As1 7 Student Booklet Draft Part A

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Internal assessment resource English 1.

7A for Achievement Standard 90855


Liston College

Internal Assessment- ENGLISH Level 1

The man who

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Achievement Standard English 90855

AS 1.7
Create a visual text (3 credits)

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with

Develop and structure ideas in a Develop and structure ideas Develop and structure ideas
visual text. convincingly in a visual text. effectively in a visual text.
Use language features Use language features Use language features
appropriate to purpose and appropriate to purpose and appropriate to purpose and
audience. audience with control. audience with control to
command attention.

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

Internal assessment resource English 1.7A for Achievement Standard 90855


You must create a static image on an A3 piece of paper.

It must include an image(s) relating to an idea of a studied class text.
It must also include a quote and symbol from the text.
You must be able to link the image, symbol and quote to one another.
A commentary will be written explaining the significance of the image(s) used.


This assessment requires you to create a static image in which you explain an
idea from a studied class text.
You will have the opportunity to receive feedback on your drafts, edit, revise, and
Choose a theme. Your theme must arise from books that you have read, films you
polish your work before assessment judgements are made.
have seen, favourite songs, television programmes, or other class work.
As part of the research process you can read texts, collect information, and
If you select a theme from a text that has not been studied in class it must first be
develop ideas for the assessment activity both in- and out-of-class time.
approved by your TEACHER!
You will be assessed on how you develop, support and structure your ideas, and
on the originality of your image.


(You will choose your own idea, symbol and quote and be
expected to explain it all in the commentary)

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

Internal assessment resource English 1.7A for Achievement Standard 90855

AS 1.7

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

Internal assessment resource English 1.7A for Achievement Standard 90855

How to draw your static image

Part 1: Plan your static image

Before you begin planning your own static image, your teacher will discuss
examples of other static images and the visual and verbal language
features that were used.
Choose a text to base your static image on and think about its central ideas.
Brainstorm possible elements for your design. You might like to consider the
images, colours, fonts, symbols that are appropriate to your text
mediums e.g. collage, photography, cartoons, paint that might be
appropriate to represent your ideas and text
possible quotations or words linked to the text that you could use to
reinforce your visual ideas.
From your brainstorm, select the ideas that you think will work best
together. You will need a unified structure rather than a series of
independent elements. Think about how you can make visual and verbal
language features work together to achieve the effect you want.
You could look closely at the exemplars and think about their strengths and
areas they could be improved. You may not use specific parts of any of the
exemplars in your own static image.
Draft the layout of your static image. Think about the structure of your
image and move the individual elements of your design around on the page
to create the best possible effect. Be prepared to remove or change
elements that do not work. Only when you are satisfied with your design
should you move on to the final production of your image.

Part 2: Assemble your static image

Produce your static image to A3 size using the techniques you decided upon
during the drafting process. Complete each element and apply each
technique with control and care. Aim for consistency of style so that all the
elements are integrated as a unified whole.
You could look again at the exemplars to see how this level of integration
has been achieved in these images.

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

Internal assessment resource English 1.7A for Achievement Standard 90855

Assessment schedule: English 90855 The Annual Literature

Illustrated Calendar

Evidence/Judgements for Evidence/Judgements for Evidence/Judgements for

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with

The student develops and The student develops and The student develops and
structures ideas by: structures ideas structures ideas effectively
building on ideas by convincingly by: by:
adding details or developing ideas and developing ideas and
examples and working structure that are structure in a
towards a planned generally credible and compelling and well-
whole. connected. organised way.

The student uses The student uses The student uses

language features by: language features with language features
selecting visual control by: appropriate to purpose
language features (e.g. selecting visual and and audience with control
colour, images, verbal language to command attention by:
symbolism) appropriate features and linking delivering a confident
to the purpose and them to the intended and sustained static
audience purpose and audience image.
electing verbal of the static image.
language features (e.g.
slogan, quotation)
appropriate to the
purpose and audience.

Final grade will be decided using professional judgement based on a holistic examination of the
evidence provided against the criteria in the Achievement Standard.

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

Internal assessment resource English 1.7A for Achievement Standard 90855

This resource is copyright Crown 2010

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