and lower diametrically opposed side vents. Upper and lower
vents in the rear wall are allowed in those instances where the cabinet is designed for applications that
would render side vents ineffective, typically under-counter laboratory use. All vents shall be equipped
with a flame arrester and a means of plugging the vents externally.
E. A means shall be provided for attaching a separate grounding wire to the exterior of the cabinet. The
attachment means shall be such that the cabinet finish does not interfere with the establishment of a
proper ground.

6050 December 1996

F. The cabinet may be equipped with a self-closing mechanism. On two-door models, a sequencing
mechanism shall be provided so that the left door closes prior to the right door. The door shall also
self-latch. If a means for holding the door(s) open is provided, this device shall automatically release
the doors in the event of a fire or exposure to excessive heat. The device shall release the closing
mechanism when exposed to a temperature of 212F (100C) or less.

3.2.2 Verification
The manufacturer shall provide drawings related to the construction of the cabinet door(s); hinging,
latching, and locking provisions; self-closing, hold-open, and release provisions (if so equipped); and the
flame arrester. In addition, drawings of all labels and the FM Approval Mark shall be provided, including
information as to their location. Sample cabinets shall be examined for conformance to the manufacturers
drawings and specifications and FM Approvals requirements. If FM Approval is granted, all drawings
shall state in bold print that any revisions require FM Approval prior to implementation.

3.3 Markings

3.3.1 Cabinets shall, as a minimum, be labeled with the manufacturers name, address, model number, and
maximum liquid storage capacity.

3.3.2 All Approved cabinets shall be labeled with an FM Approval Mark (see Appendix B). This may be
accomplished by a separate label or incorporated onto the label defined in Section 3.2.1.

3.3.3 Cabinets shall be labeled with the conspicuous legend: FLAMMABLES KEEP FIRE AWAY.

3.3.4 All markings shall be legible and durable.

3.4 Manufacturers Installation and Operation Instructions

The manufacturer shall provide instructions pertaining to proper leveling of the cabinet.

3.5 Calibration

All examinations and tests performed in evaluation to this Standard shall use calibrated measuring instruments
traceable and certified to acceptable national standards.

December 1996 6050

Note: All examinations and tests shall be according to the procedures defined in FM Approvals Test Procedure 6050.

4.1 Loading

4.1.1 Requirement
Cabinets shall withstand the load imposed by their maximum storage capacity.

4.1.2 Test/Verification
Sample cabinets shall be loaded to their maximum storage capacity and remain closed for 72 hours as
defined in Section 5.2 of FM Approvals Test Procedure 6050 (see Appendix C). No opening of seams or
joints, permanent distortion, or interference with door opening/closing/locking shall result.

4.2 Fire Exposure

4.2.1 Requirement
Cabinets shall withstand exposure to fire in accordance with the ASTM E 152 time temperature curve.

4.2.2 Test/Verification
Sample cabinets shall be subjected to a 10-minute fire exposure test in accordance with the procedure
defined in Section 5.3 of FM Approvals Test Procedure 6050. Internal cabinet temperature shall not exceed
325F (163C) during the test. All joints, seams, and doors shall remain secure during and after the test.

4.3 Flame Arresters

4.3.1 Requirement
Flame arresters shall comply with the requirements stated in FM Approvals Class 6051 Standard for
Safety Containers and Filling, Supply, and Disposal Containers.

4.3.2 Test/Verification
Flame arresters, unless previously FM Approved, shall be tested in accordance with the procedures of the
Class 6051 Standard as described in Appendix C, Section 5.4.

4.4 Self-closing/latching Operation

4.4.1 Requirement
Cabinets equipped with self-closing doors shall close and latch properly during and after a cycling test.

4.4.2 Test/Verification
Cabinets equipped with self-closing mechanisms shall be loaded to maximum capacity and subjected to
a minimum of 100 operational cycles as defined in Section 5.5 of FM Approvals Test Procedure 6050 (see
Appendix C). No failure to close and latch properly shall result.

6050 December 1996

4.5 Release Operating Temperature

4.5.1 Requirement
The mechanism for holding the doors in the open position shall either be an FM Approved fire door link,
used within its load range, or shall release properly when subjected to the heat release test.

4.5.2 Test/Verification
A minimum of six samples of the heat-sensitive device used in the door holding mechanism shall be tested
to determine the actual release temperature, as defined in Section 5.6 of FM Approvals Test Procedure
6050 (see Appendix C). There shall be no failure to release within -10 percent to +5 percent of the
specified release temperature when exposed to a heat source.

4.6 Spill Containment

4.6.1 Requirement
The spill containment sump or pan shall be at least 2 in. (51 mm) deep and shall be leak-tight.

4.6.2 Test/Verification
Containment depth shall be physically measured. The sump/pan shall be filled with liquid to a depth of
2 in. (51 mm) and shall show no sign of leakage for a minimum of 24 hours.

A quality assurance program is required to assure that subsequent storage cabinets produced by the manufacturer
shall present the same quality and reliability as the specific storage cabinets examined. Design quality,
conformance to design, and performance are the areas of primary concern.

Design quality is determined during the examination and tests, and is documented in the Approval Report.

Continued conformance to this Standard is verified by the Facilities and Procedures Audits (F&PA).

Quality of performance is determined by field performance and as necessary by periodic re-examination and

December 1996 6050

5.1 Demonstrated Quality Control Program

5.1.1 The manufacturer shall demonstrate a quality assurance program which specifies controls for at least the
following areas:
existence of corporate quality assurance guidelines
incoming quality assurance, including testing
in-process quality assurance, including testing
final inspection and tests
equipment calibration
drawing and change control
packaging and shipping
handling and disposition of discrepant materials.

5.1.2 Documentation/Manual
There should be an authoritative collection of procedures/policies. It should provide an accurate descrip-
tion of the quality management system while serving as a permanent reference for implementation and
maintenance of that system. The system should require that sufficient records are maintained to demon-
strate achievement of the required quality and verify operation of the quality system.

5.1.3 Records
To assure adequate traceability of materials and products, the manufacturer shall maintain a record of all
quality assurance tests performed, and shall maintain this record for a minimum period of two years from
the date of manufacture.

5.1.4 Drawing and Change Control

The manufacturer shall establish a system of product configuration control that shall allow no
unauthorized changes to the product. Changes to critical documents, identified in the Approval Report,
must be reported to, and authorized by, FM Approvals prior to implementation for production.
The manufacturer shall assign an appropriate person or group to be responsible for, and require that,
proposed changes to Approved or Listed products be reported to FM Approvals before implementation.
The manufacturer shall notify FM Approvals of changes in the product or of persons responsible for
keeping FM Approvals advised by means of FM Approvals Form 797, Approved Product Revision
Report or Address/Contact Change Notice.
Records of all revisions to all Approved products shall be maintained.

5.2 Facilities and Procedures Audit (F&PA)

5.2.1 An audit of the manufacturing facility is part of the Approval investigation to verify implementation of the
quality assurance program. Its purpose is to determine that the manufacturers equipment, procedures, and
quality program are maintained to insure a uniform product consistent with that which was tested and

5.2.2 These audits shall be conducted periodically but at least annually by FM Approvals or its representatives
or more frequently dependent on jurisdictional requirements.

5.2.3 FM Approved products or services shall be produced at, or provided from the location(s) audited by
FM Approvals and as specified in the Approval Report. Manufacture of products bearing the FM Approval
Mark is not permitted at any other location without prior written authorization by FM Approvals.

6050 December 1996



LENGTH: in. inches (mm millimeters)

mm = in. 25.4

ft feet (m meters)
m = ft 0.3048

TEMPERATURE: F degrees Fahrenheit

(C degrees Celsius)
C = (F 32) 0.556

LIQUID VOLUME: gal gallons; (L liter)

L = gal 3.785

December 1996 6050




For use on nameplates, in literature, advertisements,

packaging and other graphics.

1) The FM Approval diamond mark is acceptable to

FM Approval as an Approval mark when used
with the word Approved.

2) The FM Approval logomark has no minimum

size requirement, but should always be large
enough to be readily identifiable.

3) Color should be black on a light background or a

reverse may be used on a dark background.

For Cast-On Marks

4) Where reproduction of the mark described

above is impossible because of production
restrictions, a modified version of the diamond is
suggested. Minimum size specifications are the
same as for printed marks. Use of the word
Approved with this mark is optional.

NOTE: These Approval marks are to be used only in conjunction with products or services that have been
FM Approved. The FM Approval marks should never be used in any manner (including advertising, sales or promotional
purposes) that could suggest or imply FM Approval or endorsement of a specific manufacturer or distributor. Nor should
it be implied that Approval extends to a product or service not covered by written agreement with FM Approvals. The
Approval marks signify that products or services have met certain requirements as reported by FM Approvals.

Additional reproduction art is available through

FM Approvals
P.O. Box 9102,
Norwood, Massachusetts 02062

6050 December 1996



C-1 Purpose and Scope

C-1.1 The purpose of this procedure is to set forth the method to be used in the FM Approval examination of
storage cabinets for flammable liquids.

C-1.2 Referenced documents for this test procedure include FM Approval Standard for Storage Cabinets, Class
Number 6050; NFPA 30; and ASTM E 152.

C-2 Test Criteria

C-2.1 The characteristics and design criteria of cabinets to be examined and tested under this procedure include
function and fire safety.

C-2.2 Functions to be evaluated are cabinet loadings, flame arrester performance, sump/pan leakage, and ability
to limit cabinet internal temperature to not more than 325F (163C) during the fire exposure test.

C-2.3 Acceptance or rejection criteria are found in Sections 4 and 5 of the Approval standard.

C-3 Equipment/materials Required

C-3.1 The following equipment is required for the fire exposure test (Paragraph C-5.3):
Note: The equipment is normally provided by the FM Global Test Center at W. Glocester, RI.

Pump, for heptane 24 gal/h (90 L/h) capacity at 100 psi (690 kPa).
3 gal/h (11 L/h) 80 hollow cone oil burner type nozzles (number depends on cabinet size).
Valve, control.
Baffle, corrugated sheet metal, built to give 1 ft (0.3 m) gap on all sides of the cabinet. The baffle shall
be at least 84 in. (213 cm) high, including 8-12 in (20-30 cm) legs. Grating is to be placed over the top
of the baffle. Sheet metal covering over the grating may be required in order to attain the maximum
temperature specified in ASTM E 152.
Cellu-cotton igniters, 3 in. dia. (76 mm), placed in cans. One igniter for each nozzle.
4 thermocouples (28 gage maximum wire size, 50 ft [15 m] length).
Dual pen chart recorder, 0 to 50 mV.
Concrete masonry blocks.

C-4 Safety Precautions

C-4.1 Protection during the fire exposure test should include portable fire extinguishers to handle a possible
heptane spill and fire. Also, a 112 in. hose line should be available for additional fire protection.

C-4.2 The cabinet should be allowed to cool upon completion of the fire exposure test prior to any handling

December 1996 6050

C-5 Test Procedure

C-5.1 Inspection and Conformance to Specifications

The sample cabinet shall be examined and compared to the manufacturers drawings and material specifications
and FM Approvals requirements stated in Sections 3 and 4 of the Approval standard.

C-5.1.1 The sample must conform to the drawings and specifications for subsequent testing to be valid.

C-5.1.2 Seams and joints shall be inspected to verify that they are made by riveting, welding, brazing (metal
cabinets); rabbeted and screwed (wood cabinets); or some equally effective means.
Note: Aluminum rivets are not acceptable.

C-5.1.3 There shall be a leak tight sump or containment pan, at least 2 in. (51 mm) deep, in the bottom of the

C-5.1.4 The door shall have a 3 point latching arrangement or equivalent. The latch shall be lockable. The
3 latching points shall be made of non-sparking material.

C-5.1.5 The cabinet shall be inspected for vents. Vents are optional. If vents are not used, proceed to C-5.1.6.

A. There shall be provision for plugging the vents externally.

B. If the vents have FM Approved flame arresters no tests are necessary. If the arresters are not
Approved, they shall be tested as noted in Section C-5.4

C-5.1.6 There shall be provision for a firm and positive attachment of a grounding wire. Bonding resistance shall
be one ohm or less as measured between the attachment means and any other bare surface on metal

C-5.1.7 Cabinet markings shall be verified as satisfying the requirements of Section III of the Approval

C-5.2 Loading Test

The cabinet sample shall be subjected to a loading test in accordance with the cabinet capacity, for 72 hours.
Loading shall be approximately 8 lb (3.6 kg) for every gallon (3.8 L) of rated capacity, uniformly distributed.
At the end of the 72 hour period the cabinet shall be examined for conformance to the following criteria:
seams or joints shall remain closed and tight;
there shall be no permanent deformation which would lessen the serviceability of the cabinet;
there shall be no interference with door opening, closing, or locking as a result of this test.

6050 December 1996

C-5.3 Fire Exposure

C-5.3.1 The sample cabinet shall be fire tested according to the ASTM E 152 time-temperature curve for
10 minutes. The cabinet shall be loaded as per Paragraph C-5.2 and shall remain securely closed, after
latching the door, during and after the fire. Internal temperature shall not exceed 325F (163C) at the
end of the 10 minute fire exposure.

C-5.3.2 To prepare for this test, the cabinet shall be mounted on a platform of standard concrete blocks
conforming closely to the base dimensions of the cabinet, and then loaded as noted above. A piping loop
containing the oil burner type nozzles (See 5.3.3 below) shall be placed on the floor around the cabinet
approximately 6 in. (15 cm) away from the cabinet on all sides. All nozzles are pointed upward and
located at an elevation such that the base of the cabinet shall be exposed to fire. A cellu-cotton igniter,
soaked with heptane, shall be placed beside each nozzle. A corrugated sheet metal baffle shall enclose
the cabinet at a distance of 1 ft (30 cm) all around and at least 1 ft (30 cm) above the final cabinet
height. The baffle shall have legs to provide a gap of 8-12 in. (20-30 cm) at the bottom, to allow
combustion air to the fire.

C-5.3.3 Nozzle quantity shall be one for approximately each 18 in. (46 cm) of cabinet perimeter, but no fewer
than five nozzles in total two at the rear of the cabinet, one at each of the other sides. The desired
nozzle quantity may not always be a whole number. In such cases engineering judgment shall be used
to determine how many will actually be used, considering symmetry and other relevant factors. The
basis for such judgements shall be recorded in the Project Data Record (PDR).
A. If an odd number of nozzles is required then the odd nozzle shall be at the rear of the cabinet. For
example, if 7 nozzles are required, 3 shall be placed at the rear, 2 at the front, and 1 on each side.
B. The nozzle array shall be centered on each side of the cabinet.
C. Nozzle quantity per side (even number of nozzles) can also vary due to specific cabinet shape. For
example, a 36 36 in. (91 91 cm) cabinet or a 52 18 in. (132 46 cm) cabinet would require
8 nozzles. The 36 36 in. (91 91 cm) cabinet would have 2 nozzles on each side; the 52 18 in.
(132 46 cm) would have 3 nozzles front and rear and 1 per each side.

C-5.3.4 A thermocouple shall be placed through the center of the cabinet top to a point 1 in. (25 mm) below the
inside top center surface of the cabinet. Three other thermocouples, joined together at the recorder, for
recording fire temperature, shall be placed at the back center of the cabinet, even with the top edge of
the cabinet and in the middle of the space between the cabinet and the baffle. Spacing between these
three thermocouples should be such that the outer two are, each, directly over a nozzle and the third
midway between the others. The thermocouples shall be attached to a dual pen recorder one pen for
fire temperature, the other for cabinet temperature. A grating shall then be placed over the top of the
baffle enclosure. A sheet metal cover, over the grating, may be required for cabinets of less than 65 in.
(165 cm) height in order to contain sufficient heat to attain the desired fire temperature.

C-5.3.5 The chart paper shall have two straight lines drawn on it (ASTM E 152 Time-Temperature Curve). The
first line from ambient temperature and 0 minute to 1000F (538C) at 5 minutes (note: set pen zero
at the mV value for the actual room temperature). The second line should connect with the first at the
5 minute mark and continue to 1300F (704C) at 10 minutes. These lines shall then serve as a guide
for fuel (normal heptane) input to the nozzles. An operator can closely follow the ASTM E 152
time-temperature curve drawn on the chart paper by manually controlling the fuel control valve and
observing the fire temperature recording.

C-5.3.6 The pilot wicks shall be ignited. Then the recorder shall be started and the fuel control valve opened.
The fire temperature shall be kept as close as possible, 100F (55C) to the ASTM curve for the 10
minute period. After cooling, the cabinet shall be examined.
A. The fire test may be stopped at any time after the cabinet temperature exceeds the 325F (163C)
limit, as this represents a failure.

December 1996 6050

B. Because of variations in cabinet size, nozzle quantity, and atmospheric conditions, the 1300F
(704C) temperature may not be obtainable. The test shall be considered valid if a fire temperature
of at least 1100F (593C) is attained. Previous tests have shown that time of exposure, beyond
1000F (538C), is of greater significance than actual fire temperature.

C-5.3.7 The fire and cabinet temperature recording traces shall be attached to the PDR.

C-5.3.8 The following notations shall be made:

the interior temperature exceeded 325F (163C), YES or NO;
the cabinet remained upright, YES or NO;
any seams or joints opened, YES or NO;
the door remained securely closed, YES or NO.

C-5.3.9 The cabinet internal temperature shall be verified at the 10 minute point in the fire exposure test by
rechecking correction factor (pen zero at room temperature mV mark). Under no conditions shall a
cabinet pass if the internal temperature at the 10 minute mark exceeds 325F (163C).

C-5.4 Flame Arresters

The flame arrestor shall be placed at one end of a 2 in. pipe (approximately 2 ft long). A plastic bag shall cover
the other end. Natural or LP gas shall be introduced at the same end as the bag and ignited at the outer surface
of the arrestor. After one minute of burning the gas supply shall be shut off abruptly. There shall be no
evidence of flashback (visible flame in the bag) through the arrestor.

C-5.5 Holding, Latching and Closing

For cabinets equipped with self-closing doors, the self-closing mechanism shall be tested by manually holding
the door(s) in the open most position and then releasing the door(s), allowing closure. One hundred operational
cycles shall be conducted. The door(s) shall close and latch properly each time.

C-5.6 Release Device

The heat release device (typically a fusible link) shall be tested by applying a load to the device equal to the
load imposed by an open cabinet door. A thermocouple shall be attached to one surface of the device. Heat
shall be slowly applied to the other surface until release occurs. A minimum of six samples shall be tested. The
links shall be considered acceptable if release temperature is within -10 percent to +5 percent of the rated
temperature. FM Approved Fire door links may be used, without testing, if the applied load is within their
Approved load ratings.

C-5.7 Leak-tight Sump/pan

The sump/pan shall be tested for leakage by filling it to a depth of 2 in. (51 mm) with water and observing
for leakage. There shall be no evidence of leakage over a 24-hour period.


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