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The concept of aerodynamic forms, a constantly changing subject, is based

on a quantitative base. The problem is how to quantify different forms up to
the end of all possible variations (since, not being perfect, they are subject to
change) or else to be able to make the right forms from the start, but that can
be excluded, no-one is born an expert. The enigma can be solved through a
parallel which has the same functionality and it is easy to understand. If we
take, for example, the colour of light, white light contains the whole quantity,
that is to say, all of the variations of colours added together, and black is the
lack of all them. The derivatives, to be found midway between black and white,
have less quantity than white and vice versa of black. I must point out that, in
the case of the colours, white and black are the originals, while the other
colours are the derivatives. In the case of aerodynamics, which I am
presenting, one speaks of derivatives (these two models drawn here: the
concave and the convex) and sub derivatives (all of the other forms).

Aerodynamic forms function in a similar way to colours, with the concept of

the two opposites: the contents and the container. The contents contain the
whole sum of the variations, like white; and the container is the lack of the
sum of the variations like black. Functioning is based on the concept of Form
and Function. If the Form is opposite the function is also opposite. For
example, to slow down you need a parachute, which is concave; to accelerate
convex is needed, like a bullet. One compresses the external air into the
interior ( it contains the air), the other, to penetrate it, explodes it from its
centre towards the exterior (the air contains it).

The concept of aerodynamic forms for automobiles is similar. On bends a

containing shape is needed to compress the car towards the ground, to have
better hold on the road; while for going straight ahead the content is needed
for acceleration or explosion.

The problem of resistance to motion, which the air pressure makes when the
vehicle is in movement, can be resolved with the same solution for the two
models drawn here and it is symmetry . In the front part, air pressure causes
resistance to going ahead, in the rear part the same air pressure pushes it

In the case of colours, the derivatives, as mentioned before, have less mass
than white and more mass than black. In the case of aerodynamic forms, the
process is similar, it is just that the quantitative concept of mass is all in the
form. A convex shape contains the whole mass and a concave shape is the
lack of it. The derivatives have less mass than the convex shape and more
mass than the concave shape and, since the concept is of the contents and
the container, in creating derivatives one begins to annul and one looses the
idea of its purity. That is to say, the concave shape gets destroyed by the
convex and vice versa, just as a glass begins to merge whit the liquid that is
inside it. Therefore the two opposites are the only pure forms or quality.

In the absolute fusion of the two opposites the neutral is formed, which is
the container used for transporting goods, which is all formed with straight
lines. It has no longer anything left of concave nor convex (the liquid is
completely fused with the glass). The concept of contents and container has
been annulled and destroyed, there is no more compression or explosion.
Explosion and compression have been fused together. A lucid example of this
can be understood through looking at example of the functioning of the
crystal: a convex lens enlarges, blows up the image, the concave lens reduces
it and compress it and neutral, which is made of all straight lines does neither
one nor the other.

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