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Main Additions
- New formable nations added (Maghreb Union, Boer Federation, Union Latinoameric
ana, Durrani Empire, Caucasus, Danubian Federation, La Plata, Peru-Bolivia, Turk
estan, Slav Union)
- The American Revolution was fixed
- The ability to form the Thirteen Colonies has been added, with possible yankee
and dixie people for future events
- Great Wars minimod, Politburo minimod, GAGA minimod included
- New map textures and flag UI added
- Modern African states now gain cores after earlier starts
Other Additions
- Added the Seychelles and Ryukyu as independent nations
- Japanese religion changed to shintoism
- Westernization reforms, and party issues tweaked a bit
- Some early technologies have been nerfed a bit
- New inventions added
- Tripoli, Tunis and Algiers added to the Ottomans
- French Second Empire and Third Republic events added
- Fort Construction tech added to the original army tech table
- Gave some infrastructue and extra immigration modifier to ports, nerfed railro
ads a tiny bit
Bugfixes, smaller gameplay enchantments
- Early Corsican pops modified to North Italian
- Fixed some spelling mistakes, the province/country names
- Korean cores added
- Russian cores removed from Estonia
- Many event/decision files' syntax problems fixed, made more clear
This version was brought to you by:
- holomanga, developer
- bencebence, developer
- jezbob, developer
- Panzer, developer
- fancyliving, developer
- Vnanimus, developer
Credits to:
- Rylock for the Great Wars system
- RenatoDS for the new map textures
- EGaffney for the big flag frames
- Nuukov for the Politburo minimod
- GAGA minimod by GAGA extrem
Special thanks to:
The community. This wouldn't have been possible without you, the player, who sup
ported us thoroughly

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