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Hot Topics 2 Answer Key

Unit 1: The Race for the Best in Korea

Answers may vary.
1. When I was a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian because I really love animals, and I wanted to be able to help
them when theyre sick.
2. I attended Jeju University. I graduated in 2002 with a degree in Economics.

Vocabulary Preview
1. e 2. f 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. d
6. a

a. Seoul National University e. degrees i. pre-primary school m. guarantees
b. Sixty f. career advantage j. English
c. the United Nations g. graduates k. highly educated
d. doctorate h. American l. jobs

high school
39%, degrees
global community
past, musicians, school students
of brain power

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I think that Seoul National University and Korea University are the best in our country. They are also two of
the best universities worldwide. All you have to do is look at the alumni. Many famous and brilliant people
graduated from these universities.
2. Suicide is a sensitive topic. I know of people who have committed suicide as a way to end their problems. I dont
think it is a good way to end a life. Sure, your problems stop, but what about all the grief you leave behind?
Sometimes you just leave more problems for your family to deal with.

Writing: Essay
Answers may vary.
In my opinion, Korea University is the top University in Korea because of its law school. KU Law School is
the best in the country and law is an important part of our society. I think that Korea has three of the top 200
universities worldwide because of the fact that we offer many different kinds of programs at our schools. Also,
many of our graduates earn a doctorate degree compared to other countries.
One reason that 98% of Korean high-school graduates go on to university is because of education fever.
Parents push for university from the minute their children start school. You have to attend and graduate from
university to be competitive in Korean society. The better the university you go to, the better job you will get
afterward. I dont think Korean parents put too much pressure on their kids. The number of kids that succeed is
much higher than the numbers that fail or commit suicide. Personally, I felt a lot of pressure to succeed, but I think
it made me more successful.
School-life expectancy for females in Korea is too low because I feel that it should be equivalent to the
males. This means that women are still not receiving the same amount of education as men and, therefore, not
getting the same jobs. Women should push themselves to get as much education as they can to remain
competitive with men for jobs.

Unit 2: Sports Fever

Answers may vary.
1. My favorite sport is baseball. It is very technical, and it is a gentlemans sport.
2. I dont think athletes should be role models for children because they sometimes exhibit bad behavior. I
wouldnt want my child to copy a lot of the professional athletes out there.

Vocabulary Preview
1. b 2. e 3. f 4. c 5. a 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. gigantic
2. vendor
3. unison
4. fanatic
5. feasts
6. fringe

a. Red Devils e. Ji Sung Park i. rankings m. careful
b. world-class f. national j. FIFA n. athletes
c. Wave g.KJ Choi k. buzzing
d. culture h. soccer l. heroes

sports, popularity
(buttered) squid, pressed fish snacks
sports teams
players or rankings

burgers, pizza, nachos, hot dogs

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, many people gather hours before a game in my country, too. They dont really have trucks, but many have
outdoor grills, and they enjoy getting together.
2. Yes, there is a difference between athletes in different countries. In the media, I often hear about American
athletes in trouble with the law; however, in my country, this isnt seen. I think they are better behaved here.

Writing: Further Discussion

Answers may vary.
Group One: The Benefits of Sports and Fan Support
Sports generate a lot of money for the economy and provide great entertainment.
Sporting events create a lot of money for a lot of people. Many people have jobs related to sports, not just the
athletes, but everyone involved. Also, money is made by television and radio companies as well. Finally, many
sports teams give some of their money back to minor sporting programs and great charities. Without fans, none of
this could happen.
Group Two: The Problems Associated with Sports Fanatics
Some people take enjoyment of sports too far. They are obsessed with their teams.
Too many people are obsessed with players, teams, and sports. Everything about them is sports. If you challenge
them, they will argue and shout that their team is the best. Also, these are usually the people that overreact in the
stands, end up getting drunk, and cause problems for the rest of us.
Group Three: The Advantages of Using Athletes as Role Models
Athletes are the best at their sport and are great examples of hard work and dedication for children.
Athletes represent hard work, pride, and determination. I think they are great role models for any child. All children
should strive to be the best they can be. That is what athletes are about.
Group Four: The Disadvantages of Using Athletes as Role Models
Athletes make a lot of money and are often involved in behavior that is unsuitable for a role model.
Too many athletes are charged with crimes ranging from weapons, drugs, and even murder. When such large
salaries are involved, these people stop representing their sport and start representing selfishness. That is not
something I want my child to copy.

Unit 3: International Marriages

Answers may vary.
1. I dont really care who people marry. I just want people to fall in love and be happy together.
2. Personally, I think intermarriage has more disadvantages because the people dont come from the same culture.
It would be harder to understand each other all of the time.

Vocabulary Preview
1. f 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c 6. a

Vocabulary Practice
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. a

a. intermarriages e. Vietnam i. wives m. people
b. 2002 f. push j. monoculturalism n. customs
c. One-third g. multicultural k. birth
d. China h. rural l. multiethnic

Problems for Brides
China, Vietnam

Answers may vary.
1. I agree that to be Korean is to have Korean blood. If we allow anyone to be Korean, our culture will soon
2. I think only those with two Korean parents are truly Korean because they have only Korean blood.

Writing: Interview
Answers may vary.
1. Do you agree with marriage between Koreans and non-Koreans? Why or why not?
Yes, I think its great, as it allows Korea to become more multicultural.
2. Do you think laws regulating immigration to Korea and interracial marriage should be changed? How?
Yes, I do, because they are very outdated, and they prevent people from coming to our great country and marrying
our citizens. I think the laws should be relaxed so that more people can come to Korea and fall in love with great
Korean people.
3. What are some benefits that intermarriage provides to Korea?
In my opinion, some of the benefits that intermarriage provides to Korea are multiculturalism, the changing of strict
and racist laws, a more open and welcoming society, and better education for our children.
4. (Student question) What are some disadvantages of intermarriage in Korea?
Some disadvantages of intermarriage in Korea are cultural conflict, increased problems for multiethnic children, and
more people who are unable to understand Korean language and culture.
5. (Student question) Why do you think mainly rural men marry international women?
I think this is because they cant find suitable mates in Korea. Many people have moved to the city these days, and
therefore, there arent many spouses available in the country anymore.

Unit 4: Korea in the International Media

Answers may vary.
1. I once met M.C. Hammer in West Edmonton Mall, in Canada. He was very handsome. Another celebrity I would
like to meet is Rain.
2. I think its important to inspire young people. Thats how we can have goals and dreams to push us through

Vocabulary Preview
1. d 2. e 3. c 4. f 5. b 6. a

Vocabulary Practice
1. anticipation
2. mainstay
3. foster
4. inspires
5. participants
6. disappointed

a. early e. Korean i. largest m. other
b. USSR f. musician j. chip n. power
c. rock g. fight k. brands o. using
d. Kino h. toxic l. North America

Common Knowledge
Daniel Dae Kim
Shin-Soo Choo
weight lifting
Ki-Moon Ban
Less Well-Known
Cui Jian
Tae-Gwan Park
Kyung-Shin Yu

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I think Korean competitiveness is good and should expand to other parts of the world. For example, Korean
scientists could work with other scientists. They could cooperate and solve many problems in the world. I also
believe that Korean politicians should have more influence on world affairs. This would of course benefit Korea, but
also it might help the rest of the world learn how to cope with difficult situations in a peaceful manner.
2. I think Korean musicians should perform at more venues in Europe and North America. They should also
collaborate with well-known musicians from both of those areas. They could also sing in different languages and
diversify their lyrics for wider audiences.

Writing: Debate
Answers may vary.
1. The future of Korea and of the whole world depends on cooperation. Without the international media, there
would be no cooperation. Also, there would be no accountability. A free and universal media can keep
governments and corporations honest.
2. Many Korean celebrities, whether they are athletes or musicians, politicians or inventors, work closely with their
international peers. Koreans influence others, and Koreans are influenced by others. If we did not have the
international media, this give-and-take would be impossible.
3. The international media is important because without it Korea would not be a part of the global community.
Communications and the sharing of news and information are important for any developed nation. Without the
media, Korea would be like an island, cut off from the rest of the planet. This would be a big step backward in

Unit 5: North and South Korea Reunification: Fact or Fiction

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I have an uncle in the North. We met last summer during one of the scheduled reunions.
2. I agree with it. I think its important to reunite families and have one Korea again.

Vocabulary Preview
1. c 2. e 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. d
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. b

a. terrible e. income i. cost m. Japan
b. Famine f. five j. $50 n. leadership
c. infrastructure g. trade k. 80 o. waste
d. shape h. incredible l. trillion

Why is North Korea so poor?
Why is reunification needed?
services, much
North Korea

Answers may vary.
1. No, I dont think that reunification will occur in my lifetime. It is just too expensive to do this. However, if we
wait any longer, it will become more expensive, so Im not sure when this will happen, if ever.
2. I think the only way for reunification to really work is with a single government. Having two governments will
change nothing; things will be the same as they are today.

Writing: Essay
Answers may vary.
I dont think reunification will occur in my lifetime. This is because it is too costly, the leader of the North is
unstable, and there are too many countries benefitting from a divided Korea. If reunification does occur, it will be
bloody as in Vietnam. I believe it will occur this way because the North will never give up control, and they will not
accept democracy or freedom.
With respect to the cost, I think it isnt too expensive. The reason I believe this is because it is an

important and necessary expense. If reunification does occur, I think all countries including the North and South
should be responsible for paying for its costs because reunification would benefit the entire world. Considering that
South Koreas GDP growth is the same as the entire economic output of the North, I dont think it will be possible
to bring the Norths incomes up to the same level as the South. This is because this difference widens every year
and to bring their healthcare and education up to the level of the South would be incredibly difficult, if not
Finally, to me it doesnt seem as though the North wants to reunify. I say this because its leader is
constantly threatening the world, including South Korea. Ultimately, in order for reunification to be successful, the
following has to happen: a change in leadership, a change in the political system to democracy, improvements in
education and healthcare, and economic and social freedom for its people.

Unit 6: The Creation of an Asian Union

Answers may vary
1. Yes, I think they are a good idea. I think the EU has been successful.
2. No and yes. Id like to keep our own currency; however, it would be nice to travel without having to get a visa.

Vocabulary Preview
1. c 2. f 3. d 4. e 5. a 6. b

Vocabulary Practice
1. subsidy
2. priorities
3. cohesive
4. socialist
5. streamline
6. bureaucracy

a. benefit e. travel i. efficient m. hop
b. barriers f. countries j. West n. trade
c. Goods g. visas k. tourist o. tourism
d. endless h. currency l. convert

Potential Benefit to Korea
economic trade barriers
negotiating and trade
Potential Problems
Poorer nations, compete

Answers may vary.
1. I dont think I would travel more if Korea was part of a union. I dont travel much as it is; however, Im sure many
others would travel a lot more.

2. I think there is a chance of an increase in terrorism. I think that if a common security service is used, there may
be potential for disaster.

Writing: Further Discussion

Answers may vary.
Group One: The Benefits of an Asian Union for South Korea
It will provide Korean products with easier and faster access to other Asian markets.
By opening up the borders in Asia, there will be greater selections of products in our stores. That will lead to
greater competition, which will cause Korean companies to improve their products. Also, the opposite will be true
when Korean products are allowed to enter other markets.
Group Two: The Benefits of an Asian Union to All of Asia
It will provide increased communication and negotiating power with the West.
As a union, Asia will be great power to negotiate treaties and deals with Western countries. As it sits, Asia is full of
small countries trying to negotiate independent of each other. That is not an efficient strategy.
Group Three: The Effects of an Asian Union on Terrorism and Security
It will make it easier to travel and, therefore, create a terrorism network.
I think if people can travel more easily and visa regulations are relaxed, there is a greater risk of terrorism. Since
many terrorists have come from Asia, we need to ensure an appropriate level of security.
Group Four: The Negative Effects of an Asian Union on Individual Member Countries
It will reduce the freedom to act independently within the union.
Because a union will work as a group, the independence of each country will be compromised. Further, while large
companies and powerful individuals will be able to easily compete in such a union, smaller entities will be lost.

Unit 7: Conscription: Military Service in South Korea

1. No, I dont think military service should be mandatory. I think its very hard on people, and I dont think its good
for young men to be away from their families for that long if they dont want to be.
2. Yes, I think men and women should be in the military. Women can fight just as hard as men.

Vocabulary Preview
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. f 5. c 6. e

Vocabulary Practice
1. rite
2. corporal
3. perceived
4. mandatory
5. conscription
6. objector

a. soldiers e. respect i. character m. Conscription
b. national f. discipline j. determination n. peace
c. pride g. ethic k. finished
d. military h. boys l. doorstep

Arguments for Change to the Military System
personal, economic

to serve
Benefits of the System
unity, pride
discipline, work ethic
North Korea

Answers may vary.
1. I think people who object a war should have the right not to participate. People shouldnt be forced to do
something that is against their religion or morals.
2. I think military service makes young men and women stronger. It also teaches them honor and how to behave
properly. For my dad, the military made him stronger and prepared him for being a good husband and father.

Writing: Interview
Answer may vary.
1. Do you agree with mandatory military service, or conscription? Why or why not? Give two reasons.
Yes I do. I think we have to protect our country from North Korea. I also think that it is good for us to be prepared as
a nation. If a war starts, we are ready to defend ourselves.
2. Do you think conscription is still necessary today? That is, was it more necessary in the past?
No, I dont think its necessary today. With modern technology and political power, I dont think war is likely.
3. If you had a child, would you want him or her to serve in the military? If he or she objected, would you support
him or her?
Yes, I would tell them that conscription is important and also tell them to be proud of their duty. Therefore, I would
not support my childs objection to serving in the military.
4. (Student question) How long do you think military service should be?
I think it should be one year.
5. (Student question) Do you think military service in Korea harms the Korean economy? How so?
Yes, I think young men should be starting their education and careers.

Unit 8: The KORUS FTA

Answers may vary.
1. Im not sure what the KORUS FTA is. I think its a free trade agreement between Korea and the USA.
2. Yes, I think its a good idea for countries to have free trade agreements. I dont think countries can survive by
themselves. Its a global village these days, and all countries have to evolve to accept this.

Vocabulary Preview
1. f 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. b
2. a
3. d
4. c
5. a
6. c

a. one-sided e. restrictions i. deficits m. shirts
b. automobiles f. imports j. economy n. corporations
c. rice g. tariffs k. consumed o. doomed
d. cultural h. unfair l. opposite

Korea, US
more jobs
Korean, international
businesses, corporations

Answers may vary.
1. In 10 years, Korea will look more international. There will be many more foreign companies, and therefore fewer
Korean ones. This will be the result of foreign investment and companies moving into Korea.
2. I dont think its important to protect Koreas agricultural industry. I think, to be truly international we must open
up all of our markets. That way, all industries will have to compete equally. Otherwise, I think the system is unfair.

Writing: Debate
Answers may vary.
1. The KORUS FTA will allow a flood of US products into Korea. This will change our market completely. Koreans will
start to prefer American brands even more than they do today. This will lead to a further deterioration of Korean
culture as our society becomes Americanized.
2. By allowing US meat and agricultural products, our own producers will be negatively affected. It has been
projected that the agricultural sector will be hit the hardest. We shouldnt make things more difficult for these
people, as they are integral to our society. If we dont protect our producers, they will fail, and the United States (or
other countries) will take over.
3. By allowing access to our service sector, we are allowing the USA to control how we go about our business. This
includes control over financial and legal proceedings. Sure, its necessary to adopt an international standard;
however, I dont feel that we need to take constant direction from the USA. I feel that freedom in the service sector
will allow for many US-based companies to enter Korea. Ultimately, because they have had more experience and
time with these updated service standards, they will be able to outcompete our companies. Just as with the
product side of things, Korean companies will fail, resulting in further Americanization.

Unit 9: The Rise of Korean Brands

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, many Korean companies are popular internationally. This is because they have begun to market themselves
internationally. Also, the Korean Wave has introduced many to Korean companies and culture.
2. People confuse Korean and Japanese products and companies because they are both Asian, and people are more
familiar with Japan than Korea.

Vocabulary Preview
1. b 2. f 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. a
6. d

a. automobile e. German i. compete m. growing
b. Ford f. long-lasting j. luxury n. popularity
c. Toyota g. appeal k. evolution
d. quality h. dependable l. replace

German Goods
long-lasting, perform
Italian Goods
handle, emotional
Chinese Goods
Korean Goods
dependable, attention
imports, Japanese
Japanese Goods
Cars are, detail
exporting, decades
American Goods
compete, quality

Answers may vary.
1. Actually, because Im Korean, it makes me upset when people mistake Korean brands for Japanese. We take
great pride in our companies, and we get especially upset when compared to the Japanese. So, it is not a blessing!
2. If I could have any car, it would be a Hyundai Santa Fe because I find them spacious and superior to similar US
brands. If I could buy a TV, it would be Samsung or LG because they are the world leaders in flat panel technology.

Writing: Essay
Answers may vary.
In my opinion, Korean and Asian brands are superior to US brands. I think this is because of the Korean
work ethic and our level of competitiveness. Many people believe US brands are of poorer quality because they
often break down and are not produced with the quality of Japanese and Korean goods. There are many different
kinds of products. Some examples of superior Korean products are TVs, cars, electronics control circuits, memory
chips, ships, and cellular phones. Some examples of superior Korean companies are LG, Daewoo, and Hankook. In
contrast, some examples of superior American products are cigarettes, alcohol, trucks, and construction supplies.
Some examples of superior American companies are IBM, Microsoft, and Ford.
In general, people choose Japanese and Korean brands because of perception. They just buy based on
personal feelings. Personally, I dont believe that there is a general rule. If someone wants to buy a car or some
consumer electronics, they should compare all brands and choose the best. In the future, I think Korean brands will
be more successful because they are working very hard to compete and lead the world. We have very good
engineers and will create vastly superior products.

Unit 10: Korean Currency

Answer may vary.
1. Koreans save more money than North Americans because of our history. We have had to start from nothing and
learn to appreciate everything.
2. People will get greedy and try to copy 50,000 and 100,000 won notes. Also, big bills make everything more
complicated. Often, small shops dont have enough money to give customers change if they use big bills.

Vocabulary Preview
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. f 5. b 6. c

Vocabulary Practice
1. spike
2. obsolete
3. conceal
4. denomination
5. luxury
6. corruption

a. wallet e. electronic i. denominations m. shopping
b. cash f. pain j. government n. checks
c. computer g. ATM k. manage o. credit
d. bills h. 50,000 l. debt

Complaints About Small Notes
many bills
Complaints About Big Notes

Answers may vary.
1. I was very frustrated about carrying so many bills. I hated carrying around so much money, and my wallet always
2. Yes, I do think that the new bill will increase corruption. Because its value is higher, more people will try to copy

Writing: Further Discussion

Answers may vary.
Group One: The Advantages of Larger Denominations of Won
It will stimulate consumer spending and improve the economy.
By providing larger bills, people will be able to shop more easily with less confusion. In this way, the business
community will benefit, and the Korean economy will look more advanced and modern.
Group Two: The Advantages of Larger Denominations of Won
It will be much more convenient both for Koreans and visitors.
This is especially true for visitors who have trouble with too many bills when they come to Korea. Also, this will

allow people to keep their wallets in good shape and not have to carry around envelopes of money.
Group Three: The Disadvantages of Larger Denominations of Won
It will cause problems for business owners relating to security and providing change for larger bills.
Business owners will have to purchase anti-counterfeiting equipment to ensure the protection of their business.
Also, unlike the 10,000 won note, they will have to have a lot more money on hand to ensure they are able to
provide change for their customers.
Group Four: The Disadvantages of Larger Denominations of Won
It will cause inflation to rise and, thus, make Korea a more expensive, uninviting place to visit, which will hurt the
With a developed economy and larger denominations, inflation and thus, prices, will rise. Korea has been known as
a relatively cheap place to live in terms of food, restaurants, and other tourist activities. If these prices rise, people
will stay away, and things may also become more expensive for Koreans in their everyday lives. In this way, the
economy will be hurt.

Unit 11: Commercial Holidays

Answers may vary.
1. I usually only have Christmas Day as a holiday. I often get together with my friends for a meal, and then go to my
parents house. I bring a Christmas cake to my parents house as a gift for them. I also buy a gift for my boyfriend,
usually a shirt or hat.
2. My favorite holiday is Lunar New Year. My friends and I usually hike up a mountain to see the first sunrise of the
year. It is a great new start to each year.

Vocabulary Preview
1. d 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. f

Vocabulary Practice
1. slender
2. wafers
3. craze
4. consumption
5. designated
6. confectionary

a. present e. love-related i. excitement m. take part
b. Christmas f. heard j. holidays n. difference
c. Valentines Day g. special k. spirit
d. 14th h. participate l. exciting

Unofficial Holidays
Pepero Day
Black Day
Rose Day
Official Holidays

Valentines Day
Garaetteok Day
Pepero Day
rice cake

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I think that Lotte had something to do with starting Pepero Day, especially since it is celebrated on 11/11,
which must have been chosen because the numbers look like Peperos. Marketing people at Lotte are very smart,
and they sell a lot of Peperos in November, so I think that they did start the day.
2. I think that companies have a right to make special days for their products. However, that doesnt mean that I
have to buy their product on that day. I am free to make that choice. Sometimes, you can get good deals on
products on those special days.

Writing: Interview
Answers may vary.
1. What do you think about companies creating their own special days to promote their products?
I think that companies have the right to market their products no matter how they want. It is my decision as a
customer to buy the product or not.
2. Do you think it is fair that companies take advantage of their customers emotions and put pressure on them to
buy their products on certain days? Why or why not?
No, I dont think its fair that companies pressure us to buy their products on certain days. I always feel pressure
from my wife to buy gifts because its a special day. It stresses me out. I might not want to buy that product for my
wife, but I feel like I have to.
3. What are some enjoyable things about commercial holidays? Give examples.
It is a good opportunity to spend time with family and friends. We often eat at restaurants if its a holiday. I also get
a day off of work, so that is great!
4. (Student question) What commercial holiday do you think is the silliest?
I think that Black Day is the silliest holiday. I mean, how is eating black noodles going to make me feel better about
being single? I never meet anyone at a Chinese restaurant on Black Day. It is really embarrassing. It makes me feel
bad about my life.
5. (Student question) What commercial holiday do you like the best? Why?
I love Valentines Day. My boyfriend spoils me with chocolate, flowers, wine, and a dinner out. I feel like the luckiest
girl in the world on Valentines Day.

Unit 12: The Production and Sale of Knock-Offs

Answers may vary.
1. Fake items include watches, scarves, hand bags, sunglasses, and even hats and socks.
2. Yes, I have bought a knock-off before. I bought a fake Rolex last year.

Vocabulary Preview
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. e

Vocabulary Practice
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. d

5. b
6. a

a. full price e. Rolex i. pick out m. unfair
b. expensive f. fakes j. identical n. hundred
c. 90 g. knock-offs k. marketing
d. multinational h. threat l. criticize

Justification for Buying Fakes
expensive, America
Reasons Not to Buy Fakes
criminal, unlicensed
$200 billion

Answers may vary.
1. No, I dont think the police can stop knock-offs. I think it is so widespread, and with the high quality of knock-offs,
its almost impossible to tell what is fake and real.
2. Yes, I do think that companies and economics are pushing for tougher laws. I dont think it is really that
important to the government. That is seen in the fact that they are just now taking a stronger stance against it. I
think its being pushed by the corporations.

Writing: Debate
Answers may vary.
1. The real items are too expensive. No one can afford such luxury. Having high quality knock-offs allows the
average Joe to have nice things and feel good about themselves.
2. Law enforcement is cracking down because of rich, selfish, multinational corporations. They only want the laws
in place so they can make more money. These companies constantly have to improve their products so they can
keep up with the knock-off industry which can make high quality products as well.
3. Knock-offs are a huge part of the economy of some developing or underdeveloped nations. These products are a
major tourist draw. They bring people into market areas and lead to significant sales and thus, more money is put
into the local economies. Even if this hurts the large corporations, the benefit to these poorer countries outweighs
any burden.

Unit 13: The Influence of UCC

Answers may vary.
1. I didnt know before, but I looked it up! It means User Created Content.
2. Yes, I use Facebook and YouTube. I also watch news programs or weather reports that have user-generated

Vocabulary Preview
1. b 2. c 3. e 4. d 5. f 6. a

Vocabulary Practice
1. dictate
2. integral
3. persecution
4. elite
5. egalitarian
6. outlets

a. privacy e. disadvantage i. overall m. editors
b. consequences f. artists j. quality n. blog
c. information g. compensated k. professionalism o. journalist
d. infringement h. third l. UCC

Disadvantages of UCC
Information, photos
thieves, sexual
quality, professionalism
Advantages of UCC
create global
options, more

Answers may vary.
1. Knowledge is power means that whoever controls information will have the most political or economic power.
This is why education is so important.
2. No, I dont believe that. I think there will always be some huge, powerful, and wealthy corporations. There might
not be as many in the future, but they will not disappear altogether.

Writing: Essay
Answers may vary.
I personally enjoy User Created Content websites. I think they are useful because they let people share
information with one another. I like to read customer reviews before I buy books online. I can learn about both the
stores and the books this way. It is hard to avoid UCC! Some examples I see all the time are and
I dont think UCC is revolutionary, but I think it has brought about some important changes. Most peoples
lives havent been affected or changed by it. I say this because the changes have not been huge or significant.
People who like downloading music or videos have an easier time doing that, but that is hardly revolutionary! I
guess there must be changes in the way business is done with UCC, but I dont know much about that. For
something to be truly revolutionary, it has to be life-changing! It has to make peoples situations better in real and
important ways. We were not exactly being persecuted before, when we had to listen to someone reading us the
news, and our lives are not greatly improved now that we can type comments on the bottom of a webpage.
User Created Content that I would like to see would be more educational and not just for entertainment. I
like the idea of watching videos or listening to music, but I would rather have more user-friendly and informative
teacher-student relationships building websites or applications.

Unit 14: Cellular Phones: Korea Versus the West

Answers may vary.
1. I got my first cellular phone when I was in third grade.
2. No, I dont think that Koreans are too concerned with having the newest phone. I think we should always
upgrade to the best model. Then, you can have the best product.

Vocabulary Preview
1. e 2. d 3. b 4. f 5. a 6. c

Vocabulary Practice
1. d
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. b
6. c

a. watch e. digital i. bills m. taxis
b. West f. broadcasting j. account n. match
c. listen g. two hours k. apps
d. TV h. financial l. Polygraph

Korean Cell Phone Use
Western Cell Phone Use
Digital media
Korean Cell Phone Market
world, advancements

Answers may vary.
1. My favorite cell phone app is Google maps. It allows me to find my friends anywhere in the world.
2. Because we are very competitive. I think people believe that if they have old things, they will be perceived as
poor, even if they are in good condition. I think this makes people spend too much money on unnecessary items.

Writing: Further Discussion

Answers may vary.

Group One: The Benefits of Leading the World in Cell Phone Technology
The rest of the world looks up to Korea as a leader in the industry. Its important to be number one!
We must compete with the world and attain the number-one status. Cell phone technology is well known in Korea,
and we must continue to progress in order to maintain this.
Group Two: The Benefits of Upgrading Cellular Phones Every Year
Phones should be upgraded often to take advantage of technological changes.
Old phones are pointless. They lack the processing power and options of new phones. People should upgrade
phones as much as possible so that society keeps pace with technology.
Group Three: The Problems Associated with Keeping Up with Technological Innovation
Koreas technology must constantly change to ensure no one surpasses it.
This is a very uncomfortable position. Companies must create, and society must buy, new technology in order for
Koreas domination to continue. This can cause difficulties for companies and stress for people who strive for new
products constantly.
Group Four: The Problems Associated with Upgrading Your Phone Every Year
Economically, it is unrealistic for people to have to buy new, expensive phones every year.
Most young people cant afford a new phone every year. They should be saving for important things like
apartments or cars, but instead, they are saving to buy cool phones. It is a waste of money.

Unit 15: Malicious Comments

Answers may vary.
1. I would just delete the comments! Or maybe Id write a reply to them.
2. The Internet lets people get away with things they couldnt do or say in normal conversations. Its not the
Internets fault that people behave badly!

Vocabulary Preview
1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. d

Vocabulary Practice
1. vulgar
2. slander
3. isolated
4. coincidence
5. malicious
6. drastic

a. courage e. Internet i. think m. online
b. online f. know j. carefully n. permanent
c. never g. away k. posting o. Anyone
d. beauty h. phony l. damaging

Gossip and Back-Stabbing on the Internet
hide, phony, behavior
Korean Examples
slander, Oi Soo Lee, Jin Sil Choi

television, Geun Young Moon

Answers may vary.
1. I think it is not a coincidence. The Internet causes a lot of problems. People can become addicted to online
games, and there are many examples of people taking fictional things far too seriously.
2. I think that its necessary because of things like identity theft and other crimes. It is a useful way of protecting
yourself online.

Writing: Interview
Answers may vary.
1. Do you think Yonsei University psychologist Hwang Sang-min is correct when he says that Korean celebrities are
especially vulnerable to gossip and slander? I think so. I think Korean people might be too concerned with their
public image or how they appear to other people. Of course, the same thing is magnified for celebrities because it
really is true that everyone is always looking at them and analyzing them.
2. Have any malicious online comments been directed toward you? What did they say about you? How did you deal
with it? Yes, many negative comments have been directed at me. A lot of people are jealous of me because I am
very rich, beautiful, and talented! Usually I just ignore the comments because if I pay attention to them, then the
gossipers are getting exactly what they want.
3. What do you think should be done to deal with online slander and malicious comments? I think there should be
more controls on Internet sites. People should not be allowed to comment on everything publicly. If they want to,
then they can start their own blogs, but the news media shouldnt allow it on their own websites.
4. (Student question) Do you blame the Internet for celebrity suicides? Yes, I do. Sometimes people have a lot of
stress in their lives. Many people are depressed. They already have people looking at them and talking about them
all the time! Sometimes, hurtful or embarrassing comments can push them over the edge.
5. (Student question) Should we feel sorry for celebrities? Good question! You can if you want to. Celebrities might
be wealthy and successful, but its not an easy life. It is the job of a movie star or a singer to always look and act
exactly the way people want them to. There are always people who are not satisfied. The Internet can be
wonderful, but usually it just makes things worse. Most people couldnt deal with that kind of pressure.

Unit 16: The Low Carbon & Green Growth Campaign

Answers may vary
1. Yes, I recycle. I recycle plastic, cans, and tin by sorting them into the proper bags and dropping them off at the
recycle drop spot on my street.
2. I shut off lights in my apartment to save electricity when I am not in the room. I only use my air-conditioner
when I absolutely have to. I also try to walk or take the subway as much as possible.

Vocabulary Preview
1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. c

Vocabulary Practice
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. b

a. petition e. stressed i. fossil fuels m. lack

b. litter f. rapid j. pollutants n. focus
c. face-to-face g. skyrocketed k. excessive
d. ugly h. planning l. usable

Koreas Pollution Problems
60%, pollution, worse
dumping, green, population
Steps in the Right Direction
Network, zero-waste, fast food

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I think that all fast food restaurants, including Lotteria, can do more to help promote a zero-waste society. All
Lotteria locations should be using non-disposable containers, not just the Jongro location. All fast-food restaurants
can stop using Styrofoam and instead use environmentally friendly containers and reusable cups.
2. No, Koreans are obviously not doing enough to save the environment because we are still a leading cause of air
pollution. There is so much more that all countries can do, and it all starts with individuals. There are choices all
people make every day that can help our environment, such as using reusable shopping bags and cups.

Writing: Debate
Answers may vary.
1. Korea has many mountain ranges within its borders. If people want to have some time with nature, they can go
to a nearby mountain to hike or have a picnic. Korea has a lot of nature, you just have to travel out of the bigger
cities to get to it. Korea has a great public transportation system which makes getting to these places a lot easier.
2. Green spaces in urban Korea cost a lot of money. The monetary expense of this is too high. Korea has other
things that it should be spending money on, such as military, health, and education.
3. Green spaces will take up space in cities that could be used for businesses. It would take up space that could be
making money.

Unit 17: Korean Cultural Revolution

Answers may vary.
1. Yes, I do, but not very often. My dad doesnt like Western food very much, so we usually eat Asian food.
2. No, I dont. There is nothing wrong with them. Actually, a lot of them are very good. I dont watch them because
I dont like to read the subtitles. I prefer to watch movies in Korean.

Vocabulary Preview
1. f 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. d 6. c

Vocabulary Practice
1. personified
2. reclusive
3. repressed
4. embraced
5. mania
6. sheds

a. restaurant e. obesity i. generation m. progress
b. bankruptcy f. lazy j. cheeseburgers
c. respect g. global k. communicate
d. alcohol h. evolving l. generation

The Hermit Kingdom
Respect, community
choices, chances
education, money

Answers may vary.
1. No, I dont agree with the statement. I think that we are not losing our Korean culture, but that it is just changing
with the times. I think that our grandparents generation may think differently about this because things are
changing very quickly in their eyes.
2. I am proud of Koreas ranking. Koreans live good, happy lives.

Writing: Essay
Answers may vary.
In my opinion, Korean culture is suffering, and Korean youth are hindering our image. I think this because
crime and vandalism by our youth are rising. Nowadays, we have problems with youth gangs, alcohol, and drugs.
Kids today are making many wrong choices, and it scares the older generations.
Many Koreans think that our culture is evolving because we are in the age of technology and our
communication skills are improving. An example of this is the fact that 100% of Korean schools have Internet access,
which is a great way to educate. Also, we have a high global standing, and Korean products are used worldwide.
Other Koreans think we are losing our culture because we have westernized a lot of Korean things. Many of our
words now come from English. They may think this because Korea is fully immersed in English mania. Western
culture is taking over many things. Our food, clothes, music, and movies all have a hint of Western culture.
There are also some things that we need to work on in Korea, such as respect from the younger
generation. We need to teach them Korean traditions and show them that they are important. We also need to
work on our environment.

Unit 18: Korean Wedding Culture

Answers may vary.
1. Yes I have. It was very beautiful and emotional. Also, it was a great party!
2. I prefer the modern style with less tradition because theyre more exciting.

Vocabulary Preview
1. b 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. d 6. f

Vocabulary Practice
1. a

2. c
3. b
4. a
5. d
6. c

a. night e. business-like i. couple m. private
b. attire f. emotion j. linens n. perfect
c. grandmother g. cash k. reception
d. hall h. parents l. gift-opening

Korean Weddings
venue, same
speeches, dancing
Western Weddings

Answers may vary.
1. No. I think that since the guests brought the gifts, the couple should open them in front of everyone so that the
guests can share in the excitement.
2. Yes and no. At wedding halls, they do. However, that is the modern tradition, and even though they are at halls,
the family and friends are still emotional.

Writing: Further Discussion

Answers may vary.
Group One: Korean-Style Weddings Are Better Than Western-Style Weddings
Tradition and convenience are the most important aspects of weddings.
We must maintain our Korean wedding traditions, as they are the roots of our culture. Yes, they are sometimes
inconvenient; however, they are vital. Also, it is important to keep weddings efficient because people have very
busy lives and dont have the time or energy to attend a long reception.
Group Two: Western-Style Weddings Are Better Than Korean-Style Weddings
Emotion and enjoyment are the most important aspects of weddings.
The key to weddings is to experience the emotion that is involved. It is important to personalize the wedding
ceremony and reception to suit the couples taste. That way, they can get the most satisfaction out of it. Also, in
this way, the guests will enjoy the ceremony and reception even more.
Group Three: A Mix of Korean and Western Traditions Make the Best Weddings
Tradition and emotion are the most important aspects of weddings.
It is important to allow weddings to evolve. There are some great Western and Korean traditions, which can be
combined to ensure an excellent wedding. I think we could use the Korean tradition of efficient ceremonies with
the Western reception idea to make a great event.

Unit 19: To Live or Not to Live in Seoul

Answers may vary.
1. I live in the southwestern part of Korea because my company is located there. Also, it is where my wife is from.
2. Its much quieter in small cities and rural areas. Also, they have better food and closer ties with friends and

Vocabulary Preview
1. c 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. f

Vocabulary Practice
1. real estate
2. congested
3. vertically
4. concrete
5. hoards
6. density

a. Seoul e. international i. department m. town
b. business f. foreign j. electronics n. urbanization
c. salary g. Shopping k. concerts
d. schools h. outdoor l. ballets

real estate
People in Seoul
urgency, competitiveness
musicals, ballets

Answers may vary.
1. It is negative. It brings in more people so that there is too much competition. The result is more poor people in
2. Because they supply us with a lot of food, which is necessary for our large population.

Writing: Interview
Answers may vary.
1. If you could live anywhere in Korea, where would it be and why?
I would live in Gwangju because it is a traditional city with excellent food and strong ties to farming.
2. Why do you think urbanization is happening?
Its happening because we no longer need as many people to produce our goods; therefore, people cant find jobs.
They must move to larger centers where there are more opportunities.

3. In Korea, why are many people obsessed with Seoul?
People think Seoul is the center of the universe in Korea. It is the financial and cultural capital of Korea, so people
dont even consider most other places.
4. (Student question) What do you think will happen if we dont support small cities and farmers?
There will be fewer and fewer people trying to produce food for us and that means less food to eat. Further, they
will have less and less money, and soon, even the die-hard farmers will quit and move to cities in search of more
5. (Student question) How can urbanization be stopped? Or if not stopped, slowed down?
It cant be stopped. It is a fact of life, due to changing cultural values and improvements in technology. We must
remind ourselves of the importance of people in the production process so that we can keep jobs in smaller centers
and keep those places alive for the future.

Unit 20: Oriental Versus Western Medicine

Answers may vary.
1. I think Oriental medicine is better because it understands how the body works more than Western medicine.
2. Western practices use too much medicine, and Oriental practices dont include surgery.

Vocabulary Preview
1. e 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. c

Vocabulary Practice
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. d

a. Chinese e. symptoms i. stars m. treat
b. cause f. surgery j. Ideas n. directions
c. bottom-up g. East k. meridian
d. retroactive h. alternative l. model

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Asia, alternative
years old
herbal, acupuncture
Western Medicine
Problems Getting in the Way of Merging the Two
Western, limitations
TCM, witchcraft

Answers may vary.

1. I think they are hesitant because they dont understand it and because there isnt enough real evidence for its
2. Yes, I do. I know many people who have been helped. I believe our spirit or energy needs to be in check before
we can really feel well.

Writing: Debate
Answers may vary.
1. TCM tries to help people by balancing them. It tries to work with a persons internal energies to create a
balanced individual. This use of energy is much better than giving medicine and doing surgeries.
2. The treatment of pain can be very quick and long-lasting without having to use pharmaceuticals, which simply
mask the symptoms without treating the cause.
3. If the West adopted TCM and fully covered it, the costs to the public would go way down, as surgeries would
decrease, and the incidence of illness and disease would likely decrease as well. This would be a huge financial gain
for society.


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