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The First Book of the Merciful Nun

By Charmbrights

Charmbrights. All rights reserved. The author has asserted moral rights under sections
77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between any of the characters depicted herein and
any real person, living or dead is wholly a matter of Nature imitating Art. There is not, and
never was, a College of Correction and Redemption, or any similar establishment. The city
of Dublin portrayed in this novel is not the one in Ireland in the early part of the twentieth
Chapter 1 Childhood
There was nothing special about little Anne Tynan, she was a typical daughter of a poor
Dublin family who lived in the maze of little streets between Pill Lane and the Quays, in the
middle of the nineteenth century. Still a virgin, as any good Catholic girl was almost certain
to be, she married at eighteen and moved in to live with her husband Stephen ODriscoll in
his mothers little terraced house. Sex was a painful surprise on her wedding night, for not
even her mother had told her any of the facts of life. All the instruction she had received was
that she was to obey her husband in everything. While sex soon stopped being painful, never
in her whole marriage to Stephen did she get any pleasure from it; it was just something he
did to her every night without fail, under the covers, in the dark, in the one position. It lasted
a few uncomfortable minutes and then he rolled off her and was snoring within moments,
while she lay there and leaked.
Anne had her plans for her children, which were the usual dreams of any mother then. Her
sons would be brilliant, and one would work in a bank, which for her was the height of
ambition. Another would become a priest. Others would have equally brilliant careers. Over
the first four years she bore five daughters and no sons. This was, of course, Gods will and
Anne did not question it. In any case the children were not brilliantly clever; even she could
see that.
Their fourth daughter, named Molly, was a quiet child who seemed little different from the
others, until one day when she was three, Anne found her staring intently at a Bible, which
she was holding upside down.
What are you doing with that? she asked the child.
Nothing, mammy, replied the child, I was only looking at the story.
What story?
See here mammy, it says this man was thrown into the lye-owns den. Whats a lye-own,
Anne took it as a sign from heaven when she confirmed that her daughter could read a good
few of the words in the bible, self-taught. She could only read upside down, since she had
learned by watching her mother read the bible from the other side of the table. However, she
read silently and swiftly, unlike Anne, who had to keep her finger on her place as she read,
and say the words aloud, or she got lost.
From that day onwards it was decided that Molly would enter a convent and become a nun.
If that were not the divine intention, Anne explained to Stephen, why would she have
been taught to read by a miracle?
Stephen was run over by a passing carriage when Molly was five, and Anne stayed in the
house with her mother-in- law, eking out a bare living by taking in washing from the soldiers
in Kilmainham Barracks. Two years later she met a fifteen year old boy soldier called Rory
OCallaghan when he started to act as runner at the barracks, carrying washing too and from
the barracks.
She was not yet thirty, but thought of herself as an old widow woman. Rory was lonely, a
boy soldier many miles away from home, and she treated him like the son she never had.
There was always hot soda bread to be had when he brought the washing, and he liked that.
The volume of washing coming in to the little house grew steadily through his influence.
Most of the soldiers for whom he was the runner cared little who did their laundry, so he
brought all he could to Anne and she prospered. As she was conscientious about her work,
and made minor repairs to frayed shirts at no charge, so the word spread and she was soon
making a comfortable living.
Rory was posted away, but still the work came to their little house. The new runner was a
rude boy, so he got no soda bread, and no sympathy. The main recipient of the benefits
brought by the extra income was little Molly, who was enrolled with the nuns at the little
school near the Nelson Pillar, just off Sackville Street. They, in their turn, reduced the fees
when it was clearly understood that the child was to become a nun.
Three years away in England had turned Rory into a real soldier, filled out his frame and put
a big smile on his face. When he knocked at Annes door one evening, she didnt recognise
him until he asked if she had made soda bread that morning.
They talked for hours, but about what Anne could not have said. Somehow it was nice to
have a man around and, to tell the truth, she had been short of adult company since Stephens
mother had died of bronchitis the previous winter. The five girls were shy and in any case
were soon packed off to bed.
Then it was time for Rory to go; he had to be back at the barracks by midnight. As he went
to the door, he turned and suddenly kissed Anne. You dont know how long Ive waited to
do that, he said.
Go on with you, she chided him, Its not respectab le.
I want to marry you, he said, Ive always dreamed of marrying you.
Away with you. You were only a child when last you were here.
Rory was not taught to give up at the first set back when he was trained in soldiering. Soon
he was spending all his free time with Anne and her girls. Soon it was normal for them to
kiss as he left to go back to barracks. Soon Anne found she missed him on the days when he
could not visit.
His persistence was phenomenal; every single visit, his parting words were, Anne, will you
marry me?
Then one day he seemed much more serious than usual.
Whats the matter? asked Anne.
Ive all of a week as leave due, he said, And Im thinking that it would make a fine
honeymoon, but I cant work out who could look after the girls.
Their wedding night was a revelation for Anne. Rory was gentle and tender and used his
hands and tongue in ways that Stephen would never have thought of in a million nights. She
had her first orgasm, and her second, and her third, and those were before he slipped gently
inside her now sopping wet vagina.
A side effect of this marriage was that Molly was sent to live in the convent at the tender age
of ten. There were a few other girls there, orphans mostly, and they were quieter than her
sisters. The best thing from Mollys point of view was that she had her own tiny room. For
the first time in her life she could sleep with nobody else snivelling, snoring or disturbing her.
She could sit quietly reading, her favourite occupation, without being disturbed.
At sixteen she became a Postulant, at seventeen a Novice, and when she was eighteen Anne
and Rory sat proudly in the Public section of the divided chapel and heard her profess her
vows before the Bishop and take the veil as Sister Lucia in the first year of the new century.
Annes conversation for weeks afterwards with her friends was larded with frequent
references to Sister Lucia, my daughter you know, or My daughter, the Bride of Christ.
Chapter 2 Sister
As a fully professed Sister in the Convent, Sister Lucia was totally under the control of the
Mother Superior, who could invoke the rules of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience to justify
almost any orders she might see fit to give. It was soon clear to Sister Lucia that Obedience
was regarded, by the Mother Superior if not by the Church, as the greatest of these three.
Her entire life was ruled by the prayers of the Breviary, each at their ordained hour. The day
started, often before sunrise, with Matins; this was followed by Prime; then Terce; then Sext;
then None. As the names implied, these were at pre-ordained intervals of three hours through
the day. Finally, Vespers ended the day. As a Novice, attendance at all of these services had
been expected; as a Sister of the order the only possible e xcuse for non-attendance was if the
Sister Infirmarian decreed that a Sisters attendance was a grave danger to her own, or the
other Sisters health. Even then, Mother Superior regarded it as a grave omission, to be
expiated only by extra prayer after the invalid recovered.
Thus the Sisters day was some eighteen hours long, and sleep was permitted only in the
remaining six hours. Between the services in the gaps of two hours or so, all the work of the
Convent was to be done. Sister Lucia spent most of that time on her knees, scrubbing the flag
stones of the Convent floor, in the other Sisters cells as well as in the common areas. It took
three of the Sisters working full time to scrub the entire Convent every day, which was
essential, according to Mother Superior.
Promotion would come as each new Sister professed her vows. Sister Lucia could look
forward to rising through the duties from floor scrubbing to the laundry, and thence to the
kitchen as an assistant to the lay woman who was the paid cook. Beyond that, there was little
for which she was fitted, since she had no training in medicine, theology, or teaching.
Envy, she knew, was a sin, but she harboured a secret wish to be allowed to teach the little
girls in the Convent School. Surely, she wondered, I could at least teach the littlest ones to
read and write?
Poverty and Chastity had never been a problem for Sister Lucia. In her entire life she had
never owned anything of value, so Poverty was simply a fact of life, and not a deprivation.
As a live- in student at the Convent School from the age of ten, she had had no contact with
men for many years, and certainly not since the onset of puberty. The gory details of
monthly flow and its control were explained to her by the Sister Infirmarian when she
complained of bleeding the first time. The explanation she was given would have been
wildly inadequate for any girl in the outside world, ignoring all aspects but the physical, and
explaining the phenomenon as a curse placed on women by God at the expulsion from the
Garden of Eden. The reproductive aspects were simply ignored.
The other girls in the School, those who lived outside with their families, had given her a
highly inaccurate version of the facts of life, but that was the limit of her knowledge when
Marie joined the Convent as a Novice.
Chapter 3 Admired
Marie Donovan was an unusual Novice, in that she had never been to the Convent School.
She came from a rich family, and had been educated by a tutor who visited her family home
three times a week to teach her, and her siblings, such things as it was deemed appropriate for
a well-to-do young woman to learn in preparation for a good marriage.
Marie had, of course, fallen in love with this young man, and they had progressed as far as
stolen kisses when her father discovered the relationship. The tutor was sacked and Marie
was told in no uncertain terms that she was to marry a widower forty years older than herself,
who was an important customer of her fathers tannery. The prospect of marriage to an old
man was not to her liking, but the idea of becoming step- mother to a man and woman, both
ten or more years older than herself and both still living at home, was intolerable.
She rebelled and for a week the row raged between her and her father.
He finally solved his problem of a wayward and uncooperative daughter by threatening her
with a Convent. She responded by saying that would be preferable to the proposed marriage.
He called her bluff and she was sent to join the Convent as a Novice.
Sister Lucia had been a full Sister for some two years when Marie joined them, and was
regarded as one of the steadiest and most reliable of the younger Sisters, so the Mother
Superior assigned her the duty of schooling the new Novice in all the aspects of the Convent
which were new to her, a task which Sister Lucia embraced with joy, as her current duties in
the kitchen seemed to consist of peeling endless piles of potatoes, and then washing up
endless piles of dirty dishes.
Chapter 4 Coming Together
Within a week, Sister Lucia began to realise the enormity of the task. Marie had no
knowledge whatever of the religious life, and little enough of the rudiments of her religion.
The endless patience and good nature of the older girl meant that Marie was hopelessly
besotted with her in a school girl crush within a month.
One evening they were discussing life as a nun and Sister Lucia pointed out that once having
taken her final vows, a nun was committed for life to the convent. At this Marie burst into
tears and Sister Lucia naturally drew the unhappy postulant to her to offer comfort; Maries
hand somehow came to rest on Sister Lucias habit just over her right breast, but the good
sister ignored that, assuming it was accidental.
The positioning of that hand was no accident; Marie had rather more knowledge of sexual
matters than most of the Convents inhabitants, and had experimented with her older sister
for some time prior to her siblings marriage. Sister Lucia was inevitably unable to resist the
advances of the young Novice, which quickly passed from accidental touches to overt
stroking of breasts and from innocent pecks to full-blooded kissing. By the time three
months had passed they were in a firm lesbian relationship, based on Maries crush and Sister
Lucias ignorant fascination with the pleasures Marie could give her during their study
sessions in the Sisters cell. Tongues were used on each others clitoris and vaginal
entrances. Fingers were insinuated into orifices. Wide open mouths met and provided a
playground for duelling.
As a novice, Marie slept in a dormitory, but the Sister with the responsibilities of Novice
Mistress was old, and slept very soundly, so it was not difficult for Marie to slip out of the
dormitory and visit Sister Lucia at night, hoping they co uld have an hour or two of mutual
fingering and kissing before she crept back to the dormitory.
Chapter 5 Sins Of The Spirit
Heather OHagan was a quiet girl, a studious girl, but above all an obedient girl. She was
rarely admonished, and never chastised as she always tried to do what she was told by her
parents, by her teachers, and above all by the Priest. Her childish confessions rarely moved
to anything more serious than envy, though on occasion she admitted telling the odd white
lie, and occasionally to being nasty to one of her six younger siblings.
Father Creggan was a very old man, and even older in spirit than in years; however it was
not a fashionable parish and there was little sign of a replacement until Father Reilly came
along as curate, specifically asking for this parish as he had been born and brought up in the
area. He was also ambitious and thought that he could make his mark in an environment
where the parish affairs were very run down, because the elderly priest simply could not
cope. Indeed, Father Creggan welcomed the young man and told him within a week of his
arrival that he had a completely free hand; after that evening the old man rarely left the
manse except to go into the church for his daily office.
Father Reilly quickly became a great favourite among the younger women, and they vied for
his attention, him being what was known as well set-up. He was tall and well-built, having
played rugby for his University in his younger days, which were not so long ago. The
confessional was supposed to be anonymous, but with only two priests it was obvious which
one was hearing confessions on any particular day, and the women seemed to have rather
more sins when it was Father Reilly. Some of their sins were explained to him in more detail
than to the older priest; it is doubtful if the old mans heart would have stood the strain of
hearing some of the more lurid sins, though they were always by way of impure thoughts,
rather than deeds.
The childrens confessions were, of course, simpler and les s imaginative than those of the
young married women. Heather was no exception, and Father Reilly might not have noticed
her had she not had a beautiful singing voice. When it came to selecting a St. Lucia for the
annual procession, there was little doubt in the young priests mind where his choice would
lie. That was how it started.
The child was beautiful and yet, and yet, she was not quite still a child; at sixteen she was in
the first flush of being a beautiful young woman as her jet black hair, worn usually in two
long plaits, emphasised the fair complexion and sky blue eyes. Father Reilly saw her at her
home one evening when he visited to sort some trivial details of the procession; her hair was
flowing freely and her everyday clothes did nothing to hide her fast developing figure. As
she brought him some tea, then turned away and showed a tight but plump behind to him, he
felt a twinge between his legs that he had kept firmly repressed for some years.
That night in bed he had a dream in which he disrobed the girl-woman and beneath the
childish clothes he discovered the body of a fully adult woman who welcomed him into her
bed and into her body. Then he woke up lying in a sticky mess. As he lay feeling very
foolish, he realised that he was totally besotted with the emerging woman he had perceived in
the girl who still thought of herself as a child. He was horrified to find himself seeking ways
and means which would allow him to spend time with her alone.
There were many opportunities for a priest, automatically wholly trusted, to be alone with the
child of a parishioner, or to be with her when only other children were present. Heathers
parents were pleased when she was asked to help with the bible teaching for the little ones,
and when she was invited to sing in the choir. These activities afforded Father Reilly many
opportunities to watch the girl without it looking odd, and very beautiful he found the
experience as he watched her grow and flower into young womanhood. For two long years
the priest managed to keep himself in check; he made no move to touch the girl, much less to
indulge his ever more vivid fantasies.
Chapter 6 Sins Of The Flesh
Then it was Heather herself who suggested that some tuition in singing techniques would not
come amiss. She had realised that she actually had a good voice, and that money could be
made as a singer; furthermore, a trained voice would be more saleable than an untrained one.
It was some weeks into the singing lessons when Father Reillys self restraint finally
Theres something wrong here, he commented, You are not breathing at the right times in
the song.
I cant just keep on singing without breathing, she pointed out.
Dont be pert with me, miss, Father Reilly admonished, You will have to take off your top
so that I can check your breathing, continued the priest, keeping his voice as matter-of-fact
as he could.
Heather looked very uncertain, but he simply reached out and started to unbutton her blouse.
He was not disappointed; as he opened her upper garment it revealed small firm breasts, pert
and cheeky nipples which were quickly hardening in the cold air, and huge pale pink areolae.
Heather was obviously worried by this, but she reasoned that as a priest he would not do
anything wrong. In fact the sight of her bare breasts was both a pleasure and a torment to the
young man. He did not touch her, but contented himself with the vision of perfect breasts
which her singing half naked gave him.
After this first time Father Reilly kept his desires in check for many weeks, only demanding
that she strip a very few times. As these occasions multiplied Heather became accustomed to
being partly naked before him and would instantly strip off her blouse whenever he asked.
It was because Father Reilly lost his temper with her that they moved on to further intimacies.
He had asked her to learn Mozarts Ave Verum Corpus at home, so that they could start to
rehearse it ready for the Easter services. When she came for her private lesson she was not
ready; she had simply not managed to find the time to learn it.
What punishment do they use at school for disobedient children who have not done their
homework properly? the priest asked sternly, knowing full well the answer.
She paused for a moment before answering very quietly, The cane, Father.
Speak up! he snapped.
The cane, Father, she repeated, only a little louder.
Then I shall do the same, he decided, suppressing his excitement as best he could.
But Im not a school child any more, Father. Im eighteen years old and a grown woman.
The priest was unmoved by this argument. Remove your underwear.
She didnt move.
Come on, he snapped, Caning is always on the bare bottom, isnt it?
I dont dont know, she started sobbing quietly, I was never caned.
Well it is, he declared, or are you going to argue about that as well?
Very reluctantly she lifted her skirt and gripped the waist band of her underwear. As her
knickers were slowly, and very reluctantly pushed down her long pale thighs a sweet little
mound covered in silky dark hair came into view.
There, that wasnt too hard was it? he said as he led her to the sofa, Bend over the arm of
that chair and it will soon be over, he ordered, and after a small hesitation she lay as
Lift your skirt, he ordered.
Slowly and very reluctantly she bared her behind to his view.
Father Reilly contemplated the soft curved white buttocks for a moment, and then struck
them with his cane. He had to restrain himself from hitting her anything like as hard as he
would have liked, but she was unused to physical punishment and burst into tears. This
presented the opportunity he had hoped for and he took the beautiful naked body into his
arms and comforted her. Heather was so shaken by the pain in her bottom that she didnt
notice the hands stroking her hair, her back, her buttocks, and as she collected her thoughts
and rose to dress herself, trailing across her breasts.
After she had gathered herself together and adjusted her dress, Father Reilly said, Now, go
home and learn the piece properly. Im sure someone in your household can play the piano?
Yes, Father. My mother plays.
Well, ask her to accompany you as you practice it. And if I were you, I wouldnt mention
the punishment, or you will be in trouble at home as well, he admonished.
Yes, Father, said Heather meekly, knowing full well that if she mentioned being in any
kind of disfavour at church she would certainly be punished at home as well, for disgracing
the family.
As she walked home she could not fathom why she felt so happy, in spite of the pain in her
rear end. In truth, she was just happy to be noticed for herself, and not merely taken for
granted as a useful pair of hands in a household which had seven children in it, ranging from
her own eighteen years down to little Jamie who was four.
Much to the priests surprise Heather arrived promptly the following week for her next
lesson, and was note perfect on the Mozart. More perplexing was that she knocked the music
stand over several times, and Father Reilly could have sworn it was deliberate on at least one
occasion. The third time she rose from collecting the sheets of music from the floor she
moved to stand in front of the Priest with her head hanging in shame.
Im sorry, Father, and and and, her voice tailed off.
And what? snapped the Priest, hardly daring to hope.
And and I expect you will punish me again for my clumsiness, she mumbled, quickly
adding, But only smacks, not the cane, please Father. I wasnt bad enough for the cane. I
learnt my music, didnt I?
Over my knee, if you please, he said, and was surprised at the alacrity with which she
moved to the prescribed position.
Settling herself comfortably across his knee, she asked, Do I raise my skirts, Father?
If you please.
His hand descended on the knicker-covered arse cheek further from his body, eliciting a
small squeak and a wriggle from the pupil. Father Reilly was somewhat embarrassed that his
prick enjoyed the pressure of the wriggling young woman on his lip.
The other cheek was somewhat more difficult to hit, and so the squeak was more of a moan.
Heather could not understand why being spanked was such fun.
No, she thought, fun isnt the word. It makes me tingle all through my front from my bubbies
to the bottom of my tummy.
SMACK. The first cheek again this time, but the squirming young body on his lap was too
much for the young celibate and he abruptly pushed her off as he filled his underwear with
Heather wasnt prepared for the sudden move and fell awkwardly to the floor, hitting her
elbow on the floor and hurting it enough to make her cry. Father Reilly leapt up and helped
her to her feet, holding her close to him to comfort her. She noticed that his thing was no
longer sticking out in front of him as it had poked into her belly when she was across his lap.
This whole phenomenon was known to her in theory, and she had occasionally seen one or
other of her brothers wanking, so she was well aware of the effect she had had on the young
The next lesson she again manufactured a good reason for her teacher to punish her, and this
time she dropped her knickers before bending over the chair arm.
It will be easier like this, she said and threw her skirts up to reveal her naked bum.
Artlessly opening her legs to get a proper balance, she showed her priest a clear view of the
dark hairs peeping between her thighs. Father Reilly took another step down the route to
perdition as he stepped over and stroked her white flesh.
To judge the distance, he told himself, knowing that he lied even to himself.
Six smart blows from his hand had the young bottom bouncing about and the dark hairs
soaked in a matter of moments. Again the girl was in tears, and as he raised her from the
chair neither of them commented that he was stroking her consolingly. More to the point,
neither remarked that the consoling strokes were on the damaged skin and that his hand was
under her skirts on the naked posterior.
And so it went by small steps, never a week passing without further liberties being taken, and
allowed without demur by the girl, who was by now utterly besotted with the priest. She had
seen one of her brothers playing with the girl next door, and so she knew that the priest would
want her to touch him as intimately as he was now touching her.
It was as she stood after being spanked and while she was being consoled by Father Reilly
fingering her clitoris that she first stroked the bulge in his trousers. Immediately he pulled
away from her.
Please, Father, she said in a small voice, Dont stop. And let me help you.
After that they gave up all pretence of music lessons and spent each of their weekly sessions
in further and deeper sexual contacts, until the priest was not only stroking her lower regions
to assuage her pain, for they always started with a spanking, but he had gone so far as to kiss
the damaged area, and then the other nearby sites of pleasure.
The change from Father Reilly dominating Heather was abrupt. One eve ning she knelt
before him instead of offering her behind for spanking; opening his trousers, she reached
inside and withdrew his prick from its hiding place. Then she did what she had seen the girl
next door do to her brother. She kissed the rapidly gro wing tube of flesh and took it in her
His first orgasm took her by surprise and she nearly choked, but she did manage to swallow it
all eventually.
Father Reilly thought it was just a routine meeting with his immediate superior, the Bishop,
and that it might even be news of his promotion from curate to priest- in-charge, with Father
Creggan retiring.
Tell me, were the Bishops first words, What is she like, this he consulted his papers,
Heather OHagan?
It was then that Father Reilly realised he was in trouble, serious trouble.
This young girl is saying that you did things to her, the Bishop thundered, and I see
from your face that you are guilty.
Father Reilly sat silently fearing the worst; that he would be excommunicated, defrocked and
left to the mercy of an unforgiving world.
Fortunately for you the Church in her wisdom realises that young men cannot always keep
to their vows of celibacy, continued the Bishop, And so you will be dealt with. You will
double the number of masses you say for the next six months, and during those months you
will meditate on Our Lords celibacy on your knees for one hour every day.
Thank you, My Lord, said the priest.
You will not be made priest- in-charge in that parish as you hoped, was the next blow, In
fact you will not set foot in it again. Your belongings will be sent on to you, and you will
become the junior curate in the Parish of St. Francis Xavier. You will also attend the College
of Correction and Redemption on a regular basis.
Thank you, My Lord, the priest repeated, May I ask where is this College and what does it
The Bishop gave him the address and added, Monsignor Flavin, the Master of the College is
expecting you today. He will explain everything.
What will happen to the girl? the miscreant asked, timidly.
Oh, shes gone, said the Bishop.
Gone? Gone where?
Off to some institution to have her baby. Then shes for a convent many miles from here,
and the child will be put in an orphanage at birth.
Thats terrible, stammered Father Reilly, who had not even been aware that she was
You should have thought of that before you seduced her, observed the Bishop, tartly, Her
situation is entirely of your making. The child is also of your making, she claims .
The Bishop picked up a piece of paper from his desk and started to read it; clearly the
interview was over, and ominously without the usual benediction. Father Reilly left the room
quietly, but somewhat relieved that he was not to be expelled from the priesthood, although
the transfer to working in the roughest parish in the diocese was clearly a punishment.
Chapter 7 The College
Father Reilly considered what the attendance at the College of Correction and Redemption
might involve. It did not sound promising severe self- flagellation at the very least would be
the Correction part of the course, he imagined. He made his way to the address he had been
given, and found there a gaunt early Victorian building which looked extremely forbidding
from the outside. There was no indication on the door that this was the College, but he was
in the right street and the number on the door was correct so he pulled the bell handle and
The door was opened by an insignificant servant girl in a drab smock, and Father Re illy
started to ask if this were the right address.
Follow me, said the girl, ignoring the question.
Father Reilly was led along several corridors until they reached a closed door.
There, said the servant, and turned away, disappearing before Father Re illy could ask any
Hesitantly he knocked at the door, and then entered in response to the call from within.
Seated behind a desk was a short dark priest wearing the purple which signified that he was a
Monsignor. He had a sour expression on his face as he looked Father Reilly up and down,
and evidently was not much impressed by what he saw.
You will be Reilly, the child molester? he asked.
Not a child, Monsignor, not a child. She was is eighteen, stammered Father Reilly.
But you sinned with her in your heart long ago; you looked upon her as Our Lord
expressed it, it was a statement, not a question.
No matter, Monsignor Flavin continued, I am Monsignor Flavin, the Master of the
College of Correction and Redemption. It is our purpose here to ensure that you do not
transgress with any of your new parishioners. The Holy Mother Church accepts that you are
human and therefore sinful. What we do here is provide an outlet for the sinful part of your
nature which is carefully controlled so that no scandal can arise. To that end a devout nun
accepts the rle of provider, we call her the Merciful Nun, and she allows you to indulge any
carnal desires you may have, after which you come to me and confess. I then give you a
penance and absolution.
Father Reilly was completely silenced by this short speech. He wondered if he had correctly
understood what was being said. Was it possible that a nun was being offered to him for
sexual dalliance simply to stop him becoming entangled with another parishioner?
After some moments Monsignor Flavin said, Yes. That is the usual reaction. Well, now
comes a certain amount of disappointment. The current Merciful Nun is heavily pregnant so
no chastisement of her is allowed. Of course she can perform fellatio, or you can sodomise
her, or you can copulate with her, though the latter is difficult now. And, of course you may
indulge in all three if you so desire; she is entirely at your disposal for the rest of the day.
Still Father Reilly was struck dumb by the enormity of what was being offered here.
After some moments he gathered himself and asked, Are you sure no word will get out?
Absolutely sure, Father.
But what about the servant girls?
Monsignor Flavin laughed, They are specially selected from girls of very poor families, girls
who have been orphaned in their early teens and who remember the hardships of their
childhoods. Having three meals a day, more than one set of clothes, a waterproof roof over
their heads, a comfortable bed, and warmth in the winter is like living in heaven for them.
They will not talk. In any case they never go out. They are not to be touched, or even spoken
to unnecessarily; their purpose is to act as maids in the College, not to indulge any of your
The older man rose from his chair and walked to the door, saying, Let me introduce you to
Following him, Father Reilly asked, Gertrude?
The current Merciful Nuns baptismal name was Gertrude. She does not use her convent
name while performing her sinful duties. We find it helps these women if they can divorce
their two lives.
As they spoke, the two men were walking briskly along a corridor. Monsignor Flavin
stopped at a door and turned to the younger priest.
In there. No need to knock, just walk in and use her as you see fit. She has several different
costumes and on future visits you can specify in advance what apparel you want to find her
With that he turned away and strode back towards his office.
Father Reilly hesitated for a moment and then opened the door and walked through it.
Chapter 8 Sister Victoria
He saw a very ordinary bedroom with a youngish woman wearing a flowered dress such as
many of his parishioners might wear at home. He breathed a sigh of relief, for he had been
very apprehensive about this whole concept.
Hullo, he said, and then was completely at a loss as to how to proceed.
The Merciful Nun was able, after well over a year in the College, to handle this situation, a
young priest who was new to visiting her.
She smiled and said, Welcome. I am here for your pleasure, Master. I will help you in any
way you wish.
Father Reilly sat beside her on the bed, and then realised that she really was very heavily
pregnant. He stared at her belly until she realised what he was looking at, and misinterpreted
his interest.
Do you want to see? she asked and stood up, quickly taking off her dress.
She stood before him naked, except for stockings and shoes, apparently totally unconcerned
at his stares.
I bet you havent seen a woman like this, she said, Well here I am and you can do
anything you want with or to me.
When there was no reaction from the priest she moved in front of where he sat and knelt
before him. Reaching out with both hands she lifted one of his hands to her breast while also
trying to unbutton the front of his trousers. Father Reilly sat transfixed; never in his wildest
dreams had he imagined that the Church would provide a woman, a young woman, a young
pregnant woman, a young lascivious pregnant woman for priests suc h as he.
The breast beneath his hand was warm and tangible, if rather larger than young Heathers and
as the woman, Gertrude he recalled, opened his trousers he found that his penis was not
reacting in the least. Contemplating the swollen belly in front o f him and the blue-veined
breasts he felt almost physically sick as the image of the beautiful naked eighteen year old
Heather floated in his mind.
Gertrude misinterpreted his lack of response as shyness, so she ducked her head into his lap
and licked the end of his shrunken prick in an attempt to bring it to life.
Stop, stop, he said, springing up, This isnt right.
Oh dear, Gertrude responded, switching her tactics in a flash, Am I the naughty girl?
She rose and fetched a paddle from the sideboard and then lying on the bed with her legs over
the edge.
With the paddle she reached behind her and patted one buttock, saying, I ought to be
punished, didnt I?
No, no, no, said the unhappy priest.
If this was the Churchs substitute for his lissom eighteen year old Heather then it simply
wasnt enough. As he sat on the bed beside the bulky belly of Gertrude he wondered how he
could stop himself desiring other parishioners with only this bovine alternative. Pushing her
away, half unconsciously, he was again misinterpreted and Gertrude obligingly rolled on her
Glancing down, Father Reillys attention was caught by her plump buttocks. One of his
fantasies about Heather, never actually achieved, had been to enter her from behind, and
possibly even in his wildest moments to use the darker route. Here was this woman who
would, Monsignor Flavin had assured him, allow anything. His dormant sex rose swiftly as
he contemplated sodomising this woman.
Standing up, he quickly divested himself of all his clothing. He joined the naked woman on
the bed as she lay on her side. As his now erect penis rubbed into her slit she half- turned
towards him and reached for him with her hand.
If you wants me like this, youll find it works better if you stand up beside the bed. Then
you can come into me any way you want, she suggested.
That phrase any way you want had his organ bobbing up and down in eager anticipation.
He stood up and Gertrude shuffled across until her generous buttocks were on the very edge
of the bed.
Please rub it in my cunt first to get it wet, she asked, And then you can have my arse.
Father Reilly obeyed, dutifully rubbing his cock head in between her labia to acquire some
lubrication. By a deft twist of her hips, she managed to impale herself on his prick and he
pushed in and out dutifully for a few moments. Then he withdrew and pushed gently against
her dark rosebud. It opened obediently and he was soon ensconced in the hottest tightest tube
he had ever known. As she clamped her sphincter on his intruding prick it felt even tighter
than little Heathers cunt had been in the first days if their sexual intrigue.
If he had known Gertrudes thoughts he would have lost his erection immediately and
possibly permanently.
As he thought, This is great. I could enjoy this to the exclusion of any young girl. Shes hot
and tight and I dont have to spend ages persuading her, She must like me a lot, she was
thinking, Hes no use to me, just another arse fucker, still at least he doesnt smell. I wonder
if Ill have to suck him when hes done and whats for the evening meal tonight?
Chapter 9 Caught
It was close to midnight when Mother Superior was passing the dormitories and saw a figure
walking along the corridor ahead of her. Fascinated, she watched as the woman went in to
Sister Lucias cell and shut the door.
I wonder where Sister Lucia has been at this hour? she mused, The facilities are the other
way, so it musty have been to a dormitory.
She went back to her own cell, but continued to worry about the movement she had seen.
Eventually she gave up trying to think of a good reason for Sister Lucia to have visited the
dormitories, or the Novice Mistress so late; it was well after Vespers. She decided to inquire
immediately and retraced her steps to S ister Lucias door. There she paused to check to be
certain that she was at the right door. As she did so, she heard noises coming from within the
nuns cell, moaning noises. Mother Superior opened the door, wondering if Sister Lucia
might be ill.
The candle in the cell was lit, and the sight presented to Mother Superiors eyes took her
breath away. Sister Lucia was lying back on the bed, entirely naked, with a Novice, still half
dressed, sucking on her private parts. It took a moment for Mother Superior to recover from
the shock and recognise that the Novice was Marie Donovan, the rebellious daughter of a rich
benefactor of the Church in general, and the Convent in particular.
The two young women were so engrossed in what they were doing that neither o f them heard
the Mother Superior enter the cell. The first intimation of her arrival was a loud SLAP!
landing on the upraised rump of the novice. Her scream alerted Sister Lucia, who seemed to
in the middle of some sort of fit, and the two sprang to their feet. Mother Superior realised
that Sister Lucia had been in the throes of an orgasm.
Marie, snapped the Mother Superior to the young Novice, Go to my study, now!
Seeing Marie reach for her drawers she added, Dont bother with those. Go now and wa it
for me.
After the Novice had left, the angry older woman turned to the sobbing nun on the bed and
demanded, What did you think you were doing, seducing a Novice?
Sister Lucia merely sobbed the louder, knowing that the Mother Superior would never
believe that it had been the younger girl who had been the aggressor in the love making
Hmm, snorted the outraged Mother Superior, Come with me. Dont bother to dress.
Scared, Sister Lucia dragged herself up from the pallet and followed the Mothe r Superior
along the corridor, acutely aware of her nudity. She knew well where they were going; the
punishment cells were at the end of this passage. They were small, windowless, unheated
rooms which every Sister had seen at one time or another, usually when on cleaning duties.
Sister Lucia could not remember the last time one had been occupied, but sure enough she
was pushed into the first one and the door slammed behind her. Then there was a thud as a
bar was dropped across it, effectively making it impossible for her to get out.
As she strode back along the corridor, the Mother Superior compared the two miscreants
positions. Sister Lucia was from a background of poverty, and while a hard working young
nun, had brought nothing to the convent beyond her intelligence and her bodys capacity for
work, and keeping her and feeding her made that as expensive as hiring a local familys
daughter to do the same work. Marie, or more accurately the Donovan family, brought a
great deal of money into the Convent each year in the form of gifts and work done by the
Donovan family building firm at no charge.
Yes, she thought, without conscious cupidity, Sister Lucia must be at fault here; she must
have led the well brought up young Novice into the wicked ways of her terrible background.
Back in her study, the Mother Superior started to talk to Marie in a more in sorrow than in
anger voice, Marie, do you truly want to take your final vows soon, and become a Bride of
Yes, Reverend Mother, said the young girl, very quietly.
Marie was really frightened this time. She had been in trouble before, but only for minor
infractions, never for anything like this. For a lesbian sex act such as this, she imagined she
would be expelled from the Convent and she knew that being nineteen years old would not
stop her father taking a strap to her behind. He might even disown her; at best she would be
married off to someone even less appealing than the original elderly widower customer, and
that well within the year.
Have you been to me for punishment before? asked the older woman, though both of them
knew the answer.
Yes, Reverend Mother.
For what offence?
Talking during meals, Reverend Mother.
And how did I punish you?
Again both knew the answer.
By banning me from speaking a word for four days, Reverend Mother, except if it were
necessary to save someone elses life.
Then the Mother Superior asked a question which worried the young Novice. Until now this
had been a familiar catechism, where old questions a nd answers were repeated to reinforce a
well- understood position or idea.
Why do you think I chose that punishment? asked the old lady.
Well, Reverend Mother, er Marie was floundering.
It was appropriate, was it not, that you should be punished in a way directly relevant to your
sin? A glutton might be put on bread and water, one who speaks out of turn, denied the use
of words, and so on. Is that not appropriate, my child?
Yes, Reverend Mother.
And your sin today? Into what category would it fall?
This was easier, and Marie answered with confidence, Reverend Mother it was a sin of the
Correct, and so the mortification of the flesh seems an appropriate punishment, does it not?
Yes, Reverend Mother.
Then Maries heart sank as the Mother Superior continued, Of course, we would only punish
you if you were to stay with us, here in the convent. If you prefer to avoid all punishment
here, you may return to your dormitory now and remain there until the morning, when I shall
have suitable clothes brought to you, and you may walk out of the front door to pass the rest
of your life wherever you wish. If you choose that course, I shall not punish you.
Please, Reverend Mother, I do so want to stay here. I will truly try to be better in fut ure,
she lied, or half lied anyway; what she meant was she would try to be better at not getting
And you will accept whatever punishment I see fit? asked the old martinet, thinking
gloatingly of the cane in her cupboard.
Yes, Reverend Mother, replied the girl, not having the slightest idea what might be in store
for her, but certain it would be less painful in the long run than facing her father.
Very well, we shall see in a moment, said the Mother Superior, opening the cupboard and
taking the cane out.
Turning to face the young girl, she asked, Do you know what this is?
Marie smiled, Yes, Reverend Mother. Its a cane like they used in schools in the old days.
The smile vanished as the older woman swished it through the air and then said, We still use
them in the Convent, though not with the school girls.
But but but thats terrible, Reverend Mother, Marie stammered.
It is only used in the courts for the worst kind of criminals, certainly, but you are nineteen
and I am well let us say older than you. If I choose to cane you, and you accept the
punishment, that is not contrary to Church or State law. Indeed the Holy Bible itself says,
He that spareth the rod, hateth his son: but he that loveth him, correcteth him betimes, does
it not my child? And here you are my son as it were, for you call me Mother.
Yes, Reverend Mother, came the reply and the automatic addition of a reference, Proverbs
13:24. But Reverend Mother, you dont mean
As I said, my child, you may go to your dormitory now and leave us in the morning, with no
other punishment. If you want to stay here, stand on the floor at this end of my desk and then
lean forward until your body is lying on it. Remember, you do this because you feel the
Good Lord is calling you to be a nun.
Almost holding her breath, the Mother Superior waited to see whether she had misjudged the
Novices fear of disgrace. It was all she could do to breathe evenly as the young woman
moved to the desk and lay forwards on it. The curves of her arse cheeks could be seen clearly
through the thick flannel of her night-dress, but that was not what the elderly sadist wanted to
Lift your night clothes to your waist, she ordered.
Marie did as she was bidden, believing that the Mother Superiors cane would be less painful
than her fathers belt. She was about to discover that this belief was wrong.
The Reverend Mother gloated over the two perfect buttocks presented in their pink and white
glory, twitching in fearful anticipation of the first stroke, and with just a few wisps of
dampened red hairs escaping through the crack between the girls thighs. She leant forward
and touched the folds of the night-dress, watching with a frisson of pleasure as the girl
flinched. Gently she rolled the material a little higher, revealing the very top of the quivering
bottom before her. Her hand hovered for a moment only inches from the curves she would
dearly like to stroke, then it moved to press in the small of the victims back and hold the girl
firmly in place.
Later, she thought, Later they will be mine.
Raising her other hand she slashed the cane viciously down across the pale target, ignoring
the howl of pain from the unfortunate recipient and watching as the colour along the line of
impact changed rapidly to dark red, through purple to a blue that was almost black. This took
some moments and the howling continued unabated.
Cry all you like, said the Mother Superior, No one will hear you. There are thick walls in
this convent and as you know, the dormitories are at the far end of the building.
After a while the howls subsided to heart wrenching sobs, so the Reverend Mother raised her
arm again. As Marie sensed the movement, her buttocks clenched involuntarily, sending
another sting of pain through the bruised skin and causing another howl to start. The arm fell
and Maries cry suddenly went up an octave as the searing pain of the second stroke was
added to the first.
Blow after blow fell, each a measured time after the previous one to allow the victims fear to
grow; each was preceded by a slow raising of the cane to allow that fear to clench the
After six strokes the pain was such that Marie could no longer control her bladder, and her
piss splashed down on to the stone floor.
Get up; get a mop and clean that up now, snapped the Mother Superior.
Marie dragged her agonised body out to the toilet to collect the mop and bucket. Soon she
was cleaning the mess she had left, while doing her best to avoid her night-dress touching her
smarting skin.
That will do, said the Mother Superior, Now dry the floor.
R-Reverend Mother, what with? stammered Marie, anxious not to offend any further.
With your night-dress. Take it off and use that.
Marie was too frightened to object, and in too much pain to care about her nudity. The body
revealed to the gaze of the older woman was everything she could have hoped for, tender
young skin, freckled as many red-headed people are. She was a little on the plump side, with
beautiful breasts large enough to bounce as she moved, tipped with palest pink nipples and
areolae. A generous bush of red hair, slightly lighter than that on her head, covered her lower
When the floor was dry, and the bucket, mop and soiled clothing had been put outside the
study, the Mother Superior instructed Marie to bend over the desk again.
Please, no. Please, Reverend Mother, no, pleaded the girl.
Obedience is the foremost of the vows you claim to want to take, was the stern reply.
Slowly Marie took up the position again, her breasts swaying enticingly just before they were
flattened to the surface of the desk. As the Mother Superior approached her, the girl started
to sob and her buttocks clenched as tightly as possible. When the hand carrying the cream
touched one cheek she screamed again, in shock at the cold unguent, rather than actual pain.
Calm down, child. This will ease the pain, said the older woman spreading it evenly over
the damaged areas.
Marie relaxed with total relief and this allowed the older womans hand to press cream into
the girls arse crack and to stroke all the wounded areas gently. Almost imperceptibly the
movements were lengthened until the fingers of the stroking hand were reaching the tender
labia of the victim on the desk. Marie was confused by the feelings of lust this gentle
caressing aroused, and her legs opened automatically to allow the questing hands easier
access to her waiting cunt. Soon the Mother Superior had two fingers in the girls cunt and a
thumb deep in her darker passage, while the girl first moaned and then screamed her climax.
Abruptly the hands were gone and Marie felt bereft. Looking up she saw the Mother
Superior washing her hands in the small hand basin in the corner.
You may get up now, Marie was told, There is a spare night-gown in the cupboard; put it
As the young woman obeyed, the older woman watched with undisguised interest.
Now, do you want to go back to your home, or to stay here?
To stay here, Reverend Mother, Marie said, wondering whether to say anything about the
wonderful climax she had just experienced.
Very well. You may be called here from time to time for more punishment, but let me make
one thing clear. If you are ever caught indulging yourself with another member of the
Convent without my permission, you will be expelled. I shall not allow you to pleasure me,
that is a privilege you have to earn, though I shall call for you from time to time. Remember,
obedience is the first rule, and nothing you are ordered to do by me can ever be a sin on your
soul. Any sin is on the soul of the person giving the order.
As Marie returned to her dormitory, she reflected that the Mother Superior was no better than
she. It would be interesting to see how far the old woman wanted to go.
Well, she thought, I dont want her caning me again, even for a climax as good as that.
When she reached her dormitory the Novice Mistress was still fast asleep and snoring quietly.
Chapter 10 Sister Lucia
Sister Lucia stayed in the punishment cell for what seemed an interminable period. It was
cold and dank, and smelled faintly musty. With no clothes and no heating, she passed a
sleepless night. At some point a tray was pushed under the door with a plate of porridge and
a mug of tea on it; neither had been sugared, but both were very welcome for their warmth
Later still a plate of meat and potatoes was pushed under the door, though not a word was
After some considerable time, the door opened and the Mother Superior came into the cell.
Well, demanded the old woman peremptorily, What do you have to say for yourself?
Reverend Mother, it wasnt what you think
Sister, interrupted the Mother Superior, Do you think I am stupid? Or is it ignorance of
which I you suppose I am guilty? When I entered your cell you were naked. A novice was
suckling at You each had your hands in a disgusting the Mother Superior broke off,
evidently unable to continue her description of the scene, This is so serious a breach of
discipline that you could be expelled from the convent and excommunicated. If that happens
you would be simply put outside the Convent door, on the street, in a simple shift with no
other clothing, no shoes, no money, no provisions, and no hope of help from the Church. I
have spoken to the Bishop about this matter, and he agrees that you cannot stay here.
But Reverend Mother, where shall I go? What could I do?
I have no doubt that if we put you out on the street someone would soon find you and put
you to work, probably in a house of ill- repute, or perhaps working in a factory where you
would be used by the men in charge as well as toiling fourteen hours a day, until you
eventually end up, as do all excommunicates, in Hell for all eternity.
Reverend Mother, I know I have broken my vows, and I know I have not been a good nun,
but surely I dont deserve Hells fire for eternity?
I made that very point to His Reverence myself. We felt that you should be given a chance
to redeem yourself. There is a College which takes on cases suc h as yours, called the College
of Correction and Redemption, though where you might go afterwards, neither I nor the
Bishop could imagine. However, I spoke to Monsignor Flavin, the Principal of the College,
and he seemed to think that somewhere could be found for you. You are not, of course,
released from your vows of life-long obedience and poverty, they are irrevocable. It remains
to be seen whether you will again break your vow of chastity as a Bride of Christ.
Sister Lucia was again left alone with her thoughts for a long time. Then the Mother Superior
came to the cell again, this time carrying a pair of sandals and a calico shift.
Put those on. Monsignor Flavin is here to collect you.
Led again through the passage, Sister Lucia was surprised to see that all was in darkness. She
surmised, correctly, that it was very late at night. In the reception area, where nuns were
never normally allowed to go, there was a short dark priest wearing the purple which
signified his rank.
This is Monsignor Flavin. I commend you to his care. He is your Superior from this
moment forth, said the Mother Superior.
Come my child, said the Monsignor, our carriage awaits.
Outside, a closed carriage bore them away from the Convent; it was the first time in her life
that Sister Lucia had travelled anywhere except on foot. The windows were covered with
curtains, so Sister Lucia had no idea where they went. Monsignor Flavin said not a word
during the journey.
Chapter 11 College
Inside the college, the still silent Monsignor led Sister Lucia along a corridor, carpeted she
noticed, and opened a door, indicating that she should enter.
The room was small and dark, lit only by a small window high in one wall, through which a
shaft of moonlight came to strike the wall opposite. A candle was on a small side stand and
Monsignor Flavin lit it before bidding her a gruff, Good night, and withdrawing.
As she looked round she saw that although the room was dark, it was luxurious compared
with her cell in the Convent. There was a thin carpet on the floor, instead of bare stones; a
bed with a thin mattress on it was there, rather than the pallet on the hard floor, and a small
prie-dieu against the wall beside the window. She even had a pillow, and two blankets.
She was curious about the other door in the room, and opened it to find a small toilet with a
hand basin. This was a far cry from crossing the quadrangle to the privy in all weathers at the
Convent. She wondered why she had such splendid accommodations, since she was there as
a punishment. Returning to the other room, she was just going to say her nightly prayers
before lying down for the night when there was a tap on the door. Sister Lucia opened it and
a very young girl stood there.
The Master says I am to fetch the smock and the sandals, Sister, she said, curtseying.
Sister Lucia was taken aback at this, but reasoned that amid such luxury she had no need of
the smock or sandals until the morning, so draping a blanket round her for modesty, she
contrived to remove the smock and handed it to the girl. It took only a moment and then she
kicked the sandals off. The girl bent and took them, left and closed the door behind herself.
As Sister Lucia sank down on the bed, slightly perplexed as to why she had no clothes again.
Then she thought it was probably to confine her; her nudity made her a prisoner in her cell as
surely as if the door were locked. Trying to dismiss all her worries, she lay down on the bed
and pulled the blankets over her. Sleep was elusive until she worked out what was wrong.
Once she had discarded the unfamiliar pillow on to the floor, she slept like a log.
When she struggled to wakefulness, she wondered for a moment where she was. The
memories of the previous two days flooded back, and she was horrified to realise that it was
broad daylight outside and she had clearly missed Matins. She draped a blanket round her
and tried the door. The door handle did not turn; evidently it could only be opened from the
All day she sat, unclothed, unvisited, wondering what, exactly was in store for her here. The
College of Correction and Redemption sounded very strict and fierce, but the alternative was
being expelled from the Convent into an outside world of which she knew nothing, and
feared everything. She had no trade with which she could earn a living; her main duties had
been as a sort of general maid-of-all-work, when she wasnt praying, and she thought there
would be little call for an adult woman to do a childs work, and even less call for someone to
pray five times a day.
The day wore on and she became hungrier, but that was no great hardship; days of fasting
were well known to her, though usually it had been as a religious duty rather than as a
penance. There was some water in the small side roo m in the wash jug, and she drank a little
of that.
The light faded, and Sister Lucia, well aware that she had not made her devotions once, knelt
beside her bed, pulling a blanket round her since it seemed sacrilegious to pray in the nude.
She recited the whole of the litany of Compline, which took her nearly two hours.
Stiff and weary, she lay on the bed and slept again.
Chapter 12 Induction
Sister Lucia woke when one of the nondescript servant girls in a grey smock brought her
some hot tea, and bread and cheese early the next morning. When the prisoner started to ask
a question, the skivvy looked very frightened and almost ran from the room. However, she
left a bundle behind which proved to contain a nuns habit, complete with Swiss wimple,
though no under-clothing. Sister Lucia donned such clothes as there were quickly, and with
some relief; then she sat and ate the bread and cheese and drank the tea eagerly, as she had
not eaten for some thirty-six hours.
Some time after that, the servant appeared again, and put an admonitory finger to her lips.
Evidently there was a rule of silence in this establishment, at least between the servants and
the inmates. Obeying the servants gestures, Sister Lucia followed her along a corridor and
was directed through a door. When she entered with much trepidation, she was relieved to
discover that it was merely another toilet, and she gratefully made use of its facilities.
Returning to the corridor, she again followed the servant to another door, through which she
went, to find herself in a book lined study with a cheerful fire blazing in the hearth. A large
desk, its top completely clear, stood below the window, with a comfortably upholstered chair
behind it. Other than that, there was nowhere to sit, so Sister Lucia stood quietly waiting for
someone to come and tell her what to do next.
It was a worrying few minutes for her; clearly she was expected to wait, but most of the rules
of the College were unknown. Should I speak to whoever came in, or not? Should I kneel
and pray as I wait? Should I pass the time reading one of the books? How should I greet
whoever came in? As she pondered these mysteries, Sister Lucia heard the door open behind
her and Monsignor Flavin came past her and sat in the chair facing her.
He examined her for some moments in silence, before asking, Why are you here?
Sister Lucia didnt know what to say as her thoughts ran wildly over possible answers.
Should I say she I am sinner? Should I say it was the Bishops suggestion? Did the question
only refer to me being in his study, in which case should I say that the servant brought me?
It appeared that the question was rhetorical, as the Monsignor continued, You are here
because Mother Church has not finally decided that you are incorrigible. I have been looking
at your history, and one thing puzzles me. Tell me, why did you become a nun?
Sister Lucia was at a loss as to how to answer that, but an answer was required, so she
decided to tell the truth as she saw it, Reverend Father, I
Monsignor Flavin interrupted her, You address me simply as Master, not as Reverend
anything. I am your teacher and Master while you are here, not your confessor.
Somehow she heard the capital M on the word Master and shivered slightly. Sir, I became a
nun because I had always been intended to be a nun. It was something I knew had to happen,
even from childhood, before I understood anything about Our Lord.
A smile broke over the Monsignors face, I thought so. None of the Vs?
Seeing her puzzled look he continued, No visions from God ordering you to take the veil?
No visitations from Our Lady talking of the cloister? No voices insisting that you must
profess the vows? Nothing like that?
Sister Lucia was frightened even more by this line of thought; all the nuns who said they had
visions in the Convent also had fits and were, in her opinion, at least partly mad. The one
who heard voices was definitely mad; either that, or the angel which spoke to her was a
devil, bent on upsetting the Convent.
No, sir, she replied, Nothing like that. I just always knew that was to be my life.
So what did you feel, spiritually, when you first broke one of the vows?
Sir, I I dont understand, she stammered.
Mother Superior had you removed from the Convent because you were found indulging in
the sins of the flesh, specifically sexual sins. You had, she was certain, indulged before.
When you had first enjoyed sexual stimulation by someone else, after you took your vows,
and had not been caught, or been struck down by the wrath of Our Lord, what did you think?
I I it was so nice. I wondered how it could be wrong.
And did you confess your sin?
N-No, sir, her voice was very quiet as she admitted that.
Thank you for your honesty. We shall get on splendidly if you continue to be honest with
me, and to follow your vow of obedience. You wont have the chance to disobey the vow of
poverty, since you will have nothing which is your own. Even the habit you are wearing
belongs to the College and can be withdrawn at any time, said her teacher, And speaking of
poverty, I see you are still wearing the ring you were given at the time you professed your
vows. Please remove it and I will have it returned to the Convent, whose property it is.
Sister Lucia removed the ring with much anguish, as it seemed the last link with her status as
a nun.
Dont worry, Ill see you get a College replacement, but of course it will not have been
blessed in the same way, the Monsignor reassured her, Much as the habit you are now
wearing, it will preserve the memory of being in the Convent, and the illusion of being
decently dressed, while not actually signifying the substance.
The dazed Sister really did not understand this at all. The difference between one habit and
another was completely lost on her, but she did hope that she would be allowed another ring;
her finger felt very odd without it.
Monsignor Flavin rose from his chair and came round the desk to stand beside Sister Lucia,
his hand brushing her cheek in a very familiar way. This was the first time a man had
touched her at all since she was a small child.
I can see we will get on very well, he said, As long as you remember that I am your
Master now, and it is to me that you owe the obedience you formerly showed to the Mother
Ill try to obey, sir, the nun offered.
Good, good, he replied, Stand still.
With that he lifted the winged Swiss wimple from her hair, leaving her head bare. The dark
hair, cut very short, contrasted with her fair complexion. When she had been in the College
for a while and the hair had grown, she would be very popular indeed, he surmised.
You must let your hair grow for a while, and then well have it shaped a little, he said, to
her utter amazement.
He moved behind her and growled in her ear, Stand still now. Remember you must obey.
His hands snaked round her waist as he stood behind her, and cupped her breasts.
Immediately she broke away from his grasp and turned to face him, tears coming into her
Reverend Father, you must not
I shall do as I please, and you will obey, he interrupted, You will not tell me what I must
or must not do. You will address me as Master. He walked back behind the desk and sat
down. You disobeyed my order to stand still. Is that another vow you wish to abjure? I
believe the Reverend Mother explained what would happen if you failed to grasp the chance
this College offers you. You would be put out on the streets of Dublin, almost naked,
barefoot, penniless, homeless and excommunicate. Is that what you want?
No, Master, she whispered.
I imagine you believe that allowing me to touch your breasts would break your vow of
Sister Lucia did not reply, merely hanging her head. She knew it was a trap, if she said no,
she was condemned for disobedience, and if she said yes, she was condemned for valuing her
already broken vow of chastity above her vow of obedience to his orders.
Answer me!
Master no man has ever touched me like that, she prevaricated, I was startled.
Come here, beside me, he ordered.
Sister Lucia moved round the desk, acutely aware of what was to come next. Monsignor
Flavin held out his hand, palm up, just above her waist level.
Lean forwards until your breast rests on my hand, he said quietly.
Sister Lucia knew that the only other choice was impossible. Thrown out on the streets of
Dublin in January with no home, money, or clothing, she would be lucky to live through the
freezing night; if she did live it would only be as the servant or toy of some ruffian. She
leant forward carefully, until her left breast was resting on his hand.
Better, he said, Go back to where you were, in front of the desk.
Sister Lucia breathed a sigh of relief and did as she was told.
Chapter 13 Self-Correction
Her relief was short- lived as the Monsignor took a knout from a drawer in his desk and
offered it to her.
This is what you will use to purge yourself of any sins you may feel you have committed,
Sister. Here it replaces confession; when you believe you have purged yourself sufficiently,
you are absolved of the sins you have remembered, just as if you had confessed them and
performed the penance set by the priest, he said.
She took the whip and looked at. She had never seen its like before, It consisted of a
tapering bundle of leather thongs about three feet long; clearly the user could flagellate her
own back with ease. Sister Lucia was not aware that this was a gentle version of the device;
more earnest penitents would use the same whip, but with each tho ng twisted with wire and
hardened, so that its use would mangle the flesh.
Do you have any sins unconfessed, Sister? came the quiet question.
Oh yes, Master, she replied, You know I have.
Very well then. You may commence to purge them now.
Here? In front of you, Master? she asked, uncertain.
Of course, child. I need to know that you are using this scourge properly. You have never
seen one before, it wasnt a question.
Sister Lucia took the knout in her right hand and lashed it over her left shoulder on to her
back. She did feel it land, but it didnt really hurt.
Sister Lucia, Monsignor Flavins voice was full of tender solicitude, You will have to
strike much harder than that. Moreover it is a time-honoured tradition that scourging is
applied to bare flesh.
You mean I am to her voice trailed off.
My child, I do not say this for my own satisfaction, he lied, but for the sake of your
immortal soul. Here at the College of Correction and Redemption we have seen many souls
at risk. Many have been saved from eternal damnation, but only by obedience and humility.
Do cease your questioning of every order you are given, my child, I beg of you, for your
souls sake.
Sister Lucia hesitated for only a moment before slowly removing her hab it. She had never in
her life stripped herself naked before another person, not even as a very small child. Even
her lover, Marie, had had to remove Sister Lucias clothes herself.
When she was naked, the Monsignor had to fight hard to control himself. This young nun
had a body that would have tempted a saint, had there been such a one remotely near the
College. Unpromising though her birth and upbringing had been, the end result was
definitely worth looking at, and more. Much as he wanted to do so, he dared not fondle that
body just yet. There was much groundwork to be done first.
Not looking at the priest, but keeping her eyes firmly on the floor in front of her, Sister Lucia
lifted the knout high again. Monsignor Flavin could not tear his eyes from the way her right
breast lofted and bounced slightly, the pink nipple rigid from cold and embarrassment. She
let fly with the knout, putting all her strength into it, and screamed in pain as the thongs bit
into the flesh of her back, the tips of several of them snapping viciously into the soft skin of
her upper buttocks. She crumpled to her knees and dropped the knout. Never in her life had
she known such pain.
Entranced though he was by the bouncing flesh on show, the old priest was not slow to rush
round the desk and help her to her feet, taking every opportunity to grip the young firm flesh
accidentally as he did so. When she was on her feet, he examined her back solicitously,
stroking the angry red and black marks left on her skin by the knout as though to smooth
them away. He even went so far as to cup one buttock before remembering himself and
moving away from her. Fortunately she did not notice, her mind being occupied by the
agony of her outraged flesh.
When she had calmed a little, he said, I think thats enough for today, Sister. You may
replace your habit.
Gratefully, she did so, only to discover that her skin protested violently wherever the cloth
touched a weal.
Go to your room, my child. I will come and see how you are later on, as she reached to
recover the whip, he added, Do not take the knout. I will bring you a shorter, softer
instrument, more suitable to one who is not accustomed to flagellation.
When he went into her room later that evening, the Monsignor put a light knout on the shelf
of the prie-dieu before turning to the figure lying face down on the bed.
Come here, and we will see what we can do with those weals, he said, and helped her to her
feet, then we will talk about your life in the College of Correction and Redemption.
Slowly Monsignor Flavin helped her remove her habit, as he explained, So that I can put
some ointment on your poor skin.
When he examined the damaged skin, he was relieved to see that she had not harmed it in any
way which he thought would leave permanent scars. That was the last thing he wanted, and
he cursed himself for not realising that she might prove an over enthusiastic self- flagellant.
Taking the cream he regularly had specially made up at the pharmacists to soothe bruises and
clean cuts, he gently applied it to her back. It was also rather greasy and served well to
lubricate skin to skin contact. He smoothed it into her back and sides, occasionally touching
the side of her breasts, and as she made no movement he became bolder, stroking and
cupping her breasts more firmly, and feeling the nipples harden under his touch.
Reluctantly moving his hands away from her breasts, he spread more cream on her lower
back and worked on down towards, and on to the tops of her buttocks where they ros e to
form the sides of a shadowed valley. Then he lengthened his strokes so that each moved
further on to the undamaged pale flesh of her twin cheeks. Eventually he was massaging her
bottom without moving to her back at all, and his thumbs were moving deeper and deeper
into the furrow between them.
Without her realising what she was doing, her legs parted and her bottom rose in the air,
giving his soothing fingers access to her clitoris. He stroked it gently until she was twitching
with pleasure. Very gently he parted her labia. As he sank his thumb deep into her vagina
she moaned in pleasure and he redoubled the caresses to her sensitive nubbin. In moments
she was in the throes of an orgasm.
When she had finished he withdrew his hand and said, Is that how it was with the Novice, at
the convent?
Sister Lucia blushed deeply and nodded.
You must never do that again in this room, he said, This is Sister Lucias cell and here you
must behave as a nun. Here you pray and meditate. Outside this room, when I allow you out
of it, you can be Molly and she is allowed to climax.
Master? she queried.
What word did you use for what just happened, you and your Novice.
We never spoke of it, Master, but I thought of it as shuddering.
A good nun, such as Sister Lucia wants to be, should never shudder, he instructed her, But
if your body needs it, Molly will be allowed to do so only when I permit it, and never again in
this room. Later, when your back has healed, I will punish Sister Lucia for todays excesses.
As he was leaving he added, Your food and drink will be brought to you by the servant girls.
They will not speak to you, nor may you speak to them.
Making his way back to his study, the Monsignor reflected on how easy it usually was to
persuade these foolish young women that they were two people, and that one was virtuous
and the other sinful, but that they shared a body. Of course, he had never heard of hormones,
he only knew that young women of Sister Lucias type needed sexual release, and that this
bodily need was in conflict with their spiritual devotion to their convent vows. He had heard
the tales of places like Loudun and he thought that using their bodies sexually from time to
time allowed such women to be all the more pure when they were being nuns. It helped to
use two different names and to use different locations.
Yes, he thought, before she knows it she will be opening her legs to anyone who tells her to
do so. I hope she lasts longer than most of our visiting nuns before she falls pregnant.
Chapter 14 Co-operation
For two days, Sister Lucia was left alone to contemplate her fate in this strange
establishment. She wondered what she would be required to do for this strange establishment
where she was punished and yet encouraged to sexual sin. When she tried to leave her cell
and go into the corridor she confirmed that although there was a doorknob on the inside of
the door, it did not turn and she could not open the door. The servants brought her food, but
never spoke, and they were always careful to shut the door after they left.
After the long two day wait and many hours of contemplation, Sister Lucia was escorted
again to Monsignor Flavins study.
It is time for you to be punished for your disobedience and obstinacy. Are you ready to
obey me and to be an obedient pupil of the College of Correction and Redemption? he
Yes, Master, she said, please do not punish me too hard. I am now resolved to obey.
Disrobe, he ordered, You should always disrobe for punishment, and she mo ved to do as
she was told as quickly as she could.
Soon she stood before him naked again; he stood up and moved round the desk to stand
beside her with a knout in one hand. Using it as a handle, he lifted one breast and then
released it, watching it drop back into its accustomed place with a delightful little bounce.
You may have surmised that your time here will be different from the life of a nun in a
convent. Here you must remember that anything demanded of you is required by the
Church, he told her, Now lie face down on the desk here.
As she complied her moved her so that her upper body was supported on the desk, but her
feet were still on the floor.
Place your feet as wide apart as you can.
Again she obeyed, very conscious that her most private parts were displayed in a very rude
The first blow to the rounded pale bottom offered for punishment landed squarely across the
fleshiest parts, leaving a series of angry red marks.
As the girls howl of agony subsided the Monsignor reached out and smoothed the abused
skin gently, much to the young nuns distress.
The knout fell again, across her back this time, expertly applied so that the tips several of the
tails curled round to catch the side of her breast in a vicious bite. More howls followed, and
the Monsignor was again moved to console the girl physically, and yet felt a deep desire to
hurt her even more.
The knout fell again, and this time her body rose involuntarily up from the desk as the backs
of her thighs took the blow.
Down. Stay down, snapped her Master unfeelingly through the girls piteous cries for
He ran his hand over all the marks on her back and down to those on her thighs. Moving up
again, his fingers went between her thighs to find her opening and little nubbin, which they
tweaked expertly so that she found herself shuddering again in seconds. This was a
wonderful feeling, enhanced by the contrast with the pain she was still feeling from the kisses
of the knout.
When she had calmed a little, he said, It is time no w for you to return the pleasure, for me.
To help me shudder as well.
Of course, Monsignor, she said, eager to show him how obedient she was.
Call me Master, he reminded her, Now, do you know how to do what I want?
N-not really, Master, she said.
Monsignor Flavin opened his trousers and showed her his erection. She recoiled at first, but
soon reached to touch him.
Have you seen one before? he asked.
No, Master. But I have heard about them. The girls, when I was at school, they said they
had seen their brothers and that it works for people like for dogs or horses. The man goes in
to the woman and she has a baby.
Thats right, he encouraged, Now Molly, do you know what happens if you stroke this
enough to make me shudder?
Yes. Master. Seed will come out and it is supposed to go into the body of a wife to bring a
child to her.
Now I have no wife, being a priest, so what can I do with the seed the Lord sends me?
I dont know, Master, said Molly, wondering where this was all leading.
Well, I must not let it fall on the floor, must I? You know your bible and what happened
when Onan did when he went to his brothers wife, do you not?
Molly was now very worried, but she dutifully recited, It is from Genesis 38, Master. It
says, when he went in to his brothers wife, he spilled his seed upon the ground, lest children
should be born in his brothers name.
And what happened to him?
In the next verse it says the Lord slew him, because he did a detestable thing.
Monsignor Flavin seemed pleased with her. Molly felt she had passed some sort of test.
You dont want that to happen to me, do you? The Lord slaying me?
No, Master, but I am not your wife. That would be mortal sin to lie with you, she replied,
I dont know what I can do?
You can swallow it, my child. That way it will not make a baby in you, but nor will it fall
on the ground.
Molly looked very doubtful at this suggestion, so the Monsignor decided that a measure of
authority might help.
Kneel, now, he ordered firmly, and she obeyed, Take it in your mouth and suck out the
seed. Do not let one drop fall on the floor.
As he had expected, the nun did as she was told. Once again he marvelled at the degree of
obedience that could be instilled by years of training. S he sucked inexpertly for a few
minutes, then he started to move his penis in her mouth and before long she was swallowing
as if his life really depended on it.
He soon recovered his composure and rang for a servant.
Take Molly back to her room please, he said, and she hastened to put her habit back on
under the incurious stare of the servant girl.
Back in her room, Sister Lucia considered what she had just done. When she thought about
it, she knew that his casuistry about not spilling his seed was a fraud. She had sinned, and
she had to confess it. It occurred to her that she had not attended a single mass or office since
she arrived at the College.
When the servant brought in her next meal, the nun put herself between the servant and the
door, and asked, Please can you help me?
The servant looked at her in utter horror and said, Forbidden.
Please tell Monsignor Flavin that I need to see him, said Sister Lucia.
The servant disappeared through the door without responding, and there was no sign that her
message had been passed on.
Chapter 15 Plaything
About mid-morning, well after Sister Lucia had said in solitude the morning offices of
Matins, Lauds, Prime and Terce, a servant came to her room and indicated that she was to go
with her. Again they passed along the corridors and she was led into Monsignor Flavins
Standing before his desk, she felt quite ill at ease, not thinking it was her place to initiate the
conversation, but unsure of what he might say to her. After what felt like an age, he finally
stood up, walked round the desk and stood beside her.
Do you remember your visit here yesterday? he asked in a quiet, controlled voice which
filled her with foreboding.
Do you remember what you said then? he prompted.
Yes, Mons Master, she said, her voice quavering, I said I was resolved to obey.
And do you remember what passed between us?
Yes, Master.
And you spoke to the servant?
Yes, Master.
Then why are you still clothed? Do you think you are not to be punished for your
Resigning herself to more punishment, and sinfully hoping for his hands to soothe her again
afterwards, she discarded her habit and underwear.
It would be more convenient if you did not wear underthings when coming to my study, and
if you disrobed immediately you enter the room. I will tell you if you have no punishment
due, but that seems unlikely.
As she moved towards the desk, he held out his hand to stop her. It cupped her breast briefly
and then moved down her belly to cup her furry mound. This she allowed without moving a
Better, he said, But stand with your feet apart when I touch you.
To his surprise, she did so without demur. Teasing her nubbin until he felt her lubricating, he
took his hand away just as she was beginning to pant.
On the desk again, he ordered.
She lay across the desk again, and opened her legs without needing to be told to do so.
Monsignor Flavin spent a few seconds admiring the beautiful bottom offered to him for
punishment, and the private parts clearly visible between the parted thighs. Then his desire to
hurt her came to the fore, and he swung the knout from three feet away, so that its tails landed
on one cheek and on one thigh, with the tips curling into the gap between her legs and
inflicting tremendous pain on her tenderest portions. As she cried out in agony and slowly
subsided in to heart rending sobbing, he moved to the other side and let fly again, on the other
cheek and thigh, but on the same tenderest portion with the tips of the flails many str ings.
After some moments she had calmed again and lay there with her buttocks clenching and
relaxing alternately in anticipation of the next blow. As the true refinement of his torture
became apparent she looked round to see that he had put the knout down and was watching
her closely. Still he said nothing and she did not move. His hand stroked the battered skin of
one buttock as he savoured the vulnerability of the woman now lying naked on his desk,
entirely at his mercy. For some time he remained with one hand still, lightly resting on the
inflamed skin.
Moving away, he opened his trousers and his erection stuck out like a flagpole before him.
Come here, he ordered.
Standing up she moved to him and without any need for further orders, she knelt before him
and ministered to his needs again, swallowing his outpourings as before. When he had closed
his trousers, he ordered her back to the desk, but did not use the knout again. Instead he
fingered her nubbin and then slid a finger into her wet and welco ming womanhood. Moving
it gently in and out so as not to damage her intact maidenhead, he brought her to a shattering
climax. While she still lay there twitching in the aftershocks of her pleasure, he resumed his
seat behind the desk.
Ringing for a servant, he said, You may go now.
Master? she asked, When may I make confession?
You will be fetched when I deem that necessary.
Emboldened by this reply, she persisted, And when may I attend mass and receive
communion, Master?
Obedience will bring such privileges. Questioning my orders as you have just done will
cause you more punishment tomorrow, he said and took up a book, ignoring her and the
servant as they left.
The following day she was conducted to the study in the early morning, just after dawn and
interrupting her private celebration of Lauds. This time she stripped without any word being
spoken and sucked on her Masters organ. Then she was whipped and fingered to climax. A
servant was called and as the two women left the study, Monsignor Flavin uttered the single
word, Better.
Late that afternoon she was conducted by a servant, not to the study, but to a small chapel
where she was ushered into a confessional. This made her nervous because she had assumed
that she was going to the study again, and she felt very odd, kneeling in a confessional naked
under her habit.
Yes, my daughter, said a familiar voice, and Sister Lucia realised that Monsignor Flavin
was also to be her confessor.
The routine of confession was completed, with Sister Lucia detailing all that had passed
between them, and being questioned closely as to her feelings and experiences.
At the end, the Monsignor said, I find no sin here. You merely obeyed those whom God put
in charge of you, as a good and devout woman should. Penance for the sins of disobedience
has already been made by the whippings you have received. Go in peace.
The curtain on the little grating between them was then closed with a degree of finality. She
rose and left the confession box to find a different servant waiting to escort her to her cell.
There she discovered that all her underthings had been removed.
For seven more days the routine of one visit a day to the study continued, though the time of
day of these sessions varied a lot. The events in the study always included whipping, and
shuddering, and kneeling to drink the Monsignors offering, though again the order of these
three was unpredictable. Rarely was anything said by either of them.
Then a day came when she was not conducted to his study, and the same the following day.
Sister Lucia was at a loss to know why she was no longer being used, and on the third night
she was compelled by her desires to bring herself to a shudder in the darkness of her cell.
Chapter 16 Choice
It was some days after that before she saw Monsignor Flavin again. When she did, it was in
his study, where she stood before his desk again, feeling like a schoolgirl on the mat before
the headmistress.
As she entered he had told her to keep her clothes on, and she felt quite bereft. That she was
not to be punished was good, but did that mean they were not to pleasure each other? She
knew it was sinful, despite his words in the confessional, but she had become accustomed to
him making her shudder, and a modern psychiatrist wo uld say she was conditioned to expect
Molly, listen to me. The time has come to review your progress, and to discuss your
future, he said.
Waving to a chair she had not previously noticed in the corner, he added pleasantly, Pull up
a chair, my child.
When she was sitting nervously opposite him, he looked long and hard at her.
Well, you have improved a lot since the first time we met in this room and you flinched
when I touched your breast, he started.
Molly nodded.
Now you seem very obedient. You have realised, I feel, that obedience is the true virtue,
and the only one to which you are capable of adhering. I dare say that if I walked round there
now and told you to be still, then fondled your breasts and lower body, you would not move a
She blushed as she realised that this was indeed true. In her cell the Sister Lucia persona
ruled her body and hated what happened to her, but in this room the she knew that she would
willingly submit to anything he wanted to do to her, and that she wo uld enjoy most of it.
How sweet, you can still blush at a sexual thought.
He paused and concentrated on filling and lighting his pipe. When it was well alight, he
spoke again.
I have again discussed you with the Mother Superior and the Bishop, he lied, They both
agree that you do not yet have a true vocation to be a member of a religious order. While
your obedience is not questioned and the vow of poverty does not present a difficulty, your
obvious enjoyment of sexual activities means that some time, perhaps even years, must pass
before you could again be trusted inside a closed community dedicated to chastity, which
really means celibacy. I am sure you understand that a Bride of Christ should not scream in
ecstasy as she spends, shudders, impaled on a male finger, or excited by another womans
mouth, nor should she swallow a mans offering so eagerly.
Molly nodded.
That brings us back to the old option of the Order expelling you on to the streets of Dublin,
barefoot and penniless. I do not doubt that you would soon be earning a living in a
whorehouse and would not suffer immediately. However, whores tend to catch awful
diseases, and to die young, in cruel circumstances, so it isnt a very tempting option. Now,
the Bishop and I have devised a way in which you can continue to serve the Church while not
actually being in a Convent. On the Bishops advice, the Mother Superior has agreed that
you can remain technically a member of the order, but that you will be on Sabbatical Leave
indefinitely. That means you can resume the life of a nun when you are older, should you so
wish. In the mean time we have a useful rle for you within these four walls.
Somewhat infuriatingly for her, he stopped to relight his pipe, before resuming the account of
the largely fictional discussions.
It is an unfortunate fact of life that all priests are men, and that all men are sinners. The
Bishop thinks that for those priests for whom celibacy is all but impossible, it is better for
their sin to be controlled and channelled, rather than random and causing scandals. We
propose, therefore, that accommodation be provided here for you to indulge, yes indulge is
the word, indulge these men who could then better control their urges and keep their ahem
hands off their parishioners.
She thought bitterly, So I am to be in the churchs whore house, instead of a public one.
Some choice.
I think we could make your life here comfortable, and we anticipate no more than three or
four visitors a week. In the stews of Mountgomery Street you would be visited many times
every day, by all sorts of undesirables. Of course, I shall still have my needs, and the Bishop
will call occasionally. If that course of action is agreeable, you would be provided with
suitable clothes and, of course, while performing these services you would be known by your
former name, Molly.
Yes, Master, she replied, remembering with no great pleasure those far-off days when she
was Molly all the time, before she professed her vows and became Sister Lucia.
Come with me, he ordered and swept out of the room.
Hurrying to keep up with him, she followed until they reached her cell, and both went into it.
This is Sister Lucias cell. Here you are Sister Lucia, the Merciful Nun. Here you will eat,
sleep and live, except for the special occasions, when you have a visitor.
She stared at him, not fully understanding.
Come, and he was gone again.
They hurried along corridors into a part of the College of Correction and Redemption which
she had never before visited. The corridors here were not merely carpeted, the carpets were
thick. There were pictures on the walls, religious scenes to be sure, but decorations
nevertheless. The Monsignor opened a door and led her into a room.
Here, you will be Molly and will entertain your visitors, he explained, It is in this room
that the Merciful Nun shows her mercy and compassion for men torn apart between their
vows to the Church and their earthly desires.
Molly looked around her and saw the sort of bedroom she thought a rich lady might have,
though in truth it was basic enough. It was warmed by a cheerful fire in a large fireplace.
There was a bed, with a proper mattress which sank a little under her weight as she sat on it.
A wardrobe stood with its door open and several dresses hanging in it. A dressing table had
some unfamiliar items on it, among which she recognised only lipstick. A large leather
upholstered easy chair was off in one corner. It was frayed but looked serviceable; she
would learn soon enough what it was for. To one the side was a washstand with a jug and
bowl, which were purely decorative, since he showed her that through another door was a
bathroom. Out of the window she could see a garden with tall trees obscuring any longer
Now, Molly, said Monsignor Flavin, You may serve me.
Dutifully, she sank to her knees before him and opened his trousers, taking his manhood into
her mouth. No doubt this was how she had to help the men who would visit the Merciful
Nun. To her surprise he indulged himself for only a few moments before withdrawing and
buttoning himself up. Taking her hand he helped her up and took her over to the armchair.
This is not for sitting in, he said, At least, not by you. Bend over one arm.
Helped a little by his guiding hands, she settled herself face down over one arm of the chair,
her shoulders resting comfortably enough over the other arm.
That is how you will use this chair, when a visitor wants you to do so. He may want you
bent over the arm like this for various reasons, but the position is always the same.
She felt him lift the skirts of her habit, and of her shift to expose her bottom, naked as it
always was now. He stroked her globes tenderly. Molly resigned herself to another
spanking, but he surprised her by parting her cheeks and running his finger down the crack
and between her waiting labia. She was wet, as she always was after sucking him, even for a
few moments. His finger entered her a little, as far as he ever pushed it, and turned and
twisted, collecting her juices. Then it ran up to her darker entrance and pressed.
No, she breathed, before she could stop herself.
Obedience, he ordered, and she stilled herself.
The finger entered her rear passage and went deep. It was an odd feeling, not quite exciting,
but a reminder that he was there and using her body for his own pleasure.
Some of your visitors will want to finger you over this chair, he explained, I dont want
you being disobedient to any of them. Some may want to punish you over this chair, or even
enter you. Some will want to use this hole also. Of course, most of them will want to play
with you on the bed, he explained, But I thought you should be told of all the variations.
As he left her new accommodation, Monsignor Flavin said, By the way, the Bishop will call
to see you in an hour or so. He has expressed a wish that you wear your habit for the
meeting, but be naked beneath it. Apparently he has always fantasised about taking
advantage of an innocent nun, so you could, perhaps, help him by appearing a little
After he had left, she looked in the drawers of the dressing table. As she expected there was
a knout there, but she was surprised to see handcuffs, and various lengths of soft rope, and
more puzzlingly, a statue of a mans penis which was rather larger than Monsignor Flavins.
A whippy cane, such as she had not felt since her school days completed the inventory.
In the wardrobe were three outfits. One was a dress such as her mother might have wor n, the
second was a longer dress which would reach the floor if she wore it, but which seemed to be
missing its upper section. There was nothing to go over her arms and shoulders, and at the
back it would scarcely come higher than her waist. The third one puzzled her the most. It
was black, but very thin. The skirt was only a few inches deep; the blouse was even thinner
than the skirt and she could clearly see her hand, even through two layers of it. There was a
tiny white lace edged apron to go with it.
In the wardrobe drawer she found some thin silk drawers, and some stockings. These also
were silk and had garters apparently sewn on to them. They too were very thin, and she
thought they would be no good to keep her warm. Then the penny dropped and she blushed.
Wearing the blouse, the short skirt, the little apron and the stockings, I would be completely
dressed, while at the same time every detail of my body would be visible to anyone else in the
room. These are a harlots clothes.
Chapter 17 The Bishop
An hour later she still waited in her new room for the Bishop to arrive. She was full of
trepidation, but convinced that she knew what was expected of her. The Bishop would want
to touch her, and to have her suck his male organ, as Monsignor Flavin did. What she
wondered was, Can I do it with a different man, and one as important as the Bishop? At least
if my nerves are bad, he would see the reluctance he asked for.
Afterwards, Molly expected, he would want to punish her, and she felt her nipples rise at t he
thought. She sat quite still, dressed in her Swiss wimple and her habit, but without anything
beneath it.
The door opened and the Bishop walked in, closing it behind him. Molly was surprised to
see him in a suit such as Monsignor Flavin usually wore, then realised that the only times she
had seen him previously had been church ceremonial, when he would naturally have been
wearing robes and a mitre. Suddenly she felt much happier about the next few hours, This
isnt a distant exalted figure. This is just an old man who was a friend of the Monsignor, and
is no more frightening than he.
The Bishop took off his jacket and hung it on the back of the door, looked round him, and sat
on the bed at the foot end. Molly smiled at him, remained standing and waited quietly; she
knew it was not her place to speak first.
Good afternoon, my child, he said, That was a lovely smile. I hope you will cooperate
without causing a fuss. Now please remove your wimple.
Is that proper, Sir? she asked, beginning to get into the reluctance game.
It is an order, my child; do not question my orders or I shall have to punish you.
Slowly and carefully, she removed her wimple and shook out her hair.
Monsignor Flavin was quite right, the Bishop thought, Her hair looks much nicer kept rather
longer than the Convent would allow. The dark chestnut colouring shows off her fair skin
nicely. I wonder if the rest of her is milk white, or if she has freckles?
Come and sit beside me, my child, he said, patting the bed.
Slowly and apparently hesitantly she sat as far away from him as she could.
Nearer to me, he coaxed.
She moved next to him and he put an avuncular arm round her shoulders.
Monsignor Flavin tells me that you are to take part in our arrangements to help priests in
difficulties? he asked.
She dropped her eyes and blushed as she whispered, Yes, Sir.
Pulling her gently towards him, he cupped her breast gently with his other hand. She dabbed
ineffectually at it, as though trying to push it away.
Reluctant, my child? Or did the good Monsignor indicate that I would like that?
She nodded, ambiguously, reasoning that he could take it as he wished; both were true.
Very well, he said, releasing her, Stand up and take that habit off. I wish to make sure
that you can help a priest properly and adequately.
Realising that the time for both sham and real reluctance was over, she did as she was told,
folding the garment carefully and putting it aside. The Bishop could scarcely believe his eyes
as he watched her moving. The slight bounce of her breasts and the wonderfully curved
bottom were, in his professional opinion, enough to tempt a saint. Certainly his manhood
sprang to attention as the habit was lifted over her head, revealing that she was nude beneath
When she had folded the habit, Molly walked and stood as she had been taught, immediately
in front of the Bishop, and well within arms length. He reached out almost reverentially and
stroked her hip. When she didnt move, his hand trailed across to her mons, with its sparse
covering of dark brown hair. Again she made no move, since Monsignor Flavin always told
her what he wanted.
Do you not open for me? asked the Bishop.
Of course, Sir, she said, widening her knees to allow his hand to slip between her thighs,
but the Master always tells me what to do, and doesnt like me to do things unless he tells
me. He says it is disobedient for me to do what I want.
He is quite right, my child. Please sit on my knee.
As she did so, one hand went round her back and grasped her breast, pulling her to him. The
other hand turned her head gently and he kissed her lips, pushing his tongue at her. Puzzled,
she allowed it to enter her mouth, but did not respond. His free hand dropped into her lap and
she readily opened her thighs to allow his exploring fingers into her crack.
Breaking off the kiss, he asked, Has nobody taught you to kiss? I thought you and one of
the Novices
Ive never kissed anyone like that before, Sir. I am an obedient child. I will do whatever
you tell me.
He was about to follow this up when he realised that his questing fingers had come up against
an intact hymen.
What, exactly, do you and Monsignor Flavin do? Tell me everything, my child, he
Molly blushed very prettily, he thought as she whispered, We touch each other until I
shudder, and then I help him to empty himself, Sir.
Clearly the Monsignor had not included Anglo-Saxon terminology in his teachings.
And how do you help him to do that, my child? With your hand?
Yes, Sir, at first. Then with my mouth.
The Bishop seriously thought he would have a spontaneous emission for the first time in forty
years as she said that, and he had a mental picture of this virgin nun, in her habit, kneeling
before the Monsignor, sucking his prick as an act of devotion. Not for the first time, he was
glad he had chosen the Church as a career, and even more glad that he was not burdened with
the weight of any particular beliefs, morals or scruples.
Neither he, nor any other man has emptied himself where my hand is now? he pressed her.
She looked astonished as she said, Oh, no, Sir. That would be mortal sin, to do that.
This presented the Bishop with a problem. Would the young nun satisfy the randier clergy,
and help avoid scandals with parishioners, if all she would give was a blow job? There was
a more pressing problem. How am I to fuck this virgin if she is convinced that she should not
let anyone have her?
Still exciting her vagina with his finger, and stroking her clitoris absent- mindedly, he
pondered this problem. He scarcely noticed her moans getting louder until he realised she
was about to fall off his knee. Taking his hand away from her eager body, he lifted her off
his knee and deposited her on the bed, where she lay o n her back with her knees wide apart.
He applied himself to exciting her further, and his success was measured, in his own mind at
least, by her legs lifting off the bed and her toes stretching up to point high in the air.
He paused long enough for her to start to come down from the brink of an orgasm and she
chuckled throatily as she realised what he was doing. Each time, he started again until she
was on the brink, and then paused again. The fourth time he paused he was too late, and she
threshed about on the bed and screamed in the frenzy of her orgasm.
When she had calmed she sat up and said what was obviously a well-coached line, I was
naughty, wasnt I, when I shuddered?
Ive never heard it called that before, he thought, smiling inwardly, but she certainly does
tremble and shudder as she comes. Yes, my child, you were, he replied, not wanting to
upset the routine. Then he tried the stratagem he had thought up to get past her vows. What
is the ring you wear? he asked.
It signifies my vows, and that I am a Bride of Christ and cannot ever marry a man, she
replied, wondering why the Bishop, who had presided at the profession of vows of several of
the nuns, did not know this.
Yes, my child, and I am Christs representative in this diocese, so I have the privilege of
representing him at the consummation of his relationship with his brides. Did the Mother
Superior not explain this?
No, Sir.
She looked very, very doubtful. That cheered him up; she hadnt dismissed his argument for
the clap-trap it was. The advantages of a diocese full of ignorant young women never ceased
to please him, even though preferment to Archbishop had passed him by the previous year
when a much younger man had been appointed. He removed his trousers quickly and stood
before her clad in shirt and socks.
Well it is so. Now I order you to lie down again, and open and lift your legs as you were
This was the moment of truth. If she obeyed, he was in, and so were all the priests who
wanted her. There was an urgent need as the previous Merciful Nun was now seven months
pregnant and if nothing was done soon there would be scandals of the first order in some
He was much relieved to see her sink on the bed and dutifully open herself. The inner labia
were glistening from her orgasm, so he need not waste time on foreplay or lubrication. He
lowered himself between her legs, brought the head of his penis to the mouth of her vagina
and pushed, hard.
In he went, to the hilt in a single stroke, and he wondered if he had been mistaken about her
maidenhead. Her screams he took as his due, either for the pain or for the pleasure he was
bringing her. Gathering himself he pumped vigorously in and out of her hot tight entrance
for almost a minute before his penis exploded in an orgasm of mind shattering intensity.
As his manhood shrivelled, he rolled off her and heard her whimpering, No, please, no, no.
He noted with satisfaction the blood on her thighs, and he wiped his penis on the nearest
thing to hand, which was the hem of her habit.
When she had recovered her composure, she saw him standing over her, with his trousers on
again. Suddenly she burst into tears, and he had a grave foreboding of trouble ahead. He
resolved to bully and bluster his way out of it.
Stop crying and tell me; what is the matter? he snapped.
I was very naughty, wasnt I? I said no when you stopped. I just wanted to go on and on,
and that was thinking of myself first, she sobbed.
That is true, my child, he replied, trying not to let the relief sound in his voice.
And so you will punish me a lot, wont you? At least twelve strokes of the knout? she
The Bishop had not had two erections in one day for years, but he could have hung weights
on it at this moment. The woman was asking him to flog her with a flail!
At least, he replied, remembering, and now understanding, why Monsignor Flavin had
asked him not to damage her.
Chapter 18 Punishment
Molly rose naked from the bed, watched closely by the Bishop as her movements made her
breasts move in interesting and arousing ways. She then knelt beside the bed with her torso
resting on the mattress and her back and buttocks perfectly presented for punishment.
For some moments the Bishop surveyed the bare flesh of his victim and tried to dec ide where
and how to inflict the maximum of pain with the minimum of damage. He knew Monsignor
Flavin needed to press this Merciful Nun into regular service very soon, so she must not be
harmed by him. Nevertheless he intended to enjoy himself as fully as may be, and planning
the pain was almost as pleasant as inflicting it.
She flinched as his hand rested on the shoulder blade for a moment before tracing the line of
her spine downwards until it rested on her buttock. The sensation of her warm skin and t he
palpable shiver of fear under his hand was very pleasant, the Bishop thought. Then he lifted
the hand away from the oh-so-tempting flesh and determined that he must scourge this
temptation from his mind. Naturally the physical scourging would be of he r flesh, rather than
his own, since it was her flesh which tempted him.
He looked again at the curve of her buttocks and marvelled at the smooth skin of her lower
back. Presented like this, with the breasts and face hidden in the mattress, it could be the
back and bottom of a fifteen year old girl. The thought made him even harder and he
determined that her punishment for tempting him thus would be made appropriate for the
temptress; a young woman might be scourged with a knout for tempting him with her smile
and breasts, and orgasms, but young girls who were naughty were spanked with the bare
Barely had the decision been made than he found his hand moving swiftly through the air and
into contact with that delicious curving bare arse. The imp rint of his hand was red on the
white flesh as he lifted it high in the air.
Molly cried out at the blow, more in surprise than pain. She had been preparing herself for
the multiple strands of the knout landing the bare flesh of her buttocks. There would have
been some warning from the sound of the instrument as it tore through the air on the
downward stroke, but his hand had made no noise at all.
The second blow made a similar mark on the other cheek.
If he is just going to spank me, then that isnt much of a punishment, she thought,
remembering the spankings she had endured as a child.
Spanking this behind was not very satisfying after a few blows, the Bishop found. The
woman was not crying as a child would cry, but rather enduring a punishment which, while
not pleasant, was not too painful to suffer in silence. Since she insisted on being a woman, he
would treat her as such.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw him turn to the dressing table drawer and take up the
knout. Deep down, Molly knew she was sinful and needed to be punished, and now she felt a
rising excitement as the moment approached.
The multiple strands of the knout whistled through the air and landed exactly where he
planned, close together on the fleshy upper edge of her buttocks. The skin turned deep red as
the air was filled with the loudest scream of pain she had managed to emit that day.
Time and again the knout fell until Molly could scream no more and her throat felt as sore as
her private parts. Finally the Bishop stopped and surveyed his handiwork. Her back, bum
and upper thighs were red raw, but he noted to his satisfaction that the skin was not broken
once. Then he saw that the mattress beneath the woman was wet, and he realised that this
was a mixture of his semen and her excitement.
Unable to resist any longer, the Bishop fairly tore his trousers off and plunged deep into the
sobbing womans body. His weight and the chafing of his clothing on her bruised and
smarting flesh caused a fresh outburst of pitiful cries, which inflamed him the more. Her
private parts were also very sore from his first defloration of her, and added to her general
pain and discomfort. He pumped in and out of her vagina dementedly, quickly releasing his
second emission of semen deep into her body.
After the Bishop left, Molly remained face down on the bed for some minutes. Eventually
she dragged herself to her feet and had a long bath, which felt sinful, but, she reasoned,
everything which happened in this room was becase she was Molly, whose very nature was
Sister Lucia, she remind herself, has no reason to feel guilty about anything Molly does.
After her bath, she dressed quickly in her habit, with underwear, and went out into the
corridor and was, once again, Sister Lucia. She made her way to her own cell and there she
spent more than two hours on her knees praying for Mollys immortal soul. The split in her
own mind between the two personalities was now almost complete.
Chapter 19 Visitor
For the next three days life followed its usual routine. Sister Lucia rose early, said her own
Divine Offices at the appointed hours, washed, ate her meals, and spent the rest of her time in
silent prayer and contemplation. Almost every day she visited Monsignor Flavin whose use
of her had not changed. In many ways she was, she supposed, happier here, without any
distractions, than she had been in the Convent.
On the fourth morning after the Bishops visit, with Molly firmly hidden in the back of her
mind, Monsignor Flavin again came to Sister Lucias cell and informed her that a visitor
would be with her in an hour. He escorted her to Mollys room where he had her strip before
him so that he could check that her back was completely recovered from the Bishops
attentions. He also thrust two fingers into her private parts and seemed satisfied that she did
not wince at the intrusion. His next order was for her to kneel and suck him, swallowing his
offering. As she rose, still naked, from performing this duty, Molly was in total control, and
noticed that she was wet and ready between her legs.
What shall I wear, Master? she asked, with more assurance and willingness than he had
noticed previously.
Oh, the clothes are there on the bed, he said, and left her alone.
He would have preferred to stay and watch this lovely creature dress herself in the simple
clothes he had laid out for her, brassire and drawers in plain white cotton, a thin slip and a
respectable womans dress. As he went back to his room he hoped that this visit would pass
off well, as on the success of this depended the rest of her time here. He had no other
student in the College, or in view, who was anywhere near ready to entertain the randy
priests who were his clientele, and Gertrude, her heavily pregnant predecessor, was about to
return to the Convent whence she came.
Molly went into the bathroom and washed, being careful not to excite herself too much in the
process. It would never do if she shuddered before the visitor came. She was feeling both
trepidation and excitement. Trepidation that she might not please the visitor, and excitement
that she was to help this man with his problems. She dressed quickly and sat quietly waiting,
her thoughts untroubled by any worries about the morality of her actions. Molly knew that
Sister Lucia would take care of that aspect for her, later.
When he arrived, the visitor proved to be a short stout man of late middle age. He seemed
very much at home in this room, though a little surprised to see Molly there.
Hullo, he said, Whats your name?
Molly, sir, she said.
She knew better than to ask his.
Wheres he started to ask, and then thought better of it, I suppose Id better tell you
what I want? he asked.
She nodded and stood up.
Well, first I like to sit and kiss for a while. Then Ill undress you myself while we kiss, and
you can then lie down. Does that sound reasonable?
Molly nodded again, not trusting herself to ask any questions. She sat down again on the bed
and the visitor sat beside her. They kissed, tentatively at first, then as he realised she was
totally compliant, more passionately. His tongue scoured her mouth and when it withdrew
she returned the compliment.
The only slight hitch came when he had to ask her to stand up so that her dress could be
removed. She made a mental note to do so in future whenever necessary; men seemed to
like her to anticipate some of their wishes and not others. Then she was standing before him
clad only in the sensible brassire and drawers. He unfastened the string and let her drawers
fall to her ankles. Then he tackled her brassire with a skill which bespoke much experience.
She dropped to her knees and started to unfasten his trousers. For a few moments he allowed
this, watching her movements with interest. When she lifted his manhood and opened her
mouth to suck it, he hit her on the side of the head, hard, knocking her to the floor.
Thats a filthy idea, he snarled, Ill show you where that is to go, you abomination of a
He lifted her bodily and dropped her on the bed. In a moment her legs were on his shoulders
and he was buried firmly in her vagina. A few violent strokes in and out and she felt his
whole body stiffen and throb. Then he was out of her, dropping her legs unceremoniously, so
that she fell from the edge of the bed on to the floor. As she looked up a few moments later
she saw his retreating back disappear through the door.
Slowly she picked herself up and moved towards the bathroom, acutely conscious of the fact
that she had not been satisfied and that she had probably failed the visitor as well. Her leg
itched and it was only when she absent- mindedly scratched it that she realised that the
irritation was caused by a sticky liquid running down her leg.
At least he did shudder, she thought, even if I havent.
After cleaning herself, she went back into the bedroom and lay on the bed. It was there, close
to a self- induced orgasm, that Monsignor Flavin found her when he entered unannounced.
What are you doing? he asked, knowing full well what she was doing.
Master, she cried, leaping from the bed, I was just
I know what you were doing. Lie down and continue; I want to watch.
Molly did as she was told, but found it very disconcerting to be watched, especially as
Monsignor Flavin would lean forward from time to time to examining a nipple, or her face, or
her fingering of herself from only a few inches away.
After some minutes, he said, craftily, You arent getting anywhere, are you?
No Master, she admitted.
Allow me, he said and started to finger her clitoris.
Just as she was coming along nicely, he let it go and she moaned. He thrust a finger quickly
into her vagina, which was lovely, then withdrew it and pushed it into the darker hole. She
twisted on the bed in protest, partly at the pain and partly at the affront.
A lot of your visitors will want to put their fingers in here, so youd better get used to it, he
said, Now lie still.
His thumb returned to her clitoris and this stimulation distracted her mind from the invasion
of her rectum. Eventually she had relaxed enough for him to have two fingers in her bottom,
and she felt very full as she shuddered to her climax.
When she opened her eyes again, it was to see the Monsignors penis hovering above her
face. She turned to lie on her side and took it into her mouth. As she sucked him, he moved
her legs into a foetal position and she felt his fingers intruding into her bottom again. This
sensation was again somewhat tempered by his thumb sliding into her vagina at the same
time. As she licked and sucked valiantly, she managed to slide her own hand down to her
clitoris and was close to shuddering again when Monsignor Flavins manhood suddenly
erupted in her mouth.
He withdrew at once and some of the cream splashed on to her face and breasts. He stood up,
releasing her body, and went into the bathroom. Molly lay there, exhausted, slowly scraping
his juices from her face and breasts, and licking her fingers clean. Finally she wiped herself
on the discarded drawers she had worn for her visitor.
When Monsignor Flavin returned from his ablutions, once again fully dressed, he asked her,
What did you do to upset him?
Master, she said, I offered to take him in my mouth.
Molly, he sighed, What am I going to do with you? You are here to obey, not to initiate.
Unless asked, you do nothing, especially with a new visitor. If a gentleman visits you a
second time, you may remember what he wants and assume it will be the same, but you
never propose anything yourself.
Sorry, Master, she said, draping her naked body face down over the armchair.
So you should be, he said as he raised his hand, bringing it down in a resounding slap on
her rump.
Molly started to cry quietly, but as he continued the spanking her sobs became louder. When
his palm was stinging, the Monsignor took the knout from the drawer of the sideboard and
gave her a sharp crack across the buttocks with it. He had held his hand back a little and so
the various strands only just reached her bottom, eac h one making an extremely painful spot
where the very end of each strand cracked on the already reddened and sensitive flesh. Molly
let out an unfeigned scream of pain.
Dress and return to your cell, please, Sister Lucia, said her tormentor.
As she rose and started to pull on her habit, Monsignor Flavin stopped her and said, I hope
you dont intend to walk along the corridor without any drawers on?
No, Master, she said, and continued to don the habit.
When it was securely in place she stepped into the thick drawers she found in the wardrobe
and pulled them up under the skirts, wincing with pain as the harsh material came in contact
with her abused skin.
Ill be sleeping on my front again tonight, she thought wryly as she made her way back to
being Sister Lucia again.
In later months, she realised that the short, stout man was really very kind, provided she did
as he asked. His main pleasure seemed to be kissing, though they always ended up on the
bed with him shuddering long before she got there. In fact she came to realise that he was
quite the kindest of her visitors, even though she had had such an unfortunate first visit from
Chapter 20 Statue
As the first few weeks passed a number of different visitors came to call; Sister Lucia was
transformed into Molly, provided pleasures for them, and then returned to being Sister Lucia.
Her duties continued to include pleasuring Monsignor Flavin, and he now used her vagina as
well as her mouth, and frequently pushed a finger into her arse as he fucked her.
Then a visitor came who introduced her to a new variation. He had asked for her to be
dressed as a young lay woman, in the blouse and skirt, but without the frilly apron. She had
nothing on underneath the specified clothes, since nothing had been mentioned. W hen he
saw her he looked startled, but made no comment. He was a tall, spare man with thinning
hair, older than Molly but not, she thought, old enough to be her father.
You dont seem in the least shy about your duties? he asked.
Sir? was all that Molly could think of to say.
The lack of underclothing, he explained.
Oh. Monsignor Flavin did not say I was to wear any, sir.
The visitor made no comment, but walked over to the drawers and took out the statue of the
mans penis. Molly had not felt able to look closely at this, but the visitor evidently knew all
about it.
Well, since you seem to have no shame, take off the skirt but retain the blouse. It will be
even more provocative than nude, I think.
As she obeyed, Molly blushed because, as he had intimated, she felt more naked than if she
had been unclothed.
Lie on the bed with your legs in the air, and well see how this little beauty suits you, the
visitors voice sounded ominous.
Molly obediently lay on her back and pulled her knees up to her chest, holding them there
with her hands.
Please, sir, what does it do?
Ah; then you have not experienced this before? he asked.
No, sir, Molly said, wondering what, exactly, it was for.
Well, what I do is oil you thoroughly, said her visitor, suiting his actions to his words and
pouring baby oil liberally on, and in to her vagina, Now you can accept this easily, I hope.
Indeed the strange dildo slid easily into her body, leaving the handle protruding. The visitor
pumped it in and out for some moments and Molly thought she felt the first stirrings of her
build up to shuddering, but then he removed it, and she felt empty.
Now, a little more oil, the visitor commented as he oiled her bottom, making sure some
went right inside her.
Then the pleasure, he said as he slid the device, with some difficulty, into Mollys most
private aperture.
It hurt a little, even though she was doing her best to relax and let it in. Once inside her
rectum, it was turned several times to seat it comfortably, and Mo lly began to accept its
presence. In truth, it was less painful than Monsignor Flavins fingers had been, or the
handsome young mans penis.
This visitor started to fiddle with the handle of the dildo, muttering, and then the pain came.
Suddenly Molly felt the device expand inside her, pressing the walls of her rectum apart in a
most agonising way. She cried out to him to stop, and he did so.
Now you understand how it works, I think. It can be enlarged up to several times its original
size. Curiously, it was our Mother the Church who invented it, or to be more accurate, that
part of the Church called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal
The Inquisition? she stammered.
Indeed, the Inquisition, her visitor replied, to her horror, I am told they used two at once,
front and rear, to obtain confessions from witches. Unfortunately I have never been able to
find another one, so I cant try that, but one makes the Merciful Nun scream quite well.
With that he turned the handle a little further, and Molly screamed in pain.
As the afternoon wore on, Molly experienced more pain than she thought possible, and
finally was much relieved when her visitor released his little toy and removed it from her
anus. He then proceeded to use her vagina in the normal way, though her rectum hurt far too
much for Molly to get any pleasure from it.
The pity is, said the visitor when he had finished inside her and she had licked him clean,
that Monsignor Flavin wont let me use my device properly. I can only open it half way, for
fear of damaging the Merciful Nun beyond repair, and for your first time I was adjured to
open it only one third of the way. Look, he held his toy up and opened it to one third, That
is what you took, and even that made you scream most satisfactorily.
He opened it further, as Molly watched the end unfurl itself with horror and loathing. That
is half way. I shall give you that next time, he promised, reducing Molly to whimpering
with fear.
Releasing her from her bonds, he said, Now it is your turn. I have hurt you, and that is a sin.
To be purged of that sin, I must be hurt in my turn.
Handing Molly the knout, he lay face down on the bed and said, Twelve, I think.
Molly felt very uncomfortable wielding the knout on her visitor, even though he praised her
for punishing him. Whenever he visited Molly, and she hated and feared those visits, Sister
Lucia would always feel the need for a session of self- flagellation in the privacy of her cell
later that evening.
Chapter 21 Handcuffs
Although he usually sent messages via the servant girls, Monsignor Flavin came to Sister
Lucias cell in person to tell her to expect a visitor in an hour or so. She was to go with the
servant girl carrying a dress and change into it. The servant would then take her habit away
and return it after the visitor had left.
In Mollys room she quickly undressed, no longer embarrassed at the presence of the servant,
and slipped on the dress. Since there were no underclothes, she assumed she was to be naked
under it, and this was not unusual; many of her visitors wanted her to be bereft of underwear.
Well before her visitor was due she was ready for him, dressed in a shabby frock which had
seen better days, and which was not a normal part of her costume.
Several visitors had met and used Molly in her room at the College of Correction and
Redemption but none had used any form of restraint on her, and she had more or less
forgotten the handcuffs in the dressing table drawer, when a short, wiry man w ith sparse
ginger hair knocked at her door and introduced himself as Declan. He seemed surprised that
Molly was waiting for him sitting on the bed.
Did they not tell you? he asked.
All I was told was that a real gentlemen was to visit me, she said, trying to flatter him, and
wondering what Monsignor Flavin had forgotten to say.
Oh well, I suppose youll remember next time. I like to find you on the bed, fastened down,
but I suppose Ill have to do it myself, he grumbled.
Taking four sets of handcuffs from the dressing table, he quickly clipped her ankles and
wrists to the four corners of the brass bedstead, taking care not to touch her flesh at all, so
that she was spread-eagled face up, quite unable to prevent any liberties he might wish to take
with her body. As he did so he explained that she could do this herself as long as she
remembered to fasten her ankles first.
When all was ready, he went out of the room for some minutes; then Molly heard a knock at
the door.
Come in, she called, realising that he wanted to start his visit again, with her properly in
In he came and stood beside the bed looking her up and down for some moments. He took
off his overcoat and carefully hung it in the wardrobe before returning to the side of the bed.
Well, well, well, he said, You do seem to have been a naughty girl, dont you? You must
have tried to run away or they wouldnt have restrained you like that.
As Molly went to plead her innocence, being the part she expected to have to play with him,
he interrupted her with a strict admonition to silence. Slowly removing his suit, he again
hung the jacket and trousers neatly in the wardrobe, which Molly noticed was completely
Returning to the bed, he delved in his underwear and produced a short, fat, but evidently very
solid erection. Molly assumed that he would use her mouth or her body and she started to
dampen in anticipation of the lovely shudder a thick gentleman could offer her.
Still being careful not to touch her flesh, he lifted her frock clear of her body and in one well
practised movement, tore it from hem to neck. Pulling the bottom of it sideways, he dragged
most of the torn garment from under her and then tore it again, leaving only the minimum of
material attached to the sleeves which, of course, he could not remove. Placing the length of
cloth he had thus acquired over her belly, but leaving her breasts and private parts exposed,
he climbed above her on to the bed and knelt straddling her belly and facing the head of the
Holding his erection in one hand, he pumped vigorously, and in a very few minutes jets of
sticky liquid fell across her breasts, with the first, and strongest pulse just landing on her chin.
As his erection subsided he climbed off her and fetched a chair to the side of the bed near the
foot. Sitting on this, he proceeded to pull out some of the hairs from her private parts one at a
time, leaving most of them, but causing her considerable pain as each was wrenched from its
After amusing himself thus for some little time, he climbed above her again and settled
himself between her thighs. With one thrust he was deep inside her body and Molly expected
him to start to move; indeed she hoped for it, because she was close to shuddering.
However, all he did was release her right wrist and sit back, still embedded firmly inside her.
You may now have your lunch, he ordered, But not a word mind.
With her one free hand, Molly scooped up the cold sticky liquid which adorned her breasts
and popped it in her mouth. Although she usually enjoyed eating mens emissions, his had
had time to cool and now felt slimy and nasty, not at all like the warm salty fluid she enjoyed.
She managed to get it all into her mouth, but Declan realised she had not swallowed it and
demanded first that she open her mouth, then that she swallow, and finally that she open her
mouth again to show it had gone.
Apparently he found this routine exceedingly exciting, because she felt him shuddering inside
her, and she too reached that glorious state. Before she had recovered her senses, Declan had
jumped off her, and quickly fastened her right wrist to the same bedpost as her left, so that
she was forced to lie mostly on her side.
Approaching her face, he suggested, It might be a kindness if you were to clean me.
Opening her mouth wide, Molly managed to accommodate his girth in her lips and to lick his
stickiness. As she did so, she started to suck on him, but feeling this he pulled away and
stuffed himself back into his underwear. Unclipping her left ankle, he took it across the bed
and clipped it to the same bedpost as her right, twisting her face down as he did so. This left
her rosy bottom fully exposed to his gaze, as was her back; only her shoulders were
concealed in the torn remnants of her frock.
Her first hint of the next phase of his pleasures was when the knout landed on her bottom
cheeks with some force.
You are a wicked woman, he declared, Tempting me like this; wearing no underwear.
He lifted the remnant of her dress up and away from her shoulders, dropping it on the back of
her head. The next blow did not land on her shoulders, as she had expected, but across the
tops of her thighs. That was a tender spot, and all the more painful for the surprise; Molly
cried out in pain, but this seemed to annoy her visitor.
I told you to be quiet, he hissed, You are to be punished in silence.
Taking the torn cloth he had used as a saddle, he wrapped it twice round her head as a rough
gag, and tied it tightly at the back.
There, perhaps that will help, he said.
Her then returned to his flagellation of the unfortunate woman and she felt five or six more
blows from the knout. Evidently this had reinvigorated him, for she felt his weight on her
back and his erection between her legs. Thrusting between her thighs for as few moments, he
reached a third climax, and sprayed the bedding, since he had not managed to enter her on
this occasion, but seemed content to rub himself between her thighs. This was very painful as
his underwear rubbed on her sore flesh, and she was relieved when he rose from the bed.
She heard him dress and the door close behind him. Lying there helpless, Molly waited and
eventually a servant girl came into the room.
Freeing Mollys hands, she spoke, which was very unusual, You could easily have freed
yourself. I thought you were bathing.
Taking the torn remnants of the dress away, the girl left Molly to her bath, to dress herself
and return to being Sister Lucia. Over the months her private parts became less a nd less hairy
as Declan visited from time to time, but she never got used to his peculiarities, and feared his
visits, as she did the majority of her duties.
Chapter 22 School Uniform
Visitors of many kinds came and went as the weeks went by. Some wanted to seduce a nun,
others to humiliate a young wife; some to dally with what they called a French maid; one
asked her to sing to him first; still others merely wanted to spend their passion into her body
and leave as quickly as possible. Some visited only once, others soon became regulars.
Often Molly was punished at the end of the visits for some error, real or imagined, and she
came to realise that this was for their pleasure, and not to correct her faults. Occasionally she
was required to chastise a visitor, but she quickly learned to do so with a light hand. As it
happened, none of her first few visitors resorted to sodomy, so for a while she remained
blissfully ignorant of this particular form of indulgence.
Between visits, back in her cell, Sister Lucia spent much time on her knees praying for
Mollys soul.
Late one afternoon, Molly was surprised to be given the uniform long skirt, blouse and
jumper of a schoolgirl, complete with the badge of one of the best known girls schools in the
You have a special visitor who will stay all night tonight, said Monsignor Flavin, who had
brought the clothing himself, You will wear these, with nothing beneath them, and he
wishes to teach a naughty virgin schoolgirl about sex. Then he will punish her for her
misbehaviour. Then he will sleep in your bed, with you, for what remains of the night. His
instructions were most specific.
As you wish, Master, she shrugged, What do I call him?
You are learning fast. You address His Em he broke off, him as Papa. He is the father
of the naughty schoolgirl.
Who is he? she asked.
That is unimportant, and not for you to know or find out, said the Monsignor firmly, Now
prepare yourself. He will be here in two hours and you will start off by dining here with yo ur
Papa. After that you do whatever he wants.
Dinner, much to her relief, was a very one-sided affair. Molly was served with her usual
frugal meal, while her Papa was served a comparatively sumptuous repast of onion soup,
followed by smoked salmon, followed by mutton chops, followed by an apple pie, and
rounded off with some extremely smelly cheese. Each course was accompanied by wine, of
which none was offered to her. During the meal the conversation was very desultory, and
totally innocuous while the serving girls were passing to and fro. Molly noticed that the
partly consumed bottles of wine were left on the dressing table, which had been cleared
temporarily to serve as a sideboard.
After the cheese board had been cleared away, Papa went over to the door and locked it.
Now, my dear, he said, We can talk in peace, without all those people interrupting.
Molly answered shyly, What about, Papa?
She sat on the bed, which was doing duty as a sofa, next to her Papa and felt very odd in
school uniform, the more so because she had no underwear. That thought made her private
parts dampen.
Well, you could start by telling me if you have been a good girl at school? he said.
This was better, she could recognise a cue when she heard one.
Ive tried to be, Papa, she said, then dropped her eyes, Honestly I have. Its the teachers;
they dont like me.
The teachers tell me you were very naughty, he chided, They seem to think you should be
punished. They tell me you dont wear your school uniform properly.
Better still, now she knew exactly what to do. She sprang to her feet, moving away and
turning to face him.
But Papa, look at me. What is wrong with the way I wear the school uniform?
The teachers say you dont wear the regulation underthings, his voice rose in excitement as
he realised the woman was playing along.
Its so nice to find one who isnt too stupid to play the rle properly, he thought, knowing that
at the very least she had no brassire on, Breasts which are constrained dont bounce like
that. And if she does have drawers on, I shall enjoy removing them.
The teachers say you even come into class with no drawers on, he insisted, That would be
very naughty, wouldnt it?
He loved the way she blushed as the accusation hit home.
This will be the best one Monsignor Flavin has found yet, he thought, I hope I get another go
at her before she falls pregnant. Well, it certainly wont be my get that she carries.
Come here and show me you are wearing the correct drawers, he ordered sternly.
No, Papa, please. That would be rude. The teachers say I mustnt show my drawers to
anybody, she begged.
Come here this minute, he thundered, And tell me to whom you have been showing
Reluctantly, she moved to stand before him, saying, Papa, it was an accident.
What was an accident?
The boys seeing my drawers. I slipped over on the snow.
Inventive, too. Better and better, he thought.
Hmm. That isnt what the teachers told me. Now lift that skirt and show me your drawers.
She lifted the skirt almost to her knees.
Higher, I cant see them yet.
Just above the knees.
Please, no, Papa, she begged again.
He was implacable, as firm as the pole which was making a tent of his trousers, Higher.
As she obeyed, the very tip of the triangle of hair on her belly came into view below the hem
of her skirt and her Papa thought for a moment that he would disgrace himself in his
This one is a brilliant find, he thought, Perhaps I could move her into my household. A nun
would not look out of place there.
He dismissed the thought; there would be too many temptations, on both sides, with all the
young priests coming and going. A nun would not seem out of place, but a pregnant nun in
the Aras
Lift your skirt right up, he ordered, I know you have no drawers on. That is extremely
Please dont spank me, Papa, Molly whimpered, enjoying her rle and looking forward to
the end of the little play when she just knew she would shudder very hard, probably when her
Papa shuddered himself, deep inside her, Please dont.
She lifted her skirt to her chin, showing herself completely devoid of covering below the
Take off that jumper, he ordered.
When she had dropped her skirt and done so he looked carefully at her chest, then reached
out and cupped one breast through the thin blouse.
Just as I thought, he muttered, No brassire.
He looked at her with a gleam of anticipation in his eyes. He strode over to the dressing table
and drank a glass of wine from one of the bottles. Then he rummaged in the drawer.
Do you know what this is? he asked, brandishing the knout.
Y-yes, said Molly, the fearful stammer far from play acting.
Over the chair arm, if you please. Ill teach you not to disobey the Sisters at school.
Her Papa was still playing the rle in which he had cast himself, the irate father of a
recalcitrant schoolgirl. Both knew she was a mature woman however, and both knew that she
was about to be thrashed. She moved over to the armchair, feeling slightly foolish in the
school uniform blouse and long skirt. Slowly she bent over one arm of the chair, taking her
weight on her shoulders on the other arm, allowing her breasts to hang down, tightening the
blouse material. Papa watched this with interest and contemplated having her remove the
blouse, but decided against that because a real father would not do so. Chastisement on a
bare bottom, however, was quite usual.
Lift your skirt, you bad girl, he said.
Slowly, to tease him, Molly raised the skirt to reveal a pair of pink and white bottom cheeks
with just a wisp of hair peeping between the tight closed thighs.
Feet apart, miss, was the next order.
Molly was expecting the all over pain of the knouts many tails. Although she had been
caned on the bare bottom at the Convent School, mostly by an elderly nun who seemed to
enjoy such things, she had forgotten just how painful it could be when all the strength of the
blow was concentrated in a single stroke. She screamed aloud.
Good, said Papa, Five more like that and perhaps youll remember to wear drawers in
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Hes using the cane. Hes still playing the angry father chastising
his school girl daughter, oh God; hes still playing and Ive five more of those to come, she
thought wildly, What would happen if I stood up now?
She was sorely tempted, but she was more afraid of what might happen if she did than she
was of the caning. Monsignor Flavin would undoubtedly punish her terribly, thrashing her
very thoroughly before throwing her out on the streets. She resolved to bear the next five
strokes without a murmur.
Molly remained silent, though she almost bit through her lip to do so. It seemed to incense
the old man even more.
The third stroke was even harder, and she could not help herself; she burst into
uncontrollable sobbing and crying, tears falling like rain.
Papa moved on in his prey. He smoothed and caressed her burning skin with one hand, his
fingers slipping below her buttocks and into the crack to finger her labia. Automatically she
opened her legs wider to allow him access, and jumped slightly as he slid his hand into the
hot wet hole. Then he ran his wet fingers up the crack between her cheeks a nd slid one digit
into her other entrance. She twisted slightly in an attempt to dislodge the questing finger. It
withdrew, much to her relief.
Another mighty blow laid a line of fire across her bottom. I wont be able sit down for days,
she thought. Again the hand rubbed the abused skin, actually adding to the pain. Again two
fingers teased her little nubbin before entering her vagina. Again they trailed up the crack
and this time both entered her bum.
When she twitched he said, Behave. Be still!
Still sobbing uncontrollably, she tried her best to obey him, and submitted to the two fingers
probing her most private place. She remembered that Monsignor Flavin had pushed his
fingers in there and had said that some visitors would want to do this. The fingers withdrew.
Molly almost passed out with the pain of the fifth blow, mostly because it was almost exactly
on the line of a previous stroke.
The sixth came in quick succession and she screamed again.
Papa stopped her rising by pressing gently on the small of her back, so she stayed where she
was as he groped her bottom, thrust several fingers into her now sopping vagina, and then
three wet digits insinuated themselves into the narrow passage between her buttocks.
Suddenly the hand withdrew and she heard the rustle of cloth behind her.
Hes taking his trousers off. Now hell do it to me and I can shudder, thought a part of her
mind which was not concerned with the screaming pain of her tender skin. Much to her
surprise he did not thrust immediately into her vagina, but moved the head of his member up
and down between her labia, as though to lubricate it.
He doesnt need to do that, she thought, Im wet through already.
Then the hot hard rod moved upwards and without the slightes t pause thrust several inches
into her hitherto virgin rear entrance.
No! No, no nonono! she howled as a tearing burning pain in her rectum banished all
thought of the caning she had just received. She thrashed about in agony as Papa gripped
her hips tightly and thrust further into her bowels.
This is what I want, he grunted, and this is what I will have. Take it.
The pain was unbearable, and Molly soon succumbed to the swirling colours which welled up
in her mind.
When she recovered her senses it was to find the pain was still horrendous as the man behind
her thrust in and out of her narrower passage without any thought for her comfort. Her
breasts hurt abominably also and it took her some moments to realise that this was because he
had run his hands under her blouse and was gripping her body by these two tender handles to
increase the thrust he could achieve into her vitals. She passed out again for a few moments.
When she came round the second time it was to an odd feeling of water spattering on her
lower back. Then she remembered what was happening and knew that her Papa was
shuddering all over her bum, At least he had taken his thing out of her tight bottom, and the
pain there was somewhat less.
Papa leant back as the last drops fell from his prick and contemplated the woman before
him. Her bottom was criss-crossed with red lines from the caning; her dark rosebud was
opening and closing like a winking eye. Semen was spattered on her skin and was seeping,
tinged pink by a little blood, from her well used back passage.
There, he thought, That was good. She played the game well, and her bum was hot and tight.
Maybe Monsignor Flavin was right when he said it was virgin. Best of all, I leave no little
bastards behind me to be an embarrassment in the future. God knows, it was difficult to
resist the temptation of that beautiful little vagina.
Ignoring her completely, he took off the rest of his clothes and got into bed.
When Molly slowly lifted herself to upright, he said, Go and clean yourself up; then come
into bed with me.
She went painfully into the bathroom and took off the blouse, noting that it was torn and
wondering if she would be held responsible and punished for that. A soak in the bath for as
long as she dared eased some of the pain, and removed all the accumulated sweat and male
and female emissions. She wondered whether to stimulate herself into shuddering, but dared
not, much as she would have liked to do so.
Back in the bedroom, she got into bed beside her Papa and fo und, much to her relief, that he
was already asleep.
It was sometime in the middle of the night that she awoke from a wonderful dream to
discover that he was playing with her little nubbin and she was on the point of shuddering.
Then he stopped and said, Turn round.
What? she asked, still half asleep.
Turn so that your head is down the bed, he ordered.
Not really understanding, she did what he directed and found herself confronted by a large,
none too clean, male member. At the other end of the bed her Papa had resumed his
stimulation of her nubbin, and had slipped a finger deep inside her vagina. She felt her
climax approaching again.
Again he stopped short of allowing it. Get on with it, he said, and she dutifully took his
member in her mouth. Satisfied, he resumed his ministrations to her nubbin and the delving
of his finger, adding a second one as she opened wider and began thrusting up towards his
hands. Soon she was carried away on the crest of a wave and shuddered and shuddered and
shuddered. When she didnt stop shuddering as she would have done with Monsignor Flavin,
she reapplied herself with much enthusiasm to Papa and her task of pleasing him.
All too soon, the warm tube in her mouth shuddered and filled her mouth with its salty
offering, which she dutifully swallowed. Immediately he took his hands away from her
nubbin, and the continuous shudder he had magically induced in her stopped.
The next thing she knew, it was daylight and Papa was shaking her shoulder.
Come on, he said, Over that chair. I want that arse again before I go.
Inwardly she cringed at the crudity, though she had heard the word before from visitors.
Please, not that, Papa, she asked.
Forget the Papa nonsense, he ordered, That was last night. This morning I just want to
have you again and then go. Get yourself over the chair and be quick about it, or Ill use the
cane again.
She moved with alacrity and steeled herself for the pain. It was excruciating as he had made
no attempt to lubricate her this time, and all his semen had long since oozed out or dried
where it was. Fortunately for her, he quickly opened up the small tear in her anal wall which
he had made the night before and her own blood eased his thrusting. Then there was
suddenly ample lubricant flooding into the hole from his pulsating member, and he pulled out
after a few more strokes.
He grabbed the nearest available cloth, which happened to be a napkin from the night before,
to wipe the mixed blood and semen from his prick, dressed and left.
Molly moved over to the dressing table, where all the part bottles of wine from the night
before were still standing, and sampled three of them, deciding that they were all uniformly
much too tart for her taste. Perhaps if she had chanced on the vintage port she would have
enjoyed it, but she didnt.
Cleaning herself thoroughly, she dressed again in her habit and Swiss wimple. Leaving
Molly firmly behind in the bedroom of sin, Sister Lucia sailed majestically along the
corridors and back to her cell, where she said the first day of a special Novena for the soul of
her Papa.
Chapter 23 Surprised Visitor
Her next experience was more surprising than pleasant for her. She was again dressed in a
simple housewifes frock, buttoned right down the front, over the se nsible brassire and
knickers when her visitor came in. He was much younger than her previous visitors, only
two or three years older than herself, and she could understand as she surveyed his solid
figure that he would have been a temptation for every yo ung woman, and some not so young,
in his parish.
Oh, he said, surprise and shock written across his features, Er I think Im in the wrong
Though Monsignor Flavin had been careful not to let them meet, Molly knew that her
predecessors name was Gertrude, and this look of surprise was because Gertrude had
returned to her convent.
Gertrude has returned to her former house, she said by way of explanation, You are not in
the wrong room; Monsignor Flavin would not permit that to happen. Then she branched
out even further from the strict obedience to her Masters injunction not to ask questions.
What would you like me to do, or what would you like to do? she asked.
The priest appeared to be considering this for a moment and then he asked, What may I do?
Anything at all, she replied, causing his trousers to tent noticeably.
He moved across the room towards her and reached for the button at the top of her dress.
She moved adroitly away and closed the door. There, thats better, she said and walked
back to where he stood.
Lifting his hand with one of hers she placed his hand on the neckline of her dress. Taking the
hint he again started to unbutton the front of her dress, beginning to reveal the lithe young
body beneath it. When he had reached the waist level, she shrugged the dress off her
shoulders so that it was held up only be her hips. Two more buttons and it slid to the floor,
leaving her standing clad only in brassire and knickers.
Father Reilly gazed at this vision, so different from the pregnant Gertrude of his last visit, and
wondered exactly how he had been so lucky as to be given this young woman as a plaything.
He quickly undressed, leaving his clothes strewn about the floor. While he did so, Molly
stood still and allowed him to look time and again at the slim bellied body which would soon
be his toy, to fuck, to sodomise, to punish, to anything. He almost came at the thought of
As he removed his underwear he revealed a firm, clean erection which Molly was not
unwilling to suck; in fact she quite looked forward to it. However, that was not to be. For
him, being sucked had merely been a stepping stone to fucking his little playmate, a
necessary step in the process of seduction. No persuasion was needed here; he could go
straight to the fucking he wanted, or perhaps the sodomy whose delights Gertrude had offered
Naked he reached behind Molly and unsnapped her brassire except that there was no
fastening there. He was at a loss; Heathers brassires had always had a fastening of some
sort at the back. Defeated there he put his thumbs in the sides of Mollys knickers and pulled
them down to her ankles, whereupon she stepped out of them. As he straightened up he
realised that she had removed her brassire herself.
Seeing his puzzled look, she explained, It fastens at the front.
His experience with women had really been quite limited. Missionary position with Heather
and standing beside the bed with Gertrude were all he knew, so it was a surprise to him when
Molly knelt on the bed on hands and knees, her breasts and hair hanging delightfully and
moving slightly as the bed rocked.
Inexperienced or not, his body knew what to do, and in seconds he was kneeling on the bed
behind her, buried to the hilt in her vagina. Only a few seconds after that he was utterly
ashamed as he shot his load into her womb even before he had started to fuck her properly.
Young men are not very well equipped to suffer emotional set backs, so he sprang off the bed
and dressed in considerable haste and practically ran from the room, leaving Molly totally
unsatisfied and very much afraid that he would tell Monsignor Flavin that he had not been
please. However she heard nothing from he Master, so she assumed that he had said nothing.
Chapter 24 Ecstasy
There was one visitor whom Molly knew she would never forget. Even Sister Lucia
remembered him, and she forgot most of Mollys visitors as quickly as she could. It was his
general nastiness which made him memorable. The first, and only, time he visited her was
some twelve months after her arrival at the College of Correction and Redemption, and Molly
had settled into a routine. Sister Lucia would receive word of a visitor and what she was to
wear; leaving her cell she would slip easily into the Molly persona and trot lightly along the
corridors, wondering if she could guess which visitor it would be, or whether it would be
someone new. Wondering, also, how many times she would shudder, and whether she would
be whipped or caned afterwards. She much preferred the whip, because it sometimes caught
her in her most private places and that could make her shudder as well, which the cane never
Some of her visitors were readily identifiable by their request for particular garments to be
worn. The visitors never had names, so she had to invent nicknames for them in her own
mind. The Kind Man, for instance, always wanted her dressed in simple clothes such as an
ordinary working class young wife might wear; the Bishop always wanted a nuns habit with
no underwear, and so forth. She knew that this was someone who had not visited before,
because she had never been asked to greet someone wearing only a thin slip, with neither
underwear or a dress. She guessed there would not be much play-acting with this visitor; he
would, as some of the others did, simply use her and go. The contrast with Papa who had
visited her three times and always wanted an elaborate charade of a school girl in the
evening, and who always stayed the night, could not be greater.
Although her room was always warm, and a cheerful fire burned in the grate, Molly shivered
slightly as she sat on the bed wearing next to nothing, but it was a shiver of fear. Why she
feared this visitor she did not know, but fear him she did, before she had even set eyes on
him. She stood up when a short man, several inches shorter than she, came in to the room.
He said nothing at first, but looked her up and down, and then turned away and started to
undress, thinking, So this is the new one. Not bad looking and not very pregnant, if at all.
He was ordinary enough in appearance when he turned back, naked and already aroused, but
the way he looked at her made her think of unspeakable acts, and unbearable pain. After a
few moments he snarled, Well. Get it off.
Molly understood well enough and pulled the slip over her head, standing naked before him
and fighting a wish to cover her breasts and private parts with her hands. Truth to tell, she
wanted to run into the bathroom and shut the door.
He waited, wondering why she made no move to kneel before him.
Get on with it, he ordered.
Sir? she asked, What do you want me to do?
Harrumph. I thought you had been trained, he snorted, Kneel and suck me.
Quickly she knelt before him and took his engorged member in her mouth and, as she had
learned over the months swallowed the head of it into her throat.
Better, said her visitor, and grabbed great handfuls of her hair and proceeded to use that as
a pair of handles to move her head back and forth as he wished.
The pain was excruciating, and she thought it would be so much better if he would just let her
move freely. She knew that she had learned to be an expert at making a man shudder with
her mouth, and this visitor was most unfair in not letting her sho w him her skills.
Just as he was about to shudder, he dragged her head away from his body and pulled her up,
still by her hair, until she was upright. She was sobbing with the pain by now and the tears
were running freely down her face.
You should be crying, you wicked woman, tempting men like that. I felt your tongue trying
to get my seed from me. Spawn of the devil you are, he said with disgust in his voice.
Then she knew it would be a difficult visit. The men who reviled her always made problems,
and usually gave her pain in unusual ways. The pleasant visits were those from men who
simply accepted what she was and what she did, used her, punished her, and then went on
their way. Men who called her names invariably beat her nearly senseless before they left.
She shrugged mentally, It is Gods will that I am here, doing these things, and have been
incarcerated here for a long time. I will simply have to bear whatever happens.
Still dragging her painfully by her hair, he threw her against the edge o f the bed so she fell on
the mattress face down with her legs hanging over the side.
As she made a move to climb on to the bed a vicious slap on the rump was accompanied by a
brusque order to, Stay there.
She felt her bum cheeks being spread and braced herself for the inevitable entry into her
bottom. It wasnt as bad as it might have been, because her saliva on his member lubricated
his entry, but he made no concession to her comfort, ramming himself deep into her and
pumping away like a steam engine.
At least he is holding me by my hips, and my poor scalp can recover, she thought, I thought
he was going to pull all my hair out.
Again he did not last long, and again he pulled out before reaching his climax. Bending
down and grabbing her foot he hoisted her on to the bed and turned her over. Pushing her
legs up close to her head he bent her double, and then landed on top of her with all his
weight, knocking most of the breath out of her. Apparently the fact that he did not achieve
instant penetration was her fault, because he slapped her hard on the side of her head.
Put it in, stupid woman, he shouted in her ear.
This she understood and reached between them to adjust his position. Before she had time to
pull her hand back he was pounding into her with considerable force. Her arm was trapped
painfully between them with her elbow digging unpleasantly into her belly. Mercifully it was
not many moments before he shuddered hard and long, deep inside her. She regretted that
she had never been anywhere near shuddering herself, but she had realised that this was
unlikely the moment he had grabbed her hair.
Surprisingly, he did not roll off her as she expected, but remained buried inside her, without
much diminution of his size. She had never met a man who did not shrivel to a limp little
thing after shuddering and as she wondered about this she felt her own climax approach and
peak. As it did so her body clamped to him, she moaned and then screamed her ecstasy
When she had quietened down, he was still inside her, and commanded, Do that again.
What, sir? she asked.
That gripping me, and moaning thing. It was most acceptable pleasure for me.
She was about to say that she couldnt just shudder to order when he moved slightly inside
her and she felt it start again. She moved her hips slightly and she was off on another
swooping journey into pleasure. She moaned and cried out as a second shuddering made her
feel weak and yet fulfilled as he still lay buried in her belly, a little larger now.
Again, he ordered.
Much to her amazement, her body complied and again she went through the build up,
shuddered and screamed. This was amazing; she had never shuddered more than once, and it
was usually only by a deliberate effort on the part of the man. Then she realised that he too
was shuddering for a second time, and after that he shrank until he fell out of her, leaving an
empty feeling. She was suddenly apprehensive, What will he want now? Can I stand it?
Will he visit me again? All the pain in her hair and bottom was forgotten in the delicious
tingling of three glorious shudders.
She was jerked back to reality as he dragged her by one arm and bent her over the chair arm.
Here comes the beating, she thought, but she wasnt prepared for the next few moments.
She never watched her visitors selecting the instrument of punishment which they intended to
use. She would know soon enough if it was to be the cane or the knout. One visitor had
surprised her by dripping hot wax from a candle on her bum, but that was more of a surprise
than any great pain, since the wax cooled very quickly.
Her entire back and her bottom suddenly flared in agony; red, raw, gut wrenching double
agony such as she had never felt before. She let out a high pitched wail which would have
done credit to a factory whistle, but only briefly because she passed out.
Oh dear, said her visitor aloud, then he thought, silly thing has passed out. Not much use
having a Merciful Nun who cant take severe discipline.
He lifted her from the chair and dumped her unceremoniously on the bed, face down. To one
side was a washstand with a jug and bowl, so he lifted the jug, which as he expected, was
empty, and went into what he remembered was a bathroom. Filling the jug with cold water,
he returned to the bedroom. Seeing that Molly had recovered consciousness and was sobbing
quietly on the bed, her put the jug down and hastened back to the bedside.
With the knout in one hand and the cane in the other, he delivered another double blow,
lower this time, so that the knout reignited the fire all over the skin of her bottom and the line
of agony across her thighs from the cane made her think he had broken both her legs. She
swooned again, and was only half conscious when he splashed some cold water on her
buttocks and back. In her confused state the pain was as if he had dropped boiling water on
her, and she passed out again.
Seeing her there, face down and unconscious with enticing red and white patterns on her skin
was too much of a temptation for the visitor to resist, even had he intended to do so. His
erection was as rigid as ever. Quickly pulling her to the edge of the bed, he let her legs drop
to the floor, leaving her bum sticking up in the air. Molly was coming round again as he
grabbed her bottom cheeks and roughly pulled them apart, eliciting another anguished wail
from his unfortunate victim.
She screamed again as his belly hit her sore skin when he thrust deep into her vagina again
and pumped enthusiastically, her weak pleas for him to be careful and not to hurt her merely
inflamed his desire. He pistoned in and out of her with considerable gusto and soon achieved
another orgasm. When he had finished pumping, he pulled out of her and wiped his penis on
the bedclothes. Dressing quickly, he left the room without so much as a backward glance at
the young nun he had just used so cruelly.
As he left the room, nature took its course and one of his sperm reached one of her eggs and
made her pregnant, though naturally neither of them knew it.
Chapter 25 Maidservant
It was almost a week after the visit from the one she thought of as the Man with Two Hands
before Sister Lucia had another call to become Molly. This time the sheer blouse and tiny
skirt were laid out on the bed, with the apron and the silk stockings. She noticed that the silk
drawers she loved to wear were not there, so she assumed she was not to wear them.
Dutifully, Molly put on the sheer blouse, and the tiny skirt, tying the apron round her waist.
The silk stockings felt lovely on her legs and she stroked them into place several times,
enjoying the feeling of her fingers running up her legs, and of the silk beneath her fingers.
When she stroked the blouse that too was a thoroughly pleasant feeling and her nipples rose
to rigid peaks. They, and her areolae, could clearly be seen through the sheer silk and she
blushed to think what she must look like. The skirt fitted nicely round her waist but it was no
more than eight inches from waist to hem and she didnt need a mirror to tell her that the tops
of her legs, the under curves of her bottom, and the tip of the triangle of hair on her belly
peeped out under the edge of it. She pulled the skirt as low as she could, but it hardly helped
at all, and she knew that as she walked all manner of things would be visible, and when the
visitor bent her over the chair, as she expected he would, then there would be no need to
move the skirt, she would already be fully exposed.
It is fitting, I suppose, that I wear these things, Molly thought, For I am really a whore, no
matter what the learned men say about helping the priests, and being Christs representatives
and entitled to lie with a bride of Christ.
Just then the door opened behind her and her visitor came in.
When he saw her turn to face him he gushed, Oh, I say. I was expecting the Merciful Nun
to be here and all I find is a maidservant. How nice. Perhaps she will keep me company
while we wait for the Nun to appear.
Molly was confused as to whether this was play acting with which she should go along, or a
genuine mistake which she should correct. She wasnt given time to work this out, as the
visitor reached out and cupped one breast firmly in his hand.
Oh what a lovely nubbin, he said and bent to suck it through the silk blouse.
Then she knew that it was a charade, and not a mistake. She cradled his head and stroked his
hair as pleasurable sensations went directly from the nipple to her belly, making her damp.
She had had this feeling before when some of the visitors liked to suck her breasts, but never
to this extent.
It must be the silk blouse, she thought, I must remember that.
Slowly, without releasing the nipple at which he was suckling, her visitor backed her to the
bed and down into a sitting position. His hand was now gently caressing her other breast and
he leant over her to push her down into a prone position on the edge of the mattress. His
other hand was fumbling with his own clothing and Molly soon became aware that he had
freed his penis and was rubbing it as it lay close to her head on the mattress.
By twisting herself in a fairly uncomfortable position, she managed to get her mouth to a
position where she could take him in and tease the tip of his member with her tongue.
Evidently this met with approval because it stiffened and lengthened deeper into her mouth.
His hand left her breast and moved to the back of her head, pushing her even more
awkwardly towards his groin, because he had not relinquished his firm sucking of her nipple.
It cant be comfortable for him, she thought as the muscles in her back began to ache in
protest at the unnatural contortions being imposed on them.
Just as she thought it was becoming really uncomfortable, he released her breast and
stretched out beside her, with his head nearer the foot of the bed and his erection pressed
deep, almost to her throat. She felt what little there was of her skirt being lifted up on to her
belly and his hot breath was on her most private places. For a moment she thought he might
be going to lick at her in the manner that Marie had done in the Convent, and as no visitor
had done here in the College. It was not to be, however, as the man rolled her body so that
she was lying almost face down, but with her head sideways and sucking as though she were
hungry for his seed.
The visitors hands smoothed the flesh of her bottom as though gently pressing the creases
out of a non-existent cloth covering. Then his fingers dipped between her thighs, which she
opened to allow him free access to her more private parts. As she had hoped, he did not
spank her immediately, but pushed his thumb inside her while fingering her nubbin. The
excitement this caused her encouraged her to redouble her efforts to suck the seed from his
body. Molly almost succeeded in this enterprise, but at the last moment, as she could feel the
muscles in his body contracting in readiness for a strong eruption, he stood up, pulling
himself unceremoniously from her mouth.
As he quickly removed his clothing, he remarked, The Merciful Nun seems to be de layed, so
the maid will have to take her place. Just lie on your back my dear, no need to undress.
With no drawers and precious little skirt, I suppose not, thought Molly as she complied,
raising her legs high and wide to reveal all of her secrets.
Her visitor wasted no time on preliminaries and thrust deep into her, pausing only for a
moment before pumping hard as though to finish inside her. Molly was in considerable
ecstasy because of her visitors vigorous attentions, but knew better than to compla in when
he again withdrew at the last moment.
Rolling her over again on to her belly and pulling her legs unceremoniously off the edge of
the bed, she was soon positioned perfectly for what she realised was the next phase of his
pleasures. He was going into her bottom. This was confirmed when she felt him spread her
buttocks and a little cold oil was trickled into her crack. Again he spent little or no time on
preparing her for his assault, and it was painful as he thrust himself past her sphincter and
deep into her rectum. His fingers returned to her nubbin, however, and the pain was soon
forgotten as she bucked and heaved against him in a most enjoyable shuddering climax. Her
completion started him on the final thrust into her, and she felt her bowels flooded by a
copious spend.
After he had shrunk out of her bottom hole, he stood up and Molly allowed herself the luxury
of lying where she was, enjoying the after throbbing of her own pleasure. Her quiet self-
indulgence was rudely interrupted by a swishing sound and the arrival of a sharp cut from the
cane across her proffered rear end.
Ow, she protested, unable to stop herself.
Good, her visitor said, Let that teach you not to take your mistresss place.
Punctuating his homily with further strokes of the cane he continued, Some
servants nowadays think
they are as good as their
employers and take liberties,
such as rolling on the
mistresss bed with the mistresss lover.
well it wont
do. It wont
do at all.
The visitor had not spared his strength at all, and Molly was in floods of tears and her poor
bottom was smarting more than it had for a long while.
Come on, he said, Snap out of it. On your knees and clean me up.
Molly sank to her knees like an automaton and licked and sucked his penis, cleaning off his
outflowings, and hers, and some traces of her night soil. It tasted not too bad, on the whole,
she considered. He had had the decency to bathe before visiting her, which was far more
than could be said for some of her regulars. She hoped he would come again, but he never
Chapter 26 All Bad Things
Almost a year had passed after Molly first received the Bishop into her vagina to deflower
her when the inevitable happened and she finally missed her monthly flow. Two months later
the midwife confirmed that she was pregnant. Molly had no way of knowing exactly which
of her visitors had brought this about. Though there were good rea sons why some of them
were undoubtedly blameless, she herself was so ill informed that she was not even sure
whether or not anal intercourse could cause pregnancy. In her own mind she dearly wanted
the father of her child to be the visitor she had nicknamed The Kind Man, so she decided
that was what had happened. Since nobody ever cared enough to asked her, it did not matter
in the least that she held this steadfast and erroneous belief.
Monsignor Flavin allowed her to continue receiving her visitors until her distorted belly made
sexual congress very difficult for her partners, and she was reduced to offering oral or
painfully distorted anal satisfaction only. Some visitors, such as her Papa, whom she had
long ago realised was the Archbishop, no longer visited her at all. Then the Monsignor called
her to his study late one evening. Sister Lucia, I shall be sorry to see you leave us, but your
replacement is ready to take over, was his abrupt opening to the conversation.
She sat there silently, completely dumbfounded by this statement. In her mind the two
personae, Molly and Sister Lucia, fought for control. Years of training won, and Sister Lucia
dismissed all thought of Molly, except as someone of whose sins she had been painfully
aware, and whose problems she had taken upon herself.
With a confidence born of months of dealing with different strange men, Sister Lucia
demanded, And where am I to go, in this condition? On the streets as Molly, I suppose.
Oh dear me, no, said the Monsignor, Most definitely not, think of the scandal. Your
Convent will welcome you back into the fold, sinner though you are. Your child will be
delivered there, and sent for adoption. You will resume your life as Sister Lucia for the time
being at least, and for the rest of your life if you wish.
You said that my successor was ready. Have you done this often before?
Of course, my child. You did not imagine that you were unique did you? There are many
such as you who enter, or are sent into Convents for reasons other than having a religious
vocation, just as there are many priests who choose the Church as a good career rather than
believing that they have been called to a lifelong duty, and especially lifelong celibacy.
Well and good, but if I am to become Sister Lucia again, may I do so at a different
Convent? she asked.
Im sorry. You will still obey and go where you are sent. However, I think you will find
that the Mother Superior will welcome you with open arms, if you understand me, he
A vision of Mother Superiors ugly, frowning, moustachioed face and bulky habit floated
before her minds eye. For the first time she realised how the woman had come to catch her
with Marie, She was prowling the corridors on her way to or from an assignation of her own!
She wondered about the body that habit concealed. Doubtless she would find out very soon.
At least with her, I wont get pregnant again, she thought as she nodded her acquiescence and
Monsignor Flavin was speaking again, and Sister Lucia realised she had not heard a word of
what he said. I beg your pardon, Monsignor? she murmured.
So its Monsignor again, and not Master is it? Not quite so fast, Molly. I said, before you
go Ill have one more go at those lovely tits and yo u can swallow one more load of my
shuddering, as you call it.
Sister Lucia dropped her eyes to the floor, and said quite clearly and firmly, No, Monsignor
Flavin, that is all over. Molly is no longer here, only Sister Lucia.
He moved towards her and she wondered for a moment if he intended to force her, but he
merely held out his hand to take her elbow and escort her to her carriage. To be sure, as he
did so the back of his hand rubbed on the side of her breast, but she thought, Poor man. Let
him have his fumble. Hes probably got another silly girl to train and it must be hard work,
so she made no protest as he cupped it gently for the last time.
Chapter 27 Return Of The Prodigal
The journey from the College of Correction and Redemption back to the Convent was again
in a closed carriage under the cover of darkness. She was met at the door by the Reverend
Mother herself and escorted straight to the infirmary.
You will stay here, the older woman ordered, Until your child is born. Then, and only
then, will you be allowed back into the company of decent nuns.
Reverend Mother
Waving away Sister Lucias attempts to ask questions, she continued, As to your long term
future, if you behave yourself and do not bring scandal upon us, you may remain a nun.
From time to time I shall require your presence in my study, but otherwise all your past
misdeeds are forgotten. Do I make myself clear?
Yes, Reverend Mother, quite clear. May I ask what will become of the child?
You may not, snapped the Mother Superior, then seeing the young nuns eyes fill with tears
her voice softened and she added, Rest assured it will be cared for properly, but you will
never see it.
Sister Lucias confinement was long and painful, and by the time her child finally came in to
the world she was near death herself. She never knew whether it was a boy or a girl, for no
record was kept in the Convent. It was only some years later that she discovered that such
infants were treated as orphans and sent to Church orphanages with false histories, usually of
having been found abandoned on the steps of the Convent..
Six weeks in the infirmary, cared for by nuns for whom attending the needs of the sick was
their true vocation, worked wonders for Sister Lucias health. Then she moved back into her
own cell, one much nearer the Mother Superiors study than her old one.
It was not long before the summons came which she had been dreading. It was with much
trepidation that she walked the few steps along the stone passage to the study of the Mother
Superior who was, she assumed, about to become her tormentor also. In the study she was
surprised to see that Marie, in the habit of a professed nun, was there as well as the Mother
It was the Sister who spoke first, Hullo, Lucia. I made my vows and Im Sister Angelica
now. How are you? The greeting was clearly very difficult and sounded stilted and
rehearsed. The Reverend Mother simply sat and said nothing as the nun continued, stumbling
over her words a little. I hope you are well, and that you will co-operate in future. The
Reverend Mother has said we can see each other from time to time, as long as we keep her
happy whenever she wants it. She stopped and looked pleadingly at Sister Lucia, who made
no comment or move.
Inside Sister Lucia was furiously thinking, Perhaps I have exchanged one purgatory for
another. Coming to a decision, she addressed the Reverend Mother direct, You mean that if
we come to your bed whenever you feel the need, we can bed together whenever neither of us
is needed?
You are very blunt, my child, said the old woman, But I suppose the College does that to a
woman. After a short pause she continued, Yes. I have my bodily needs, and you two will
satisfy them. What you do together, I shall not inquire provided that I do not hear of those
activities from another source. If either of you refuses, then I shall expel both of you.
Sister Lucia had been on the point of refusing, but was now faced with an obvious dilemma.
Sister Angelica had been the Mother Superiors plaything for two years now and clearly
accepted that. If she refused to join the two in their activities then the younger nun would be
disgraced also, and through no fault of her own. It did not take her long to decide.
Very well, she said to nobody in particular.
Lock the door, the older woman ordered, and strip off, both of you.
The two complied, and each felt memories flooding back as she saw the naked body of her
former lover for the first time for two years.
The next order shocked both of them. Now pleasure each other on my bed, while I watch.
Slowly, and somewhat reluctantly the two women came close together as they moved to the
bed. Their hands touched first and then they were in each others arms, hugging and kissing
each other on the lips. Sister Lucias tongue sought entry to Sister Angelicas mouth in a
demanding fashion she had learned at the College, and was admitted. Thus entwined, they
fell on the bed, and the watching Mother Superior was forgotten as they revived old pleasures
which both had missed.
After a while a third body joined them and the two young subordinates worked together to
bring the Reverend Mother to a most sinfully ecstatic climax.
Chapter 28 Change
Some years later, the elderly Mother Superior passed away, as old ladies inevitably do. The
Novice who was on her knees sucking the elderly woman nearly died also, because the
massive heart attack threw all her considerable bulk on to the Novice, knocking her to the
ground and banging her head hard on the unyielding stone floor.
There was much discussion as to who would become the Mother Superior, with several of the
oldest sisters firmly considered as the only possible candidates. The process of selection was
well defined; a suggested new Mother Superior would be elected by the Sisters from among
their number, by a secret ballot. It was forbidden for them to say for whom they had voted,
or to canvass votes on behalf of themselves or anyone else. A Monsignor OLeary
representing His Eminence the Cardinal Archbishop would hear the choice of each of the
forty-odd Sisters in the confessional and would convey the consensus to the Archbishop, who
would confirm the choice, or not, as he saw fit. It was unusual for him to overrule the vote,
but he could order a second vote if he considered the selected nun to be incapable, perhaps
because of extremely advanced years, of bearing the burdens of running a convent.
When it was Sister Lucias turn in the confessional to make her choice, she asked the
Monsignor, Is it your duty to convey what is said here faithfully to His Eminence?
Of course, Sister, that is my sacred duty.
And will you do that, no matter what the message?
Yes, Sister, I will.
He sighed, thinking, Another one who wants to put in a negative, anyone but Sister So-And-
So, vote. There had already been two of those, against different nuns.
Then tell His Eminence, Sister Lucia paused for an instant as though gathering her courage,
Tell His Eminence that his daughter has been a good girl at school and expects her Papa to
reward her.
I beg your pardon? said the astonished Monsignor.
I am sure you heard me, and I am sure you will convey the message correctly, she replied.
When he met the Archbishop to discuss the elevation of one of the Sisters to Mothe r Superior
of the Convent, Monsignor OLeary duly reported that three quarters of the Sisters had
requested that Sister Veronica be elevated to Mother Superior.
By way of light relief, he added, Some of the Sisters are quite mad, you know, sir.
Really, Monsignor? What makes you say that?
Well one of them asked me to give you a personal message which was quite inappropriate.
The Archbishop felt a sudden premonition of trouble, so he asked, What message? It is your
duty to pass any such on to me. You should perform your duties without sitting in judgement
on these pious ladies.
Monsignor OLeary realised that he had been rebuked, and hastened to say, Her message
was to the effect that you had a daughter, sir.
And what of my daughter, who does not exist of course?
She said to tell you that your daughter has been a good girl at school and expects her Papa to
reward her. I dont understand it.
I do, said the Archbishop gloomily, I will have to think about this for a couple of days.
Some days later, the nuns were told that the election result had been indecisive, and that the
Archbishop exhorted them to think again, pray, and select again. The Archbishop had given
Monsignor OLeary very explicit instructions this time.
In the confessional for the second time, Sister Lucia asked, Did you convey my message?
This relieved Monsignor OLeary greatly, for he had been wondering how he could spot the
nun whose message had caused His Eminence such consternation It was difficult when the
confessional was dark, as the nuns all looked the same to him in their habits and wimples,
and he doubted he could tell their voices apart.
I conveyed your message, and His Eminence commanded me to ask which college his
daughter attended?
The College of Correction and Redemption.
That was the right answer and he was mystified by it, because he had never heard of it and
the Archbishop had not offered to explain.
His Eminence commands me further to ask that you cast a proper vote this time, naming the
Sister who you believe should become the new Mother Superior.
Sister Lucia gathered all her courage and said, Sister Lucia.
Thank you Sister.
Three days later, in a special mass, prostrate on the floor before the altar where the
Archbishop himself was presiding, Sister Lucia was, to the surprise of all the Sisters present
except herself, elevated to be Reverend Mother Lucia. Her own mother, now in her sixties,
sat in the visitors gallery and cried to think that her daughter was pure and holy enough to
become a Reverend Mother at the unusually early age of forty-one.
Less than a month after taking control of the Convent, Reverend Mother Lucia contacted the
College of Correction and Redemption, rather surprising the elderly Monsignor Flavin by
reminding him of her time there. It was agreed that should the opportunity arise, she could
and would supply him with suitable students for the College, and that in return he would
mention to His Eminence, the Cardinal Archbishop, that the Convent was now in the hands of
a sensible and compliant Mother Superior. He also was quite willing to supply the Reverend
Mother with one of the sheer silk blouses from a maidservants costume such as she had worn
occasionally during her stay at the College. He did not ask why she wanted it, nor for whom.
Chapter 29 Vespers
Reverend Mother Lucia walked silently along the corridor towards the cell of Sister Marie;
the two had remained lovers since Sister Lucia had returned from the College of Correction
and Redemption, just after Marie had taken her vows eighteen years earlier. From the cell of
Sister Elizabeth, a pretty young nun of nineteen whom Reverend Mother really found most
attractive, came the unmistakable sound of a female orgasm, followed by an anxious voice
exhorting silence. Throwing open the cell door, the Reverend Mother was greeted by the
sight of two naked female bodies, Sister Elizabeth and the thirty- five year old Sister
As she entered, both realised who had interrupted them, and Sister Immaculata grabbed her
habit to hide her nakedness. Sister Elizabeth could only try to wrap herself in her blanket.
Sister Elizabeth, you will come with me, now. Do not bother to dress, you have disgraced
the habit too much to be allowed to wear it. You can walk with me to my study naked, said
the Reverend Mother with a look of outrage on her face, Sister Immaculata, you will return
to your own cell and pray for forgiveness for both of you. You will attend me in my study in
two hours.
Taking the younger miscreant by the ear, painfully, she swept from the cell, releasing the
weeping Sister Elizabeth to trail along behind her. The Reverend Mothers stern expression
very effectively hid the excitement in her innermost core at the thought of punishing these
two severely.
The younger one can go to Monsignor Flavin, just as I did, she decided, A spell on her back
with men doing all manner of things to her will soften her up nicely. Meanwhile Sister
Immaculata can do penance by servicing me, and indulging my little whims. It will be nice to
have one to whip occasionally without fear of her complaining.
In her study, Reverend Mother Lucia looked the naked girl up and down, noting the young
firm breasts and the entrancing triangle of red hair covering her private parts, slightly darker
than that on her head. This was going to be a very pleasing two hours, for the tormentor at
least. She wasted no time on small talk.
You, a filthy child of Satan, can leave the Convent tonight. Out of Christian charity we will
give you a shift, and a pair of sandals, but that is all.
Sister Elizabeth burst into floods of tears and begged the Reverend Mother to let her stay.
She offered to do any menial jobs that the Mother Superior wished to impose on her, and to
do any penance, and to live on bread and water, if only she could stay.
Furthermore, before you leave, I will scourge you thoroughly, continued the implacable
older woman, taking up a knout from her prie-dieu, Go and kneel beside my bed and lay
your vile body forward over it.
Sister Elizabeth did not move, but continued to plead. Reverend Mother Lucia swung her
arm and the knout landed across the back of the young nuns bare legs, causing her to scream,
but she moved quickly to the appointed position. As she moved across the room and knelt
beside the bed, her breasts and bottom bounced in a truly delectable way, and it was all the
Reverend Mother could do to keep from touching either her young victim or her own sopping
wet body.
The older woman put down the knout and took up her cane. She moved a chair to a
convenient position beside her bed, where she could sit and still deliver the thrashing which
was to come, yet within easy reach of the tender young flesh if she leant forward just a little.
She watched with interest as Sister Elizabeths buttocks clenched and unclenched in
anticipation of the pain to come. The Mother Superior had all the time she needed, so she
waited patiently until the frightened girl relaxed a little.
Nobody can keep their muscles clenched tight for very long, she thought.
Sure enough after half a minute or so the muscles which had twitched her target so
delightfully stopped their dance. The older woman struck with devastating speed.
A narrow line of red appeared across the buttocks, but no sound came from their owner. The
pain was so great and so sudden that she could not draw breath to scream. As her face
started to turn blue, the Mother Superior had mercy on her.
A second line of abused discoloured flesh appeared and had the desired effect; Sister
Elizabeth drew in a breath and let out an enormous howl of pain which redoubled as the
Reverend Mother rubbed at the damaged skin to be sure it was not bleeding.
As she stroked the tempting spheres before her, she asked, in a kindly voice, Will you go
back to your parents house?
N-no Reverend Mother, I cannot do that. They disowned me when they sent me to the
Convent, and I have neither seen nor spoken to them since, replied the nun, puzzled by the
kindness in her superiors voice.
The cane spoke again, across the upper part of her lower back this time, expertly applied so
that the line of agony was close to, but not touching the first two. More howls followed, and
the Reverend Mother was beside herself with conflicting desires, to console the girl
physically, and yet to hurt her even more.
Again the voice was deceptively kind, What will you do then, in the middle of the night, in a
poor area of the city with no home, no food, no money and almost no clothes?
I-I d-dont k-know, the girl stammered.
Perhaps someone will be kind enough to take you home with him, and to feed and clothe
you while you spend your days praying, came the rejoinder, no trace of sarcasm in the tone
of voice, Of course, he will expect some little things of you in return. Can you guess what
they might be?
The cane fell again, and this time the body on the bed half rose in the air as the backs of her
thighs took the blow. Down. Stay down, snapped the torturess unfeelingly through the
girls piteous cries for mercy.
When relative quiet was restored, the kindness came back into the voice, Do you know what
your benefactor would want you to do?
N-no, Reverend Mother, she replied.
He will want you to warm his bed for him, and to lie on your back while he impales you
between your legs and gives you a baby every year for as long as you can conceive, the
Reverend Mothers tone made it sound like washing- up, then she continued equally sweetly,
Or he may prefer to enter your mouth with his thing, or maybe he will go into your bottom.
Taking up the knout again, she reached forwards and spread the twin cheeks of the nuns
bottom with one hand, pushing its handle into the young nuns dark puckered entrance, In
Another scream came from the young throat as two inches of the handle went into the dark
entrance. It was removed quickly and the Mother Superior rose. Grasping the hair of her
victim, she twisted the childs head sideways and pushed the brown stained wood into her
Go on, lick it clean. The stains on it came from within your own body, so they are yours,
ordered the older woman.
After she had licked the handle clean, Sister Elizabeth collapsed on the bed, sobbing, and the
Reverend Mother watched her for some minutes. When calm was again restored, Sister
Elizabeth was a little surprised to see that the Mother Superior was also naked.
Lying on the bed, Reverend Mother Lucia said, Come and show me how good you are at
pleasuring a woman, and I may be able to think of another possibility for you. A different
way for you to survive.
Sister Elizabeth moved slowly over to the bed and surveyed the naked body of her superior.
She was now being asked to perform sexually with someone to whom she did not feel any
emotional tie. This was difficult for her, as her experiences previously had all arisen
naturally from a close friendship which had ripened slowly into sexual activities. Now she
was asked to lick and suck the intimate parts of a womans body which she had never seen or
touched before; a woman with whom she had never even had a real conversation. She took a
deep breath and knelt beside the bed. Leaning forward, she put out her tongue and tentatively
touched the older womans slit with the tip of it.
Afterwards the two women lay there for some time, one on the bed and the other on the floor,
recovering from the extremes of passionate excitement. Eventually, the Mother Superior rose
and donned her habit. Sister Elizabeth followed suit, donning the shift she was offered, and
when they were both dressed the Reverend Mother sat behind her desk.
Now let us consider your future, she said, First you must accept that there is nobody who
will want to pay you in the outside world to do anything you do in here. Children do the
menial tasks in the household, and nobody pays anyone else to pray. All you can expect is to
be some mans plaything if you are lucky, and a street harlot otherwise.
Sister Elizabeth sat and stared at her, knowing that what she said was probably true.
Then the Mother Superior continued, There are times when the Church has a use for sinners.
For those priests who cannot, or will not observe the rule of celibacy, the Church in its
wisdom prefers to provide female company of its choosing.
Sister Elizabeth drew in her breath as she realised just what this meant.
Can that possibly be true? she wondered, The church providing harlots for sinning priests.
Surely not?
I see you doubt me, the older nun said, There is no need to do so. I can assure you that the
Church does this. I was one such for almost two years. During most of the time I lived as a
solitary nun in my cell in the College of Correction and Redemption, but from time to time I
was in a different room as the consort sexual partner of Church approved visito rs.
There was a pause as Reverend Mother Lucia let this sink in. Then she continued, If you are
amenable, you can go there yourself for a while. It is, I assure you, preferable to being turned
out into the cold and darkness wearing only a shift and a p air of sandals. Will you go there?
Sister Elizabeth was no fool, and had been brought up in a fairly worldly household, and a
wealthy one. She knew she had no skills which might allow her to make a living, and that
she might well starve to death before finding a husband, so harlotry seemed the only choice.
The Mother Superior made this College of Correction and Redemption sound positively
enticing as an alternative.
Sister Elizabeth was then aware that her private parts had become heated and moist at the
thought of giving herself to a man, or a succession of men. She decided to try this College,
and to throw herself on her familys mercy if it proved too sordid. She did not even begin to
guess how sordid and painful it might be; nor how much she might enjoy being used by a
succession of men. She nodded her agreement.
The things I learned at the College of Correction and Redemption helped me tremendously
as the years went by, said the Mother Superior, It was a true purgatory on earth, but I came
out of it much stronger. Go to your cell now, and you will be fetched.
Chapter 30 Sister Immaculata
After the young nun left, Reverend Mother Lucia fell into a reverie as she remembered her
time in the College of Correction and Redemption, her subsequent recovery in t he Convent,
and above all recalling how useful it had been when the old Mother Superior died four years
earlier to be able to persuade His Eminence, the Archbishop, her Papa when he had visited
her at the College of Correction and Redemption, that she was the best person to take over,
young though she was for that office. Perhaps Sister Elizabeth would follow the same route,
perhaps not. Certainly the erring priests who would have the opportunity to meet her at the
College of Correction and Redemption would not be disappointed in her looks and figure.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Sister Immaculata scratching at the door for admittance.
The Sister stood before her Mother Superior with her head bowed in shame so far that her
Swiss wimple threatened to fall off. The Reverend Mother thought she was the very picture
of abject disgrace. A memory of the naked body of the Sister before her floated in her mind.
It had only been a brief glimpse before the two miscreants reacted to her presence, but it
presented a picture of plump breasts, sparse hair on her belly which was glistening with the
outpourings of her shuddering, rosy skin on her thighs, and a look of ecstasy on her face.
She started with a terrible threat, saying, Sister Elizabeth will be gone fro m this House
tomorrow, and I am trying to decide whether you should also leave us. What could you,
thirty-five years old and a nun for this last number of years, do to earn your keep in the
outside world?
I dont know, Reverend Mother, Sister Immaculata sobbed.
Since the Free State was formed last year, Reverend Mother Lucia continued, work is hard
to find for the men, let alone a woman whose main duty for the last fifteen years has been
praying. Would you sell yourself on the streets? Who would wa nt an old woman when
young girls are available for a few pennies or a crust of bread in these wicked times?
Sister Immaculata just cried pitifully, horribly afraid that death from starvation would soon be
her lot. Having shown the Sister the metaphorical stick, Reverend Mother now offered the
Well, I will tell you what you will do, the she said firmly, You could be permitted to stay
here provided you remain a perfect nun to all the other Sisters. You will not touch another
Sister, not even so much as to allow your hand to touch hers as you pass her bread in the
refectory. When I call, you will come here to my cell and do whatever I wish, understand?
Whatever I order, you will obey me. If you do not obey, or if you fail to be the perfect nun in
everyday life, I will expel you. This is your only chance.
Thank you, Reverend Mother, thank you. I will be good, and I will obey, I promise you.
Good. You can start by taking off all your clothes. I intend to punish you with the knout on
your naked body.
The guilty nun stared at her superior for a moment, blushed, and then slowly took off her
habit. When she was naked, Sister Immaculata was surprised to be given a blouse to put on
which seemed very thin and smooth; then she recognised it as the finest black silk. Standing
before the Mother Superior wearing only this sheer garment, naked from the waist down,
Sister Immaculata found that showing her private parts and the wispy growth of hair she had
on them was nothing compared to the embarrassment of having her bare breasts covered by
this shockingly indecent garment. It was much worse than being naked.
You like having your breasts stroked, from what I heard and saw, said the Reverend
Mother, well, I shall stroke them for you. Hands down at your sides.
Trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation, Sister Immaculata obeyed and stood stock
still as the older womans hands smoothed the material over the plump breasts whose nipples
were by now rock hard. The contrast of her Mother Superior still being fully dressed beside
her also added to the Sisters chagrin. Her blushed extended over her entire skin by now.
Silk makes the sensation much more delightful than bare skin contact, dont you think?
asked the Reverend Mother as she cupped, stroked and teased the younger womans breasts.
Y-yes, Reverend Mother, it does.
Although that was the truth, at that moment she would have agreed with anything the older
woman said.
Tell me, did you lick little Sister Elizabeths private parts? asked her inquisitor.
Sister Immaculata could not answer aloud; she just nodded.
Answer me! snapped the Reverend Mother.
Y-yes, sometimes, Reverend Mother, stammered the nun.
Pulling the blouse over the astonished Sisters head, Mother Superior remarked, You may be
allowed to wear this again, another day. Now tell me what you two did, in detail.
We stroked each others bodies breasts, and kissed. Sometimes we turned round and
kissed each others parts.
Good, then you will know how to please me. Kneel and show me how skilled you are.
Lifting her habit and opening her legs, the Reverend Mother revealed to Sister Immaculata
for the first time that she was naked beneath her outer garment, no slip, no drawers, no
stockings, nothing.
As Immaculatas tongue found Mollys pleasure bud, the older woman sighed, and then
brought the knout down on the kneeling womans bottom. That was just the start of Sister
Immaculatas long night
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