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Name __________________________________________Class


Unit Test 4

Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question.

factory/headquarters/distribution centre / call centre / warehouse / service

centre / outlets/subsidiary

1Just one moment, please. Ill put you through to your


2. As you can see, the smaller components are put together


3.Practically all key decisions are made here.-----------------------------

4.This is where we ship repaired equipment back to


5.Stock levels are just right.-----------------------------

2 supply the adjective in each sentence. The first and the last letters
are given.

6.our marketing department is constantly changing, growing, developing.

Everyone says its the most d--------------------c department in the company.

7.We firmly believe that a d------------------------------d management style

improves motivation. 'Thats why we like to involve a large number of
employees from all parts of our organisation in the decisiontion-making

8.Weve never met the CEO, we know the names of two of the six managers
and we hardly know the people from the other departments. The whole
organisation is extremely i-----------------l.

9Our bosses are not particularly open to new ideas and dont like change.
They are deeply c----------------------------e.

10.We think positively about the future, we support change and welcome new
ideas. In other words, we are a typically p---------------------e organisation

a subsidiary- filia, odzia, przedsibiorstwo

a plant -rolina, fabryka, zakad

a call centre-centrum obsugi klienta

a service centre -punkt serwisowy

headquarters- gwna siedziba

a distribution centre-baza hurtwoa, centrum dystrybucji

a warehouse-magazyn, skad

an outlet-punkt sprzeday po niszych cenach

R&D-dzia bada i rozwoju

Customer Services

Human Resources-zasoby ludzkie (wydzia w firmie zajmujcy si


to draw up a contract - sporzdzi umowe

to issue a press release

a reward-nagradza

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