Hayleys Lesson Plan

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YEAR LEVEL/S: 3/4 (lower-middle ability group)

DURATION: 10 minutes DATE: 24/03/17
CURRICULUM AREAS: Mathematics/ Fractions and Decimals
SUBSTRAND: Fractions and Decimals

Grade 2- Recognize and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections. (VCMNA110)

Grade 3- Model and represent unit fractions including 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5 and their multiples to a complete whole (VCMNA136)'


To recognise common unit fractions such as halves, thirds, quarters and fifths.
To represent common unit fractions and their multiples to create a whole.
To apply knowledge and understanding of fractions to a real-world context.

Students will be able to identify and represent common unit fractions and relate them back to common shapes.
Students will understand that 4/4 and 8/8 make a whole and all fractions are made up of equal parts.

Whole class introduction/pre-test to ascertain which group students belong in
Students split into lower-middle and middle-high groups for mini lessons
Students will work as a group to discuss fractions and uses and proceed to represent them with common shapes.
They will complete a worksheet and play a game.
Regroup as a whole if time permits to reflect on/consolidate learnings

-Laura and I will ascertain what level the students learning is currently at in terms of fractions and decimals. I.e.. If they can
identify tenths in a whole. From there we will split the students into two groups; the first will consist of students who will
benefit from revisiting fractions, the other will consist of students who are confident with fractions and ready to be introduced
to decimals. They will be split according to ability and confidence.
-Students will be given the opportunity to talk with peers or us if necessary, or may work on their own if they prefer.
-Encourage the more capable students to assist those less confident.
The grade two curriculum statement was included for differentiation for students who are at the lower level and require support
as they revisit the basics in fractions in order to prepare them for decimals.
If students are finding it too easy, ask them to draw a picture that portrays 2/10s for example. Extend their thinking.
+ quick explanation of what were doing) INTRODUCTION
Laura and I will introduce the topic, letting the students know Today we are going to be talking about fractions and
that we will be looking at how split numbers into fraction and how they relate to us everyday. We will represent
decimals. them in a variety of ways and model halves, quarters,
Give students a fraction strip thirds, fifths and eighths.
A given area can be divided up in different ways to
give the same number of equal parts.
Have them split it into 10 equal sections, and label what they Discuss how in the previous activity of the fraction
are called. tenths bar, we were partitioning a unit into tenths
Students who are able to correctly label the pieces as tenths which results in ten equal parts. When a shape for
(or 1/10 and tell us theyre tenths) will be in Lauras group and example is divided into a fraction, each part is equal.
those who cannot will be with myself. Need to have 20 fractions strips printed
Make sure splitting into ten/ labelling doesnt drag on
For Students in Middle-High Group (approx. 3 minutes)
INTRODUCTION past 30secs
Dont use words like can/cant, take up written
Revisit where students might see fractions in everyday labelling and allocate groups to Laura and myself by
life and why they think they are useful to have an calling out names
understanding of them. Write a list.
PROCEDURE (approx. 3 minutes)
Review what students know about fractions by
Have a pie chart cut up into 5 equal pieces spread out.
drawing a circle on the board (paper) and dividing it
into four equal pieces. Shade in one of the pieces and Ask the students what each piece represents in a
ask if anyone knows what fraction that represents. fraction. Next have 2/5 on one side and 3/5 on the
other and ask how the fraction for each side. Explain
Write in the correct answer of and ask students if
that although there are 2 on one side and 3 on the
they remember what the top and bottom number are
other they are part of a whole. Briefly discuss that
called. They should say numerator and denominator.
whilst fractions are whole numbers, decimals are
The number ABOVE the line (numerator) tells how
those numbers in between.
many parts we have. The number BELOW the line
Hand out a worksheet where they write what fraction
(denominator) tells how many equal parts
of each shape is shaded to determine their
the whole is divided into.
Have posters to show students as to establish the
Collect sheets back and go through the answers, if
connection between fractions and the real world and
any students were unsure go step by step of how to
to show how the different fractions can all be
reach the answer.
represented in different things. (a orange is still a
if its represented in a different fruit )
If time permits-
As it is a group of 10 roughly, divide into 5 and play
a game to test knowledge.
-Team A will draw 2 detailed pictures that involve a
CLOSURE Reflection (approx. 2 mins) fraction shaded on both. Team B have to work
If time permits, regroup and have students say what they have together to figure out what the picture is, and what
learnt about fractions, and the highest fraction they can fraction of it is shaded.
represent. Encourage them to ask questions if they still do not - Teams then swap around if time permits.
understand something.
Fractions Strips Observe students as they complete the worksheet and assess if they
Pie chart understand, proceed to go through the worksheet.
Fraction Posters During the game monitor everyone is confident enough to
Paper participate. If anyone appears to be confused give another example
Pencil of how we could work it out.
Pens If students are finding it too easy, ask them to draw a picture that
portrays 2/10s for example. Extend their thinking.

Group feedback at the end of the presentation:

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