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0 A B C D

1 Male Female Male Female

2 11-13yrs 11-13yrs 11-13yrs 11-13yrs

3 Student Student Student Student

Ask him/her to Ask him/ her to

4 stop stop Ask him/ her to stop Ask him/ her to stop
5 Often Often Seldom Often
6 Daily Daily Monthly Weekly
7 Five Five One Four

8 Use of Whiteout Use of Markers Use of Whiteout Use of Markers

9 Walls Walls wall Furniture

Child cleans Child cleans Child cleans defaced Child cleans defaced
10 defaced area defaced area area area

11 Attention Expression of art Expression of art Expression of art

Its beauty is Its beauty is

12 ruined ruined Its beauty is ruined Its beauty is ruined

13 Bad Bad Bad Bad

People begin to People begin to

think bad think bad People begin to think
thoughts of the thoughts of the The School is gradually bad thoughts of the
14 school school ignored by the public school
Peer-on-peer Peer-on-peer Teachers address
15 Seminars Seminars Peer-on-peer Seminars students at meeting
Options Given
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

11-13yrs 14-16yrs 11-13yrs 14-16yrs 14-16yrs 14-16yrs 14-16yrs 14-16yrs 14-16yrs

Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Student

Ask Ask him/ Ask him/ Ask him/ Ask him/ Ask him/
Ask him/ her him/ her her to her to her to her to her to
Ask him/ her to stop to stop to stop stop stop stop stop stop Ask him/ he
Seldom Often Often Often Often Often Often Often Seldom
Weekly Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Monthly
Four Five Five Five Five Four Four Four One

Use of Use of Use of

Use of Markers Use of markers markers Use of markers Markers Markers Use of Whi

Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Furniture Walls Walls Walls

School on gives Child Child Child Child Child
School population population donation cleans cleans cleans cleans cleans
gives donation to fix gives donation to fix defaced defaced defaced defaced defaced
damage to fix damage damage area area area area area Child clean
Expression of Attentio Expressio Expressio
Expression of art art n n of art Attention Attention Attention n of art Expression

Its Extra
Its beauty is beauty beautifica Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty
Its beauty is ruined ruined is ruined tion is ruined is ruined is ruined Its beauty
I haven't
I haven't thought about Mixed thought
it Bad Bad Emotions Bad Bad Bad about it I haven't t

begin to People People People People People
think begin to begin to begin to begin to begin to
The School is bad think bad think bad think bad think bad think bad
People begin to think gradually thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts
bad thoughts of the ignored by the of the of the of the of the of the of the
school public school school school school school school People begi
Teachers Teachers Teachers Teachers Teachers
Teachers address address address address address
address students students students Peer-on- students students
Teachers address students at at at at peer at at
students at meeting meeting meeting meeting meeting Seminars meeting meeting Teachers a

N O P Q R S T U V W male
Female Male Female Male Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

14-16yrs 14-16yrs 17-19yrs 17-19yrs 17-19yrs 17-19yrs 17-19yrs 20yrs and 20yrs and 17-19yrs 20yrs and

Student Student Student Student Student Student Student Guard Guard Student Guard

Ask him/ he
Tella teacheAsk him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Tell a Teac
Seldom Often Often Seldom Seldom Seldom Often Often Seldom Seldom Often
Monthly Forth NighDaily Forth NighForth NighMonthly Daily Daily Monthly Forth NighDaily
Two Four Four Three Three Two Five Five Two Two Five

Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar Use of Mar

Walls Furniture Furniture Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls Walls
Child cleanSchool popu
Child cleanChild cleanParents areChild cleanSchool popu
School popu
School popu
School popu
School popu

Expression of art Expression Attention Attention Attention Attention Attention Expression Expression Attention

Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty

Bad Bad Bad Bad I haven't t I haven't t Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

People begiThe SchoolPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begi
Teachers a Peer-on-pePeer-on-pePeer-on-peTeachers a Teachers a Teachers a Teachers a Teachers a Peer-on-pePeer-on-pe
Y Z A1 B1 C1 D1
Male Female Male Female Male Female

20yrs and 20yers and20yrs and 20yrs and 20yrs and 20yrs and older

Teacher Teacher Teacher Auxiliary SAuxiliary SAuxiliary Staff

Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ he
Tell a Teach
Ask him/ he
Ask him/ her to stop
Seldom Seldom Often Often Often Often
Monthly Forth NighDaily Daily Daily Daily
Two Four Five Five Five Five

Use of Mar Use of WhiUse of Whiteout EngravivingUse of Marker

Walls Walls Furniture Furniture Furnitre Furniture

School popu
School popu
School popu
School popu
School popu
School population gives donation to fix damage

Expression Expression Expression of art Expression Attention

Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty Its beauty is ruined

Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad

People begiThe SchoolPeople begiPeople begiPeople begiPeople begin to think bad thoughts of the school
Peer-on-peTeachers a Teachers a Teachers a Teachers a Teachers address students at meeting

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