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Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 24072412

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Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture ameliorates diabetic nephropathy in rats

Mohamed Makni a,b, Mediha Se a,1, Hamadi Fetoui a,1, El Mouldi Garoui a, Nabil K. Gargouri b,
Tahia Boudawara c, Najiba Zeghal a,*
Animal Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia
Food Processing Department, ISET, BP 377, 9100 Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia
Histopathology Laboratory, CHU Habib Bourguiba, 3029 Sfax, Tunisia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigated the hypoglycemic and antioxidant effects of Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture on
Received 3 April 2010 the kidney of alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Animals were allocated into three groups of six rats each: a
Accepted 28 May 2010 control group (CD), a diabetic group (DD) and diabetic rats fed with Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture
(DMS) group. The DD rats showed a signicant increase of glycemia and lipid parameters such as total
lipid, total cholesterol and triglycerides levels compared to those of the control group (CD). In addition,
Keywords: plasma and kidney malonaldialdehyde levels (MDA) were signicantly increased compared to (CD)
group. Antioxidant enzyme activities such as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and non-enzy-
Oxidative stress
Antioxidant enzymes
matic levels of reduced glutathione (GSH) signicantly decreased in the plasma and kidney of diabetic
Lipid peroxidation rats compared to those of controls. Diet supplemented with Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture ameliorated
Flax and Pumpkin seeds the antioxidant enzymes activities observed in diabetic rats and signicantly decreased MDA levels. Kid-
Nephropathy ney histological sections, showed glomerular hypertrophy and tubular dilatation. In DMS rats, these his-
topathological changes were less prominent. Our results suggest that Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture
supplemented in diet of diabetic rats may be helpful to prevent diabetes and its complications.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Ugochukwu et al., 2003; Maritim et al., 2003). Oxygen free radicals
are formed disproportionately in diabetes by glucose oxidation,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a health problem affecting millions of non-enzymatic protein glycation and the subsequent oxidative
individuals worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) pre- degradation of glycated proteins (Maritim et al., 2003).
dicts that 300 millions of people will have diabetes mellitus by the Many scientic reports indicate that diabetic complications are
year 2025 (Pradeepa and Mohan, 2002). DM is a prevalent systemic associated with overproduction of ROS and accumulation of lipid
disease with well documented devastating effects (Duckworth, peroxidation by-products (Palanduz et al., 2001). In diabetes, major
2001). damage occurs in tissues such as kidney where the entry of glucose
Hyperglycemia has been found to play a key role in reactive is not regulated by insulin (Limaye et al., 2003).
oxygen species (ROS) generated damage (Ha and Kim, 1999; Free radicals generated in diabetes may lead to several kinds of
Greenberg and Sacks, 2002; Ugochukwu and Babady, 2002; diabetic complications including nephropathy, neuropathy, cardi-
opathy and many others diseases. Many herbal extracts used as
single agents or in different oral formulations have been recom-
Abbreviations: AI, atherogenic index; CAT, catalase; CD, control rats; DD,
mended to prevent diabetes mellitus due to the fact that they are
diabetic rats; DM, diabetes mellitus; DMS, diabetic rats fed diet containing seeds less toxic than oral hypoglycemic agents such as sulfonylureas,
mixture; DTNB, 5,5-dithiobis-2 nitro benzoic acid; FCE, food conversion efciency; metformin, etc. (Ponnachan et al., 1993; Chattopadhyay, 1993).
GSH, reduced glutathione; GTT, glucose tolerance test; HDL-C, high-density Antioxidants play a major role in protection against molecular oxi-
lipoprotein-cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol; MDA,
dative damage (Evans, 2007).
malondialdehyde; NBT, nitroblue tetrazolium; PUFAs, polyunsaturated fatty acids;
ROS, reactive oxygen species; SD, standard deviation; SOD, superoxide dismutase; Traditional medicines, derived mainly from plants, play a major
TBA, thiobarbituric acid; TBARS, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance; TC, role in the management of diabetes mellitus (Karunanayake and
total cholesterol; TG, triacylglycerol; WHO, World Health Organization. Tennekoon, 1993; Patel and Srinivasan, 1997; Ahmed et al., 2004).
* Corresponding author. Address: Animal Physiology Laboratory, UR 08-73, Sfax World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the evalua-
Faculty of Sciences, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax, Tunisia. Tel.: +216 98 914 154; fax: +216 74
274 437.
tion of traditional plant treatments for diabetes as they are effec-
E-mail address: (N. Zeghal). tive, non-toxic, with less or no side effects and are considered to
Authors contributed equally to this work. be excellent candidates for oral therapy (Day, 1998). Recently,

0278-6915/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2408 M. Makni et al. / Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 24072412

Mankil et al. (2006) have recommended many medicinal plants sia). The low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) fraction and atherogenic index
(AI) were determined according to the Friedewald equations (Friedewald et al.,
used already in traditional medicine, experimental and clinical
antidiabetic. To our knowledge, this is the rst biochemical inves-
tigation undertaken to explore in alloxan diabetic animals, the LDL-C Total cholesterol  Triglycerides=5 HDL-C;
antidiabetic and nephroprotective effects of Flax and Pumpkin AI TC  HDL-C=HDL-C:
seeds mixture rich in PUFAs and antioxidant compounds, in allox-
an diabetic animals.
2.4.5. Measurement of malonaldialdehyde (MDA) in tissues
Concentrations of MDA in tissues, an index of lipid peroxidation, were deter-
2. Materials and methods mined spectrophotometrically according to Draper and Hadley (1990). An amount
of 0.5 ml of each plasma sample or kidney extract supernatant (tissue homogenates
2.1. Plant material in potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.8), was mixed with 1 ml of trichloroacetic acid
solution and centrifuged at 2500g for 10 min. One milliliter solution containing
Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) seeds were pur- 0.67% thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and 0.5 ml of supernatant were incubated for
chased from a local market (Sfax city, Tunisia), crushed at ambient temperature 15 min at 90 C and cooled. Absorbance of TBA-MDA complex was determined at
and stored at 4 C prior to use. The seeds mixture of Flax and Pumpkin rich in Ome- 532 nm using a spectrophotometer (Jenway UV-6305, Essex, England). Lipid perox-
ga 3 and Omega 6 was prepared. The ratio of Omega 6/Omega 3 fatty acids was 5/1 idation was expressed as nmol of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS),
as recommended by the WHO and according to Blandeau and Schneider (2006) and using 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane as standard.
Grigg (2004).

2.4.6. Antioxidant enzymes and glutathione assays in plasma and kidney

2.2. Experimental design Total superoxide dismutase activity (SOD). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activ-
ity was estimated according to Beauchamp and Fridovich (1971). The reaction mix-
Male Wistar rats (190210 g) aged 3 months, were obtained from the Central
ture contained 50 mM of tissue homogenates in potassium phosphate buffer (pH
Pharmacy of Tunisia (SIPHAT, Tunisia). They were maintained under standard lab-
7.8), 0.1 mM EDTA, 13 mM L-methionine, 2 lM riboavin and 75 lM Nitroblue tet-
oratory conditions (22 3 C, 12-h light/dark cycle), with pellated food (Industrial
razolium (NBT). The developed blue color in the reaction was measured at 560 nm.
Company of Rodent Diet, Sfax, Tunisia) and tap water given ad libitum during
Units of SOD activity were expressed as the amount of enzyme required to inhibit
30 days of experimental period. The animals were cared in accordance with the
the reduction of NBT by 50% and the activity was expressed as units per mg of
principles of the Guide for the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (Council of
European Communities, 1986). The local Committee of Ethics in Animal Experimen-
tation approved all the experimental procedures of this study.
The present study was conducted in three groups of six rats each: control rats Catalase activity (CAT). Catalase (CAT) activity was assayed by the method of
(CD), diabetic rats (DD) and diabetic rats fed diet containing Flax and Pumpkin Aebi (1984). Enzymatic reaction was initiated by adding an aliquot of 20 ll of the
seeds mixture supplemented at 33% (DMS). homogenized tissue and the substrate (H2O2) to a concentration of 0.5 M in a med-
ium containing 100 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Changes in absorbance were re-
corded at 240 nm. CAT activity was calculated in terms of nmol H2O2 consumed/
2.3. Induction of diabetes
min/mg of protein.
After 2 weeks of acclimatization, diabetes was induced in male rats which re-
ceived by intraperitoneal way, 120 mg kg1 BW of alloxan monohydrate freshly Glutathione levels (GSH). GSH in tissues was determined by the method of
prepared in normal saline, according to Mansour et al. (2002) and Sheweita et al. Ellman (1959) and modied by Jollow et al. (1974) based on the development of
(2002). Rats were orally treated with 20% glucose solution (510 ml) after 6 h, be- a yellow color when DTNB (5,5-dithiobis-2 nitro benzoic acid) was added to com-
cause alloxan is able to produce fatal hypoglycemia as a result of massive pancreatic pounds containing sulfhydryl groups. A 500 ll of tissue homogenate in phosphate
insulin release. The rats received for the next 24 h, 5% glucose water solution to pre- buffer were added to 3 ml of 4% sulfosalicylic acid. The mixture was centrifuged
vent hypoglycemia. Those with moderate diabetes and where blood glucose con- at 1600g for 15 min. Supernatant (500 ll) were taken and added to Ellmans re-
centration was about 200300 mg dl1 were taken for the experimental tests. agent. The absorbance was measured at 412 nm after 10 min. Total GSH content
was expressed as mg/ml in plasma and as mg/mg of protein in kidney.
2.4. Biochemical assays
2.5. Histopathological examination
2.4.1. Determination of blood glucose and glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Plasma glucose levels were assayed by enzymatic methods, using commercial
Kidneys removed from the control and tested rats were cleaned and xed in 10%
reagent kits purchased from Biomaghreb (Ref. 20121, Ariana Tunis, Tunisia).
buffered formalin solution. Then they were embedded in parafn and stained with
The glucose tolerance test (GTT) evaluates the ability to respond appropriately
hematoxylineosin for histopathological studies. All sections were evaluated for the
to a glucose challenge (Matteucci and Giampietro, 2008). GTT was conducted in
degree of tubular and glomerular injury and necrosis.
control and treated rats, 24 h before sacrice day. Blood samples were collected
from the rats tail veins which were fasted overnight to obtain baseline blood glu-
cose levels. Subsequently, rats of both control and treated groups were injected 2.6. Statistical analysis
intraperitoneally with glucose (2 g kg1 bw). Blood was collected from the rats tail
vein at interval of 30 min up to 2 h for glucose estimation using a glucometer (Esprit The data were analyzed using the statistical package program Stat view 5 Soft-
2, BAYER, France). ware for Windows (SAS Institute, Berkley, CA). Statistical analysis between CD and
DD, DMS and CD and DMS and DD groups was performed with one-way ANOVA fol-
lowed by student t-test. All data were expressed as means SD. The results were
2.4.2. Estimation of insulin concentration
considered signicant if p 6 0.05.
Plasma insulin was determined using rat insulin enzyme-linked immunosor-
bent assay (ELISA) kit Ref. RIT-461 No. AKRIN-010T (Shibayagi Co., Ltd., Japan).

3. Results
2.4.3. Estimation of urea, uric acid and creatinine
The levels of urea, uric acid and creatinine in plasma were estimated spectro-
photometrically using commercial diagnostic kits, respectively (Refs. 20151,
3.1. Body weight gain, digestibility and feed conversion efciency (FCE)
20143, and 20091) purchased from Biomagreb (Ariana, Tunisia).
Table 1 summarizes body weights, digestibility and feed con-
2.4.4. Analysis of plasma lipids version efciency (FCE) of experimental animals. A signicant de-
Plasma lipids were extracted with chloroform/methanol mixture (2v/1v) crease of body weight gain was observed in DD rats, seeds
according to the method of Folch et al. (1957). The contents of total lipids in plasma mixture seems to exert a protective effect against weight loss in
extracts were quantied gravimetrically by evaporating off the solvents using a ro- DMS as compared to DD group. The digestibility of macronutrients
tary evaporator (Heidolph, Laborota 4010 digital, Germany). Plasma lipid parame-
ters such as total cholesterol (TC), triacylglycerol (TG) and high-density
and the food conversion efciency (FCE) ratio were presented in
lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) levels were determined by enzymatic methods, Table 1. No signicant difference was observed in digestibility
using commercial kits from Biomaghreb (Refs. 20112, 20131, 20113, Ariana, Tuni- and FCE between groups.
M. Makni et al. / Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 24072412 2409

Table 1 1.4
Body weight gain, feed intake, digestibility, average feces weights, and feed conversion +++
efciency (FCE) in rats fed diets for 4 weeks.

Plasma insulin levels (ng/ml)

Parameters and treatments CD DD DMS
Body weight gaina (g) 99.00 72.00* 87.00
Average feed intake (g/d) 20.00 17.43 22.54+ ***
FCE ratio 00.20 00.24 0.26
Average feces weight (g/d) 03.09 02.89 3.34
Apparent digestibility (%) 84.55 83.42 85.18

Signicant differences between the DD and CD groups: *p < 0.05. 0.4

Signicant differences between the DMS and DD groups: +p < 0.05.
Values are given as means standard deviation (mean of six determinations). 0.2

3.2. Blood glucose and glucose tolerance test (GTT)
Fig. 2. Plasma insulin levels in CD, DD and DMS groups. Values are given as means
The plasma glucose concentration in the diabetic group (DD) standard deviation [Mean of six determinations]. Signicant differences between
signicantly increased in comparison to the normoglycemic group the DD and CD groups ***p < 0.001. Signicant differences between the DMS and DD
groups +++p < 0.001.
(CD) (Fig. 1). The administration of Flax and Pumpkin seeds mix-
ture to rats with hyperglycemia resulted in the signicant decrease
of plasma glucose level in comparison to the result obtained from
the DD group.
Plasma insulin level (Fig. 2) of DD rats decreased by 42% in com- els were observed in DD group, LDL/HDL ratio and AI also signi-
parison to the CD group. Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture supple- cantly increased in the plasma of the last group. In DMS group
mented to the diet of DMS group increased plasma insulin plasma TC and TG levels were decreased by 47% and 47%, respec-
concentration by 63% in comparison to the DD group. tively, compared to those of DD group. The HTR ratio signicantly
Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture signicantly increased the tol- increased, while LDL/HDL ratio and AI signicantly decreased in
erance for glucose (Fig. 3). The maximum glucose tolerance was DMS group as compared to those of DD group.
noticed 120 min after glucose injection.
3.5. Lipid peroxidation in plasma and kidney homogenates
3.3. Estimation of urea, uric acid and creatinine
MDA levels in plasma and kidney are presented in Table 4. A
In diabetic rats, levels of urea, creatinine and uric acid were sig- signicant increase in MDA levels in plasma (132%) and in kidney
nicantly higher in plasma (29%, 66% and 16%) than those of con- (102%) was observed in DD group compared to those of control
trols (Table 2). Administration of Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture
to diabetic rats signicantly reversed these changes to near normal
values. 400
Blood glucose level (mg/dl)

3.4. Effect of seeds mixture supplemented to diet on plasma lipid
While the DD group recorded an increase in plasma lipids by 200
108%, compared to the CD group, plasma lipids in the DMS group
decreased by 21% compared to the DD group (Table 3).
TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C levels, HTR ratio and AI are represented in 100
Table 3. Signicant increases in plasma TC (137%) and TG (85%) lev- 50

400 0 30 60 90 120
Time (min)
glucose 2g/l
Blood Glucose Levels (mg/dl)



250 Fig. 3. Glucose tolerance test (GTT) in control and diabetic rats. Values are given as
means of six determinations.

Table 2
Plasma levels of creatinine, urea and uric acid of CD, DD and DMS experimental rats.
Parameters and CD DD DMS
0 treatments
J+0 J+2 J+7 J+14 J+21 J+30 Creatinine (lmol/l) 112.76 6.98 186.85 7.61*** 100.2 5.95+++
Days Uric acid (lmol/l) 302.55 10.34 350.2 11.76*** 297.6 7.86+++
Urea (mmol/l) 10.13 2.12 13.09 2.83* 10.66 1.78+
CD Group DD Group DMS Group
Values are given as means standard deviation (mean of six determinations).
Fig. 1. Blood glucose (mg/dl) levels of CD, DD and DMS groups. Values are given as Signicant differences between the DD and CD groups: *p < 0.05 and ***p < 0.001.
means standard deviation [mean of six determinations]. Signicant differences between the DMS and DD groups: +p < 0.05 and +++p < 0.001.
2410 M. Makni et al. / Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 24072412

Table 3 signicant morphological changes in renal DD rats with severe in-

Plasma lipid prole in CD, DD and DMS groups. jury of tubular and glomeruli (Fig. 4AC).
Parameters and treatments CD DD DMS
Total plasma lipid (mg/ml) 9.77 0.38 20.30 1.45*** 16.07 1.66++ 4. Discussion
Total plasma cholesterol 0.67 0.08 1.59 0.20*** 0.85 0.07+++
(TC) (g/l)
Diabetes mellitus is possibly the worlds largest growing meta-
Plasma triacylglycerol (TG) 0.67 0.05 1.24 0.13*** 0.66 0.05+++
(g/l) bolic disease. The need for more appropriate therapy increases
LDL-cholesterol (g/l) 0.24 0.07 1.10 0.12*** 0.40 0.18+++ (Bailey and Day, 1989). A large number of hypoglycemic/antidia-
HDL-cholesterol (g/l) 0.30 0.02 0.24 0.06* 0.32 0.04+ betic plants and herbs are known in traditional medicine but their
HTR (%) 44.55 3.37 15.32 5.65*** 36.93 4.18+++ introduction into modern therapy waits pharmacological testing
Atherogenic index (AI) 1.24 0.18 5.53 2.21*** 1.71 0.31+++
by recent methods. Thus offer a natural key to unlock a diabetolog-
LDL/HDL ratio 0.80 0.04 4.50 1.10*** 1.28 0.20+++
ists pharmacy for the future.
AI = (TC  HDL)/HDL. The present results suggest that Flax and Pumpkin seeds mix-
HTR (%) = HDL-C/TC ratio.
ture exhibit signicant hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and nephro-
Values are given as means standard deviation (mean of six determinations).
Signicant differences between the DD and CD groups: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; and protector effects in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Fasting blood
***p < 0.001. glucose level in diabetic rats is an important basal parameter for
Signicant differences between the DMS and DD groups: +p < 0.05; ++p < 0.01; and
p < 0.001.

group CD. Diet supplemented with seeds mixture induced a signif-

icant decrease of MDA levels in plasma (28%) and in kidney (34%)
compared to DD group.

3.6. Antioxidant enzyme activities and glutathione levels in plasma

and kidney

GSH levels and antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT and SOD) in

the plasma and kidney of control and tested groups are shown in
Table 4. In DD group, a signicant decrease of GSH levels, CAT
and SOD activities was observed in plasma (57%, 27% and 60%)
and in kidney (34%, 34% and 25%), respectively, as compared to
those of CD group. Diet supplemented with seeds mixture in
DMS group, improved GSH levels, CAT and SOD activities in plasma
(42%, 11% and 130%) and kidney (44%, 53% and 35%), respectively,
as compared to those of DD group.

3.7. Light microscopy study of kidney tissue

The kidney histological examination of control and DMS groups

showed normal cells architecture. Alloxan treatment elicited

Table 4
MDA, glutathione levels (GSH) and enzymes activities (SOD, CAT) in plasma and
kidney of CD, DD and DMS rats.

Parameters and treatments CD DD DMS

Plasma 3.94 0.29 9.16 0.65*** 6.60 0.45++
Kidney 4.02 0.45 8.12 0.95*** 5.33 0.76++
Plasma 8.67 1.23 3.70 0.92*** 5.26 1.40+
Kidney 6.22 0.39 4.11 0.19** 5.92 0.25+++
Plasma 15.99 3.26 6.35 1.21*** 14.65 2.66+++
Kidney 18.03 2.61 13.53 3.71** 18.28 2.64++
Plasma 6.42 0.91 4.70 0.41** 5.21 0.57+
Kidney 14.49 1.37 9.55 1.06*** 14.61 1.11+++

Values are given as means standard deviation (mean of six determinations).

Signicant differences between the DD and CD groups: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; and
***p < 0.001.
Signicant differences between the DMS and DD groups: +p < 0.05; ++p < 0.01; and
p < 0.001.
MDA = nmol/ml in plasma and nmol/100 mg in liver.
GSH = mg/ml in plasma and mg/mg protein in liver. Fig. 4. Kidney histological sections of CD (A), DD (B) and DMS (C) groups
SOD = units/mg protein. (hematoxylin and Eosin, 400). Arrows indicate: : Tubular dilatation, :
CAT = lmol H2O2 degraded/min/mg protein. Glomerular space reduction; ?: Necrosis.
M. Makni et al. / Food and Chemical Toxicology 48 (2010) 24072412 2411

monitoring diabetes (Rajkumar et al., 2005). It has shown that Flax medicinal plants like Terminalia chebula, Momordica charantia and
and Pumpkin seeds mixture supplemented in the diet of DMS Eugenia jambolana (Sharma et al., 2003; Ahmed et al., 2004; Murali
group causes the hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic effects by et al., 2007).
reducing the fasting blood glucose level. The signicant decrease The biochemical parameters were correlated with the renal his-
in the levels of fasting blood glucose in the last group might be ex- tological studies. In fact, we revealed that alloxan caused a signif-
plained by the stimulation of the residual pancreatic mechanism, icant damage in renal structure showing marked glomeruli and
regeneration or protection of pancreatic cells that were partially tubular damages, due probably to the generation of reactive radi-
destroyed by alloxan, potentiating of insulin secretion from pro- cals and to subsequent lipid peroxidation induced by alloxan. So,
tected b-cells of the islets of Langerhans (Suba et al., 2004), and hydroperoxides accumulated in kidney could cause cytotoxicity
probably by increasing peripheral utilization of glucose (Erah associated with membrane phospholipids peroxidation, the basis
et al., 1996). for renal cellular damage and necrotic renal cells. The administra-
Alloxan-induced diabetes, characterized by a severe loss in tion of Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture through the diet of dia-
body weight (Odetola et al., 2006), induced by the degradation of betic rats improved the histological alterations induced by
structural proteins (Rajkumar et al., 1991), were associated with alloxan, which could be attributed to its antiradical/antioxidant
classic symptoms of diabetes including polydipsia and polyuria activities.
(Oi et al., 1997). In our study, the decrease of body weight gain
in diabetic rats supports these ndings. Conict of Interest
Diabetes mellitus is usually associated with an increase in plas-
ma lipids levels, the risk factor for coronary heart diseases The authors declare that there are no conicts of interest.
(Davidson, 1981; Al-Shamaony et al., 1994). A decrease of serum
lipid concentration through drug therapy or dietary measures Acknowledgements
seems to decrease the risk of vascular diseases (Rhoads et al.,
1976). Increase in lipids, TG and TC levels in alloxan diabetic rats The authors thank the skillful technical assistance of the Food
observed in the present study may be a result of increased break- Processing Department of Sidi Bouzid Institute (ISET) Tunisia and
down of lipids and mobilization of free fatty acids from the periph- of Histopathology Laboratory of CHU Habib Bourguiba, Sfax, Tuni-
eral stores. Administration of Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture for sia. The present work was supported by the DGRST grants (Appui
30 days normalized lipid prole in diabetic animals. Seed mixtures la Recherche Universitaire de Base ARUB 99/UR/08-73), Tunisia.
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