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Gateway to growth:

innovation in the oil

and gas industry

Innovation leadership drives growth ............. 1

A solid innovation strategy separates

the best from the rest ...................................... 3

Balancing your innovation portfolio.............. 5

Focusing on talent and culture ...................... 6

Enhancing collaboration ............................... 9

Strengthening innovation processes ............ 11

Measuring success ........................................ 12

Conclusions and key takeaways:

where next for your business?....................... 13

In our work with oil and gas companies we see the importance of innovation
up close every day. Its one sector where process innovation has a dramatic
impact on not just the bottom line of individual companies, but also on
national economies.

For most of our clients, innovation is a core part of their internal culture and
their company mission. Theres no denying that the sector has made some
amazing advances over the past decade, but theres still room to learn from
other industries and the top innovators. Thats where this paper comes in.

There are many challenges involved in creating an innovative culture, but the
Michael Hurley payoffs are high for those companies that make this a priority. Perhaps some of the biggest challenges for oil and gas companies lie in finding the right talent,
pursuing the right partners, and getting the right metrics in place to measure
their innovation progress. We look at these challenges, and what some of the
largest and most innovative oil and gas companies are doing to pursue this
Gateway to growth.

Ross Hunter

Gateway to growth
About this report

Gateway to growth: innovation in the To answer these questions we draw

oil and gas industry is a companion on insights obtained from interviews
paper to PwCs comprehensive report, with the 1,757 C-suite and executive-
Breakthrough innovation and growth. level respondents, across more than
25 countries and 30 sectors, who are
Breakthrough innovation and responsible for overseeing innovation
growth explores the impact that within their company. Our sample
innovation has on growth and included 66 respondents from the oil
examines how leading companies and gas sector in 18 countries.
are making innovation work for their
organisations. The report explores
three key questions:

1. How are companies using

innovation to drive growth and what
is the return on this investment?

2. How are approaches to innovation

changing, particularly in light of
a trend towards more disciplined

3. What are the best practices and

critical success factors that deliver
tangible business results?

Gateway to growth
According to one estimate, in North

Innovation leadership America the typical oil and gas

well has become four times more

drives growth productive in just the last six years.

That reflects decades of research
happening across many fields.

Clearly oil and gas companies are

already doing a lot of things right.
Indeed, the number of patents related
Weve found a clear correlation The increase in shale gas production to extractive industries more than
between innovation and success in is well-known, but its not the only doubled from 2005 to 2010.3 Those
growing revenues across industries. In example. Oil recovery has been with an edge in innovation will have a
Breakthrough innovation and growth, steadily increasing too. The Permian big advantage over their competitors.
we report that over the past three Basin, an area that covers 250 to
years, the most innovative 20% in our 300 miles of west Texas and eastern And decisions on innovation now
study grew at a rate 16% higher than New Mexico in the US, started could have a big impact on results
the least innovative. And in the space producing oil in 1921. Ten years ago, over the long-term. Take biofuels
of only five years, the top innovators its wells were no longer pumping. from algae. Theres been research on
forecast that their rate of growth will But the introduction of new drilling the topic for many years. In Canada,
further increase to almost double the techniques (hydraulic fracturing or a pilot project is being set up as part
global average, and over three times fracking) has created a resurgence of of the Canada Oil Sand Innovation
higher than the least innovative. production over the past three years. Alliance (COSIA) programme. The
Now the Basin accounts for 14% of all bio-refinery will grow algae using
The oil and gas respondents in our US oil production.1 the waste heat and byproducts of the
survey anticipate faster revenue drilling process.
growth than nearly any other sector. Fracking isnt the only new drilling
Some of this growth may come from technique thats having an impact.
energy price increases. But for oil Other advances in horizontal drilling
and gas, that is far from the whole like using a pad to drill multiple
story. The sector has been steadily wells from one site are contributing to
redefining production possibilities. increased productivity and reducing
Technological innovation has made the sectors geographic footprint too.2
it possible to extract fossil fuels that
werent accessible just a decade or two
ago. Oil from bituminous sands, gas from
shalethese are resources that were
considered too difficult or expensive
to access in the past, but theyre now
transforming the marketplace in
North America.

1 3
discovery-in-the-history-of-the-world-cm282232 technology-and-why-you-should-care/

Gateway to growth 1
Innovating for safety

Innovation in the oil and gas industry isnt

only centered around increasing production.
Making sure that operations run safely is
another top priority. That can mean finding
new ways to monitor the integrity of materials
in changing environments or creating new
systems for inspection, maintenance and
repair. And as the industry enters more
challenging environments, innovation to
ensure safety is becoming more vital. Take
deep-sea drilling. Anadarkos CEO has
compared the techniques used to those needed
to put a man on the moon. And some players
in the industry are literally collaborating
with NASA, for example to develop fiber optic
sensing systems that will make off-shore
drilling platforms safer.

Gateway to growth 2
But only about half of these oil and

A solid innovation gas companies say they have a well-

defined strategy and that they are

strategy separates the executing on it. Thats a serious

problem for those without a clear
vision, because execution starts with
best from the rest a sound strategy.

No matter how large or small your

company, its critical to clearly define
Less than half of oil and gas We interviewed companies from your goals for innovation. Where
executives say they have a well- throughout the oil and gas value youre operating in the value chain
chain, including both small companies will have a big impact on what type
defined innovation strategy,
and very large players, operating both of innovation makes the most sense.
compared to 79% of the top upstream (including oil field services) Its important to know what level
innovators across industries. and downstream. Around four-fifths of innovation youre shooting for.
of these oil and gas respondents Too much innovation can be a drain
say innovation is important to their on resources. Too little innovation
business (see Figure 1). For 39% of the and opportunities for growth are
oil and gas executives we interviewed squandered. Once youve got a clear
innovation is already a competitive roadmap, its important to keep
necessity. That figure jumps to 48% evaluating whats working and whats
looking out five years, suggesting that nototherwise the competition may
innovation is vital for every segment catch up faster than you think.
of the industry.
In our view, innovation crosses the
entire enterprise, not just the R&D
function. R&D around technology and
business systems and processes for
upstream companies, or products and
services for downstream companies,
Figure 1: Oil and gas executives view innovation as vital to future success is certainly vital. But its important to
How important is innovation is to the success of your company now? In 5 years time? look for opportunities to grow in areas
like business models and the supply
chain too.
Not at all important
Neither important nor unimportant
Quite important
Very importanta competitive necessity
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Now In 5 years time

Source: PwC, Breakthrough innovation and growth. Base (oil and gas respondents): 66

Gateway to growth 3
Weve identified some fundamental
questions oil and gas executives
need to ask themselves when taking
a closer look at their companys
innovation vision:

1. What balance of innovation

do we need? What ratio of
incremental, breakthrough and
radical? What kinds of innovation
will deliver against the desired
business goals? How should the
different types of innovation be
used across our portfolio?
2. Will our talent pipeline support
future innovation? Are we
actively working to increase
our candidate pool and position
our company as a supportive
environment for top talent? Can
we look outside the sector and
bring in creative thinkers from
other industries?
3. Are we collaborating enough
and with the right partners?
Do we have systems in place to
evaluate the relevance of good
ideas from other industries?
How strong are our strategic
4. Do we have strong enough
innovation processes? Are we
making use of open innovation
or other strategies like corporate
venturing to identify and develop
new relationships and ideas?
5. How will we know success when
we see it? What measurement
systems for innovation are in
place? How well are they working?
Do they support innovation efforts
or stifle them?

Gateway to growth 4
The good news: oil and gas executives

Balancing your are already expecting between

32% and 47% of their innovations

innovation portfolio to be major advances in every area

we looked at with the exception
of products, where innovation
primarily applies to companies
operating downstream. These
levels of breakthrough and radical
innovation are a major departure
Weve found that one of the keys from historic portfolios that generally
to driving growth is to focus on contained 10%20% breakthrough
a balanced innovation portfolio. and radical innovations. This shift
That means finding the right mix to higher levels of breakthrough
of investments in incremental, and radical innovation is one of the
breakthrough and radical innovation important signals of the innovation
across the whole range of innovation transformation that is already
areas. The right mix for oil and gas underway across industries.
companies will depend on where they
are in the value chain.

Figure 2: Oil and gas companies are focusing on radical and breakthrough
innovation in a wide range
How significant will your innovations in the following areas be over the next 3 years?


50% 47% 44%

45% 38% 45%
43% 42%
36% 37% 36%
30% 31%
26% 27%
25% 26%
20% 22% 23%


Products Services Technology Systems and Supply Customer Business
processes chain experience model

Source: PwC, Breakthrough innovation and growth. Base oil and gas: 66; top 20%, 359;
bottom 20%: 395

Gateway to growth 5
Strong leadership and a
Focusing on talent healthy risk tolerance are
top priorities
and culture Innovation culture starts with tone
from the topand thats clearly an
area where the sector is strong. Nearly
three-quarters of oil and gas executives
(74%) say that senior executive
participation in innovation projects is
Nearly every company we spoke with important (see Figure 3). And speeches
found some aspects of innovation by oil and gas executives frequently
challenging. For the oil and gas reference innovation and R&D.
sector, three are at the top of the list:
measurement, talent, and finding the But a strong innovation culture
right partners. Around half of oil and goes well beyond just the C-suite.
gas executives find each of these areas It means giving employees, not just
challenging, and well talk more about senior managers, the opportunity to
each later in this report. But when it participate in high profile projects.
comes to innovation culture, oil and Strong innovators recognise and
gas respondents are more confident. reward their peoples efforts. Here,
Only 36% see it as a challengewell too, most oil and gas executives are
below the rate overall (45%). Is their already convinced.
culture as good as they think?
But the most important element of
Proportion who see developing an fostering an innovative culture? For oil
and gas executives, its developing a
innovation culture as a challenge.
healthy tolerance for risk and failure.

Thats not always easy in an industry

with huge capital investments
36% 45% raising the stakes. But failures
experiments that dont provide the
expected resultsare a natural part
of the innovation process. Sometimes
Oil and gas: Total sample: unexpected results can help show the
way to bigger and better outcomes.
36% 45%
Taking risks is especially important
when it comes to ideas that may lead
to breakthrough or radical change. In
the oil and gas industry, taking risks
and expecting some failures is just a
Indias Reliance Industries Limited takes strong leadership one step part of everyday business. Every time
further. Its established the Reliance Innovation Council to provide a company drills a new well, there is a
the vision to the innovation movement at RIL. The RIC includes the risk that the well will be dry.
companys Chairman & Managing Director, Mukash Ambani, but its
actually headed up by an eminent professor, Dr. Raghunath Anant
Mashelkar, and includes other business and science leaders, including
2 Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry.
Source: Reliance Industries Limited
corporate website

Gateway to growth 6
Figure 3: Oil and gas executives believe the right risk environment, tone from the top and recognition and
rewards are the most important was to build a solid innovation culture
In your organisation, how important are each of the following to creating and fostering an innovative culture?

Fostering an environment where failure and risk are reasonably tolerated

2% 3% 21% 55% 20%
Net challenging: 75%
Senior executives participating in innovation projects
3% 9% 14% 48% 26%
Net challenging: 74%
Recognizing and rewarding innovation initiatives
3% 23% 58% 17%
0% Net challenging: 75%
Having well-defined and accepted processes for innovation
3% 8% 21% 36% 32%
Net challenging: 68%
Offering employees opportunity to lead or participate in high-profile innovation initiatives
5% 6% 21% 45% 23%
Net challenging: 68%
Giving the innovation function equal status to other functional areas
5% 9% 27% 44% 15%
Net challenging: 59%
Setting up internal communities of interest
8% 33% 38% 20%
0% Net challenging: 58%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Not at all important Unimportant Neither important nor unimportant Somewhat important Very important

Source: PwC, Breakthrough innovation and growth. Base: oil and gas: 66: total sample: 1757

Finding todays and But todays market isnt the only that this is a high tech, high value
tomorrows innovators challenge. Demographics are a factor industry which is bringing real
too. Theres a current generation of benefits to people around the world.
Nearly half of oil and gas executives researchers and engineering getting And we must show young people how
say that talent poses a challenge to ready to retireand not enough new exciting and fulfilling a career in
their innovation efforts. Finding graduates in math and sciences coming energy can be.
todays skilled innovators and to take their places.
bringing them on board is one Another way to address the talent
aspect. In our experience, the best BPs reaching out to students in the crunch is by looking outside of the
breakthrough innovators want to be UK too with its Link Programme. industrys traditional disciplines for
recognised as somebody who makes And its working on showing young candidates. That has another benefit:
a differenceto their profession, professionals the benefits of working it helps bring fresh perspectives that
to the company, and sometimes to in the industry. While giving the can recharge innovation efforts. One
the world. That gives oil and gas Fuellers Annual Energy Lecture 2013, CEO of an oil and gas business told
companies with a strong innovation the companys CEO, Bob Dudley, us: We are considering breakthrough
culture and commitment to corporate summed it up this way: while smart and radical innovations, such as what
sustainability an edge. technology matters, smart people our retail sites will look like in 20
matter more. One absolute certainty years time, he says. We are asking
is that the baby-boomer generation is ourselves all kinds of questions about
now retiring and the growing industry the types of customer, products and
In order to progress into the will face a shortage of highly skilled services that should be on offer. This
unknown, we need people who engineers, technologists, geologists may lead to a totally different business
are more transformational in and other professionals. So we model. In order to progress into
urgently need to show young people the unknown, we need people who
their thinking, with backgrounds
around the worldthat this is an are more transformational in their
outside the industry, and who industry with a great future as well as thinking, with backgrounds outside
are not intent on maintaining a great past. We have to demonstrate the industry, and who are not intent
the status quo on maintaining the status quo.

Oil and Gas CEO

Gateway to growth 7
Take Italys Eni. The company has

Enhancing collaboration partnerships with local universities

and the national research council
in Italy. But its collaborating with
Stanford and MIT too.

Looking ahead over the next three

years, respondents say they have
plans to collaborate with a diverse
range of partners from strategic
Innovation doesnt just depend on how partners and suppliers to academics
smart your people are. How well those and even competitors, although thats
smart people connect with other smart still a minority (see Figure 4).
people is just as important. Weve
found that across all sectors, the most External partnerships can have huge
innovative companies collaborate far benefits, but finding the right partner
more often than the least innovative. isnt always easynearly half of oil and
gas executives see it as a challenge.
In the oil and gas sector collaboration
is especially important due to the high Thats not surprising when you
cost and long lead times associated consider how often oil and gas
with oil and gas advancements. Joint companies are working together with
projects between oil majors/super partners outside of their own industry
majors, oil field service operators and core disciplines. Using nuclear
and strategic partners, suppliers or magnetic resonance imaging
universities are becoming the norm originally developed for medical
rather than the exception. And applicationsto map the amount
cooperation is spanning the globe. of oil in rock is now commonplace.
Shell is even working with one of the
Hollywood companies behind the
Figure 4: Oil and gas executives are planning a wide range of collaborations Shrek movies; the company hopes
With which of the following do you have a plan in place to collaborate over the next the collaboration will lead to better
three years to deliver innovative products and services? Yes summary. visualisation of seismic data.4

Strategic partners To solve some of the future challenges

94% of maintaining aging deepwater
facilities, Total is teaming up
Customers with French robotics engineering
85% firm Cybernetix to develop a new
Inspections, Maintenance, Repair
Suppliers (IMR) system called SWIMMER
70% (for Subsea Works Inspection
and Maintenance with Minimum
Environment ROV)5. Its designed to
44% stay underwater for three months and
has a range of 50 km.
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Source: PwC, Breakthrough innovation and growth. Base: oil and gas respondent: 66: total sample:1757

Gateway to growth 8
And oil services company
Schlumberger is partnering with
Saint-Gobain on crystallography and
with Lockheed Martin on advanced
computing, as just two examples of
the companys many partnerships.

In Houston, Texas, the oil and gas

Innovation Center, a subscriber
service for petroleum companies,
profiles technologies developed in
other industries that have crossover
applicability in the petroleum industry.

Highlighted technologies fit into the

following categories:

Coatings & Materials

Communications & Power
Filtration & Fluids
Health, Safety & Environment
Inspection & Monitoring
Motion Control

In Brazil, the government is making

billions of dollars of funding available
to help promote research that will
spur offshore oil exploration. The
government is counting on developing a
robust oilfield services industry locally.
State-owned oil major Petrobras is
playing a leading role. It has established
a research center thats attracted
participation from Baker Hughes,
Schlumberger and Halliburton.6


Gateway to growth 9
And some companies are opening

Strengthening up their innovation process. Shells

GameChanger programme which

innovation processes combines elements of open innovation,

incubators and corporate venturing (see
Changing the innovation game at Shell),
is by far the best-known example.

Statoil has also launched an Innovate

portal that hosts innovation challenges
Almost seven in ten (69%) of the oil About a third of oil and gas and also accepts free-form ideas. To help
and gas executives in our study believe respondents say that open innovation potential participants the company has
that having well-defined innovation is the approach with the most set up a discussion group on Linked in.
processes is important for establishing potential to drive revenues. But what Thats helped improve both the quality
an innovative culture. But, what does a does open innovation really mean and quantity of submissions.8
well-defined process look like? for oil and gas companies, where
technology is often proprietary? Schlumbergers Executive Vice
Effective innovation processes are President of Technology, Ashok Belani,
iterative, beginning with the collection In some cases, companies are joining points to software platforms as one
of ideas and progressing through stages consortia to solve tough problems. place where open innovation is already
of idea prioritisation, experimentation In Canada, the Canada Oil Sands happening in the oil and gas industry.
and decision-making about which ideas Innovation Alliance (COSIA) is a He says For example, when we give a
should be commercialised and ending great example of a joint approach to Petrel platform to Shell or Petrobras,
with the delivery and monetisation improving the sectors environmental our software platform has to provide
of the innovation. When it works impact. Launched in March, 2012, not only the required functionality
well, this process allows for the rapid COSIA now includes 14 companies. and user interface but also, more
development of successful ideas, and Through COSIA, participating importantly, it has to have extensibility
the fast failure of bad ones. companies capture, develop and or interoperability with their systems,
share the most innovative approaches allowing new innovation to happen in
For the upstream segment of the and best thinking to improve that oil and gas company. It can also
oil and gas sector, where capital environmental performance in the oil plug in applications from other vendors
investments are often long-term and sands, focusing on tailings, water, land and companies. That is an example
some ideas take extensive research and greenhouse gases. of open innovation.9 Belani also
before they bring results, finding believes the trend will soon extend to
the right amount of fast failure COSIA reports that to date, member hardware. He sees a future where oil
gets more complicated. For many companies have shared 446 distinct rigs themselves become open systems.
companies, partnering is an essential technologies and innovations that Different suppliers will be able to plug in
part of the process. cost over $700 Million to develop.7 systems that work together seamlessly.
And thats increasing as the alliance
To make breakthrough innovations matures.Some 180 projects are moving
happen, companies are looking to forward under the alliance, which has
a variety of innovation operating a staff of 20 engineers and scientists
models such as open innovation and acts as a planning hub.
(collaboration with outside partners),
design thinking (looking at the need
from an anthropologists perspective),
corporate venturing and incubators
(small groups of intrapreneurs that
use rapid prototyping).

7 8
company/spirit-values/teamwork/Pages/collaboration- and-even-more-hard-work-ahead/#more-807
in-the-oil-sands.aspx 9

Gateway to growth 10
Changing the innovation to them, including collaborating How does it work?
game at Shell more with venture capital firms and
conferences and special events to reach In its current incarnation,
Open innovation platform? Angel more Small-to-Medium enterprises. GameChanger is driven by a central
investor? Incubator? Shells renowned team that crosses the whole business.
GameChanger programme combines Shortly after, they started organising Ideas are submitted either via the
elements of all three. GameChanger domains to give the process more companys web platform or internally
was born back in the mid 90s, structure. These were broadly and receive a sponsor. Members of
during a down cycle in the oil and conceived, using a variety of lenses. the GameChanger team hear the
gas industry. There was significant That helped the company increase the idea and decide whether it should be
pressure on R&D costsbut Shells connection between the bottoms up developed into a formal proposal.
leadership wanted to make sure the ideas developed through GameChanger At the next stage, the proposal goes
company didnt lose sight of ideas that and the top down strategic intent of the to an extended panel that includes
would drive business over the long- firm. The result? Improved quality of three members of the GameChanger
term. GameChanger was modeled projects in the portfolio. team and three technical experts in
after the Silicon Valley ecosystem, relevant areas. They evaluate and
for example by including peer review Since 1996 the programme has decide on the proposal on the spot.
and early experimentation as an invested over $250 million in more If approved, the next step is funding
essential part of the process. than 3,000 ideas, turning around the proof-of-concept experiment
300 into commercial projects that programme, where it gets periodically
In 2002, Shell started establishing are helping Shell deliver more energy reviewed. And once the idea is shown
partnerships with universities in to customers today. One technology to work, GameChanger will help
the US and Europe as part of the developed through GameChanger commercialise the idea too.
GameChanger programme. They swellable rubber sealsincreased oil
Sources: Shell website, http://www.
started reaching out for ideas, instead recovery by 1.5 million barrels within
of waiting for innovators to come three years. game-changer

For the oil and gas sector, corporate offer a chance to invest in technologies
venturing is another important trend. which may radically disrupt the
Chevron, BP, Shell, ConocoPhillips, industry without committing extensive
and others all have major corporate internal resources. Some of these
venturing arms. Investing in small companies are backing traditional
start-ups is another way that sector cleantech or energy-focused venture
companies are hedging their bets funds too. Its not just the IOCs that are
and increasing their exposure to a using corporate venturingNOCs like
wide range of technologies, across Eni SpA, SaudiAramco and Statoil are
industries. And theyre also helping getting into the game too.
to balance the innovation portfolio
for some companies. Small start-ups

Gateway to growth 11
In our view, the true measure of

Measuring success innovation success cannot only be

seen through a financial lens. Leading
companies define measurements that
go well beyond the traditional ROI.
In oil and gas, tracking patents is one
standard metric. Other qualitative
approaches can be valuable too.
Shells VP for Technology Strategy
says she views the ability to attract
On average the oil and gas companies the best partners as the real measure
we interviewed actually spend a of success.10
smaller percentage of their revenues on
innovation than do companies across Italys Eni has developed a
the sample as a whole. But according comprehensive approach to
to R&D magazine, the energy industry measuring the effectiveness of their
will still spend nearly $16 billion on R&D programme.11 Different business
R&D in 2013 units focus on different types of
innovation, and these are reflected in
Clearly, tracking success is critical. the companys KPIs. The companys
But what aspects of innovation need metrics are divided into four
to be measured? What are reasonable categoriesvalue generated (both
targets? These are two questions that tangible and intangible), portfolio
continue to perplex executiveshalf efficiency and effectiveness, project
of oil and gas respondents say that efficiency and effectiveness, and
having the right metrics is a challenge strategic alignment. One example of
for their companies. tangible value is capex savings. This
metric quantifies savings on capital
costs (capex) achieved by applying
the innovative technology instead
of the best alternative technology
available on the shelf. More intangible
metrics include patents, publications,
As innovation portfolios diversify, metrics and transfer of know-how to other
for breakthrough and truly radical business units.
innovations need to change to reflect the
new processes and types of value.


Gateway to growth 12
Look beyond R&D. Investing in

Conclusions and key research and development is an

important part of innovation, but its

takeaways: where next far from the whole story. The energy
sector is leading when it comes
to making big improvements in
for your business? process and systems, but oil and gas
companies need to make sure that
theyre paying attention to fostering
innovation in areas like business
Theres no disputing the fundamental models, products and customer
role innovation has played in the experience (for downstream) and
oil and gas industry. Technological the supply chain too.
innovation has had a profound effect
on all aspects of the supply chain. Focus on people. The executives
Advances ranging from 3-D and we surveyed say it can be hard to
4-D seismology to improvements get and keep the right people on
in distillation and isomerization to board to make innovation happen.
liquefaction and regasifaction have To cope, oil and gas companies need
had a profound impact on the way to find creative ways to attract new
companies explore, drill, produce, recruits. And they need to make
process and distribute oil and gas. The sure they have a strong innovation
future will hold many more advances, culture that supports top talent.
as energy companies begin to examine
nanotechnology, biotechnology, and Work together with the right
sustainable chemistry solutions. partners, across industries.
Finding the right external partners
Companies with an innovation is a challenge for many of the
edge will have a strong competitive executives we surveyed. But its
advantage. What can you do to make vitalparticularly given the oil
sure your company is a leader and not and gas industrys strong history
a laggard? as a technology integrator.
Drilling two miles down under the
Know where you want to go and ocean requires as much technical
how youll get there. Innovation sophistication as sending a man
in the oil and gas industry requires into space. Joint projects between
careful planning and a clearly oil majors/super majors, oil field
defined strategy. According to our service operators and strategic
survey, the oil and gas industry partners, suppliers or universities
lags the top innovators in terms of are becoming the norm rather than
having a defined strategy. the exception. Often these are part
of open innovation initiatives, but
corporate venturing is having a
renaissance too.

Carefully measure success. That

What can you do to make sure your means developing the right KPIs for
company is a leader and not a laggard? different types of innovation and
business units. And while looking at
innovation through a financial lens is
important, so are other perspectives.

Gateway to growth 13
Want to find out more?
Rob Shelton David Percival
Global Innovation Strategy Lead Global Client Innovation Lead

For help and advice with your innovation strategy and process, please contact one of
our innovation leaders or our oil and gas sector team.

Sector contacts:

UK Austria Mexico
Ross Hunter Gerhard Prachner Guillermo Pineda
+44 20 7804 4326
India Spain
Michael Hurley Deepak Mahurkar Manuel Martin Espada
+ 44 20 7804 4465
Russia & Central and China
Africa Eastern Europe Gavin Chui
Uyi Akpata Richard Pollard
Middle East
Francophone Africa Brazil Paul Navratil
Emmanuel Lebras Marcos Panassol
United States
Netherlands Italy Niloufar Molavi
Jeroen van Hoof Giovanni Poggio

Australia South Africa Please contact one of our

Jock OCallaghan Chris Bredenhann innovation leaders, or else visit our website:
Germany Canada
Norbert Schwieters Reynold Tetzlaff We look forward to speaking to you.

Norway France
Ole Martinsen Philippe Girault

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2013 PwC. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see for
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