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Gianmarco Garcia


Literature-Period 8

15 March 2017

Environmental degradation

Human impact has caused Environmental degradation which is the deterioration or

destruction of our planet. It has brought us the destruction of our ecosystems because we have

contaminated lakes and oceans. We also have damaged lots of biodiversity in our environment.

It's also the largest threats the world has ever seen which can bring consequences to our

planet.This something similar to the book FEED where in the future is much worst.

Environmental degradation can bring environmental issues like air pollution which

pollutes the air and brings health issues. Same for water pollution that can be contaminated and

bring serious health problems including the sea animals that could die from this. Clearing land is

also another human impact which accelerating many parts of the world. This can also lead to

climate change which can affect us and many other species. Many countries around the world

want to stop this, but in the story FEED shows that in the future is much different.

In the story FEED the main character Titus is in the near future of America where

technology has advanced so much that 70% of the population has a mini computer in their brain.

American people in the future have no clue what really is happening around world because the

U.S government does not want the people to know the truth. Earth in the future is in edge of

destruction because the government has destroyed so many trees and has contaminated the

oceans. In the story it states The United States is about to face down some creepy worldwide
organization called The Global Alliance so they can annex the moon and get clear of all the

South American villages they've covered with toxic black sludge? It also states that U.S

government had cut down a large number of trees.

Today we are still struggling on how we can reverse did mess before it gets worse. In

China pollution has brought serious consequence in the environment. They say Apparently,

Chinas production is not profitable enough to cover up remedial cleanup and pollution costs,

this shows that the problem is getting worse not just China. The Philippines, India, Nigeria,

Pakistan, United States and many more countries are have this problem. People then move to

other countries because the government's are doing little things to stop this.

This is why we must stop environmental degradation so this way in the near future we

won't have the same problem as in the book FEED. We must stop deforestation and pollution

to save our planet. It can bring destruction to our ecosystem which can lead deterioration in our

planet. If we reverse this or stop this we won't need to worry about global warming and the

destruction of animal habitats. So let's not repeat this and save our world.


Causes and Effects of Environmental Degradation." Conserve Energy Future. N.p., 24 Dec. 2016.
Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

Ms3. "Consequences of Pollution and Environmental Degradation in China." Mirrorspectrum. N.p.,

n.d. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

Milman, Oliver. "Rate of Environmental Degradation Puts Life on Earth at Risk, Say Scientists."
The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 15 Jan. 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2017.

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