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www.gonzalesinquirer.com Hunters Guide Oct.

21, 2016 FRIDAY PAGE 9

East Texas has had their rst conrmed presences of black bears since September 2011.
Be aware and stay safe.
CONTRIBUTED PHOTO Charlie Stein (le) and Thomas Shaer of Ashns Taxidermy, take a break from making
a buck.

Residents, hunters in northeast PHOTO BY KELLY A. LINDNER/GONZALES INQUIRER

Texas advised to be bear aware Best to go with pro taxidermy I walked into the Ashtin Taxidermy the person he was going to open the shop
AUSTIN Wildlife biologists are advis- But if a bear regularly visits a ranch or deer Shop in Shiner a week ago just in time to with 18 years ago, but after the sign was
ing hunters, ranchers and rural residents in stand, people should try to scare it with see Thomas Shaffer skinning a bobcat; a made, his partner changed his mind, and
Northeast Texas of a handful of confirmed rocks, a slingshot or air horn. new experience for me, but not for Thom- went back to his career as a pipefitter.
black bear sightings recently. If people encounter a bear at close range, as and certainly not for Charlie Stein, the Thats how Charlie got into the business of
At least four sightings have been docu- they should talk calmly while backing away owner of the shop. taxidermy, through his friend the
mented on game trail cameras between slowly. Dont make direct eye contact, and Charlie, who has owned the pipefitter, who encouraged Char-
June and late August in Bowie, Red River dont run away, he advised. If a bear ap- taxidermy shop for 18 years, has lie to try the business along with
and Smith counties. Wildlife biologists with proaches you, stand your ground and raise had hundreds of animals come him. It stuck with Charlie and hes
the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department your arms, backpack or jacket to appear through the shop to be mounted. enjoyed this career ever since. He
(TPWD) confirmed the sightings and spec- larger and yell at the bear to scare it off. While there, I saw them prepar- says there are lots of folks who do
ulate the bears, which appear to be young Hunters are encouraged to study their ing a dear head for travel to Ker- taxidermy at home but its always
males, are looking to establish their own game carefully to avoid mistaking a bear for rville to get tanned. Charlie takes good to go to a professional. His
new home ranges and likely dispersed from a feral hog or other legal game animal. It is about 25 animals to Kerrville ev- shop walls are adorned with the
Oklahoma or Arkansas where bear num- against the law to kill a black bear in Texas, ery week, hes got a thriving busi- prizes of many hunters that Char-
bers have increased in recent years. with penalties of up to $10,000, added civil ness because hes a true artist. Kelly A. lie and Thomas have turned into
This is the first confirmed presence of restitution fines, jail time and loss of all He says hes wanted to do Lindner beautiful art. He has several pelts
black bears in East Texas since September hunting privileges. The black bear, Ursus this his whole life. He knew at for sale too.
2011. Breeding black bear populations have americanus, is listed as threatened by the an early age that taxidermy was his fu- I was taken aback by seeing what was
been absent from this region for almost 100 State of Texas. ture, he just wasnt sure how to get there. going on in the back room but found the
years, but bears from Oklahoma, Arkansas To minimize encounters with bears, Charlie has always been an outdoorsmen shop a pleasant experience, no odd aro-
and Louisiana occasionally wander into hunters should keep camps clean to prevent and says most taxidermists are, but not all mas, no messy areas. Charlie and Thomas
East Texas. odors that will attract bears and discard gut outdoorsmen are up for being taxidermists are knowledgeable and engaging. Charlie
Once these bears figure out theres no piles far from campsites. Placing deer corn and help has been hard to find. In fact, the is a proud Shiner resident, member of the
opportunity for companionship over here in piles or in open feeders will attract more name of his shop Ashtins is a combina- Shiner Mens Business Club and an unof-
they will likely retreat, says Dave Holder- bears, while using an automated feeder tion of his childs name and the name of ficial ambassador to the city of Shiner.
mann, a non-game wildlife biologist with hung out of reach of bears will decrease
TPWD in Tyler. bear visits. Also, switching bait from corn
Holdermann said as hunters in this area to soybeans will reduce bear activity. And,
head to the field in preparation for deer planting food plots is the best way to attract
season, some might see signs of bears at- deer and avoid bear visits.
tempting to enter camps where food is kept More information about black bears in
or wildlife feeders overturned. Bears eat Texas, including safety tips, is available on-
mostly plant material and thats probably line at www.tpwd.texas.gov/huntwild/hunt/
their greatest source of protein; for exam- resources/bear_safety/. Anyone observing
ple, seeds, acorns, nuts and even herbage black bears in East Texas is urged to con-
has protein. tact Holdermann at 903-566-1626 ext. 209
According to Holdermann, bears are so wildlife experts can track trends in black
normally shy and not aggressive to humans. bear populations and distributions.


keep the safety on until ready

to fire.
the barrel from the breech
end for obstructions. Bring
with you a field cleaning kit.
6. Know your safe zone-of-
body functions. You need
to be in full control of your
body when handling fire-
arms or archery equipment.
2. Treat every firearm or fire and stick to it. Its easier to lose control,
bow with the same respect
you would show a loaded
gun or nocked arrow.
Do not handle a firearm
or bow until you know how
Your safe zone-of-fire is that
area or direction in which you
can safely fire a shot. Always
be sure where your compan-
ions are at. Never swing your
especially since these sub-
stances affect your emotions,
under the influence of drugs.
10. Be aware of additional
circumstances which re-
to check if its loaded or not,
then make sure the chamber
and magazine are empty.
gun or bow out of your safe
zone-of-fire. Know the safe
carries when there are persons
quire added caution or safety
Know the laws and fol-
Hog Hunting
Read your instruction man- to your sides, in front of, or low additional rules that are
ual carefully before you han- behind you. If in doubt, never posted. Know your weapon.
dle new firearms or bows.
3. Be sure of your target
take a shot. When hunting,
wear daylight fluorescent or-
It makes it easier to figure
out whats wrong when out
and what is in front of and ange so you can be seen from in the field.
beyond your target. a distance or in heavy cover.
Always make sure you 7. Control your emotions
know whats in front of you. when it comes to safety.
Know how far your bullets, If you lose control of your
arrows and pellets can travel. emotions you may do some-
This is especially important if thing carelessly. If you hit or
you miss. Dont shoot at the miss your shot, you may get
top of ridges or hillsides since excited. Dont let that get in
you dont know whats on the the way of being safe at all
other side. Be careful of rico- times. You may lose control
chets, so avoid shooting at and your firearm may go
flat, hard surfaces. Until your off, causing an accident. Re-
target is fully visible and in hearse safe actions and keep
good light, do not even raise control at all times. When in
your scope to see it.
4. Unload firearms and
doubt, always choose safety
over shooting.
unstring conventional bows
when not in use.
8. Wear hearing and eye
5. Handle the firearms, ar- Firearms are loud and can
rows and ammunition care- create noises which are dam-
fully. aging to a persons hearing.
Avoid horseplay with fire- They can have a gradual ef- 862 FM 958, SHINER, TX 77984 | CONTACT RICK BRAUN 3617727414
arms. Be sure the only am- fect or damage can be imme-
munition you carry correctly diate, especially if youre near
matches the gauge or caliber a buzzle blast. Meanwhile,
you are shooting. Always glasses protect you from de-
carry arrows in a protected bris including burnt powder
cover or quiver. Learn the and escaping gases.
proper carries. Try to use the 9. Dont drink alcohol or
two-hand carry whenever take drugs before or while
possible because it affords handling firearms or bow
you the best muzzle control. and arrows.
If you fall, be sure to disas- Alcohol and drugs impair
semble the gun and check normal physical and mental

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