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Campus Listening Session

Monday, 13 March 2017

Rules of engagement
Express yourself civilly.
Aim for 2-minute limit.
Please listen respectfully without interruption.
If youve spoken once, please let others speak
before speaking again.
Fill out a card if you dont want to speak.
No recording or photos. Please respect privacy of
individuals speaking today.
Q: Access to building and additional training
1:1 training with Desk Attendants
Altered disciplinary actions for failure to comply with policies
and procedures
Must have attended training prior to working future shift
Signed acknowledgment of policies and procedures after

Q: Did anything go out to students about access

Currently auditing desk policies and procedures
Developing communication plan
Wing meetings
Q: Security protocols updated faster and relayed to
Q: What leads us to rape culture at UMKC? Disregard to
reports of sexual harassment/threats. Ignored after
reporting. How do we report back? What will be done so
that we feel safe?
Title IX Office available to take reports on incidents and follow
up with accused. Work in partnership with VPR, Womens
Center, and UMKC Police
Q: Victim of sexual harassment. Met with Title IX Office
and spoke with Mikah Thompson and resources available
on campus. Concern about what rape culture is and host
discussions on campus
Womens Center & VPR has robust agenda of programming,
but struggle with student attendance. Asked for assistance with
getting more students to attend. Follow on social media and
share events.
11 am session on masking rape culture in 105 Haag Hall.
Invite to classroom for discussions or presentations
Green Dot Program. Can schedule facilitator to go to
classroom or student group on how to become active in ending
Q: Creation of Student Accountability Board to bridge
connections between students, administrators, and faculty.
Q: Confusion regarding implemented policies in residence
halls, particularly when accessing hall from other areas
beyond front desk. Green Dot should be a requirement to go
to classrooms. Require PSA during orientations regarding
sexual assault.
Do host PSAs during orientations and every student receives Sexual
Violence Resource Guide. Speak to parents/guests to know of
expectations and resources in partnership with UMKC Police.
Not Anymore training sent electronically prior to arriving on campus
Whats next conversation must include students, faculty, and staff
Q: Would like to see additional staffing in Violence
Prevention and Response. Difficult to be responsive to
campus with only two staff. Request for additional
volunteers or work study students.
Q: Terminology and definition of rape culture
Sexual assault occurs every two minutes in US.
Culture has focus on victim blaming phrases and activities
Need to change conversation to training and stop crimes from
happening (bystander intervention)
Connection with gender equity in US
Q: Silence around rape that cannot be allowed. Request
to be more open about communication across campus
and transparency moving forward. Reflect on what
happened and do better in the future.
Q: Ideas, thoughts, attitudes that contribute to culture.
Policy tied to on-the-ground impact versus on pamphlets
Q: Res Life security. Does not apply to Honors College
Q: Funding for programs and increase in administrator
salaries. Confusion on division of budget. Listening
Session today not considered transparent due to media
not being included. Conversation should not stop after
this session.
Q: Use of student voice and require support. Not a one-
day event. Occupy identity every day. Request for more
engagement by students from students. Build
relationships with RAs, SGA execs, and others who can
make policy changes. Shaping for future students. Need
for more proactive conversations. Build relationships with
Q: Was saddened to see video from student perspective.
When you become active, you gain influence. Share the
table. Are we upset because we didnt get to protest after
it happened or that there was a victim?
Q: SGA hosting multiple meetings with other SGAs and
administrators. SGA meeting tonight at 6 pm in SGA
Chambers (Student Union). Are we owning this? Need
volunteers and leaders. More administrators present than
students. Trust gap exists between students and
administrators. Safety on campus beyond residence halls
needs to be addressed.

Q: Owning and continuing conversation as students. Student

power to direct peer-to-peer results.
Q: What are some of the roadblocks in place for personnel
reasons, campus investigations, timing? Helpful for
understanding. Disruptive students in the classroomdifficult
to have student removed from class. Discuss why that is
Student Conduct and Case Management Team share information
regarding student behavior/threat
Progressive discipline for students who engage in threatening
behavior or language
Most instances are in the moment and de-escalate. When pattern
occurs, progressive disciplinary action is taken.
Q: Timing
Timing was disappointing.
Still an active investigation
Examining what we could have done differently and Chancellor has
expressed his expectations moving forward
Q: What determinations go into place regarding security
First concern was well-being of the victim. Second concern was
apprehension of the victim. Knew where respondent was and was
able to make rapid arrest.
Cleary Act. Active threat where community members may be in
jeopardy. This was not judged to be the same. Person who
committed act was pursued. Students were not in danger of further
Q: Student Accountability Board. Help define what is a
security issue. Rally had list of demands shared with
Meeting scheduled after this meeting to discuss demands and
identify gaps and further conversation
Q: Heard about event from media. Still should have been
message sent out to community, including personal
awareness. Communication is key in this situation and
future incidents.
Q: We need to expand Green Dot, and take it seriously
as a university. VPR is willing to do the work, they just
need to be backed up.
Q: Who is this crime not a threat to? As a woman, I felt a
sense of fear after this. Not from that man, but from the
crime. Take the time after the crime to remind people how
to be safe, report, and intervene. Take our fears seriously.
Q: If the administration truly wants to make a greater
cultural change, it should dedicate the funds necessary to
do soparticularly for Womens Center and VPR.
More staff (students, graduate assistants, and full-time staff)
Better / larger office space
Q: Other ways students can have influence beyond
Accountability Board. Become familiar with process
before familiar with content. News media focus on
perpetrator as an illegal immigrant than on the victim.
Q: Is there a place to voice opinions after Town Hall
Meeting? Forum? Website?
Will develop a mechanism for further comments, thoughts,
suggestions, and questions.
Contact Womens Center and they will distribute accordingly
Call Help Line at 816-235-2222
Next Steps:
Summary of conversation
Responses will come around Spring Break

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