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Well, in my opinion that's Desmond Doss.

He was a United States Army corporal

who served as a combat medic with an infantry company in World War II. His story
begins when he was little boy growing up near Lynchburg, Virginia and one day
while playing with his younger brother, he nearly killed him. Since that moment his
main belief become one of God's commands: Do not kill, so he spent his days
around church studing bible and helping people.

When the war begun, he was in his early 20-ies, and since every young man in his
town joined army he wanted to do it too, because he thought that it wouldn't be fair
for someone to fight while he's at home. His family, girlfriend and friends were
against it, but he did it anyway. In army, he succesfully passed his trainings, all but
one about handling weapons. He refused carrying any firearm in the battles. He
even went on trial for that, but in the end his superiors let him go to the battles as
medic, without any firearm. All his collages in army thought he was coward, but
when he saved 75 solders during the Battle of Okinawa, they all changed their
minds, and they were very happy to have him with them. He didn't just help his
allies, he also helped Japanese soldiers who were wounded. After that battle he
became the first conscientious objector to receive the Medal of Honor for actions
above and beyond the call of duty. He is also the only conscientious objector to
receive the medal during World War II. He died in 2006. and last year there was
made a movie about him, called Hacksaw Ridge.

I think this was very brave, he stood up for his beliefs when everyone was against
him, he knew he was different but he wanted to prove them wrong. He wanted to
prove that he can do it in his own way, and he did. He maybe didn't changed history
in the way like some great inventors or leaders did, but he definitely deserves to be
mentioned because he didn't wanted to change himself, he stayed human in the
time when everybody forgot what humanity actually is.

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