Master of Arts in History, With Honors Transcript

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EU POLS AISLE Ne eC NE EN ee melee ieee Poe Oe ALES TEETER TREE OFFICIAL Record of: Stacy Michelle Reikowsky Relat 19-gUN-2011 07-A0G Stacy M. Reikowsky s 4250 & Robinson st 120269514 Norman, OK 73026-0744 5106 i: Graduate ‘SHDIAWAS LL “Bourse Levels Graduate z E! | ‘| z e 4 eA i] ETOR ORS erin) Lota Historiography 3.00.4 Asericas Tedian Yenen 3.00. Sop wat of letmam ae 03 a dent's Honor Rol Seed Srandins SORTINNE "AN OFAGIAL SIGNATURE IS WHITE WITH A BLUE BACKGROUND “his ofcaly sald ae sone anseriots rred cn blue srt oape wh the name of the cotge printed neal wn ype arosa te face of ra document A rasa eal hot ‘eaured When photocopies the word COPY shod appear A BLACK AND WHITE COPY. ‘SHOULD NOT Be ACCEPTED. DOCUMENT GUIDE PRINTED ON REVERSE Seema) eer, 100'N. University Drive centval | Edmond, OK 73034 Offahome FICE = 003152 ACCREDITATION: ‘The Universty of Cental Oklahoma is accreted by the Higher Learning Com- mission Noth Cena Assocation of Colages and Schools asa bachelor's ard masters degree granting institution, NAME CHANGE HISTORY: 41890 Terria Normal Schoo! 41904 Central State Normal Schoo! 1819 Central State Teachers College 1959 Contra State College 1971, Contra State University 1990. University of Central ‘Oklahoma CALENDAR SYSTEM: Semester GRADING SYSTEM: 4 point scale (A= 4; =3;C=2;D=1;F=0) GRADES: Pass ‘Satistactery Unsatisactony “Theis n Progress (Fal 02 & aftr) ‘Non attendance (Prior to Fal 1992) AUD = No grade or crt = Wihorew Fang at used Fal 1983), = Waatew Passing (Spring 198¢- Summer 1902 all wtharawas are W, whether passng of faling, Beghving Fal 1292, witherawastaleg aeF) Acmictratve Wthorawal Missing Grade not reprtag) [Did notatand when erred as autor Repeated vansler courses removed rom the iranfer institution's ‘tginal GPA calcdtions INPROG = “Course n progessin curent semester =3_agae Be2z “Included in grade point average caution In Fal 1902, cous prviously recorded as SAU ftudant teaching, workshops 8 ‘advanced standing) onthe transcript were changed to P& F respectively. 0 level (femeciat) courses with a provous grade of T were changed to U (non punitive S grades for 0 level courses were lft 2 S, Transerpte not computer printed wore not updates CLASS TYPE CODES: pear to right of course grade) ee p2 = Exranstutional Great P= CLEP General P'S = CLEP Subject P°6 = Stucy Abroad, Elective Fall 2011 (GRADE POINT AVERAGE TYPES: Institute ~ computed on UCO courses only, excludes repeats and Torgien coures Tenster ~ computed on ranser graded courses, excludes repeated ‘2nd forgiven courses. Retention = computes on al courses, excludes ropated andlor for. ‘ven courses cumulative = computed on a couses Forgiven Hous ~ hours excluded repeats or reprieves Office of Enrollment Services 124 Nigh University Center (403) 974-3741 FAX (405) 974-3841 [REPEATED & UCO ACADEMIC REPRIEVE COURSES: Repsoted courses are ‘ovted wih he fotowing code IE = Excluded, grace not included in overal GPA ‘TRANSFER CREDIT: Trancfor crt wilbo posted accortng to UCO grading and "vanslor practions anc may not be denial to posting bythe arcing into, REMEDIAL COURSES: Fal 1088 tothe Present 0 aero) vel courage are noncredit orremcal and arerot applicable tonarda ‘degree. Efective Summer 2011 UCO wil ter Olevl courses. [GRADUATE COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM: loro Fal 1972 300-489 could be considered for graduate cect 500 above graduate credit only Since Fal 1972 '5000& above graduate credit only Fal 1972 tough Summer 1985 30004909 could be considered for oraduate credit 1985 through Summer 1991 "40002999 could be considered for graduate ert Since Fal 1903 "9000 & above graduate credit ‘The granting of graduate creit has been authorized since Fall 1951 Graduate courses are not neue on the undergraduate rancrpt ures course has been aporoved tobe appied to undergraduate degre requie- ments HoNoRs: ‘A. Summa Cum Laude - GPA ot 3.9 or higher B. Magra Cum Laude - GPA of 360-8 89, (G, Cum Laude - GPA of 370.3:78 ‘To be oigble to graduate with hones, baccalaureate candidates must have at east 45 hours at the University of Cental Oklahoma. Fs From Fall 1088 trough Summer 1991, no datnction le made between Regul, Extension and Correspondence course work onthe Wanseipt. DUPLICATE COURSES: excluded trom earned hours UPL BOUPL CrDUL DDuPL PDUPL MAJORVOPTION: ‘The term “major” coresponds to the Lve classification of academic program of- {erings a8 done by the Oklahoma Stato Rogents for Higher Education and may bo ‘equvalent othe term “option” used a other universities. Jo TEST FOR AUTHENTICITY, THE FACE OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS A BLUE BACKGROUND AND THE NAME OF THE INSTITUTION APPEARS IN SMALL PRINT -NTLY ACROSS THE FACE OF THF ENTIRE DOCUMENT, THE PAPER IS TREATED TO PRODUCE A NOTICE PAVER AND ARE ONCY VILE UNDER A UY LIGHT ALTERATION OR FORGERY OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BEACRIMINALOFFENSE4 chant whe document tnnigaand shoal tbsp antonio dere Ths ‘esi cotter pty wt wren mt et. Thain ens i Fly Eaten Rg end Pay of Igo tae eal wens tas

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