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Exercise: Conservation of Mass for Control Volumes at Steady State

5.1 Air enters a one-inlet, one-exit control volume at 10 bar,

400 K, and 20 m/s through a flow area of 20 cm2. At the exit,
the pressure is 6 bar, the temperature is 345.7 K, and the
velocity is 330.2 m/s. The air behaves as an ideal gas. For
steady-state operation, determine
(a) the mass flow rate, in kg/s.
(b) the exit flow area, in cm2.

5.2 A substance flows through a 1-in.-diameter pipe with a velocity

of 30 ft/s at a particular location. Determine the mass
flow rate, in lb/s, if the substance is
(a) water at 30 lbf/in.2, 60_F.
(b) air as an ideal gas at 100 lbf/in.2, 100_F.
(c) Refrigerant 134a at 100 lbf/in.2, 100_F.

5.3 Air enters a 0.6-m-diameter fan at 16_C, 101 kPa, and is

discharged at 18_C, 105 kPa, with a volumetric flow rate of
0.35 m3/s. Assuming ideal gas behavior, determine for steadystate
(a) the mass flow rate of air, in kg/s.
(b) the volumetric flow rate of air at the inlet, in m3/s.
(c) the inlet and exit velocities, in m/s.

5.5 Steam at 120 bar, 520_C, enters a control volume operating at

steady state with a volumetric flow rate of 460 m3/min. Twentytwo
percent of the entering mass flow exits at 10 bar, 220_C, with
a velocity of 20 m/s. The rest exits at another location with a
pressure of 0.06 bar, a quality of 86.2%, and a velocity of 500m/s.
Determine the diameters of each exit duct, in m.

5.6 Air enters a household electric furnace at 75_F, 1 atm, with

a volumetric flow rate of 800 ft3/min. The furnace delivers air
at 120_F, 1 atm to a duct system with three branches consisting
of two 6-in.-diameter ducts and a 12-in. duct. The air behaves
as an ideal gas. If the velocity in each 6-in. duct is 10 ft/s,
determine for steady-state operation
(a) the mass flow rate of air entering the furnace, in lb/s.
(b) the volumetric flow rate in each 6-in. duct, in ft3/min.
(c) the velocity in the 12-in. duct, in ft/s.

5.7 Liquid water at 70_F enters a pump with a volumetric flow

rate of 7.71 ft3/min through an inlet pipe having a diameter of
6 in. The pump operates at steady state and supplies water to
two exit pipes having diameters of 3 and 4 in., respectively. The
mass flow rate of water in the smaller of the two exit pipes is 4
lb/s, and the temperature of the water exiting each pipe is 72_F.
Determine the water velocity in each of the exit pipes, in ft/s.
5.8 Air enters a compressor operating at steady state with a pressure
of 14.7 lbf/in.2, a temperature of 80_F, and a volumetric
flow rate of 1000 ft3/min. The diameter of the exit pipe is 1 in.
and the exit pressure is 100 lbf/in.2 The air behaves as an ideal
gas. If each unit mass of air passing from inlet to exit undergoes
a process described by pv1.32 _ constant, determine the
exit velocity, in ft/s, and the exit temperature, in _F.

Exercise: of Thermodynamics The Second law of

6.1 A heat pump receives energy by heat transfer from the outside
air at 0 C and discharges energy by heat transfer to a
dwelling at 20 C. Is this in violation of the Clausius statement
of the second law of thermodynamics? Explain.

6.2 Air as an ideal gas expands isothermally at 20 C from a

volume of 1 m3 to 2 m3. During this process there is heat
transfer to the air from the surrounding atmosphere, modeled
as a thermal reservoir, and the air does work. Evaluate the
work and heat transfer for the process, in kJ/kg. Is this process
in violation of the second law of thermodynamics? Explain.

6.3 Methane gas within a pistoncylinder assembly is compressed

in a quasiequilibrium process. Is this process internally
reversible? Is this process reversible?

6.4 Water within a pistoncylinder assembly cools isothermally

at 100 C from saturated vapor to saturated liquid while interacting
thermally with its surroundings at 20 C. Is the process
an internally reversible process? Is it reversible? Discuss

6.5 A reversible power cycle R and an irreversible power

cycle I operate between the same two reservoirs.
(a) If each cycle receives the same amount of energy QH from
the hot reservoir, show that cycle I necessarily discharges
more energy QC to the cold reservoir than cycle R. Discuss
the implications of this for actual power cycles.
(b) If each cycle develops the same net work, show that cycle
I necessarily receives more energy QH from the hot
reservoir than cycle R. Discuss the implications of this for
actual power cycles.

6.6 Using the KelvinPlanck statement of the second law of

thermodynamics, demonstrate the following corollaries:
(a) The coefficient of performance of an irreversible refrigeration
cycle is always less than the coefficient of performance
of a reversible refrigeration cycle when both exchange
energy by heat transfer with the same two reservoirs.
(b) All reversible refrigeration cycles operating between the
same two reservoirs have the same coefficient of performance.
(c) The coefficient of performance of an irreversible heat pump
cycle is always less than the coefficient of performance of
a reversible heat pump cycle when both exchange energy
by heat transfer with the same two reservoirs.
(d) All reversible heat pump cycles operating between the same
two reservoirs have the same coefficient of performance.

6.8 Two reversible power cycles are arranged in series. The first
cycle receives energy by heat transfer from a reservoir at temperature
TH and rejects energy to a reservoir at an intermediate
temperature T. The second cycle receives the energy rejected
by the first cycle from the reservoir at temperature T
and rejects energy to a reservoir at temperature TC lower than
T. Derive an expression for the intermediate temperature T in
terms of TH and TC when
(a) the net work of the two power cycles is equal.
(b) the thermal efficiencies of the two power cycles are equal.
6.9 If the thermal efficiency of a reversible power cycle operating
between two reservoirs is denoted by _max, develop an expression
in terms of _max for the coefficient of performance of
(a) a reversible refrigeration cycle operating between the same
two reservoirs.
b) a reversible heat pump operating between the same two
6.19 At steady state, a cycle develops a power output of 10 kW
for heat addition at a rate of 10 kJ per cycle of operation from
a source at 1500 K. Energy is rejected by heat transfer to cooling
water at 300 K. Determine the minimum theoretical number
of cycles required per minute.
6.30 For each kW of power input to an ice maker at steady state,
determine the maximum rate that ice can be produced, in kg/h,
from liquid water at 0 C. Assume that 333 kJ/kg of energy
must be removed by heat transfer to freeze water at 0 C, and
that the surroundings are at 20 C.
6.38 Plot (a) the coefficient of performance _max given by
Eq. 6.7 for TH _ 298 K versus TC ranging between 235 and
298 K. Discuss the practical implications of the decrease in
the coefficient of performance with decreasing temperature TC.
(b) the coefficient of performance _max given by Eq. 6.8 for
TH_535 R versus TC ranging between 425 and 535 R. Discuss
the practical implications of the decrease in the coefficient of
performance with decreasing temperature TC.
6.45 A heat pump maintains a dwelling at temperature T when
the outside temperature averages 5 C. The heat transfer rate
through the walls and roof is 2000 kJ/h per degree of temperature
difference between the inside and outside. If electricity
costs 8 cents per
(a) determine the minimum theoretical operating cost for each
day of operation when T _ 20 C.
(b) plot the minimum theoretical operating cost for each day
of operation as a function of T ranging from 18 to 23 C.

6.46 A heat pump maintains a dwelling at temperature T when

the outside temperature is 20 F. The heat transfer rate through
the walls and roof is 1500 Btu/h per degree temperature difference
between the inside and outside.
(a) If electricity costs 8 cents per plot the minimum
theoretical operating cost for each day of operation for T
ranging from 68 to 72 F.
(b) If T _ 70 F, plot the minimum theoretical operating cost
for each day of operation for a cost of electricity ranging
from 4 to 12 cents per kW # h.

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