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Your Daily Words (Day-3)

furor = commotion
use = the furor over his last film

gait = manner of walking

use = He walked with a slow stiff gait

jovial = Merry
use = He seemed a very jovial chap

novel = new, unique

use = a novel idea

exchequer = government department in charge of the revenues

use = *

felicitous = very appropriate, pertinent

use = He summed up the achievements in one or two felicitous phrases

introspective = looking within oneself

use = introspective songs

nuance = shade of meaning, subtlety

use = Linguists explore the nuances of language

tolerance = capacity to respect different values

use = religious tolerance

degrade = demean
use = don't degrade woman

colloquial = informal speech

use = colloquial speech

elusive = evasive
use = Success, however, remained elusive for her
livid = enraged, reddened with anger
use = He was livid when he found out

correlation = mutual relationship, association

use = There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer

annex = to attach
use = turn left to go to the annex

nuisance = annoyance
use = power failure was a real nuisance

hygienic = sanitary, clean

use = It is not hygienic

hypothetical = theoretical, speculative

use = a hypothetical example

court-martial = military trial

use = he had to face a court-martial for disobeying the commanding officer

circuitous = roundabout
use = a circuitous route

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