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Riardo williams


Lesson 1 NOTES

1) You leamr about starting Excel,Title bar, Window Controls, File Tab

Lesson 2

1) You will learn about the Ribbon, Tabs, Groups, Commands, Dialogs

Lesson 3

1) Quick access Toolbar, Status bar, Zoom, SCrool Bars

Lesson 4

1) Formula Bar, Parts of a spreadsheet, Rowa, Colums, Cells <Mouse pointer, Sheet tabs

Lesson 5

1) Entering Data

Lesson 6

1) Editing data

Lesson 7

Alignment, cell rings, bold, italics, underline

Lesson 8

1 Font size, Resize rows and colums, colors

Lesson 9

How formulas work, basic math operations

Lessons 10

Add multiple cells , average, order of operations

Lesson 11 Save load and print

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