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Matthew Sehayek & Sean Liu

Justin Trudeau - Leader of Liberal Party
Born: December 25, 1971
Father: Pierre Trudeau
Children: Ella-Grace Margaret Trudeau,
Xavier James Trudeau, Hadrien Trudeau
Education: University of British Columbia,
McGill University, and Universit De Montral
Teacher: French and math in Vancouver
Advocate: Conferences, events for youth
and environmental issues.
Background Info
The liberal party was founded in 1867 by George Brown.

The liberals are currently on center left political spectrum.

Ideology is based on equality and liberty.

A total of 21 members had power in the government and 6 of them

were interims.
Liberal Highlights

1940 Unemployment Insurance

Unemployed citizens get financed by the government. The amount of money the get
is determined by how long they have been working and their income.

1966 Universal Medicare

Allows all Canadian citizens to obtain health care services of high quality.

1969 Official Languages Act

Makes English and French official languages in Canada with equal status.
Liberal Highlights
1982 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Everyone in Canada has civil rights and certain political rights from policies and
actions of all levels of government.

1997 Canada Child Tax Benefit

In order to prevent and reduce child poverty, low income families with children
that are 18 years of age or younger at given $500 per child.

2005 Civil Marriage Act

Legalizes same sex marriage.
Justice and Human Rights
Human rights is a combination of liberal law, morality, and politics. The liberals
perception of human rights and freedom takes into the big picture and all aspects
not an individuals values.
At a federal level, the Liberals are willing to spend the money now and plan on
paying debt later.
The End

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