Syllabus CMPI Nguyen Spring 2016

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Condensed Matter Physics I

Instructor: Prof. NGUYEN Hoa Hong

Office: 56-412
Phone: 880-6606
Office Hours: Office hours are the hour after class, other times by arrangement. You are always free to
stop by and try to catch me in my office.

1/ The required text book is "Introduction to Solid State Physics", Charles Kittel, 7th-8th Editions

2/ Useful references:

- Solid State Physics, Ascroft/Mermin

- Solid State Physics: Essential Concepts, David W. Snoke

Objectives: The course aims at second year graduate students. It is designed for introductory courses.

This course will cover the most important concepts in condensed matter physics. Even though statistical
mechanics and the quantum theory are very important for condensed matter physics, for this first term, I
however will separate the topics that are based entirely on classical methods from those demanding a
quantum treatment. The course will start with basis about Crystal structure, Lattice, Phonons, Free
Electron Gas, Energy bands, and Semiconductors.

The course is presumed to be continued with the course of Condensed Matter Physics II that will cover
further into different branches of CMP such as Dielectrics, Optical Processes, Superconductivity,
Magnetism, Surface and Interface, and Alloys.

Homework : In principle, home work will be assigned every two weeks and are due in one week..
Homework problems are a very important part of the course. As you probably already know, the only
way to learn physics is to work with it as much as possible. I encourage you to work with other members
of the class, but the solutions you have in should represent your own understanding of the material.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and one final.

Midterm Exam1: 2nd week of April (exact date to be assigned)

Midterm Exam 2: 2nd week of May (exact date to be assigned)

Final: on the Final week of the spring semester, in June.

Attendance 10%
Homework: 10%
Mid-term Exam I 20%
Mid-term Exam II 20%
Final Exam 40%

1. Crystal Structure
2. Reciprocal Lattice
3. Crystal Binding
4. Phonons I: Crystal vibrations
5. Phonons II: Thermal properties
6. Free Electron Gas
7. Energy bands
8. Semiconductors

Classroom Behavior:
Disorderly conduct that interferes with the normal classroom atmosphere will not be tolerated.
All cell phones must be turned off before the beginning of class unless special permission is
granted by the instructor. In that case, the cell phone must be set to silent ring mode, and the
student must leave the classroom to answer any call. If a cell phone rings during class, the student
may be required to leave class that day and be marked absent.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic Dishonesty is something that will not be tolerated as these actions are fundamentally
opposed to assuring the integrity of the curriculum through the maintenance of rigorous standards
and high expectations for student learning and performance. Cheating on an exam will result at
minimum in failing the entire course.
You may work together on practice problems (which are not graded), but do your own work .

Eligible and Disabled Students / Students with Medical Conditions:

Students needing special accommodation must provide documentation. Eligible students should
make arrangements with the instructor in the first week of the semester about special arrangements
needed for classroom or testing facilities and procedures to accommodate the disability. In
addition, students with medical conditions, temporary or permanent, that may require special
attention (including epilepsy) should inform the instructor.

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